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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Warfare - 10/09/2019
Author Message
Arnold “Chubby” Fletcher Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
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10-09-2019, 04:50 PM



From !!!

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQvlskOVgqjayFWVBM5eBk...BBiJD9cdkT]



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Standard Match

[Image: JggTqeU.png]

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From !!!

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQvlskOVgqjayFWVBM5eBk...BBiJD9cdkT]



A clip is shown of Thunder Knuckles arriving to the arena in a taxi. He gets out of the cab and tries to pay with xbux.

Thunder Knuckles: "Here."

Cabby: "What the fuck is this, play money?!"

Thunder Knuckles: "Xbux, mother fucker."

Cabby: "What?! We don't accept xbux.."

Thunder Knuckles takes off running before the cabby can finish his sentence.

Cabby: "HEY!! GET BACK HERE!!!!"

The cabby notices the cameraman.

Cabby: "Hey, do you know that asshole?!"

The cameraman shakes his head and the camera “no”.

The scene fades to the announce team.

PC: "Welcome to Wednesday Night Warfare! Tonight we have a star studded show lined up for you! Unknown Soldier is set to defend the Universal championship against Drezdin in a Torture Chamber Match, plus Peter Gilmour will face off against Cronic Chris Page in an Xtreme Weapons match, but first newcomer Thunder Knuckles is set to test his skills against Donovan Blackwater!"

HHL: "Skills? Is that what we call sloppily imitating all of the big moves that you've seen on TV?"

PC: "We he did win his match at Relentless with those moves!"

HHL: "Sure, but he wasn't in the ring against a competitor the level of Donovan Blackwater either! Also, aren't you forgetting something?"

PC: "What?"

HHL: "The Anarchy Champion?"

PC: "Oh right, Vita Valenteen has also promised to defend her "Anarchy championship" tonight in an open challenge. It must have slipped my mind since it's not listed on the official card."

HHL: "Sure it is, you must have one of the early printings."

PC: "Maybe, anyway let's take you to ringside where our first bout is set to begin!"


- vs -

As "Blood On My Name" by The Blight Brothers plays over the PA system, a giant wall of flaming pyro burst through the ceiling as Thunderstruck RuMbLeS through what remains of the arena! Thunder Knuckles marches down the ramp and rolls into the ring. He isn't wasting any time getting into this fight!

PC: "Thunder Knucks is all about the bux!"

HHL: "Clever, did you come up with that all on your own?"

As "Way Down We Go" by Kaleo begins to play, all three members of the Brothers Blackwater emerge, with Donovan in the lead. Pausing briefly, the brothers look around at the exuberant crowd, with immense entertainment, sharing an amused glance to one another as the fans scream. From there they walk in unison to the ring, occasionally separating to approach a random fan that's losing their mind. Clearly, enjoying the effect they have on the crowd, the Brothers Blackwater continue onward. Once they reach the ring, Raphael & Ezra both hold up the bottom rope, as Donovan slides into the ring. He then gets up and looks across at Thunder Knuckles, ready to go.

HHL: "Both men look ready for a fight."

PC: "Well, fighting is basically Thunder Knuckles' name, and we already know the Brothers Blackwater are a dangerous force."

The referee has a big strap in his arms and goes to wrap it around Blackwater's right wrist.

HHL: "The stipulation of a Strap Match was added at the last second."

PC: "That it was. Unlike other Strap Matches, this one will be decided by pinfall or submission as opposed to touching all 4 Corners consecutively."

HHL: "This should make for an interesting match."

The ref finishes strapping Donovan's wrist in, before going over to Thunder Knuckles and doing the same. After finishing and making sure it's in tight, the ref calls for the bell.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Donovan Blackwater and Thunder Knuckles both start the match with a tug of war with the strap, neither man having an advantage. Finally, Blackwater manages to yank Knuckles towards him, only to be met with a surprise Superman Punch.

HHL: "Donovan Blackwater meets Thunder's knuckles already!"

PC: "It's gonna take more than that to put Blackwater down, though."

Thunder Knuckles acts like he just won the match, bending over Donovan and taunting him. Blackwater responds with a spin on the ground, Leg Sweeping Knuckles down to the mat, as well. Donovan quickly gets up and hits a Leg Drop to his opponent, before arrogantly covering.



HHL: "It's safe to say alot of people believed Thunder Knuckles to be a joke, but he's one tough cookie."

PC: "Indeed. He won the Battle Royal at Relentless, BUT sold his Title shot to Big D for 100,000 X-Bux."

HHL: "Safe to say he cares more about money than fame."

Donovan Blackwater brings Thunder Knuckles to his feet and attempts a Roundhouse Kick. Knuckles ducks, gets behind Blackwater, and uses the strap to choke him. As Donovan reaches out, gasping for air, Thunder Knuckles yells out in confidence. Blackwater's face begins to turn purple, before he decides to run forward, bringing Thunder Knuckles with him, towards the rope. Donovan tumbles over the top rope and both men spill onto the floor, causing the strap around his neck to be loosened.

HHL: "Quick thinking by Blackwater, he looked moments away from passing out!"

PC: "That's the advantage Donovan has over Thunder Knuckles, experience, and it certainly helped him out there."

Both men begin to stir, as they slowly stand up. Donovan Blackwater swings at Thunder Knuckles, who blocks, and retaliates with a right of his own. He delivers a few more, before taking a Knee to the Gut from Donovan. Blackwater smashes Knuckles' face against the ring apron before whipping him in the back with part of the strap. Thunder Knuckles screams out in pain, before taking another shot and another. He drops to his knees, but Blackwater wastes no time picking him back up and Irish Whipping him towards the steel steps. Thunder Knuckles reverses it, now tossing Blackwater in that direction instead. To the amazement of the crowd, Donovan dives over the steps and uses the momentum to fling Thunder Knuckles by the strap forward, sending him knees first into the steel steps, instead.

PC: "There's that veteran presence Blackwater brings to the table!"

HHL: "Thunder Knuckles will be lucky if he gets up after that one."

As Thunder Knuckles clutches at his knees, Donovan approaches him. Out of desperation, Knuckles grabs Blackwater by the pants and pulls him down, face first, into the steel steps. Thunder Knuckles rolls as far away as the strap will allow, attempting to stretch out his legs. Donovan Blackwater shakes off the pain, despite a small trickle of blood, and walks over to Thunder Knuckles. He brings him to his feet, but Knuckles uses all he's got to charge Blackwater, back first, into the announce table. Thunder Knuckles tries to stand up, but his left knee gives out. Despite this, he stays down on a knee, wraps the strap around his fist, and begins to deliver multiple blows to Blackwater's cut. More blood begins to pour out of the wound, as Knuckles stops and stands up, this time successfully.

PC: "Thunder Knuckles is really giving Donovan Blackwater a run for his money!"

HHL: "They both are! I'd be surprised if either man walks away from this one!"

With Donovan Blackwater leaning against the announcer's table, Thunder Knuckles turns away and limps towards the ring. He lifts up the ring skirt and begins looking underneath, as Ezra Blackwater curiously makes his way over. Knuckles pulls a chair out from under the ring and turns his attention back towards Donovan. He lifts the chair high above his head, but Ezra takes it from him before he can do anything. Thunder Knuckles turns around and points at Ezra, giving him hell, as Donovan Blackwater gets up and charges at him from behind. Knuckles sees at the last second, and dives out of the way, which causes Donovan to run into his chair wielding brother. Both men fall to the ground, as Thunder Knuckles quickly looks to take advantage of the situation. He brings Donovan to his feet and rolls him into the ring, before sliding in behind, and covering as Raphael checks on Ezra.




PC: "Not nearly enough to keep Blackwater down."

HHL: "The match is finally where it belongs, IN the ring."

Thunder Knuckles brings Donovan Blackwater to his feet and sets him up in Pedigree position. Before he can do anything, however, Blackwater escapes and hits a quick Swinging Neckbreaker to his opponent. He takes a quick moment to catch his breath before picking Thunder Knuckles up and whipping him to the ropes. As Knuckles bounces back to Donovan, Blackwater uses the strap to hit a Clothesline to his opponent's throat. Thunder Knuckles crashes to the canvas as he begins to cough up blood. Blackwater hooks the leg for a cover.



THR-NO!!!! KICKOUT!!!!!!!

HHL: "I don't think anyone would've blamed Knucks had he NOT kicked out there."

PC: "His larynx could be severely damaged after that last shot."

A frustrated Donovan Blackwater picks Thunder Knuckles up and puts his head between his legs. He then hoists Thunder Knuckles up and flings him backwards over his shoulders for an Alley Oop Facebuster.

PC: "Making Friends!"

HHL: "That move HAD to have put Thunder Knuckles away!"

Donovan Blackwater covers Thunder Knuckles, who looks completely out.




PC: "Shoulder up! Shoulder up! How in the bloody hell did Thunder Knuckles manage to do that?!?!"

HHL: "Maybe his body instinctively knew he wasn't gonna win any X-Bux getting pinned?"

An angry Donovan Blackwater gets up and starts whipping Thunder Knuckles with the strap keeping them together, over and OVER again! After unleashing the full intensity of his wrath, Blackwater goes to Thunder Knuckles' legs and puts one of his own in between. He then wraps Knucks' legs around his own, locking in his submission finishing hold.

HHL: "The Shattered Mirror of Illusions! Donovan's locked it in and it looks tight!"

PC: "There's no kicking out of this, the only thing Thunder Knuckles can do is TAP out!"

Donovan applies pressure as Thunder Knuckles cries out in pain. He reaches out for the ropes, but isn't even close. Thunder Knuckles then looks at the strap connecting him to Blackwater, and gets an idea. While fighting the pain, Thunder Knuckles wraps the strap around Donovan's chest/throat area, and uses all of his strength to tug on it. The strap comes up from Blackwater's chest to his throat, choking him as he keeps the hold locked.

HHL: "What a unique idea by Thunder Knuckles!"

PC: "He's doing everything he can to strangle Blackwater into breaking the hold"

Donovan Blackwater tries to keep the hold locked, despite the fact he's losing oxygen. We see him start to bend backwards as Thunder Knuckles keeps yanking, and Blackwater tumbles over his opponent, breaking the hold. Thunder Knuckles can only manage to get to his knees, but it's enough, as he grabs Donovan by the foot and wraps his arm around it, before hitting his Foot DDT finisher.

HHL: "Thunder Strike!"

PC: "Thunder Knuckles just hit what is very likely the greatest finishing move of all time!"

HHL: "But he's not covering, what IS he doing?"

Wanting to ensure his victory, Thunder Knuckles uses the excess of the strap to basically hogtie Donovan Blackwater's arms and legs together. He then rolls Blackwater onto his back, who is helpless to fight it, as Knuckles stands over him with a foot on his stomach.





HHL: "He did it! Holy......."

PC: ".......shit."

Thunder Knuckles quickly removes his strap and flees the ring as Donovan's brothers rush in. Rather than chase him, they tend to Donovan and untie him. Thunder Knuckles celebrates all the way up the aisle and into the ramp.

HHL: "He's gotta be thinking about all the X-Bux he's gonna make."

PC: "He just beat a former Champion in Donovan Blackwater. I think he's earned a few dollar signs in his eyes, tonight."


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There’s a massively loud pop from the crowd…

The house lights dim to darkness as there’s a very loud, very mixed ovation from the crowd is heard.

“Introducing first, about to make his way to the ring… “CHRONIC” CHRIS PAGE!!!”

Thick white smoke has filled the top of the entrance way as a single spot light hits the top of the ramp. The ovation grows louder as seen walking out through the smoky haze is none other than “CHRONIC” CHRIS PAGE!

HHL: One might say that man stole the show with his announcing skills coming off hijacking the desk during the Main Event between SOLDIER and MAIN!

PC: I think he acted like a dick.

CHRIS PAGE is followed out to the top of the ramp by his manager ADAM BARKER. ADAM takes the lead and starts to lead his client towards the ring. CHRIS doesn’t pay any attention to the fans nor their reaction as he seemingly looks past them on the way to the ring.

HHL: He’s laid a challenge out to UNKNOWN SOLDIER for a shot at the Universal Title; anytime or any show. One might wonder if we’re going to get an answer to that question tonight because as we know UNKNOWN SOLDIER is in the house tonight.

PC: I think we’re all getting a little ahead of ourselves, what’s to say CHRIS gets beaten by the FORMER Universal Champion that is PETER GILMOUR!

ADAM BARKER reaches ringside first where he climbs up on the ring apron while CHRIS is shown walking up the steel steps and to the ring apron. CHRIS chose to dawn jeans, a belt and black combat boots with a white wife beater that displays the words in black bold letters “GILMOUR BLOWS GOATS.”

HHL: You can’t deny that whenever this man is around he garners a reaction regardless if it’s positive or negative.

PC: Doesn’t excuse him for being a jackass.”

ADAM BARKER sits on the bottom rope while lifting up the top rope for CHRIS to step through the ropes and into the squared circle. The crowd is split with a chant of “CCP/CCP SUCKS! CCP/CCP SUCKS!” bringing a smirk to CHRIS’s face as he paces back and forth across the center of the ring looking back up towards the top of the ramp taunting GILMOUR as the music fades away.

“And his opponent!”

“About to make his way to the ring…. PETER GILMOUR!!”

PAGE continues paces back and forth across the center of the ring waiting for PETER to show himself. Suddenly there’s a response from the crowd as GILMOUR comes over the barrier and slides into the ring behind CHRIS PAGE!

HHL: GILMOUR is in the ring!!”

ADAM BARKER screams from the floor at the foot of the ramp while pointing frantically behind PAGE causing him to turn around and walk right into a GILMOUR CUTTER!! The crowd pops as the referee calls for the opening bell!



PETER GILMOUR makes the cover with a back press hooking the near leg of PAGE!




There’s a massive gasp from the crowd as CHRIS PAGE kicks out before the fatal and final count of three drawing a thunderous gasp from the crowd with the near fall!!

HHL: GILMOUR nearly disposed of PAGE in seconds!!

The crowd is split as the GILMOUR supports cheer loudly with him clearly having PAGE on the ropes within the opening seconds of this contest. ADAM BARKER screams out at PAGE from the floor as he pounds his hand against the ring apron as he tries to rally his client.


GILMOUR measures PAGE as we see CHRIS push himself up off the mat and back to his feet where he turns and GILMOUR uncoils with a second GILMOUR CUTTER attempt which this time it’s PAGE who shoves GILMOUR forward were he bounces off the one free side of the ropes and into a SPINBUSTER slam by PAGE drawing a mixed reception from the crowd.

HHL: And just like that CHRIS PAGE has just turned this thing around.

CHRIS looks around where he sees a Kendo Stick attached to the top rope, there’s a steel chair, a table, a section of chain link fence and a black sack all hung around various portions of the ring. PAGE points at the weapons before laughing, but something that isn’t funny is the jaw breaker PAGE eats when he attempts to pick him up off the mat! GILMOUR drops PAGE with a roaring elbow before shifting his attention towards the ropes where he walks over snatching the Kendo Stick off the top rope to a roar from the crowd.

PC: GILMOUR is about to show PAGE exactly why he is the King of Hardcore!

PAGE walks into a stiff shot to the midsection with the Kendo Stick by GILMOUR which drops PAGE to all fours! GILMOUR whacks PAGE across the back as the sick sound of stick bouncing off bones is heard! PAGE rolls out to the floor only to be followed by GILMOUR with the Kendo Stick in hand. PAGE backs up against one of the ring posts and as GILMOUR gives chase swinging at PAGE it’s PAGE who drops out of the way causing GILMOUR to shatter the Kendo Stick against the ring post!

HHL: Blessed be that ring post!

GILMOUR is thumbed in the eye by PAGE before being sent crashing right shoulder first into the ring post sending GILMOUR bouncing off the post and sent down to the floor. PAGE comes forward driving several stiff boots to the gut and ribs of GILMOUR before picking him up off the floor where he drives him face first into the ring apron. PAGE hurls GILMOUR back into the ring where he slides into the ring after him. CHRIS gets to his feet where he picks GILMOUR up off the mat and snatches a front waist lock before peeling off an Over Head Release Belly to Belly Suplex!

PC: Thus far that prick hasn’t even used a weapon.

CHRIS PAGE is the first back to his feet where he looks around the ring and walks towards the Steel Chair. He removes it from the ropes to a pop from the crowd before turning and pointing towards a downed GILMOUR garnering a pop from the crowd. PAGE walks towards PETER raising the chair over his head.

HHL: Looks like that’s about to change!!!

Suddenly PAGE lowers the chair before walking over towards the ropes where he tosses it over the top rope and out to the floor to loud boos from the blood thirsty crowd.

PC: I won’t lie I did like that move.”

CHRIS turns his attention back towards GILMOUR where he walks over reaching down picking him up off the mat. PAGE decks GILMOUR with a hard right hand rocking him backwards where he follows up with a stiff knife edge chop across the chest of GILMOUR drawing a response from the crowd before taking PETER back into the ropes opposite the large section of a chain link fence where he looks to shoot GILMOUR across the ring, PETER reverses and it’s PAGE that’s sent bouncing face and body first off the mesh of the Cage where he turns around as he reaches center ring allowing GILMOUR to hoist up PAGE into a Fireman’s Carry before falling backwards driving PAGE into the mat with a Samoan Drop! GILMOUR quickly makes a cover via a front press as he hooks the near leg.




PAGE escapes the near fall to a small gasp from the crowd as we see PETER start to get back to a vertical base where his attention is immediately drawn towards the TABLE! The crowd pops for PETER as he pulls the TABLE out towards the center of the ring and begins to set it up in the middle of the ring garnering another reception from the crowd!

HHL: Just when you think GILMOUR is down he will keep fighting, gotta give credit where credit is due in that regard.

There’s a LOUD pop as VALERIE SKY comes skipping down the ramp and reaches ringside where she cheers on her man while he sets the Table up in the center of the ring before shifting his attention back towards PAGE! GILMOUR snatches CHRIS up by the hair where he positions him for a Powerbomb! GILMOUR attempts to hoist PAGE up but it’s CHRIS who puts on the breaks before dropping to one knee where he grabs at GILMOUR’s crotch! There’s nothing there! PAGE grabs a second time but again there’s nothing there. PAGE turns his attention towards VALERIE and shouts out.

CHRIS PAGE- “There’s nothing here!”

PAGE backs away pointing at GILMOUR where he screams out at him.


GILMOUR enraged charges towards PAGE who ducks a clothesline attempt sending GILMOUR bouncing off the ropes, PAGE drops down to his chest causing GILMOUR to leap over him and bounce off the near side as CHRIS pops back up to his feet delivering a picture perfect vertical dropkick to GILMOUR sending him crashing down to the mat!

HHL: I knew PETER wasn’t nearly as man enough as he professes himself to be!

PAGE gets back to his feet where he flips the Table over in the center of the ring to boos from the crowd before CHRIS comes back over to GILMOUR where he picks up both legs of GILMOUR before stomping down on the dick of GILMOUR as he looks intently towards MARIA before blowing her a kiss.

PC: Now he’s just messing with him.

The crowds reception is still mixed with cheers and boos directed at CHRIS PAGE as he saunters around the ring with his attention on VALERIE. PAGE drops down to the mat where he rolls out to the floor with his attention firmly on the VALERIE of his opponent. CHRIS points at GILMOUR who is clutching at his nether regions on the mat before questioning what is someone like her doing with someone like that.

HHL: PAGE appears to have taken his eyes off the match and put them on MARIA!

PC: Maybe he’s not a FA….


CHRIS starts to blow kisses towards SKY as he walks closer as she takes several steps back.

CHRIS PAGE- “You can continue to play with the kids or you can come play with a GROWN man.”

There’s a mixed pop as VALERIE slaps PAGE across the face which causes PAGE to immediately snatch her by the hair! PAGE pulls VALERIE in and plants a full blow lip lock on MARIA!!

PC- “He might want to get himself tested after that one!”

GILMOUR rolls out to the floor seething as he comes up behind PAGE and spins him around where he immediately pulls PAGE into THE INFECTION on the floor!!! PETER can’t immediately capitalize as he lays on the floor as well with SKY cheering him on.

HHL: GILMOUR can’t capitalize off of the Infection!!”

Several long seconds pass before GILMOUR is able to regain composer enough to roll CHRIS over and make a cover on the floor!




There’s a massive gasp from the crowd as CHRIS PAGE kicks out before the fatal and final count of three while PETER has a complete look of shock on his face as he cuts his eyes towards the referee. GILMOUR works his way back to his feet where he checks on VALERIE before turning his attention back towards a prone PAGE who is just now starting to move. GILMOUR reaches down snatching PAGE up by the hair where he hurls him back into the ring and away from his wife before rolling into the ring after him. GILMOUR is up where he bounces off the ropes delivering a running senton across the ribs of PAGE!

HHL: Can Gilmour kick it into that next gear tonight on WARFARE!?!?!

GILMOUR shifts his attention towards the black sack that is hanging from the ropes. He points to the bag drawing a pop from the crowd which only gets louder as he makes his way over to it and snatches it off the ropes. GILMOUR opens the black bag and looks inside as he draws a huge smile before dumping the contents into the ring!


The crowd pops huge as the shards of glass hit the ring mat in a huge pile before GILMOUR tosses the not empty bag to the side. He reaches down picking CHRIS PAGE up where he scoops CHRIS up over his shoulder before taking several steps away from the pile of broken glass! PETER starts to run forward looking to deliver a Running Powerslam only to see PAGE come down the back of GILMOUR where he latches on to a back waist lock and delivers a German Suplex! CHRIS does not release instead he rolls through picking both himself and GILMOUR up off the mat where a second German Suplex is delivered! PAGE rolls through picking himself and GILMOUR up off the mat before delivering a third German Suplex with a release!

HHL: Vintage CHRIS PAGE right there.

CHRIS lays on the mat for several seconds before he starts to get back to his feet where his attention shifts towards the pile of glass that’s laid out in the ring…. And then it shifts towards MARIA where CHRIS crotch chops VALERIE before shouting out at her.


PAGE immediately snatches GILMOUR up off the mat where he puts him in position via under hooking the arms of GILMOUR where he hoists him up in the air vertically before driving him face and chest first into the pile of glass with an Angel’s Wings.


CHRIS rolls GILMOUR over making the cover as he looks towards SKY blowing her one last kiss.






PAGE gets up off of GILMOUR as ADAM BARKER is shown making his way up to the ring apron and into the ring. The referee attempts to raise PAGE’s hand only to see CHRIS yank it away from his grasp. CHRIS turns his attention towards the official only to have ADAM BARKER step in and intervene and it’s ADAM that raises the arm of CHRIS PAGE in victory to a very loud, very mixed reception from the live crowd.

HHL: CHRIS PAGE has knocked off PETER GILMOUR but I think ole PETER might have surprised PAGE several times throughout this encounter.

ADAM leads CHRIS towards the ropes in front of the ramp where he opens the ropes for PAGE to step out to the ring apron and as he does VALERIE slides into the ring to check on GILMOUR who has rolled out of the shards of glass exposing his back and the lacerations that are in various spots across his face and chest from the glass. ADAM hops down to the floor as but we see CHRIS turn back towards the ring seeing SKY kneeling down and checking on her man. CHRIS steps back through the ropes and into the ring and as he walks across the ring you can hear ADAM scream out to get his attention. PAGE reaches down snatching MARIA up by the hair and to her feet. VALERIE attempts another slap but this one is blocked and followed by a PAGE PLANT to SKY!


PAGE has a sinister grin appear on his face as he stands to his feet peering down at MARIA and at GILMOUR while ADAM is shown ringside with his hands over his mouth.

PC: In all fairness she did strike him first.

HHL: Not even you can condone that kind of action! CHRIS PAGE is a loose cannon!

PC: A loose cannon with his eyes on the Universal Championship.

CHRIS turns his back to the carnage and makes his way towards the ropes where he steps out of the ring and hops down to the floor joining ADAM as they walk up the ramp and disappear behind the curtain.



- vs -
Standard Match

The opening riffs of “Vicious” begins to play as the crowd breaks out into a chorus of boos. VV walks out onto the stage and and postures for the crowd, soaking up their jeers as if it's the ultimate sign of support. She makes her way down the ramp, ignoring the outreached hands of any fans she still has along the way.

PC: ”Here we go! Vita Valenteen released a statement late last week that she planned on being here tonight for Warfare, and she’s apperently set to hold an open challenge and defend the Anarchy championship!”

HHL: ”How can she defend what she doesn’t own?”

PC: ”What are you talking about Heather? Haven’t you seen the reports on the controversy surrounding the match between Sarah Lacklan and Vita Valenteen? A Chinese video editor has already stepped forward and admitted to editing the footage to make it appear that Sarah outswam a helicopter. VV has claimed the entire time that she’s the Anarchy champion, and now she has proof!”

HHL: ”Proof? Has any real investigating happened, or are we just taking this guy’s word for it? What’s his name anyway? I saw the report when it broke, and I couldn’t help but notice that it didn’t list any sources.”

VV the heads up the steps and walks along the outside apron. She grabs the top rope with both hands and springboards into the ring where she tucks and rolls before settling on a couched, almost ninja like pose. VV flexes her biceps as the crowd continues to boo. She stands up, laughing off the crowd and motions for her music to be cut before bringing the microphone up to her lips.

VV: ”While Sarah Lacklan may be hiding her head in the sand and hoping that all of the controversy surrounding the Anarchy championship dies down, NOT ME! I’m the REAL Anarchy champion, and I’m going to defend this belt at every opportunity! Why? Because unlike Sarah, who was champion for over two months with ONLY ONE DEFENSE!”

“I’m a fighting champion, and I’m going to bring this championship the respect and prestige that it deserves!”

VV turns her attention to the entrance ramp before speaking again.

VV: ”So, who’s it gonna be, huh!?! Who back there thinks that they can unseat me as champion!?!”

PC: ”Here we go! Who will answer the call!?!”

She waits, but nothing. A slight smirk forms as she brings the microphone back to her mouth.

VV: ”Come on, SOMEBODY back there MUST want a shot at the title, and the payday that goes along with winning it!”



HHL: ”She won him over with the word payday!”

PC: "But he's already had a match tonight!"

HHL: "Yeah, and he won it! We could be looking at a new champion tonight!"

VV tosses the microphone out of the ring and prepares for a fight as a giant wall of flaming pyro burst through the ceiling as Thunderstruck RuMbLeS through what remains of the arena! Thunder Knuckles marches down the ramp and rolls into the ring. He isn't wasting any time getting into this fight!


Thunder Knuckles and VV ties up in the center of the ring. TK uses his superior strength and size to push VV backwards towards the mat.

PC: ”Thunder Knuckles displaying his dominance right out of the gate! Can VV fight her way back into this match!?!”

HHL: ”Pip, seriously? It’s just a test of strength…”

He has her balanced on her toes and shoulders as the official slides in to count the pin!




PC: ”And a near fall!”

HHL: ”Okay, I’ll give you that one.”

VV somehow finds the strength to push up against Thunder Knuckles despite her size disadvantage! VV manages back to a vertical base as TK struggles against her! VV lightly kicks TK in the gut causing him to break the tie up and double over!

PC: ”That didn’t look like the most impactful kick, but it did the job!”

HHL: ”Are you kidding me!?!”

VV then tucks TK’s head between her legs and very cautiously leans on his back as they slowly emulate VV’s Canadian Destroyer, but it’s obvious that she’s protecting Thunder Knuckles from actually getting hurt.

PC: ”Hmm, that wasn’t the best execution of that move that I’ve ever seen... ”

HHL: ”Pip you idiot, there’s obviously in cahoots!”

VV hooks the leg!






As soon as the bell rings, Thunder Knuckles rolls under the bottom rope and marches up the ramp like nothing is wrong with him.

PC: ”Something’s not quite right here! I think Thunder Knuckles might have taken a dive!”

HHL: ”Really, you think?”

[Image: JggTqeU.png]

- vs -

“The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a TORTURE CHAMBER match for the XWF UNIVERSAL CHAMPIONSHIP!”

There’s a pop from the crowd as the announcer continues.

“Currently in the ring, he is the challenger…. DREZDIN!”

A smattering of applause from the crowd can be heard.

HHL: Drezdin issued this challenge, and usually you will see the defending Champion name his stipulation but tonight this brainchild belongs to DREZDIN.

The crowd boos upon the chords of the music playing.

“His opponent, about to make his way to the ring… he is the XWF UNIVERSAL CHAMPION… UNKNOWN SOLDIER!”

Unknown Soldier prays to SATAN! in the middle of the ring while a red pentagram traces him from above in the rafters. The red disco lights tracing the pentagram around Soldier continues to encircle him constantly in a counter clockwise motion. While standing in the center of this pentagram of glowing lights, he kneels and touches both his shoulders and forehead as a sign of the Unholy trinity. In the name of the Liar, the Sinner, and the great father and lord of all that is Evil! Soldier then gets up and strokes his penis exactly 666 times getting faster and faster as the lights around him speed up in pace as well. He always wrestles with a full on raging erection for not only the increase in testosterone, but also as a scare tactic to the heterosexual male(s) or prude female bitch(es) he may be wrestling at the time.

PC: SOLDIER better watch out or he’s going to put someone’s eye out with that thing.

HHL: Just over a week ago SOLDIER retained the Universal Championship in a vicious 666 Street Fight, and while he was victorious he did take a beating so one has to wonder how much was taken out of him and how much he’s got left.”

PC: I can’t believe you’re going to completely ignore the raging hard on SOLIDER has right now.

SOLIDER hands off the Universal Title to the referee who raises it up in the air before passing it through the ropes and out to the time keeper. Attention diverts to the rafters as the as the Steel Cage with a top on it starts to lower down over the participants and the referee.

HHL: There are no pinfalls, no submissions. The only way essentially you can win this match is via knockout or referee stoppage. I am not going to waste my time trying to go over all the rules when it all boils down to what was just mentioned.

PC: Still no comment on the raging boner in the Champion’s pants?

Unlike a Hell in a Cell that gives you room around the ringside area this structure comes to rest on the ring apron enclosing the participants and the referee. All that’s left is for the referee to call for the bell.


The larger DREZDIN towers over SOLIDER who continues to stroke over his hard on when suddenly DREZDIN lunges forward at SOLDIER who side steps DREZDIN sending him bouncing off the ropes and into a punt to the nuts from SOLDIER! DREZDIN drops to his knees and its SOLDIER who starts biting the face of DREZDIN!

HHL: SOLDIER’s biting at the flesh of DREZDIN after splitting the uprights!

Not only is SOLDIER biting the face of DREZDIN he continues to stroke his super hard dick.

PC: Did SOLDIER pop a blue chew?

SOLDIER stops biting the face of DREZDIN where he charges against the ropes delivering a running knee strike to the face of the larger DREZDIN knocking him backwards to the mat. SOLDIER follows up with a Corkscrew Elbow drop.

HHL: Perfectly delivered corkscrew elbow by the Universal Champion.

PC: SOLDIER back to a vertical base and with a hard on like that I’m sure a good skull fuc….


SOLIDER reaches down picking DREZDIN up off the mat where he looks to take him head first into the side of the Cage but its DREZDIN who puts on the breaks and blocks the attempt before counting by sending SOLDIER face first into the Cage! DREZDIN begins to grate the face of the Universal Champion across the mesh of the Cage in an attempt to bust open SOLDIER.

HHL: DREZDIN desperately trying to open up SOLDIER with the assistance of the Cage!

DREZDIN brings SOLIDER back out to the center of the ring where he hoists up SOLDIER before delivering a backbreaker to SOLDIER. DREZDIN stands back to his feet where he bounces off the ropes dropping an Atomic Leg Drop across the throat of SOLDIER!

PC: Now we officially don’t have to worry about someone losing an eye.

The official checks up on SOLDIER before deciding the match can continue while DREZDIN reaches his feet. He reaches down picking SOLDIER up off the mat where he scoops him up over his shoulder before charging towards the Cage! SOLDIER slides down the back of DREZDIN where he violently shoves the taller DREZDIN into the Cage causing him to bounce face first off the steel! SOLDIER goes into his tights retrieving something and within seconds we see a FIREBALL hurled into the face of DREZDIN!

HHL: FIREBALL to the face of DREZDIN!

DREZDIN clutches at this face as we see SOLDIER bounce off the ropes delivering a low dropkick to the knee sending DREZDIN down to one knee for SOLDIER to knock backwards with a Spinning Heel Kick down to the mat. The referee jumps in checking on DREZDIN.

PC: The official is checking on DREZDIN to see if he can continue after that money shot to the face… with fire.

The official decides DREZDIN can continue as SOLDIER jumps on top DREZDIN and starts gouging at DREZDIN’s face!

HHL: The Universal Champion is trying to literally tear the face off DREZDIN!

DREZDIN starts to bleed from several places on his face as SOLDIER continues to gouge at his face! SOLDIER releases his grasp on DREZDIN’s face where he licks DREZDIN’s blood off his fingers as he gets back to his feet. SOLDIER picks DREZDIN up off the mat where he takes him ramming him face first into the mesh of the Cage!

PC: SOLDIER is going to sacrifice DREZDIN before this is over with.”

SOLDIER smashes DREZDIN face first off the mesh of the steel a second time before he charges across the ring where he gains a full head of steam and as DREZDIN turns around he manages to catch SOLDIER and drive him into the mat with a SPINBUSTER SLAM!

HHL: DREZDIN desperately needed that! He’s got to create a little space and get a few seconds to recover.

DREZDIN and SOLDIER both lay on the mat as the burnt and bloody right side of DREZDIN’s face takes up the screen as the referee checks on both men before determining that they can both continue. DREZDIN rolls over to his chest and starts to push himself up off the mat and to a vertical base. The seven footer reaches down picking SOLDIER up off the mat where he snatches him by the throat, DREZDIN hoists SOLDIER up in the air driving SOLDIER violently into the mat with a Chokeslam!

PC: DREZDIN is utilizing his size and strength for the first time in this contest.

DREZDIN goes into his tights where he pulls out a pair of wire cutters! DREZDIN makes his way to the side of the Cage where he starts using the snips to cut pieces of the Cage to the point that he can escape out to the floor. DREZDIN reaches under the ring where he pulls out a Barbwire Wrapped 2x4 to a pop from the crowd as he hoists it up in the air for all to see.

HHL: DREZDIN cut the cage and has retrieved a Barbwire Wrapped 2x4!!!

The official can do nothing but watch as DREZDIN climbs back into the Cage through the hole he cut and back into the ring. SOLDIER starts push himself up off the mat and to a vertical base where DREZDIN charges forward driving the Barbwire Wrapped 2x4 into the face of SOLDIER which opens him up as it drops him where he stands and it’s DREZDIN bouncing off the ropes and using the barbwire wrapped end of the 2x4 as an elbow and driving it into the face of SOLDIER!

PC: I never thought I’d say this… but DREZDIN’s got a shot!

SOLDIER is now bleeding like a stuffed pig which brings the referee over checking on SOLDIER with DREZDIN asking for the match to be stopped via blood loss but the official rules SOLDIER can continue.

HHL: I see DREZDIN’s strategy, blood loss can stop this match and now he’s opened SOLDIER up!

DREZDIN still has the Barbwire Wrapped 2x4 as he reaches a vertical base where he measures SOLDIER who starts to push himself up from a pool of his own blood and reaches a vertical base. DREZDIN charges forward swinging the Barbwire Wrapped 2x4 at SOLIDER who has the wherewithal to duck out of the way! DREZDIN spins around as SOLDIER lunges like a fucking spider monkey latching on to the upper body and biting at DREZDIN’s flesh a second time!


DREZDING falls backwards the to the mat losing control of the Barbwire Wrapped 2x4 as it falls out of his grasp with SOLIDER crashing down on top of him. SOLIDER finally stops biting into the facial features of DREZDIN where he stands to his feet, blood pouring from his face. SOLDIER sadistically shifts his attention towards the barbwire wrapped 2x4 that lays on the mat.

HHL: This can’t be good!

SOLIDER bends down picking up the weapon before slowly and methodically shifting his attention back towards DREZDIN who lies on the mat. SOLDIER stands over DREZDIN before raising the Barbwire Wrapped 2x4 in the air and smashing it violently into the face of DREZDIN! He raises it a second time and slams it down into the face of DREZDIN and yanks it out causing more flesh to be ripped from DREZDIN’s face! SOLIDER raises the Barbwire Wrapped 2x4 a third time and again smashing it down into the already bloody face of DREZDIN!


PC: The referee has stopped this match!


HHL: DREZDIN had better be glad that the referee did stop this thing because he could be seriously hurt!

The structure starts to rise as we SOLDIER awarded his title before he smashes the belt into the face of the referee! Suddenly the sounds of hands clapping can be heard over the speakers as appearing on the JUMBO TRON is none other than CHRIS PAGE garnering a mixed reception from the crowd.

CHRIS PAGE- “Congrats champ; I mean like there was even a doubt as to who would be leaving this building with the Universal Title in tow.”

SOLDIER directs his attention towards the JUMBO-TRON as CHRIS stands with his arms across his chest.

CHRIS PAGE- “LUX might be next on Pay-Per-View but it thrilled me to get the news that live in two weeks on Warfare you’ve accepted my challenge and will be putting that Universal Title on the line against… me.”

There’s applause from the crowd as CHRIS continues.

CHRIS PAGE- “Now that we have a time and now that we have a place… all that’s left is a “stipulation”… thus far you’ve been a defending Champion that takes on any and all comes, and for that I’ll tip my cap to you… so let’s take it a step further, and since you get to make the call why don’t you step into MY world and MY world is PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING! PURE WRESTLING RULES! The choice is yours.”

CHRIS starts to walk off camera before stopping and stepping back into frame as he states.

CHRIS PAGE- “I’ll be seeing you soon.”

CHRIS winks before walking off camera as WARFARE fades to black.

Special thanks to CCP and Big D for helping with matches!

Also a thank you to anyone who turned in segments.
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[-] The following 8 users Like Arnold “Chubby” Fletcher's post:
(10-09-2019), B.O.B. D (10-09-2019), Corey Smith (10-09-2019), drezdin5788 (10-09-2019), Peter Fn Gilmour (10-10-2019), Theo Pryce (10-09-2019), Thunder Knuckles™ (10-10-2019), Unknown Soldier (10-10-2019)
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

10-10-2019, 12:01 AM

Shane is watching a replay of a very important part of the show and for some reason has the clip looping...

Quote:GILMOUR attempts to hoist PAGE up but it’s CHRIS who puts on the breaks before dropping to one knee where he grabs at GILMOUR’s crotch!
Quote:GILMOUR attempts to hoist PAGE up but it’s CHRIS who puts on the breaks before dropping to one knee where he grabs at GILMOUR’s crotch!
Quote:GILMOUR attempts to hoist PAGE up but it’s CHRIS who puts on the breaks before dropping to one knee where he grabs at GILMOUR’s crotch!
Quote:GILMOUR attempts to hoist PAGE up but it’s CHRIS who puts on the breaks before dropping to one knee where he grabs at GILMOUR’s crotch!

Gilly! Are you going to let Page violate you like that? He had his way with your SUPER DICK! That sick fuck!

Quote:GILMOUR attempts to hoist PAGE up but it’s CHRIS who puts on the breaks before dropping to one knee where he grabs at GILMOUR’s crotch!
Quote:GILMOUR attempts to hoist PAGE up but it’s CHRIS who puts on the breaks before dropping to one knee where he grabs at GILMOUR’s crotch!
Quote:GILMOUR attempts to hoist PAGE up but it’s CHRIS who puts on the breaks before dropping to one knee where he grabs at GILMOUR’s crotch!
Quote:GILMOUR attempts to hoist PAGE up but it’s CHRIS who puts on the breaks before dropping to one knee where he grabs at GILMOUR’s crotch!

I hereby declare CCP the most disgusting human being on the planet. Nobody is safe from this raging lunatic. Hide your kids... Hide your super dicks... hide your women because he'll beat them too...

Kids, dicks, women... Is there anything around here CCP WON'T beat? ......Oh yeah! The Universal Champ! HA!

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 2 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour (10-10-2019), Unknown Soldier (10-10-2019)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

10-10-2019, 12:09 AM

Next time i see chris page hes a dead man..

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 2 users Like Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
(10-10-2019), Unknown Soldier (10-10-2019)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

10-10-2019, 12:10 AM

(10-10-2019, 12:01 AM)Shane <img src=""> Said: Shane is watching a replay of a very important part of the show and for some reason has the clip looping...

Quote:GILMOUR attempts to hoist PAGE up but it’s CHRIS who puts on the breaks before dropping to one knee where he grabs at GILMOUR’s crotch!
Quote:GILMOUR attempts to hoist PAGE up but it’s CHRIS who puts on the breaks before dropping to one knee where he grabs at GILMOUR’s crotch!
Quote:GILMOUR attempts to hoist PAGE up but it’s CHRIS who puts on the breaks before dropping to one knee where he grabs at GILMOUR’s crotch!
Quote:GILMOUR attempts to hoist PAGE up but it’s CHRIS who puts on the breaks before dropping to one knee where he grabs at GILMOUR’s crotch!

Gilly! Are you going to let Page violate you like that? He had his way with your SUPER DICK! That sick fuck!

Quote:GILMOUR attempts to hoist PAGE up but it’s CHRIS who puts on the breaks before dropping to one knee where he grabs at GILMOUR’s crotch!
Quote:GILMOUR attempts to hoist PAGE up but it’s CHRIS who puts on the breaks before dropping to one knee where he grabs at GILMOUR’s crotch!
Quote:GILMOUR attempts to hoist PAGE up but it’s CHRIS who puts on the breaks before dropping to one knee where he grabs at GILMOUR’s crotch!
Quote:GILMOUR attempts to hoist PAGE up but it’s CHRIS who puts on the breaks before dropping to one knee where he grabs at GILMOUR’s crotch!

I hereby declare CCP the most disgusting human being on the planet. Nobody is safe from this raging lunatic. Hide your kids... Hide your super dicks... hide your women because he'll beat them too...

Kids, dicks, women... Is there anything around here CCP WON'T beat? ......Oh yeah! The Universal Champ! HA!

Hes also going to get killed by the demon assassins

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 2 users Like Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
(10-10-2019), Unknown Soldier (10-10-2019)

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