Much like a steel cage, this match is entirely inside a ring with glass surrounding it. To win the Hart Championship the winner must put your opponent entirely through one of the sides of the glass cage.
ALSO NOTE: Should Steve Justice advance to the Tag Team title match he will be removed from this match but will receive a future Xtreme title shot at another time.
Madison Dyson - German Shepard "BITCH"
Shane - Shiba Inu "CAPTAIN HOOK"
Peter Gilmour - Pomeranian
Griffin MacAlister - TBA
Brian Storm - Australian Shepard-Beagle mix "Lily-Baby" 1 RP, 500 word limit
"Hi I'm your host Pip. I'll be your host for the XWF Dog Show this afternoon and here's what the competition is about."
"Firstly there's an Show stage, where every contestant shows their dog, and how well they present their dog stage.
"Secondly there's an Obstacle course where every contestant sends their dog through to try and get the fastest time.
"Thirdly there's Herd Sheep stage. You have to get your Dog to try and herd sheep right into a pen. The fastest time wins.[/align]
Griffin MacAlister presented his dog. Didn't find out his name.
But he scored an 7. Extra point was added on as he tried to communicate with the judges.
Next up Peter Gilmour with his Pomeranian called Teddy.
It received a 10/10 for being so cute.
Next up was Shane with his Shiba Inu called "CAPTAIN HOOK".
It received a 2/10 for not wanting to be a part of the Show stage because it couldn't sit still long enough, and wanted to attack the Judges.
Next up was Brian Storm with his Australian Shepard-Beagle mix called "Lily-Baby"
It received 9/10 because all she wanted to do was sleep.
Next up was Madison Dyson with her German Shepard called "BITCH".
It received 9 out of 10. Almost gaining the extra point for doing the right things.
STAGE 1 WINNER: Peter Gilmour and Teddy
Griffin MacAlister presented his dog. Didn't find out his name.
It got around the time in very good time. 1 Minute 50 seconds.
Next up Peter Gilmour with his Pomeranian called Teddy.
It took a bit of time to get around the course because of her size. She couldn't get over the higher fences. 5 Minutes. Sorry Peter.
Next up was Shane with his Shiba Inu called "CAPTAIN HOOK".
He was one of the fastest only because he was trying to get at all the other dogs in front. Including Teddy. Shane had trouble keeping him under control.
1 Minute 52 seconds though. What an effort.
Next up was Brian Storm with his Australian Shepard-Beagle mix called "Lily-Baby"
Tiredness crept in towards the end of the obstacle course, otherwise Lily-Baby would have done very well. 2 Minutes 12 Seconds.
Next up was Madison Dyson with her German Shepard called "BITCH".
Of course as all good German shepherds do wanted to have the spot light on them, and got through the Obstacle well. 1 Minute 45 seconds.
STAGE 2 WINNER: Maddison Dyson and "Bitch"
Griffin MacAlister presented his dog. Didn't find out his name.
The Dog knew how to take charge, and got the sheep in the pen in great time. 2 Minutes 5 Seconds.
Next up Peter Gilmour with his Pomeranian called Teddy.
The Sheep ran riot all over Teddy, so in the end Peter had to give up.
Next up was Shane with his Shiba Inu called "CAPTAIN HOOK".
The sheep was so scared of Captain Hook, that they wanted to get to the pen as soon as possible. It also ended up the same time as Griffin's no named dog. 2 Minutes 5 Seconds.
Next up was Brian Storm with his Australian Shepard-Beagle mix called "Lily-Baby"
What a great effort by "Lily Baby". Not good enough for the time to beat but good enough to earn a good rest. 3 Minutes.
Next up was Madison Dyson with her German Shepard called "BITCH".
As try as she might Madison couldn't get "Bitch" to break the record. But ended up being a good second place. 2 Minutes 20 Seconds.
STAGE 3 WINNERS: JOINTLY - Griffin MacAlister and his no named dog
And Shane Carter and Captain Hook.
"There you have it ladies and gentlemen. A good show all around.
Look forward to another one next year.
This is Pip signing off."
Just before the first match was about to get under way
"Just the Good old boys," by Waylon Jennings hit and from the temporary locker rooms on the beach from the back came Wednesday Night General Manager, and Saturday Night Relentless Day 2 host Smoking Bob Williams, or SBW for short. He stops at the top of the freshly made temporary ramp. He has a microphone. And starts to speak.
"Well wasn't that Dog Show just great..... Anyway I wanted to wish everyone here who is participating on Day 2 of Relentless good luck, and I hope tonight goes as well as Day 1 did. We've got some good matches lined up. I hope you fans enjoy. Let's get Day 2 going officially."
And just like that SBW goes to the back.
Azrael Erebus
- vs -
Dolly Waters
Part of Dolly's retirement tour
The music comes to life within the speakers, Azrael appears and walks to the ring confidently, with a dead set, determined look in his eyes. Eyes that smolder with a touch of fire.
The stadium goes black as Cut The Cord rocks over the loud speakers. The camera pans onto the entrance way under the XTron as we can barely see a shadowy figure.
Pink and black strobe lights begin flashing rapidly all over the arena as a huge white spotlight shines down onto Dolly Waters who is turned around backwards, her hands open and arms extended out. The back of her leather jacket reading:
Dolly spins around as a barrage of pink pyro explodes behind her on the stage, the reflection of the ring visible on her black sunglasses lenses as a little smirk comes across her face. Dolly unzips her jacket exposing her usual ring attire.
She runs down the rampway toward the ring, pyro exploding from either side of the runway as she slides under the bottom rope of the ring and walks toward the nearest turnbuckle, climbing it and playing to the crowd a bit.
"How is the world is DOLLY going to deal with the SEVEN FOOTER?!?!"
"I’m going to LOVE watching her try."
AZREAL towers over DOLLY as they walk out towards the center of the ring with AZREAL looking down at his opposition and immediately DOLLY starts throwing hands to the chest of AZREAL only to see AZREAL palm the head of DOLLY as he holds her back using his reach to his advantage as if it’s a game.
" It’s almost like AZREAL is toying with DOLLY!"
AZREAL shoves DOLLY back into a neutral corner with ease only to see DOLLY charges right back at AZREAL throwing kicks to the right knee only to see AZREAL counter by scooping DOLLY up over his shoulder where he looks to deliver a running powerslam! DOLLY slides down the back where she bounces off the ropes and as AZREAL spins around the throws up a boot smack in the jaw of DOLLY sending her crashing to the mat.
"I think I saw teeth!!"
AZREAL bounces off the ropes where he drops a leg across the throat before looking for a cover hooking the near leg.
"FRONT PRESS with a leg hooked!!"
"Kicked out by WATERS!"
AZREAL is back to his feet where he reaches down picking DOLLY up off the mat before taking her back into a neutral corner where he shoots her across the ring and into the buckles!!! DOLLY bounces off the buckles and into a side walk slam by AZREAL driving her violently into the mat!
"AZREAL is just using his size to topple DOLLY WATERS!!"
AZREAL gets up to a vertical base where he looks down at DOLLY before simply shaking his head. He reaches down picking her up off the mat before taking her by the throat.
"Possibly thinking Chokeslam!!"
She called as we see AZREAL hoist DOLLY up in the air looking to deliver a Chokeslam when suddenly DOLLY counters with a Tornado DDT!!
"I’ll be damned she’s got an opening!!"
DOLLY starts to work her way up off the mat and back to a vertical base where she makes her way towards the ropes and steps out to the ring apron before making her way towards the nearest set of buckles and starts to make the climb to the top rope.
"What’s DOLLY thinking here?!! She’s up on the top rope!!"
DOLLY stands up on the top rope where she measures AZREAL before coming up off the top rope with a picture perfect SHOOTING STAR PRESS crashing down on top of AZREAL!! DOLLY has the cover!!
AZREAL kicks out of the near fall!!
"DOLLY almost picked up a huge upset!!!"
DOLLY WATERS works her way back to her feet where she calls for the RUNNING WATERS!!
"WATERS is trying to take advantage while AZREAL is down!!"
WATERS measures AZREAL as she backs all way across the ring sizing him up as we see AZREAL roll over to his chest and pushing himself up off the mat! He reaches one knee before DOLLY explodes towards AZREAL where she looks to deliver a running knee strike!! AZREAL stands to his feet where he snatches WATERS by the throat! AZREAL hoists DOLLY up in the air before driving her down into the mat with a thunderous Chokeslam!!
"AZREAL just spiked WATERS into the mat with a vicious Chokeslam! GOOD NIGHT!!"
AZREAL drops down into the cover not even bothering to hook a leg.
AZREAL picks DOLLY up off the mat breaking the count.
"Oh come on!!!”"
"What’s your problem? AZREAL isn’t through yet, calm your tits."
AZREAL stands back to his feet where he’s admonished by the referee but he simply blows past him where he reaches down picking DOLLY up off the mat where he scoops her up over his shoulder before driving her down with a running Powerslam! AZREAL doesn’t press the cover, instead he stands back to his feet where he walks towards the ropes and steps out to the ring apron. The seven footer starts to make his way to the top rope where he comes off the top rope with a Swanton Bomb!!
AZREAL pops back up to his feet where he snatches DOLLY up off the mat before positioning her and driving her into the mat with the DARKEST LIGHT! AZREAL makes the cover hooking the near leg.
Box Office Brian O'Haire
- vs -
Peter FN Gilmour
- vs -
Triple Threat Match
“Box Office” Brian O’Haire is driven down to the ring in a golf cart that’s decked out with his logos. Once at ringside, his driver steps out and holds the ropes for him to enter the ring.
The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then hear the eerie sounds of a bell being tolled and then an explosion of fire emitting from the entrance ramp. The beginning of DADDYS FALLEN ANGEL by IN THIS MOMENT begins as the heavy guitar riffs kick in and red strobes dance around the stage. As soon as the verse kicks in, we see Peter Gilmour and his main madame of malady and mayhem, Valerie Sky come out to the ramp. They smile at each other before going down the ramp hand in hand. Peter bobs his head to the song. They get in the ring together and Peter gets on the turnbuckle and throws up an "X" sign as pyro goes off above the ring. Peter hops down and kisses Valerie. They wink and smile sadistically towards each other and then, Valerie Sky the dark demonic, demented diva of destruction exits the ring and Peter turns his attention to the stage
"Slav King" by DJ Blyatman hits the arena's sound system and Boris makes his way to the ring.
All 3 competitors are ready in the ring. The referee orders the bell to be rung and there it goes..
Peter walks straight up to O'Haire and asks if he is such a big box office star why does he need to be here, and the response from O'Haire? A right hook, then a left hook and then an uppercut, sending Peter stumbling backwards right into Boris. Boris executes a neck breaker, right into a quick cover.
Broken up by Box Office Brian O'Haire.
"What a lively start, as usual Gilmore runs his mouth...."
"Boris tries to sneak in a quick cover, but O'Haire is too onto it,"
O'Haire grabs Boris and sends him running to the ropes, and he pulls Gilmour to his feet, and then as Boris comes running back, O'Haire uses Gilmour as a shield, and Boris hits Gilmour with a Shoulder Tackle.
"Why is everyone ganging up on poor old Peter Gilmour?"
"Oh come on, as if he doesn't deserve to be ganged up on. Remember how he was a pirate a few weeks ago? Payback's a bitch,"
While Peter is down, both O'Haire, and Boris walk around him, staring at one another. Peter is like the piggy in the middle so to speak. But then Boris runs and jumps over Peter, and tries a flying elbow on O'Haire, but O'Haire sidesteps him, and grabs Boris's arm and brings him down in an arm take down move. He uses the force to bring Boris's arm behind him.
"That has to hurt,"
Boris tries to use his other arm to attack O'Haire, but O'Haire stays out of reach, while he delivers three knees to Boris's back. Suddenly a lunging ax handle smash from Peter Gilmour breaks the two up. O'Haire takes the full force of the move, and rolls to the ropes.
Meanwhile Peter is on his feet, as he tries to attack Boris but Boris moves out of the way, and lariat Peter in return. Peter drops to the canvas. Boris jumps on him and starts hitting him with lefts and rights. Peter struggles to get him off.
"Man this match is hectic,"
Peter finally kicks Boris off of him, and gets to his feet, only for O'Haire to walk up behind him and executes a NECKBREAKER of his own.
"Poor Gilmour suffering again,"
Boris runs at O'Haire, O'Haire stands his ground, and hip tosses Boris right across the ring. Peter quickly rolls to the ropes, and drops down onto the floor outside. Wise move Peter, wise move.
O'Haire follows up his attack on Boris, with a quick swift kick to Boris's face. He grabs him and sets him in position and delivers a.......
and then
and then
Broken up from behind by Peter Gilmour with a YAKUZA KICK on the back of O'Haire.
"Gilmour didn't stay out for very long,"
"Bided his time watching three straight suplexes. Lucky him though."
Peter grabs O'Haire and delivers a Gut Buster of his own, and sends him flying across the ring to the corner where he hits the corner post and drops to his knees.
Peter then focuses on the still downed Boris, and helps him to his feet and ends up Power Slamming him.
O'Haire comes up from behind and hits Peter in the back. Peter turns around laughing. He tries to punch O'Haire, but O'Haire blocks the move, but Peter delivers a
and then
"Does this mean Peter's in charge now?"
The answer to that is NO. Boris hits him from behind with a big boot, and down goes Peter. Boris grabs him, and drags him to the ropes, and sends him flying out of the ring.
"Why what's the point of that?"
Boris turns his attention back on O'Haire, and runs at him. O'Haire waits for him and as Boris gets to him, delivers a hip toss, but no Boris blocks the move, and hip tosses O'Haire himself. But O'Haire lands on his feet, to Boris disgust, and then a knee to the stomach has Boris in all sorts of trouble.
O'Haire delivers another SNAP SUPLEX into a T-BONE SUPLEX before
THE CLAPPERBOARD a.k.a Double Underhook Pedigree position into a neck breaker.
"Wow what a move that Clapperboard is."
Peter Gilmour is seen on the apron outside of the ring, as Box Office Brian O'Haire helps Boris back to his feet, and Brian delivers......
BOX OFFICE SMASH - Choke Lift into a Rock Bottom drop.
Brian goes for the cover......
Peter is through the ropes.......
Peter is almost to the cover.....
"It's over.... Oh how unlucky is Peter Gilmour?"
The Power Couple
Mark Brooks & Miss Michelle
- vs - T.H.U.G.S
Tommy Wish & John Black
Tornado Tag Match
Winners will receive a future tag title shot
“Ace of Spades” by Motorhead hits over the p.a. system and the fans immediately erupt with cheers as they all stand to their feet. Mark Brooks strolls out from the back and with his back turned to his fans; he starts to twirl his hips around and shaking his booty to the fans cheering. As he swirls around, Miss Michelle comes strutting to the side of her fiancé. He takes her by the hand as she twirls around him and he dips her low as he leans down to kiss her lips. He lifts her up and she starts to walk down the ramp with her hand clasp around his bicep. They make their way down the ramp and she walks over to the steel steps as he hops on the ring apron. She steps up on it and he holds the ropes open and she raises her arms in the air as the male viewers begin whistling. He steps over the second rope and hustles across the ring, jumping on the second turnbuckle, and raising his hands to his waist and circling it as he pretends to already be the Undisputed Champion. His theme becomes cut off just before he steps down from the corner and he along with Miss Michelle turn toward their opponent.
As soon the “TEAR DA RING UP, T.H.U.G.S!” blast over the X-Tron, the camera pans to some the fans brawling, and throwing bows, throwing gang signs, or moshing as the theme plays. Then about ten minutes later, the camera pans to the entrance way where Black is holding a trash can filled with weapons, while Tommy does the finger gun to the temple. They both walk down the ring, and some of the fans start to throw garbage at the duo, and they climb into the barricades to start fighting them. After the short scuffle, they hop over the barricades and enter the ring, staring down at their opponents as the theme cuts off.
“What are the T.H.U.G.S doing to these poor fans of South Florida, Pip?”
“They are being rude to our so called “Anti-XWF” T.H.U.G.S… gosh there their name is so shitty, that even Dyson had to bring up how Irreverent it is. This match is going to be a shit show.”
“Don’t be such a sour puss, Pip, I have a feeling this will be a classic.”
After the bell had rung, Black and Tommy pearl harbors Brooks and Michelle in the back. Black smashes Brooks head on the top turnbuckle, while Tommy locks in a side Headlock on Michelle. Michelle breaks it off, and Whips Tommy to the ropes, and Dropkicks Tommy which caused him to roll outside of the ring. Michelle then Back Rakes Black, and he turns his eyes on her. Brooks then Elbows him in the lower back, and does it few times. Then Brooks and Michelle whips Black to the ropes, and the connect with a Double Dropkick on Black.
“Damn, Black and Tommy are suffering so badly by those eager Dropkicks by the Power Couple. If they keep it up, they will end up becoming the future tag champs… or not.”
“Don’t be doubtful, these guys are on top of the game.”
Brooks lifts up Michelle, and hit an Assisted Leg Drop on Black, and she pins him, but Tommy comes back into the ring to break it up. Brooks then shoves Tommy into the corner, and does a Foot Choke on Tommy, and breaks it off as the ref comes up. Then he kicks him in the gut, and drags him out of the corner and hits a Side Slam Backbreaker. Michelle hits a Reverse Russian Legsweep on Black, and she turns him on his back and she twerks her ass, and hits a Moonsault on Black and cover him…
Black kicksout, and Brooks and Michelle but the boots on Black. Brooks locks in a Sleeper Hold, and Black looked faded, but Tommy breaks it up. Tommy punches on Brooks to the ropes, and Clothesline him outside of the ring, where both men spill on the concrete. Michelle picks up Black, and punches him in the gut. She then does a few left Haymakers, and she runs to the ropes and hits a Crossbody, but Black rolls out of the Crossbody and hits a Powerslam on Michelle.
“Wow, what nice Powerslam by Black!”
“Well, it was a smart plan on his metallic brain of his.”
Tommy and Brooks start punching one another, until Brooks Whips Tommy to the Barricades, and Brooks taunts to a fan. The fan threw some liquid substance on Brooks, Tommy Drop Toe Hold Brooks into the barricades, jaw first. Tommy tosses Brooks into the steel steps, and stomps on him. Tommy takes the beer of a fan, drinks it, and spits it on Brooks face. Tommy taunts, while the fans go ape shit at what he did to Brooks.
“Tommy is totally hip with the fans of South beach, I bet it will be in the favor of the T.H.U.G.S to win this match.”
“Oh you think so? I mean, look where we are, it practically havens for the depraved and stupid for guys like Tommy to thrive in for peats sake!”
Tommy goes to the commentator booth, and eyes on Pip with a menacing smile. As Pip was trying back away from Tommy’s grip, Brooks slams his head on the booth table, and tosses him back into the ring. Michelle then sits up Tommy, and Soccer Kicks his back, as she does it some more, Tommy gained strength to get on his feet, and does a Left and Right Hooks on Michelle. Then he Upper cuts her, and connects with a Belly To Back Suplex with a bridge…
Brooks then start to do a blatant choke on Tommy, and the ref started to count. Brooks then breaks it up, and argues and even goes far to shove the ref. Black gets on his feet, and gives Brooks a Reserve DDT. Tommy gets on his feet, and focuses his attention to groggy Michelle; as he preys upon her dazed state, he grabs her by the neck and smashes her on the turnbuckles. As he stops, his eyes widen, and he Snapmares her to the mat. He turns her on her gut, and he signals the fans towards her ankle…
As Tommy locked in the hold, he kept pulling back from the ropes as she struggles to get to them. Tommy then grapevines the hold, and she was close to tapping. Brooks managed to get on his feet, and punts Tommy in the head to break the hold. Tommy holds his head in pain as he breaks it up, and Brooks checks up on Michelle. The camera pans her crying in pain, and Brooks immediately gets heated. Brooks shoot kicks Tommy in head, and Tommy gets on his feet and both men glare at one another. Brooks then hits a stiff punch that busted Tommy wide open under his eye.
As the gash under his eye starts to bleed, Tommy strikes back with stiff punches and tossed him outside of the ring. Tommy then flicks off the ref, and punches him in the face that laid him out. Tommy goes to the outside, and pulls out a toaster, and smacks it over his dome. Then he pulls out a frying pan, smacks his head some with the object.
“This had become all out brawl between Tommy and Brooks.”
“Black did say that they are going to war, good thing that Brooks busted him wide open. That’s the first sign of a battle.”
“But I don’t think that was necessary for Tommy to punch the ref out like that. The T.H.U.G.S should have been DQ’ed!”
“Heather, you silly dunce, you do realize that Black and Tommy don’t care about rules and regulations, right?”
“Fair enough Pip.”
Tommy slides back into the ring, and he lifts up Michelle in a cradle position. Black looked Tommy oddly and mouthed “what are you doing?” as Tommy tried to leave ring with her. Tommy then realized that he was still in the match, and dumped her on her neck. Tommy pulls Black into the corner to plot a plan, while Brooks comes back in the ring. The ref slowly gets on his feet, and checks up on Michelle. Brooks then tries to DQ Black and Tommy, but the ref looked at them, and ignored his plea not to get hurt again. Black and Tommy gang up on Brooks and Tommy grabs him by the back of his arms, and Black Hooks his gut until it gone red, then they Whip him on the ropes and hit a double Clothesline on Brooks.
“Things are heating up in that ring, fans!”
“Yeah they are, I mean, things got so heated to the point Tommy almost left the ring with Michelle! I wonder what would make him do that?”
“I don’t want to know Pip, maybe he wanted to take her to hospital by the end of match.”
“I don’t think Tommy is smart enough to do stuff like that, Heather.”
Tommy lifts up Brooks and both of them do a Powerbomb/Cutter combo, and slams Brooks with the lethal force. Then the focus on Michelle who was slowly getting on her feet, and duo hits Michelle with….
“Oh my god… they just broke Michelle’s neck with that Aided Piledriver!”
“Yeah, this match is totally over… Good Game, Power Couple. Good Game.”
Much like a steel cage, this match is entirely inside a ring with glass surrounding it. To win the Hart Championship the winner must put your opponent entirely through one of the sides of the glass cage.[/stip]
Centurion comes down to the ring with dignity and swag.
"A Lesson Never Learned" hits, roaring guitars filling the arena. Tony Santos descends down the entrance ramp, hoodie with the hood over his head, quickly walking to the ring, scowl on his face. The disdain from the crowd pours in as Tony simply grunts at the crowd.
The chorus (Could be the end of the world, I'd still be laid here on my own, wasting my life away!!!) hits, Santos ascends the stairs and climbs the turnbuckle, one hand raised in the air. Boos rain in from the crowd as Tony simply soaks it in like a fine IPA.
Santos jumps off of the turnbuckle and hits the mat with his two feet, giving one more raised arm to the crowd, before turning to his opponent.
Both Centurion and Tony Santos are both now ready. The referee is also in the ring. The glass wall cage gets lowered into place. Then they are given the all clear.
"The only way to win this match is to throw your opponent through one side of the cage
"Things are about to get messy,"
Both Tony and Centurion test the walls from their perspective corners by knocking on it. The glass seems thick, so it looks like that there has to be a multitude of collisions about to start in order for there to be a winner.
The bell rings on the outside but its barely heard on the inside of the glass cage, and the referee is given the signal to start the match.
Both Centurion and Tony stare at each other from their respective corners before Tony starts to make a move to the centre of the ring, but for some reason Centurion stays where he is.
As Tony gets to the centre, he breaks into a run, and as he nears Centurion, takes a leap and tries to hit Centurion with a flying forearm, but Cent senses the move and sidesteps out of the way.
Tony hits the ropes and rebounds backwards and Cent hits him with a STANDING DROP KICK which sends Tony face first flying over the ropes and he is the first to hit the glass wall, first also to hit it face first.
All everyone can hear is a....
Tony collapses backwards firstly with his face in pain, and secondly he seems to be unsteady. Cent follows up with a INVERTED SUPLEX.
"Wow what a start from Centurion. He looked nonchalant as he goaded Tony into starting things off,"
"At least we know it'll take some time or some extra ordinary effort to actually break the glass,"
Centurion gets to his feet and looks down at Tony, who seems in a little bit of shock at the beginning to this match.
Cent pulls Tony up to his feet and knees him in the guts, to give him a bit more time in charge. He pulls him back towards the wall that he collided with. He whips Tony towards the ropes with enough force that Tony goes flying over the ropes and collides with the wall at the same place.
We hear a....
Then see a very small
CRACK appear.
Tony collapses to the canvas, grabbing his face again. Meanwhile Centurion walks towards him as if he is stalking someone.
As he gets to the fallen Santos, he gazes up at the walk to look at the little crack that has appeared. He smiles.
This small break has given Tony enough time for a small recovery stamina. He jumps to his feet and hits a suprised Centurion with not one, not twice, not thrice but 4 times. 4 times he hits Cent with 4 fully forced chops to the throat. This makes Cent stumble backwards grabbing his throat and struggling to find air.
Tony grabs Centurion and sends him running across the ring, Tony quickly follows. Centurion rebounds off the rope but Tony hits him with a DIVING CROSSBODY CHECK and they both go down.
"And just like that, the tide changes yet again. Tony Santos who was in trouble earlier on, now is in control,"
"And you are surprize by that? It almost happens every match, you should know that!"
"Oh just shut up,"
Tony quickly gets back to his feet, and looks at the nearest glass wall. He grabs Centurion and drags him to his feet, and drags him towards the glass. He then sends him flying into that side of the wall, and as Centurion hits the wall we hear a.....
Centurion drops back to the canvas and starts to fall backwards. Tony uses the momentum to execute a NECKBREAKER.
Tony quickly gets back to his feet and uses this time to deliver not one, not two, not three but four KNEE DROPS onto Centurion's stomach. With each knee drop we clearly see the wind being taken out of him.
Tony once again grabs the fallen Centurion and like Cent had done to him earlier, sends him flying into the same part of the wall, that he did the first time and we hear a......
And then
As Centurion hits the floor, a small crack appears. That's now two of the four sides of the Glass cage that now appears to have a crack in them.
Centurion is wriggling around like a worm clutching his nose. We see blood pouring from it.
"Wow Tony managed to be the first one to obtain first blood,"
Tony helps Centurion back to his feet, and sends him running towards the ropes, Centurion rebounds off of them, comes running back, and ducks underneath an attempted Lariat from Tony.
Tony spins around as Centurion screeches to a halt and spins around also. He manages to block a left hook from Tony. He manages to grab Tony by his head and brings his face level with his knee. A KNEE TO THE FACE.
Tony stumbles backwards grabbing his nose. He now has blood trickling from it.
"This match is getting rough now,"
"As if it already wasn't,"
Centurion grabs the stunned Tony, and lines him up with one of the corners, he whips him into the left hand corner so hard, that not only his sternum hits the corner posts but the whip lash sends his head into the pole. Tony stumbles a wee bit backwards, but Centurion is quickly upon him like chocolate on ice cream.
Centurion grabs Tony's head again and throws him back into the corner post not once but three times. The damage is immense as we see more blood gushing from Tony's nose.
Centurion pulls a stunned, hurt, confused, badly bleeding Tony Santos back a bit, and then sends him crashing over the corner post into that side glass wall. And all we hear is a........
A small noticeable crack is seen on that side.
"We now have 3 sides of the glass cage with small noticeable cracks in them. Surely it can't be long now?"
Tony slides down the glass wall and leaves a trail of blood on it, as he falls in a heap in the corner. Suddenly there is a very loud......
and a
So big on the one side of the glass cage that has not been effectively been touched yet, and we see a hammer drop to the floor outside.
That side of the cage faces the freshly made ramp that is used to walk from the temporary locker room to the ring.
"What the hell is going on. There's now a massive crack in that side of the glass cage that was't made by anyone inside,"
Centurion looks at Tony who is still in a heap but then focuses his attention to the huge crack that has appeared and then........
'Thunderstruck' by ACDC starts on the temporary sound system, and the new Misfit of Wednesday Night Warfare, Kris The Hammer Von Bonn, makes his way straight towards the glass cage.
His Manager, Antony The Jerk, isn't far behind.
"What the hell are these two doing here? That's Kris Yhe Hammer Von Bonn and his Misfit manager Antony the Jerk. This shouldn't be happening,"
"Calm down, let's just see what they want, first,"
Kris gets to the glass cage and bends down and picks up his hammer that he must have thrown earlier. He smiles at the crack that has appeared in the wall.
He then looks inside the cage straight at Centurion, who stares back at him without being overawed. Kris points his Hammer at him and then we hear Antony speak.
"Take it easy Centurion, you still need your energy for the remainder of your pathetic match. My 'client' is out here to make a point."
"You Centurion are competing to win the top title on Wednesday Night Warfare. The Hart Title. Tony currently has it, you crave it. My 'client' wants it, but we all know he needs to make the most of his opportunities, and also prove himself, before he can get anywhere near it."
"Prove himself he will, I'm here to make damn sure he does just that. So whether it's you, Centurion, or Tony, or someone else standing in his way, he eventually will get a shot at the Hart title and he will then become the face of Wednesday Nights. That's why I brought him here. To change the landscape of the XWF. But for now, we'll let you guys have your little fun. You will see my client very soon. Come on Kris, let's go."
Antony turns to head back down the made up ramp, but Kris just stands there looking at Centurion, who is staring back at him still. Kris smiles. He lifts up his hammer and gently hits the wall.
A larger crack appears in the wall that runs the rest of the way down it.
"Oh my god, because of Kris 'The Hammer' Von Bonn's actions he just literally softened up the wall. If anyone hits it now, it can break."
"Like Antony just said, he wants to make a name for himself."
Kris starts laughing, turns and heads off after his Manager, and they both leave the area.
Centurion just stands there, fuming at the event of what just happened. He hasn't noticed while Antony had been talking, Santos get to his feet behind him, use the corner to regain his energy while listening, and wait for Centurion's reaction.
Centurion shakes his head, and is about to turn when he his tackled from behind by Santos, clearly now recovered. They both go down. Santos gets up first, and looks at the wall. He grabs Centurion, and heads straight for the effected area. But suddenly Centurion, who knows what Santos is about to do, wriggles out of Santos's grip, grabs him and whips him to the other side of the ring.
Santos comes running back, and Centurion hits him with a flying forearm, and down goes Tony again. Centurion grabs and sends Tony running towards the ropes again, and again Tony comes running back rebounding off of the ropes.....
BLOODY SYMPHONY a.k.a Busaiku Flying Knee from out of nowhere by Centurion.
"Wow just wow, Centurion is now softening the Hart Champion up, What an amazing Bloody Symphony,"
"He's trying to get him ready to send him through the most effected part of the cage wall that was weakened by Kris."
Centurion gets to his feet first, and helps Tony back to his. Tony looks almost out of it. Centurion aims Tony towards the badly damaged cage wall, and whips in there, when all of a sudden with all his last remaining strength, Tony manages to reverse the move, and sends Centurion to the other side of the cage. He runs after him and catches up with him, and throws him against that side of the cage wall,but Centurion manages to get his hands in the wall, and he somehow manages to climb up on the ropes,uses the wall to do a huge flip over Tony, and as Tony sees this, he tries to turn around, but he is too late, and as Centurion lands on his feet, he brings one knee up right into the gut of Tony. This takes all the remaining wind out of him, and Centurion follows up with a DDT.
"Wow just wow, this match is intense, did you see the flip that Centurion did then. I give it a 10 out of 10."
"Yes I saw the flip, I was watching the same thing as you. But I give it a 20 out of 20."
Centurion gets to his feet first. He drags Tony halfway across the ring to the other side. Once again staring at the effected wall. It is clear that the current Hart Champion is trying his best to stay in this match, and give it everything he has got. But Centurion looks to have a little more in the tank. With a big sigh. Centurion helps Tony to his feet. Tony tries one last poke in the eye, but Centurion sees it coming, and blocks it before giving Tony an elbow in the throat.
Tony grabs his throat and seems to be trying to breath. Centurion pushes him backwards, Tony stumbles and then.........
And then..........
Centurion senses his opportunity as Tony tries to regain his balance.....
And then....
Centurion does a STANDING DROP KICK on Tony.
Tony knows what's coming as he goes flying backwards, not into the ropes........
but over the ropes..........
and the huge force from the result of the Standing Drop Kick, has Santos flying over the ropes and into the badly effected Glass Cage Wall that he goes crashing through it, and outside of the glass cage.
"Oh my god..... Oh my god.... Oh my god.....After 157 Days of being one of the best Hart Champions.... That's 5 very long months and 4 Days. Tony Santos reign as the Wednesday Night Warfare Hart champion is finally at an end."
"And what a reign it was....Listen to this crowd though, they are giving Tony Santos a standing ovation."
The referee gives Centurion the Hart Championship belt. Centurion stares at it, as he sees Tony Santos struggling to get up from being thrown shattered glass, and the crowd giving him a standing ovation, that he makes his way out of the glass cage, and over to Tony, and he offers him his hand. Tony looks at it, and shakes his head, and tries to get up once more, but can't. Centurion again offers Santos his hand, and with his other one points to the crowd, who are giving him one hell of a standing ovation.
Tony looks at them all embarrassed, but then takes Centurion hand, and Centurion pulls him up, and helps steady him. Centurion then takes a step back as the crowd pops at Tony.
"What a remarkable run for Tony."
"But here's the current situation. Centurion now, because he won the Hart Championship has his first defense on the second Warfare in October against non other than the man who attacked him last Warfare. Mastermind."
"That ought to be an awesome match."
"Yes but for now let's enjoy Tony Santos final moments, as he leaves tonight as one of the greatest Hart Champions of all time Robert 'The Omega' Main, and he was just 2 days shy of second place Maverick. I'm sure Tony would be proud of 3rd place."
As Centurion watches Tony struggle to the ramp suddenly
“Wait. What’s this?!”
“Oh man it’s Famine of the Vile!”
Famine walks down the ramp with purpose as the crowd goes insane for the hall of famer. He makes it down the ramp and then walks up to where Centurion is who is looking at Famine wondering why he’s out here but ready for a fight.
Famine then walks over to the corner and asks for a mic. His music dies down as Centurion looks on.
Famine: "The last few weeks I've been involved in the tag team title competition, but now we've been eliminated."
"You’re all probably wondering why I’m here tonight. Well, allow me to explain."
BOOM! Famine then hits Centurion in the gut and plants him with the Blood Driver a.k.a. Cross Rhodes! He then stands up and grabs the mic again.
Famine: "That’s why I’m here! I want your title and I’m going to take it from you!"
Famine drops the mic and heads back up the ramp as the crowd cheers on.
“Centurion is in serious trouble if Famine wants that title.”
“The Vile One truly HAS come back with a vengeance. Will he be victorious? I think he will be.”
“I have to be honest, I agree with you. I think we’re about to see a new major threat for the Hart title, and as well as Mastermind, Centurion has a long list of people wanting that title.”
Fuzz walks down the ramp paying no attention to the fans or his opponents and goes straight to his corner.
"Falling Apart" by Trust Company hits over the PA system as the fans begin to boo. Big D walks out onto the ramp, arms in the air for a victory pose.
Fuzz and BigD have had their entrances sightly altered to suit Miami Beach. The beach has been closed to the public for what should be a brutal affair.
The referee asks both Fuzz and X-treme Champion Big D if they are finally ready. He has received word that the cameras are now focused on this area, and that the fans are now in place to watch. He tells the two competitors that the match is now underway.
BigD looks uneasy while Fuzz has a smile on his face. He looks at BigD and gives him 'come on you want me make the first move' sign.
"Here we go, we are finally in place for this big Main Event, and this promises to be a huge match!"
"Can Fuzz take a leaf out of Centurion's play book, and become just the second returning legend from the old days to capture gold here today? Only time will tell."
BigD sucks in a few last deep breaths and makes his way over to Fuzz, mouthing the words 'I'm not afraid of you," He stands face to face with Fuzz, and they start trash talking one another until BigD knees Fuzz in the stomach. Fuzz bends over, and BigD then DDT's him onto the sand. Fuzz gets a face full of sand. BigD gets up and looks around for a weapon. He spots something. It's a piece of driftwood dropped by a passer by using it as a walking stick as one often does when finding a big piece of driftwood at the beach. Pretends they have a sore leg, so they use it as walking stick.
He comes back to where Fuzz is and lifts up the walking stick... sorry I men driftwood, suddenly Fuzz jumps up and hurls sand in his eyes. BigD drops the driftwood and stumbles backwards trying to get the sand out of his eyes. Fuzz picks up the driftwood, and hits BigD in his stomach, BigD bends over and is clobbered again, this time on the back.
Fuzz stands there laughing, as BigD drops to his knees. He still cant see clearly. With one last swing, Fuzz hits BigD in the face with the large piece of driftwood.
"Wow BigD is being monstered by Fuzz using that driftwood,"
"He'll be in all sorts of pain,"
BigD collapses backwards onto his back, and Fuzz sees an opportunity to make a cover.
No no not that easy, or Quickly Fuzz, BigD kicks out. Fuzz gets up and looks around for some more weapons. He knows where there are plenty but they are a bit further along the beach. Does he want to extend the match that far, or try to end BigD quickly.
He grabs BigD and sends him running up the beach. Every few meters BigD slips and falls over back into the sand. He still can't see and every time he trips and falls over, he gets more sand in his eyes which is making things impossible.
Suddenly on the fifth time he gets sent further along the beach, he trips and falls and lands on the sand. But he lands near something, and he can make it out to be old broken wooden chair that someone has recently left behind in the last few hours or so. What a bad beach litter bug. But good for BigD in this case.
BigD grabs hold of the chair, and bides his time, as he hears a laughing Fuzz get closer, he makes his move, and turns and gets up and swings the chair, hitting a shocked Fuzz, right in the face. He hits him not once but three times. Fuzz goes down. BigD looks towards the water, and can just see the water edge. He runs towards it.
"What a good find by BigD, and a good use of it as a weapon. He was being manhandled badly by Fuzz,"
"It's not over yet mind you,"
Fuzz sits up, checking if he is bleeding or not. He isn't. He regains his focus, and looks at where BigD has disappeared to. He sees him dive into the water, possibly to get his eye sight back, and a bigger smile comes upon his face. Is it drowning time already?
BigD is using the water to get the sand out of his eyes. He starts to blink and see clearly. Next minute he hears slow footsteps in the water behind him. He knows who and and what is coming. He suddenly spins around and sends a huge pile of water in the direction of Fuzz, who is caught off guard. BigD then dives at Fuzz, and takes him down in the shallow end of the water. But they hit the ground hard. BigD then starts hitting Fuzz with lefts and rights.
Fuzz is somehow absorbing them too for some strange stupid reason. Wait a minute. What does he have in his left hand. A stone the size of his fist. Where did he find that?
As BigD stops to take a breather from all his hitting, there's blood coming from Fuzz's nose. Suddenly Fuzz brings his left arm up, and BIgD sees it too late, and Fuzz hits him with the rock. BigD falls off of Fuzz, and tries to crawl away while clutching the side of his head.
Fuzz uses the water to wipe the blood from his nose, and gets up. BigD is now on his feet stumbling to get away, but the force of the rock on the side of his head has left him unbalanced.
Fuzz yells at him that he is right behind him, and that he's coming for the X-Treme Title.
"Such confidence from Fuzz, but is he really on top?"
"I think it's fifty fifty so far?"
"More like fifty five to forty five to Fuzz,"
BigD stumbles his way out of the water, up the beach. He's been in a hell of a match up to now, but he knows he needs to be better than he has been doing in order to retain the X-treme title. BigD collapses back on the sand, he looks behind him to see Fuzz walking confidently towards him. BigD looks around for weapons. He sees a watering can. What the hell is a watering can doing left behind on the beach?
BigD stumbles over to the Watering Can, and looks inside. His frown turns to smiles as he finds a small dart gun. The next question has to be what the hell is dart gun doing in a watering can on the beach? And why would one be needed?
BigD quickly grabs it, and points it at Fuzz. Fuzz freezes. He asks what the hell is that? BigD tells him it's a Dart Gun. Fuzz sarcastically tells him that he wouldn't dare use it.....
There's your answer... BigD did use it, and sends a Dart flying Fuzz's way. Fuzz dives out of the way.
Another dart flies towards where Fuzz has fallen. Fuzz quickly moves as the Dart lands right near him.
A third dart is fired towards Fuzz, and Fuzz moves quickly again narrowly escaping being hit in the arm.
A fourth dart is fired. BigD is having a field day with his new found toy. Fuzz clambers out of the way as this time, it lands right near his foot.
BigD looks at the barrel..... No more darts. To his horror he looks up and sees Fuzz, slowly rise recognizing the empty barrel sound of a Dart gun.
"Wow, BigD was willing to do anything to get Fuzz away from him,"
"That's why it's an extreme match. Anything goes."
BigD stumbles backwards, as Fuzz starts to run at him. BigD knows he can't outrun Fuzz in his still uneasy condition. BigD waits for the impact.......
There is none.....
BigD opens his eyes.
Fuzz is nowhere to be seen.
BigD turns around to see Fuzz at a red flag, digging something up. He wonders why is there a red flag on the beach and what is Fuzz digging for. Suddenly he is stunned to see Fuzz uncover a base ball bat, and a couple of shiny smaller objects. His full focus hasn't yet returned.
"Wait a minute, what has Fuzz unearthed? Are they??????
"Yes they are..... They are syringes...."
"Filled with what though?"
Suddenly Fuzz knowing that BigD can't focus well enough yet, throws the baseball bat at BigD, and it hits BigD clear on the noggin. BigD goes down.
Fuzz starts laughing as he heads slowly towards BigD, while looking at both syringes.
He says something to BigD.
"What did he just say?"
"Something along the lines of this match is about to end for someone and one person will clearly be slowed down for the other person to take full advantage."
"What are in those syringes for that to happen?"
"Oh my god no,"
"The only thing that can cause a person to slow down, and the other person to take full effect and go at speed are......
"And downers...".
"No Fuzz wouldn't dare......"
BigD struggles to sit up, as Fuzz gets to him. He kicks the bat out of his reach. He laughs sadistically at BigD as he kneels down in front of him. BigD tries to throw punches but they miss. Suddenly Fuzz grabs him by the arm, and injects BigD with one of the syringes and the other syringe he injects himself.
"Oh my god....."
"He did do it."
BigD scrambles away from Fuzz clutching his arm, as Fuzz stands up, waiting for the full effects to take place. What has he taken? And what has he given BigD?
BigD gets up to his feet, and stops dead in his tracks. He can't move. Much. We know now what Fuzz has given him.
"Fuzz has injected BigD with downers. Well at least that was fifty fifty of that happening."
"Will you stop with that fifty fifty crap?"
Fuzz smiles at the slowness of BigD. He looks around. To him everything looks like it's coming at him slow but he feels fast. He walks quickly over to the baseball bat that he kicked out of reach, and picks it up. BigD takes one step backwards and stops. Two steps backwards and stops. To him everything is moving way too fast for him, but he's stuck in mud.
Fuzz moves at BigD with quickness and hits him right in the stomach. BigD bends over. Fuzz hits again on his back and he drops to his knees and then whack right in the face, makes him collapse backwards. This is all in less than 10 seconds.
"Wow look at him go,"
Fuzz whacks BigD again and again. BigD can't defend himself. Fuzz is going overboard. Yet the referee who is looking on worriedly nearby can't do a damn thing to stop the match because the match is an extreme match and anything goes. Even death. If it came to that.
Fuzz drops the bat and looks down at BigD. His face is all bloodied, and his body looks all bruised. He drops for a cover.
Kick out.
Somehow amazingly BigD kicks out. Fuzz gets up looking angrily down at BigD. BigD won't go down without a fight clearly. Fuzz grabs BigD by his head and whacks it down on the sand hard enough to cause some more damage. He gets up. Helps BigD to his feet, and then......
Back into the sand. Fuzz goes for the cover again.
Kick out (again)
Fuzz gets up again. BigD is barely surviving after all of this attack. Fuzz hits the ground with his fist in anger. He gets up and walks over to the base ball bat.
"Please stop this..... Someone.... Anyone.... BigD has clearly had enough..."
"If he clearly had enough he wouldn't be kicking out. It's his own fault."
Fuzz hits BigD again and again. Three more times with the baseball bat.
Then he lifts him up and delivers.........
Right here on the beach.
"Surely now, that's enough?"
Fuzz stares down at BigD in anger. And instead of covering him. Stands on top of his chest. He yells at the referee to make the cover.
"Well he did it. Fuzz did it. Fuzz joins Centurion here tonight and becoming the 2nd returning legend from the old days to win a title. Well done Fuzz."
The referee gives Fuzz the X-Treme title and he looks at it, and looks back down at the badly beaten Big D and starts laughing. He spits on BigD before walking away.
OOC: Thank you to everyone who helped on Day 2.
Chronic Chris Page
Tommy Wish
And anyone else who I might have forgotten.
I hope you all enjoyed it.
Special shout out to Tony Santos. What a run you had with the Hart Championship. Well done. Fantastic effort. Great work over the last 5 months. Unfortunately it had to come to an end sometime. Congrats again.
I needed an A+ game these past two weeks. One of the biggest wins of my career. Taking it off Santos, who I thought would retire with the damn thing, is an extra accomplishment in itself. Congrats on your reign, dude.
....I'm TOTALLY going to fuck this up
XWF Record - 214-100-9
XWF All Time Wins Record Holder
Official XWF Legend
3x XWF Anarchy Champion
3x XWF World Champion
8x XWF Canadian Champion (Record for most Canadian Title reigns)
1x XWF Hart Champion
6x XWF X-Treme Champion
5x XWF Tag Team Champion
2x XWF United States Champion
Inaugural XWF IDL Champion
1x XWF King of Anarchy
1x XWF King of Massacre
1x XWF Stable Champion
XWF Star Of The Month - May 2007
XWF Star Of The Month - July 2009
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2019
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2021
XWF Holiday Battle Royal Winner - 2007
How dis happen? Lol. Kidding, of course. But I agree seemed like Tony would die with the damn thing. Great job Tony and Cent both, both for the amazing reign that came before and Cent for managing to end it.
The following 1 user Likes Corey Smith's post:1 user Likes Corey Smith's post Tony Santos (09-28-2019)
3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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4 X-Bux: ✘50,000
3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
The following 1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post:1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post (09-29-2019)
Quote:AZREAL towers over DOLLY as they walk out towards the center of the ring with AZREAL looking down at his opposition and immediately DOLLY starts throwing hands to the chest of AZREAL only to see AZREAL palm the head of DOLLY as he holds her back using his reach to his advantage as if it’s a game.
This made my year.
2x Universal Champion (First reign was less than a day though, lol. Due to Sebastian Duke cashing in his briefcase.)
2x Tag Team Champion
3x Triple Tag Team Champion
1x Television Champion
2x US Champion (Title retired during my second reign as champ.)
2x X-Treme Champion
1x Bombshell Champion
2x HMW Champion
The following 1 user Likes Azrael Erebus's post:1 user Likes Azrael Erebus's post Chris Page (09-30-2019)
Chris Page
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP
XWF FanBase: Very random (heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)
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Joined: Thu Apr 25 2019
Posts: 422
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Hates Received: 87 in 68 posts
Hates Given: 35
Hates Received: 87 in 68 posts
99 X-Bux: ✘50,000
Quote:AZREAL towers over DOLLY as they walk out towards the center of the ring with AZREAL looking down at his opposition and immediately DOLLY starts throwing hands to the chest of AZREAL only to see AZREAL palm the head of DOLLY as he holds her back using his reach to his advantage as if it’s a game.
This made my year.
You’re welcome.
- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
With Robert "The Omega" Main
XWF World Heavyweight Champion