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Fuzz is mine bitches, get used to it
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Kieran Overton Offline
"The Destructive Beast"

XWF FanBase:
Hardly anyone to be honest

(booed by most fans; hurts people even when not supposed to; often angry and shitty)

09-06-2019, 06:37 PM

Next set of opponents discussions. Las Vegas, Nevada. Tuesday 3rd September (Off Camera)

After the win against multiple opponents on Savage last Saturday, Kieran was all high hopes as it made Henry have a big smile on his face, knowing the decision for Kieran to be apart of the XWF roster was the right one to make. He was able to run his mouth without being restricted to what he'd say, compared to the other company Kieran would've been signed to. It was totally Kieran's home to play.

At least once or twice a week if Kieran was apart of a match in another company, he comes to the office and talks to Henry about the upcoming match. However as of right now, he had been coming in the gym, working out with Raab and Samuel who had to leave with Henry to San Francisco, California tomorrow morning, even though Samuel and Henry were already set to go, but Henry didn't want to leave just yet because he had to talk to Kieran.

He left his office to head downstairs to the gym and sees the lack of interaction still from his lads, well more Lord Raab and Kieran weren't talking as they hated each other when they didn't talk or do wrestling together. Henry walks in and he sees Kieran using the punching bags as he taps on his shoulder as Kieran turns around and took his gloves off and says this.

Kieran Overton: “What's up?”

Henry Losak: “We need to talk now before I have business with Samuel and Markus tomorrow as you know, me and Samuel are going to California on Thursday for his match on Friday.”

Kieran Overton: “No problem at all.”

It was a good thing for once, Henry hasn't forced Kieran to work out as it was the only thing Henry wants Kieran to do more off was for him to come in without being requested. Henry took Kieran upstairs to the small meeting room where it was the only time they can get together unless Henry goes to Kieran's home, but he had a lot of work to do, regarding Samuel's and Lord Raab's next match. They take a seat and Henry speaks.

Henry Losak: “OK so you were successful in the match against multiple people last week. I do think you're very much hated in XWF.”

Kieran Overton: “Then that's great because I don't want to be liked or respected by these idiots in XWF. They can think whatever the fuck they like about me, including the fans, but I don't give a fuck.”

Henry Losak: “I know you don't and that's great. Ever since you've been apart of The Monstimals, even though the relationship between you and Lord Raab needs to improve, well, to be honest, I can't blame him mainly because you keep trashing his twin brother. Honestly, if you didn't do that, he'd be alright with you.”

Kieran Overton: “But I'm only saying how it is.”

Henry Losak: “It's best to keep your comments to yourself about him. Listen, Raab wants to like you, he generally does as he told me in private last weekend, but you need to stop shitting on his family member.”

Kieran nodded, he didn't like Markus's brother and it was only keeping a distance away from him and Markus's family because of Kieran's hate towards Markus's twin brother, but Henry quickly moved on from all of that and get to the main topic.

Henry Losak: “That's not the most important thing I want to talk about today, however. It's about your next match in XWF. Now while the last match, you could let yourself loose and joke around, but I tell you, this match you have to take a bit more seriously.”

Kieran Overton: “Why? It was my debut for fuck sake, of course, I was going to joke around.”

Henry Losak: “Yes, but what if I said to you that there's a chance you could be a TV title contender if you win against Fuzz who's the opponent Samuel faced in his first match, Miss Michelle and Cambyses, then would you take it seriously?”

Kieran Overton: “Ah, so that's why you wanted to talk to me?”

Henry nodded as Kieran has a huge smile on his face after hearing what Henry had to say and Kieran speaks about it.

Kieran Overton: “Ah, I must've done something to impress the XWF bosses then.”

Henry Losak: “Well winning a match does that, trust me. If you lost, you wouldn't get a title shot. I've been there with Samuel. The point is you need to do everything you can to beat the living hell out of Fuzz. He defeated Samuel last time out and was quite unfair to him.”

Kieran Overton: “I saw that match and that was bullshit Samuel was treated like that. I'll have no problems treating Fuzz like my fucking bitch. Know anything about the other two opponents?”

Henry Losak: “Miss Michelle also won her multi-person match last Saturday against Jason Rayne and Brian O'Haire.”

Kieran laughed because of hearing a woman beating both male opponents, while Henry didn't seem to think it's funny.

Henry Losak: “It's not funny.”

Kieran Overton: “Oh, but it is if no male wrestler was able to pin a woman who once again I'll say this and I'll say it again, don't belong in the wrestling business. They are all the fucking same. She sounds worthless, even if she got the win against male wrestlers who clearly suck.”

Henry Losak: “The other guy, he's new to XWF. Now, why has Cambyses got an opportunity for a title shot in his first match is beyond me. He should prove his worth first.”

Kieran Overton: “Yeah, that sounds more fucked up than Miss Michelle winning against Jason and Brian. That takes the piss out of every wrestler who's worked their asses off to get where they are and this fuck who hasn't stepped his feet inside of an XWF ring gets a title contender shot? Fuck him.”

If there's one thing Kieran hates more than anything else, it's wrestlers who jump into title contention matches without wanting to prove themselves. Of course, Kieran knows it's not Cambyses fault for that and was the XWF staff to blame. Even Henry had to nod at the situation, especially as Kieran and everyone else in the match had to earn their spot.

Henry Losak: “I agree, he shouldn't be anywhere near the match. Even Vita Valentine deserves to be in the match and that's saying something. I know that might be difficult for you to admit, but she does.”

Kieran Overton: “Yeah, I guess.”

Henry Losak: “But I know you can do it, beating all of those guys and girl in the ring because you're better than all of them and I'm not saying that either. Make sure you'll give Fuzz the most brutal beating you can give him, bring out The Destructive Beast all of The Monstimals know you can be. Show them who the fuck you are, especially to Fuzz.”

Kieran Overton: “Of course. Nobody else, but me can do that and I will. I would like a one on one match my next one though. Getting sick of these multi-person matches.”

Henry Losak: “Well, if you win this match, that will lead to that. Anyway, being in a multi-person match isn't a bad idea. Anyway, I have to do some paperwork now, just wanted to let you know about your opponents and what they've done. As for Cambyses, seeing that you don't know him very well, I got some information for you to read. I'll see you in the week.”

Henry hands Kieran information about Cambyses as he walks from the meeting room and goes downstairs to leave the headquarters to head back home, while Henry leaves the meeting room and goes into the office to get some paperwork done for Raab and Samuel. Henry was relieved that he told Kieran about the chance of him being a TV title contender next week and knew if he told him, he'd take wrestling a bit more seriously.


A chance to be a title contender part one shoot. (On Camera)

“Yes, I'm not going to brag about a win because that's only for people who never win matches in their entire career. I'm used to winning anyway so it's not a big deal. Moving on right away, I'm once again in another multi-person match, but this time it's not a regular multi-person match, it's for an opportunity for the TV title. Now, I've only had one match here, but I'll take any opportunities to come to me.

Anyway, we have two people who no question have done something in their careers of being in XWF, Miss Michelle and Fuzz and someone who for some reason got placed in this match for an opportunity he didn't do jackshit for, Cambyses. Of course, I know I got a lot of people to talk about here, but because I know more about Fuzz than I do with the others, I leave him until last so I move onto someone I have a limited history of, the undeserving piece of shit, Cambyses.

What an earth are XWF staff thinking, placing this wrestler in a match for a title opportunity he hasn't done anything for? Tell me why you haven't been placed in another match to start things off? I did and I won the match as well. It's disrespectful to me, Fuzz, Miss Michelle, Vita Valentine and other XWF wrestlers who deserve to be in this match more than you. In terms of your size, you're most likely pose the biggest threat because there's nothing I love more than big guys throwing me all over the damn place, but you're the most undeserving wrestler of the lot so that's all I'll say.

Oh great, another fucking woman wrestler who purely belongs in a fucking kitchen, only wrestling in this business because of her looks. Looks don't get you anywhere, but jackshit Michelle. Oh sure, you also won a multi-person match last Saturday, but that shows how fucking pathetic those male wrestlers are, losing to a pathetic woman who isn't built for this business. Professional Wrestling should be left to male wrestlers because the whole evolution of women entering the business makes me sick.

No woman who doesn't look like a fucking wrestler should be anywhere near the business, especially ones who look like they are better suited for being fucking models. All you women are the fucking same with no originality of how you look or how big or overweight you want to look, all the fucking same. Skinny fucking cunt. Women shouldn't be restricted to being in women's division? Women shouldn't be wrestlers in the business at all, period because you women make wrestling a fucking freak show. It's embarrassing and pathetic you all want equality, fuck out of here. After all, I'm a piece of shit of professional wrestling so of course, I'd say things like this. I am a sexist pig and I'm just as proud of being one as I am of being an overweight pig, get used to it.

As for you Fuzz, I certainly haven't forgotten how easy you thought that win you got over Samuel because truth been told, Samuel is a lot better than how you treated him. He's gonna come back in the future and trust me, you'll prepare yourself for a fucking war you shouldn't have started. Oh sure, you've been teaming with someone who calls people cunts, but you're still my fucking bitch and just how you treated Samuel, I will beat the two living shades of shit out of you to smithereens. I will give you The Destructive Beast you deserve and XWF roster wished they never had.

By the way Noah, you don't need Fuzz to call me a cunt because I'm living proof of that definition, I'm in fact the biggest cunt of professional wrestling as well as being a piece of shit of professional wrestling. Fuzz, I hope you'll enjoy me busting you wide open to a point you can't fight anymore and I permanently break your fucking leg with or without weapons because I'm not afraid of getting my hands dirty, especially on a skinny piece of shit like yourself. Cambyses and Michelle, leave Fuzz all to me because he's gonna get the worst beating known to man when I get my hands on him and I won't stop being the shit out of him whatsoever, especially how much bigger I am than him because unlike Fuzz, I'm made for being a professional wrestler. Anyway, I'll talk more about you pieces of shits later on during the week.”

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