"Donovan Blackwater's the name."
"Kicking ass and talking smack is my game."
"First I'll start with a joke."
"As I have a quick smoke."
"Then I will beat you all down, just the same."
"Hah! I'm a poet and I didn't even know it!"
"Well, isn't this exciting? The great and powerful Azrael Erebus versus Donovan Blackwater. Father versus son. The past meets the present. A match that was in the making, since the very start of my career and buzzed about as merely every fans' hopeful possibility, till now. All the while as I proved myself, time and time again. Wowing the crowds with my marvelous performances, while I kept them captivated with my charm, wit and of course... devastatingly handsome appearance. A true talent and a masterpiece to behold, in every way. I astounded and amazed the masses as they watched on in awe and I did it all, without arriving with a burlap sack on my head or a robot in tow. Imagine that."
"No offence to my dear ol' dad, when he first busted out onto the scene he wasn't exactly all there, if you know what I'm saying. I guess that's what happens when one incinerates four versions of the Earth and then locks themselves away, down in the cold, dark confines of the sewers. Oh sure, he did come up every once and awhile, he had to have or else my older brother, Oliver Last would have never been sired. But then it was always back to the depths. Back to the underground, subterranean solitude of the sewers."
"He thought of himself as a monster you see, so he hid himself away from humanity. A kind of self punishment for losing control, I suppose. Not to mention the fact that he was condemned to never utter another sound by the Universal Commune. Staying hidden must have made that easier and silenced the urge to speak. At least for awhile. As history shows, he became restless and eventually, had to emerge on a more permanent level. Despite the enforced vow of silence."
"That's what happens when you lose your shit and have to be forced into submission, in order to wrangle you back into control of your senses. When you have to be physically stopped by an authority figure to end your wrath and cease the destruction that you're unleashing. You get something you value taken away. On Earth it's freedom. Prison. A correctional facility of some sort. In this case, it was his voice. He still had the power to speak, he just wasn't allowed to use his voice. Hence the need for the robot, when he began his career in the XWF."
"All things considered, the consequences of his crimes, still weren't as harsh as they could have been. He could have wound up being sent away to the Realm of Madness, like what happened to Dillinger D'Marco. That all went away though and became obsolete, after the birth of my sister Lila. Back when he got banished from Ozuul for knocking up a human. A crime far worse than his past mistakes. Procreating outside of his species wasn't heard of... it didn't happen cause ordinarily the compatibility of dna and genetics, isn't there. In other words, pregnancy between humans and Dareikar Navaars is considered impossible and it doesn't work. At least it's not supposed to work. (I'm living proof that isn't entirely true.) There are special, unique circumstances and extra efforts that can be taken that will alter that outcome, things that few know about, unless they do some digging and research the topic."
"This was not a common subject for most to look up. So the religious nuts that followed the teachings of the Sanctioned Gods of the Universe, considered such an act to be a sign. They thought that the offspring was a dark omen. Foreboding and foul. The belief was that the first born child, between a Dareikar Navaar and a human was destined to bring about the end of the universe. The majority believed this lore so strongly and with such unyielding faith, beings came from all over the galaxy for the sole purpose of terminating Lila and her mother Viola's life. If only they were aware that she wasn't the first born child of Azrael, things might have gone a lot differently. Tragically Viola would be killed and my father was left to raise Lila alone. Still my father would always be looking over his shoulder. On an endless, constant watch."
"Till the day he got help from Theo Pryce. Since Theo and my father's late husband Orion look fairly similar, they were able to deceive the beings of Ozuul and convince them that Azrael deserved to be forgiven, ultimately through that lie the Universal Commune became persuaded as well, and Azrael's banishment was lifted. Not only that but all his previous crimes were abolished from his record and he was given a clean slate. That's what having a seat on the High Council will earn you. An audience with an open ear, the capacity for debate and a unified willingness to understand. With that privilege, 'Orion' basically sold them all the Brooklyn bridge, so to speak. Azrael had murdered the real Orion, when he kidnapped a then pregnant Viola and tried to kill her. So all they had to do was convince everyone that the man wasn't dead."
"No. He didn't die. He was simply in need of a long vacation, which he still must be on because there's no way he ever really returned, what with being dead and the fact that this was all a ruse. Unless everyone assumes the man retired. Who's to say what is truly believed at this point? All I know is that my father had his name cleared and he hasn't been hunted since then. Although, he was imprisoned inside of a gold rock for three years, so that's something to consider. But not before he hooked up with my mother, thus creating the Brothers Blackwater."
"Another pregnancy he would never know about, our lack of a father figure when we were growing up is something that we share in common with Oliver. Along with mothers that were driven insane by the fact that they carried and gave birth to half alien children. Without knowing the first thing, in regards of what to expect or how to handle it. Fun times. I still have nightmares on occasion because of all the terrible shit that I had to deal with. The horrors and abuse that I had to endure. It's why I suffer from panic attacks to this very day. Nothing that a little reefer can't cure."
"Originally, my brothers and I, were actually plotting on ambushing Azrael. We wanted to launch an attack and take him out, in a unified act. For abandoning us and leaving us in the care of a lunatic. Back when we first joined the XWF his destruction... his total annihilation, was secretly our main goal and if it wasn't for my late wife Abigail Monroe, we would have carried out our plan. However, she convinced us to use our words and because of that, we understood his side of things and gained a father. Something we never had in our youth but sorely needed, in spite of previously convincing ourselves otherwise. Where vengeance would have supplied something bitter and only fueled our hate, this achieved something more positive and pure. Now my son Arkin has a grandfather and in the end, that feels a lot better than revenge would have. And in the aftermath of our decision of peace, the bond between us and Azrael, continues to grow and strengthen. Everyday."
"Sucks I'm going to have to kick his ass."
"Were you expecting me to say something else?"
"Don't get me wrong, I care for my father a great deal. I also respect him and if I held back, that would merely insult him. He's a warrior, proud and strong, he wouldn't want me to give anything less than my all. To fight with everything in my power and do whatever it takes to claim victory. Which is precisely what I plan on doing. However, he's been fairly absent from the ring, his participation level lacks where mine excels and that will be his downfall. Meanwhile that is my saving grace and the advantage I need. If Azrael were at the top of his game, I wouldn't have a prayer but his appearances have been sparse at best, sporadic and random."
"He doesn't dive into wrestling the same as he used to, the passion seems to be all but gone. Compared to my drive and ambition anyway. I have rose to the occasion, time and time again, battling the odds and claiming victory against a multitude of opponents. The fight with my father, will be no different. Mark my words, my old man is going down, hard. And he's not going to get back up, not due to his lack of effort or trying either, he simply won't be able to rise and continue. Fitting I should be the one to carry this out. In a way, it's like a torch is being passed. The day when a son, surpasses the abilities of his father. This is my time to shine. It's finally time to really end this transmission."
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