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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Leap of Faith (July 13th) PPV RP Archive
Into the Unknown 2 (UFO Title Match)
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Jason E Smith Offline
Welcome the Darkness

XWF FanBase:

(crowd reaction varies; dips between face & heel)

07-11-2013, 03:57 PM

Scrambled Thoughts...

After the fire in New York Jason E Smith felt he needed to get as far away from New York as he could so he traveled to the city where Leap of Faith is being held Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where it was bright and sun day and where the streets are filled with busy people going about their daily lives, Jason E Smith is invisible to the people around him as he walks the streets getting knocked or pushed by people who are not looking where they are going. Jason was keeping to himself he was wearing white T- Shirt, jeans, trainers and a black hoodie with the hood up, Smith wanted to stay hidden he didn't want draw attention to himself.

Jason E Smith had been feeling the effects of his father death for the past couple of weeks and he has been struggling to cope, a close friend of Jason E Smith thought it would be a good idea to do a video diary so he did a couple to start with then resorted in alcohol.... Until now .. he grabbed a small hand held camera and begin to record

Jason E Smith: Today is Thursday the 11th of July and I am in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania the city that will host Leap of Faith, I'm excited for this PPV it's my second PPV and I am going for my first championship in the XWF and I can't wait to take that championship off Peter Gilmour and not only that it keeps my mind off everything that's happened recently and i wanted to entry today to talk about the match a little

Peter Gilmour the current champion who I have lost respect for as days have gone by, at the beginning this man did not want defend his title he was going to vacate the title now that pissed me off when he said that because you should be honored to carry any title and it shows no respect to anyone that's held it before that's has now become a legend and then he said that he wanted to break my neck and hurt me do you know what I was expecting something a little more original from someone like him ... it really disappointed me I expected better from Mr Gilmour because to be honest does his really think threats like that intimidate someone like me with my size and my beast like power otherwise I would not have attacked him in the first place if there is one thing to come out of Leap of Faith either I become champion or I make sure he doesn't.

The Battle Royal it's self I love it, I really do in matches like this your on your own the lone wolf and I thrive on that as you have to use all your wrestling skills to survive...

Just then Smith got distracted

Jason E Smith: (To the Camera) Sorry phone

Jason E Smith puts the camera back in his pocket he then answers the phone

Jason E Smith: ( On the phone) Hello.... whoa slow down..... what do you mean you left briefcase behind
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