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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Wednesday Night Warfare - 8/7/19 - results
Author Message
SBW-SmokingBobWilliams Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-07-2019, 09:54 PM



From !!!

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRF0YbxzJ28tSBV-0Q2h3F...VOItF8WdZZ]



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1st week rp only


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1st week rp only

[Image: JggTqeU.png]


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2 rps 2nd week
Winner must be the first to win 2 falls

Winner will face the Hart Champion next Warfare

Just as Wednesday Night Warfare goes live to air, the cameras are directed to the main Titantron. It suddenly stops working but then is taken over by outside influences where it begins to show:

Coming to the XWF very soon


'Step by Step the XWF takes
Little by little the Misfits Take'




The titantron goes back to normal..... and Warfare finally gets underway.


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Danza Kuduro hits and Hanari spins and dances his way out to the ramp in traditional latin Bachata style. He is carrying the flag of the Dominican Republic on a flag pole over his shoulder. He swings his hips and points at the ladies in the front row, winking and making the gun symbol with his thumb and index finger of his free hand. He spins again and walks his way down to the ring with a cocky head swing and a million dollar smile. Climbing the ring steps he gets into the ring, getting on the top rope and waving the flag a few times before jumping down and preparing for the match.

The entire stadium goes black as Burning Bright by Nine Inch Nails begins to play. Slowly, the X-Tron begins to show scarce, glowing embers, the light of each one illuminating smoke growing at the entrance of the ramp. As the song continues, more embers are seen until a large fire is displayed on the screen. The ramp then glows Ned's famous blue, revealing a silhouette in the smoke. Slowly stepping from the fog is none other then Notorious Ned Kaye. He stops for a moment, taking in the intensity of the situation. He lifts an arm, eyeing the stands to watch the many audience members who follow suit. With a single smile, he drops his arm and rushes towards the ring, slipping in from under the bottom rope, picking himself up immediately.

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then hear the eerie sounds of a bell being tolled and then an explosion of fire emitting from the entrance ramp. The beginning of DADDYS FALLEN ANGEL by IN THIS MOMENT begins as the heavy guitar riffs kick in and red strobes dance around the stage. As soon as the verse kicks in, we see Peter Gilmour and his main madame of malady and mayhem, Valerie Sky come out to the ramp. They smile at each other before going down the ramp hand in hand. Peter bobs his head to the song. They get in the ring together and Peter gets on the turnbuckle and throws up an "X" sign as pyro goes off above the ring. Peter hops down and kisses Valerie. They wink and smile sadistically towards each other and then, Valerie Sky the dark demonic, demented diva of destruction exits the ring and Peter turns his attention to the stage.

PIP: "This should be a good match, three great participants ready to give it their all...."

And with that, we're off! Hanari wastes no time, sprinting at Ned. Gilly sits back in the corner, smiling as his opponents whittle away at their stamina. Hanari hits Ned with a flying elbow! Ned drops backwards into the turnbuckle, then stumbles forward and...

Hanari grabs Ned's arm! The Viva la Republic!!! Hanari is wasting no time going for the win! Ned is locked in, and frantically sliding around the ring, trying to find the bottom rope, but he might be concussed from the elbow! Ned can't understand right from left!

PIP: "Ned is in all sorts of trouble here,"

HEATHER: "He's lucky this isn't a singles match, or it would be over now,"

Gilly is still sitting in the corner, unaware of what's happening, as he's admiring some of his followers in the crowd.

Peter: Suck my dick! Suck my dick!

The ref is down on the mat, checking with Ned, asking if he's tapping out! Ned is shaking his head furiously!

Gilly comes to, turning around to see his shot already slipping away. Peter runs to the two on the mat, and kicks Hanari hard in the head. Hanari takes the shot, but still holds on to Ned's arm, cranking it backwards with complete and utter force. Gilly kicks Hanari again.

And again.

And again.

Finally, Hanari lets go, rolling to the side of the ring, his bell rung.

PIP: "How many kicks did it take for Hanari to finally let go?"

HEATHER: "I counted 4 times,"

Gilly takes the opportunity to jump on a hurt Ned.


Ned kicks out at 1. Peter picks Ned up, and punches Ned square in the face. Peter takes a second swing, and connects again. Ned is wobbling back and forth, these hits to the head truly adding up. Peter swings again...

...and Ned blocks it! Ned returns fire, swatting Peter across the ear. Peter holds his ear, trying to wobble backwards, but Ned immediately grapples Gilly, and flings him into the turnbuckle. Ned jaunts over to Peter, and kicks him square in the gut. Peter takes the hit, then another kick, and another, slowly falling to the canvas. Gilly lays against the bottom rung of the turnbuckle, and Ned starts stomping the LIFE out of Gilly! The crowd counts Ned's stomps in unison, as Ned's stomps get quicker and quicker.


HEATHER: "It felt like Ned had, had enough of being the punching bag, so to speak,"

And then Ned takes a vicious leg sweep from a recovering Hanari. Hanari lifts Ned up, and then...

HE GOES FOR IT AGAIN! Viva la Republic!!!!

PIP: "He's go right back to being that punching bag, Heather,"

HEATHER: "Afraid so,"

But this time, Ned hits Hanari with a frantic elbow to neck, disrupting Hanari's windpipe and breaking the hold. Gilly sits in the corner, holding his gut as he recovers from Ned's kicks. Hanari and Ned quickly rise to their feet, lock arms, and then...

Spinebuster from Hanari! Hanari goes for the pin on Ned!


1 1/2...

Ned kicks out again.

HEATHER: "I have to say it, Ned is managing to hold on, and stayin this,"

PIP: "He never gave up in that rafter match, at Leap of Faith, and we all know what happened there,"

HEATHER: "Well said,"

Ned reaches for Hanari's head, grabs a chunk of hair, and then starts slamming Hanari's head into the canvas. The ref yells at Ned to break the hold.





Ned breaks the hair hold. Ned quickly rises, but then stumbles to the ground, the hits to the head just being too much to handle. Ned pushes himself to the corner, grabs a rung, and begins to climb the turnbuckle. He slooooooowly makes his way to the top, raises his arm in the air, and leaps...

...and Gilly hits him with a flying RKO! Gilly leaped from his corner and cashed in on Ned's slow ascent of the turnbuckle! All three men are down. The ref begins counting.

PIP: "What a move from Gilmour,"

HEATHER: "Whoever gets up first will be in control, surely,"






And Gilly is up! Gilly wobbles on two legs, and from the looks of his cross eyes, he's seeing stars. Gilly walks over to Hanari, and places his boot on his chest.



Hanari kicks out at 2! Gilly isn't done though, and looks to pin him one more time.

HEATHER: "Gilmour wants so bad,"


Kick out at 1. Gilly looks down at a dazed Hanari, shakes his head, and then lifts Hanari up to his feet. Gilly lifts Hanari as if he's about to be suplexed, and then... hits Hanari with the DEATHSTRIKE! A punishing piledriver that has Hanari out cold.

PIP: "Surely that Deathstrike will end things quickly now?"

Gilly smiles, taking his time around the ring, sensing that the end is near, and that he will be one step closer to a Hart Title shot. Gilly stops, and claps...

The crowd ROARS with excitement, chanting alongside Gilly.

Suck my dick! Suck my dick! Suck my dick!

Gilly smiles, raises both hands in the air, then makes an outline around his waist, as if the Hart Title is already around his waist.

HEATHER: "Stop being so theatrical, Peter, it'll only come back to bite you in the butt,"

Gilly's nose is lifted in the air... he can practically smell the Hart Ti...

Gilly is swiveled around and HIT WITH THE EGO CRUSHER! Ned nails Gilly with a hard drop to the mat, and now has Gilly's head squeezed in a headscissors! Gilly's face begins to turn to a shade of red as he gasps for air. The ref checks Peter, asking if he's going to quit.

Gilly: No!!

HEATHER: "See what did I tell you, i picked that would, happen, silly man Gilmour,"

Ned continues to wrench Peter's head, tighter and tighter. Peter can barely breath when...

Hanari grabs Ned by the arm and puts him in the Viva la Republic, for the third time tonight! Ned shouts out in pain, his arm having endured multiple finishers from Hanari, but Ned STILL has Gilly in his submission as well! Hanari PUUUUUULLS, and pulls!

Ned pokes Hanari in the eye! The ref didn't see it! Hanari releases the hold, clutching on to his eyeballs as if they're going to fall from his head. Ned releases Gilly, rolls over to Hanari, and, with a look of pure rage in his eyes, lifts Hanari up...

...and immediately drops Hanari. Ned's arm is in complete and utter pain, so much so that he can't support Hanari's weight.

PIP: "This isn't the main event, how good has this match been up to this point,"

HEATHER: "Ned is in trouble, Pip, Ned's arm looks gone, surely this is it,"

PIP: "Settle down Heather, just settle grettle,"

Hanari notices this, even with only one good eye, and goes for a kick to the gut, and Ned grabs Hanari's foot with his uninjured arm! Ned twists Hanari's ankle, and Hanari screams out in pain. Ned pushes Hanari closer and closer to the ropes, still holding his leg, and gives Hanari a swinging kick to the head, and Hanari tumbles to the floor! Hanari is hits the floor hard, and is both dazed and blind, unable to see or think coherently.

PIP: "What a turn of events, this match is on the cusp of something spectacular!"

Ned turns to Peter, who is starting to lift himself up, but is still attempting to catch his breath. Ned lifts Gilly, and...


This time, instead of going for the submission, Ned goes for the pin. Hanari rolls around the apron frantically as he hears the ref count.

HEATHER: "Is this it?"


Hanari gets to his feet.



Hanari quickly slides into the ring...



Hanari doesn't make it in time. Peter Gilmour has been pinned by Ned Kaye.

HEATHER: "It is it, Pip, it's all OVERRRRRRRRRR!"

PIP: "Gee Heather, I can't take you anwhere, calm down,"


Suddenly, the lights in the arena go out

HEATHER: What's going on?

PIP: I don't know. Someone forget to pay the utilities?

The tron lights up showing an unfamiliar video as Progenies of the Great Apocalypse by Dimmu Borgir begins to play.

One spotlight hits the ramp entrance as we see someone walking up.

HEATHER: Well look at this! It's none other than Famine of the Vile

PIP: What's he doing here tonight? This is a surprise.

Famine makes his way down to the ring as the crowd goes insane for the hall of famer.

HEATHER: I have to be honest PC, I didn't think the crowd would react to him the way they are and did at Leap of Faith.

PIP: I can kind of believe it. I mean the man looks amazing after all this time away from the business.

Famine is now in the ring as the music dies down and he grabs a mic.


Famine: Last night was proof that there will always be ONE Demon King. ONE king of darkness. ONE Famine of the FUCKING Vile! And now that I've disposed of that wanna be king of extreme Peter Gilmour, it's time to look toward the future.

I heard all of the comments and jokes. I get it. You think I was going to be one of these old dog, glory hounds trying to steal some spotlight from these new recruits? Hell no! This isn't some sad attempt at trying to revive a career from long ago. This isn't me trying to find myself by coming back to see if I still got it.

You ALL saw at Leap of Faith that not only do I STILL have it, but that I am back with a purpose. This company once meant something. When Jon Brown led the pack we were the most dominant company in the world and then he left. The next version of management was garbage compared to Jon. Then I hear you're making guys like Pete Gilmour Universal Champion?! Are you serious?! You actually gave that guy your biggest title and let him run with it?

I can guarantee that had I been here, that would have never happened. But sometimes you have to walk away and recharge your batteries. Sometimes you have to walk away and go back to your roots, find yourself and start all over again. But sometimes, it's tragedy that pushes you to do all of that. For me, it was when my son Brendan died. Most of you may remember, and most of you won't but Brendan, also known as Soul Bearer was taken from this world too damn soon.

I went into depression. I wanted to end my life. And the one company I thought would reach out, show support and love for one of their own just turned their backs on us like we never existed! Like we never did anything for this company and THAT right there is why I'm here. Because after everything we did, everything we sacrificed and bled for meant nothing. But that? That is going to come to an end because I can promise you ONE thing. Each and every single man that gets in my way moving forward will see exactly what Peter Gilmour saw at Leap of Faith! The lights in the rafters!

Famine drops the mic and heads out of the ring as Progenies of the great Apocalypse begins to play again.

HEATHER: Well I have to be honest PC, I think we’re in for some serious business from here on out. The last time I saw Famine like this was when he was at the top of his game.

PIP: Yeah Heather it seems like the time he was away from the business did him good.

HEATHER: Well technically he wasn’t away from the business entirely. I mean he still has his wrestling school in Orlando.

PIP: Well whatever he’s been doing it’s been working. I’m looking forward to seeing him in action.


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Michael McBride walks down the ramp and straight to the ring, where he gets inside and waits for his opponent.

"Mr. Kennedy's Theme" plays as Mr. Kennedy walks into the ramp with his manager, Paul Heyman. A mic drops from the ceiling and into Kennedy's hand, as the music cuts.

"Ladies and gentlemen, presenting his opponent......... MISTERRRRRRRRRRR KENNEDY!!!!!....................................Kennedy!!!!"

The mic rises back up to the top as Kennedy's music comes back on. He makes his way down the aisle and to the ring. Paul Heyman walks over to a corner outside as Mr. Kennedy climbs in. Before Kennedy can even fully get in, Michael McBride attacks him.

Pip: With these two in another match coming up, McBride looking to get an advantage!

Heather: He IS Irish, so he LOVES to fight.

Pip: That's a little racist, Heather....


McBride continues to hammer Mr. Kennedy in the corner with vicious boxing combos. He then whips Kennedy to the opposite corner and runs after him. Kennedy bounces off the turnbuckles like it was nothing and meets McBride with a clothesline that drops him. Mr. Kennedy follows it up with an elbow drop. With Paul Heyman barking orders from the outside, Kennedy picks his opponent up and delivers a Gutbuster, before covering.



Pip: Kennedy hoping to get a quick win so he's fresh for his next match.

Heather: He's gonna have to try a little harder than that.

Mr. Kennedy brings Michael McBride to his feet and delivers a kick to the gut, before putting McBride's head between his legs. Kennedy tries to hoist Michael up, but he fights it and instead flips Kennedy over his head. Kennedy quickly gets back up but McBride meets him with a gut kick of his own, followed by a DDT and cover.




Heather: Both men know the longer this match goes on, the harder it'll be to win later.

Pip: Which is why it looks like McBride is looking to finish him here, already!

As Pip says that, Michael winds up in preparation for a Celtic Clothesline. Kennedy gets up and McBride charges with force, but his opponent ducks his arm. Michael bounces off the ropes and is met with a surprise Enzuigiri by Kennedy!

Pip: Oh wow, looks like Kennedy just ended it!

Heather: He's covering McBride, is it enough?




Michael McBride gets a shoulder up, causing Mr. Kennedy to slam the mat in frustration. Heyman barks more orders and Kennedy listens by picking his opponent up and getting him into Powerbomb position once again. He lifts McBride up onto his shoulders, but the Irishman delivers multiple punches to Kennedy. Michael then slips behind Kennedy and attempts to Sunset Flip him, but can't bring him down. Kennedy goes to punch McBride, who stands himself up in time for his opponent's fist to hit the mat.

Pip: Michael McBride is a slippery devil.

Heather: Both men using alot of energy, wonder how it will affect them later?

Kennedy shakes the pain out of his hand, only to be met with a Belly to Belly Suplex. McBride pops back up and brings his opponent with him, hitting a Vertical Suplex before getting up once again, this time heading over to the corner. Michael goes outside to the apron and climbs to the top rope. Once at the top, McBride jumps off and nails Kennedy with an Elbow Drop, covering his opponent after.




Pip: Looked like McBride had Kennedy's number for a moment.

Heather: Kennedy is a veteran, it's gonna take more than a Top Rope Elbow Drop to finish him.

McBride bends down to pick Mr. Kennedy up, but is met with a finger in the eye. Michael backs up clutching his face, as his opponent has time to get up. McBride charges with an attempted Celtic Clothesline, but his temporary blindness causes him to take out the ref instead. He turns around and is met with a Low Blow by Mr. Kennedy, who puts McBride's head between his legs, hoists him up, and smashes him to the mat for a Powerbomb.

Heather: It's not the Kenton Bomb we remember, but it might just be more effective!

Pip: Kenton Bomb certainly describes his WWE and TNA career, though.

Paul Heyman begins yelling at the ref from the outside, but he's completely out. Mr. Kennedy orders for Paul Heyman to get him a chair, which he grabs from under the ring and slides in. Kennedy picks it up and wallops McBride's back with a hard shot, followed by another one.

Pip: McBride's mistake of taking out the ref is costing him dearly!

Heather: It wouldn't if Kennedy played by the rules.....

Mr. Kennedy walks to the corner and sets the chair on the mat. He walks over to McBride and brings him to his feet, walking them both to the corner. Kennedy lifts Michael up onto his shoulders and climbs up to the second rope. He looks to the chair, preparing to attempt a Green Bay Plunge into it. Before he can do it, though, McBride elbows Kennedy over and over in the side of the head. This dazed him, and allows Michael to slide off Kennedy's shoulders and slam him head first into the chair as Heyman screams.

Pip: Now look who isn't playing by the rules, Heather!

Heather: I don't think he MEANT to have him hit the chair, it's not like HE put it there.

Michael McBride slides the chair out of the ring as Paul Heyman is on the verge of tears. The ref has finally started to move, just in time to start a count for McBride who's covered his opponent.




Heather: Kennedy with a last second shoulder up!

Pip: You gotta wonder if he would've had that been a fresh ref counting.

A visibly tired Michael McBride runs his hands over his face before slowly standing up. He limps over to Kennedy's legs and locks in his Wicklock Ankle Lock, causing him to scream out in pain. Mr. Kennedy pushes himself up with all his might and rolls forward, sending McBride to the ropes. As Michael bounces off, Kennedy pops up and attempts an Enzuigiri, but McBride ducks the kick and locks in the Wicklock again on the other ankle. Kennedy reaches out for the ropes, but McBride wraps his legs around Kennedy's, keeping him from moving. Despite struggling to move closer to the ropes, Mr. Kennedy is left with no choice but to tap.


Heather: What a match, and this isn't the last we're seeing these guys tonight.

Pip: You gotta wonder how much either man has left in the tank after what we just saw.

[Image: JggTqeU.png]


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Winner must be the first to win 2 falls

As the commercials end the camera shows the huge structure of the five stages of hell in a cell match. The main ring now has a cage around it and piled on top of it, are 4 other rings, surrounded by cells.

The camera then shows Pip and Heather who are standing in front.

PIP: "What a massive structure this is, Heather please take us through the rules of this match,"

HEATHER: "There are five cages, the winner is the first to 2 falls, so just quietly if someone was smart enough they could win the match early by winning the 1st and 2nd stages!"

PIP: "What are the chances of that happening, Heather,"

HEATHER: 'We this is the XWF after all, so no chance really Pip,"

PIP: "Explain the 5 fall types, Heather,"

HEATHER: "1st fall is a normal 1... 2... 3 fall, 2nd fall whoever gets bloodied first loses and is gone, eliminated, 3rd fall needs to be submission and again eliminated, 4th fall the loser has to say 'I quit' and is eliminated, and final fall is a one on onr last msnstanding match. After getting that far to the tallest ring, the one with the lasy amount of energy will take this,"

PIP: "Thank you Heather, nicely explained, let's get to our seats and the match should be about to get underway,"

Danza Kuduro hits and Hanari spins and dances his way out to the ramp in traditional latin Bachata style. He is carrying the flag of the Dominican Republic on a flag pole over his shoulder. He swings his hips and points at the ladies in the front row, winking and making the gun symbol with his thumb and index finger of his free hand. He spins again and walks his way down to the ring with a cocky head swing and a million dollar smile. Climbing the ring steps he gets into the ring, getting on the top rope and waving the flag a few times before jumping down and preparing for the match.

The entire stadium goes black as Burning Bright by Nine Inch Nails begins to play. Slowly, the X-Tron begins to show scarce, glowing embers, the light of each one illuminating smoke growing at the entrance of the ramp. As the song continues, more embers are seen until a large fire is displayed on the screen. The ramp then glows Ned's famous blue, revealing a silhouette in the smoke. Slowly stepping from the fog is none other then Notorious Ned Kaye. He stops for a moment, taking in the intensity of the situation. He lifts an arm, eyeing the stands to watch the many audience members who follow suit. With a single smile, he drops his arm and rushes towards the ring, slipping in from under the bottom rope, picking himself up immediately.

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then hear the eerie sounds of a bell being tolled and then an explosion of fire emitting from the entrance ramp. The beginning of DADDYS FALLEN ANGEL by IN THIS MOMENT begins as the heavy guitar riffs kick in and red strobes dance around the stage. As soon as the verse kicks in, we see Peter Gilmour and his main madame of malady and mayhem, Valerie Sky come out to the ramp. They smile at each other before going down the ramp hand in hand. Peter bobs his head to the song. They get in the ring together and Peter gets on the turnbuckle and throws up an "X" sign as pyro goes off above the ring. Peter hops down and kisses Valerie. They wink and smile sadistically towards each other and then, Valerie Sky the dark demonic, demented diva of destruction exits the ring and Peter turns his attention to the stage

Michael McBride walks down the ramp and straight to the ring, where he gets inside and waits for his opponent.

"Mr. Kennedy's Theme" plays as Mr. Kennedy walks into the ramp with his manager, Paul Heyman. A mic drops from the ceiling and into Kennedy's hand, as the music cuts.

"Ladies and gentlemen, presenting his opponent......... MISTERRRRRRRRRRR KENNEDY!!!!!....................................Kennedy!!!!"

The mic rises back up to the top as Kennedy's music comes back on. He makes his way down the aisle and to the ring. Paul Heyman walks over to a corner outside as Mr. Kennedy climbs in.

The ref sprints to the corner of the ring, ready to ring the bell and start the match, when the lights go down...

"A Lesson Never Learned" hits, roaring guitars filling the arena. Tony Santos descends down the entrance ramp, hoodie with the hood over his head, quickly walking to the ring, scowl on his face. The disdain from the crowd pours in as Tony simply grunts at the crowd.

The chorus (Could be the end of the world, I'd still be laid here on my own, wasting my life away!!!) hits, Santos ascends the stairs and climbs the turnbuckle, one hand raised in the air. Boos rain in from the crowd as Tony simply soaks it in like a fine IPA.

Santos jumps off of the turnbuckle and hits the mat with his two feet, giving one more raised arm to the crowd, before turning to his opponents. Tony smiles, then grabs the mic.

Hanari, Ned, Gilly, McBride, and Kennedy. You're going for my belt, eh? You five???

Hanari, Ned, Gilly, McBride and Mr. Kennedy snarl at Tony, inching closer to Santos, before he raises a hand in the air.

Now now, gentlemen, don't get feisty with me! After all, I have beaten at least two of you, so I'd highly recommend not setting yourself up for further embarrassment. Save that for your inevitable defeat at the next Warfare!

But seriously, I just wanted to make the trip in to wish you all the best of luck... and because I needed the airline miles, for, you know, status reasons. But best of luck tonight! I'm sure you'll all carry yourselves with dignity, and in no way make fools of yourselves. Gilly, don't trip over your supposedly big ol' digit down there, Hanari, don't get caught admiring your beauty, McBride don't drink too much after this loss, Ken, we don't care about you, and Ned...

...oh Ned.

Make sure you spend less time congratulating your opponents on their abilities, and more time trying to win. Modesty doesn't win you titles, even if it has somehow provided you with a briefcase.

And with that, I'm gonna head to the back, grab a... sparkling water... and watch you all from the shitty little 10" TV they provided me in my locker room. I'll see one of you very soon!

"A Lesson Never Learned" blasts through the arena once again as Tony ascends the ramp.

PIP: "What a smart move by the Hart Champion to come out here and get inside the heads of these five. There goes the bell and the match is now under way with the first fall - Normal Fall,"

The bell rings and all 5 men stare at one another from their different parts of the ring. Suddenly McBride walks straight up to Gilmour and gives him a stare before holholdholding out his hand. Peter looks at it, smiles, and shakes McBride hands. Half the crowd boos and the other half knowing the history between these two cheers.

HEATHER: "Of course the former tag teams made a pact before hand, you had to see this coming,"

Suddenly they turn and race at Mr. Kennedy who is standing there at the sheer arrogance of the situation. He tries opening hismouth to say so but they are upon him hitting him with lefts sand rights in seconds.

Notorious Ned Kaye and Hanari Carnes meanwhile are holding back watching, conserving their energies.

PIP: "I don't think this is very fair!"

HEATHER: "It is what it is, Pip, so live with it,"

Mr. Kennedy is fighting back, he has Peter going backwards, but McBride comes up from behind, grabs him and executes a BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX.

He gets off and Gilmour follows up with a running LEG DROP, followed by a DIVING ELBOW by McBride. This partnership shows why they were Tag Team Champions in the past.

PIP: "Poor old Ken Kennedy with no chance to fight back,"

McBride goes for a quick cover after this fast paced hard out attack.




Michael McBride leads by 1 fall

HEATHER: "And that just goes to show just how fast this thing can turn and just how advantageous it can be to hold back if you can, to preseverve energy,"

The referee calls for the bell to halt the match, while a ladder decends from the 2nd cell above. Both McBride and Peter high five one another, pleased with their efforts.

Meanwhile an unstable Kennedy gets up mouthing off to them, while Ned and Hanari look on amused.

The referee gets them all to start climbing the ladder to the 2nd cell.

PIP: "So the next fall is 1st blood, and its the 1st elimination match, so I assume weapons can be used?"

HEATHER: "You assume right Pip, the one and only time that they can be,"

All 5 wrestlers get to the 2nd cage and the referee calls for the bell to resume the match.

No sooner had the bell sounded Mr. Kennedy was running across the ring, he jumps over Peter Gilmour and instantly strikes out at McBride, and to everyones shock and amazement, McBride is seen touching his cheek. There was blood on it.

Mr. Kennedy could be seen standing his ground holding up his hand and the camera spotting knuckle busters on his hand. All very legal. The referee has no choice but to call for the bell.

MR Kennedy leads by 1 fall

PIP: "What the hell just happened?"

HEATHER: "It seems that Mr Kennedy had weapon of his own on him, which is perfectly legal. What a great strategy by Mr. Kennedy. He planned it well,"

While McBride is told to use the ladder to gp back down to the bottom ring, the final four participants climb to the 3rd Ring. There the referee calls for the bell to resume the contest.

A shocked Peter Gilmour watches on as Mr Kennedy approaches him and starts mouthing off. Gilmour slaps Kennedy, making him stumble backwards. Hanari sick of watching quickly rushes up, and hits Mr Kennedy with a STEP UP ENZUIGURI.

Meanwhile Ned is also sick of waiting, runs at Gilmour, and executes a DROP KICK, getting him off of his feet.

PIP: "Now the action is hotting up,"

Ned turns around to see Kennedy use his brass knuckles again without the referee noticing, and low blows Hanari. Ned sees his chance, and as Kennedy sets Hanari up for a SUPLEX, Ned executes THE EGO CRUSHER on Kennedy. A.k.a A top rope Huricarana into a head scissors Submission move.

Kennedy is caught off guard by this and lets Hanari go. He tries to struggle with Ned's hold.

HEATHER: "What great timing and awareness from Ned, he was able to take advantage of the situation rather quickly,"

Mr Kennedy as hard as he tries, cannot break out of the hold that Ned had on him. Hanari was watching from his knees, while Gilmour was ready to pounce if Kennedy broke the hold.

Suddenly he had no choice but to tap, and as he did so he knew his chance of redemption was gone.

Notorious Ned Kaye leads by 1 Fall

PIP: "We are down to the final three just like that,"

HEATHER: "Great thinking by Ned, it's his match to lose now,"

As a dejected looking Mr Kennedy heads back down, Ned, Peter, and Hanari head up to 4th cage.

HEATHER: "One of these three will not be moving to the final cage because they will be saying 'I Quit,"

The referee calls for the bell high up in the 4th cage. Ned, Hanari, and Peter look at each other from their respective corners. Suddenly Ned's had enough of waiting around, and he walks towards Peter, Hanari falls for the trap, and starts running at Peter. Suddenly it's Ned who changes course, and manages to hit Hanari with a SUPER KICK.

Hanari goes down and it's Peter who launches himself on top of hin. The referee is nearby with a microphone. Peter hits Hanari with a few left's and right's.

Suddenly Ned comes along and for some reason pulls Peter off, and in one huge movement sends Peter running into the cage wall.

The impact is quite severe, and it makes all the cages start to wobble.

HEATHER: "This reminds me of Australia,"

PIP: "Sush Heather, don't tempt fate,"

With Ned's focus on Peter, Hanari quickly jumps to his feet, grabs a shocked Ned, and executes a SNAP SUPLEX. And just as quickly then sets Ned up for a SAMOAN DROP which he executes well.

Then for some unexplained reasoning he walks away from Ned, and heads straight to Peter who is trying to recover himself.

Peter is dizzy after being thrown into the cell wall which is only nayural. Hanari hits him with PUNTACANA KICK a.k.a a Super Step up Enzuiguri and down he goes. Hanari back to his feet hits Peter in his right arm with a few knee drops.

HEATHER: "He's clearly going after Peter's arm, this will spell disaster for Peter if he can't come back from this,"

Hanari helps Peter back to his feet and sends him shoulder first into the cage wall for good measure. While Peter slides down the wall, Hanari looks over and sees Ned on his feet. Hanari takes off and Ned turns too late and receives mouth full of a flying Hanari fist. Down goes Ned again.

PIP: "That has to hurt, surely?"

Meanwhile with his jungle skills so clearly evident, Hanari goes back to stalking Peter who is favoring his arm and having trouble getting back to his feet.

As he nears the downed Peter, Hanari yells at the referee to get into position with the microphone. After a drop knee to his back and then to his face, Hanari grabs Peter's arm and delivers the VIVA LA REPUBLIC a.k.a Cross Arm Breaker.

Peter yells out in pain......

PIP: "Is this it?"

HEATHER: "It has to be,"

The referee puts the microphone to Peter's mouth as Hanari continues to apply the VIVA LA REPUBLIC even deeper but Peter pushes the microphone away in pain. He yells harder.

It looks like Hanari wants to pull Peter's arm out of its socket. He yanks some more and tries a more aggressive acute angle.

Peter yells........

Hanari yanks harder.........

Peter yells.......

And then............

"I'm no quitter, you fuckers" yells Peter "But I quit," in a classic Gilmour euphemism

Both Notorious Ned Kaye and Hanari Carnes are level on 1 win each.

PIP: "He had no choice but to say 'I quit', poor Peter,"

HEATHER: "And just like that we are down to the final two. KAYE and CARNES,"

An exhausted looking Ned and Hanari start climbing the final ladder to the final cage. Last Man Standing time.

Peter looks like he'll be having trouble even getting down to the bottom cage with his arm banged up.

HEATHER: "Here we go the final fall. Last Man Standing. Someone will not be getting up sooner or later,"

The bell rings and both Ned and Hanari exhaustedly look at one another. Who will make the first move?

It's Ned who steps forward first and heads towards Hanari who stands his ground. Hanari starts mouthing off as Ned gets closer. Ned smiles and then lashes out with a punch but Hanari blocks it, Ned tries to knee Hanari but Hanari blocks that move.

Ned steps back but Hanari follows up with a foot stomp catching him unawares, and immediately Hanari goes on the front foot, he grabs Ned and places him in a headlock. He runs forward and executes a RUNNING BULLDOG.

PIP: "Wow that's not his usual move,"

HEATHER: "It's obvious it's going to take something unusual to win this match,"

Hanari stands up and immediately orders the referee to start the 10 count.




To the cheers of his fans Ned jumps to his feet.

Immediately Hanari hits back with an attempted lariat, but Ned ducks, and then hits Hanari with a LEG SWEEP taking his legs out from under him. He then jumps on the fallen Hanari and hits him hard with wild haymakers. A few connect.

Ned then gets up, runs across the ring, comes back and DOUBLE STOMPS Hanari as he is attempting to get up.

Ned yells at the ref.





Hanari slowly gets back to his feet, but Ned follows up with a SUPER KICK. Down goes Hanari again but instead of getting the ref to count, Ned walks up to Hanari, helps him to his feet, sets him in position and executes a VERTICAL PRESS which he does well and orders the referee to start the count.


PIP: "What a move from Ned, he wants this so badly,"





Hanari slowly gets back to his feet, Ned looks flummoxed. He grabs Hanari and tries to set him up for a suplex, but Hanari has other ideas, and with his last remaining energy, he slips out of Ned's hold and whips a shocked Ned into the cell wall. Hanari follows up with a flying knee to the back. They both collapse ti the floor.





Ned's stirring.......

Hanari's stirring



Hanari gets to his feet......


Ned gets back to his.....

PIP: "They both look exhausted,"

HEATHER: "You would be too,"

Hanari stumbles towards Ned, and tries to hit him with a STEP UP ENZUIGUIRI, but Ned sidesteps the move, catches Hanari with a huge SUPER KICK that sends him crashing into the cage wall and it makes the whole structure shake more so than when Peter hit down below.

Hanari collapses to the floor. Ned slups tp his knees in exhaustion. The referee starts the count.







Hanari is trying to get up.


Ned stands up just to be on the safe side. Meanwhile Hanari is trying to get to his knees.



Hanari is almost up, but then he collapses.


PIP: "Oh my god he's done it, Ned's won a shot at the Hart title on the 4th September edition of Warfare,"

HEATHER: "Congratulations to Mr On Fire Lately Notorious Ned Kaye,"


Notorious Ned Kaye

Receive a Hart title shot on 4th September 2019 Wednesday Night Warfare


The scene fades in as a shot of the front gold plate of the XWF Universal Championship is shown while the voice of one “CHRONIC” CHRIS PAGE is heard.

“They say possession is nine tenths the law…”

We fade the closing moment of MAIN versus PAGE from Leap of Faith where MAIN delivers the Dead Man’s Hand and scores the CLEAN pinfall on one CHRIS PAGE as CHRIS voices over.

“We all know Main LOST the war of the words leading to this showdown… and yet he prevails?”

The shot fades back to the tight shot of the gold plate of the XWF Universal title as the voice over continues.

“And they wonder why the company has the reputation that they have amongst Legends and Icons within this business; I digress, let me stick to the “script” before I’m fired for telling the truth, they say possession is nine tenths the law, I promised the world I would be leaving with the Universal Championship… and that’s exactly what I did.”

The shot remains focused on the XWF Universal Championship as CHRIS’s voice continues to be heard.

“For the better part of two months we’ve played this game YOUR way… now we start to play it MY way.”

The tight shot fades back revealing the XWF Universal Championship on a slab of cement on a side walk as CHRIS’s voice continues.

“I have something that you want, DICK, and the way I see it is you have two options… the first option is to have the company shell out the money to replace the belt, which is extremely viable since they love you so much…”

We hear what sounds like the fly of some jeans unzipping as CHRIS’s voice continues to be heard.

“Or the second option; play the game MY way and on September 29th at the horribly named “Relentless” Pay-Per-View event you meet me inside HELL IN A CELL where the winner will in deed take all!”

Suddenly a steady stream starts to splash off the gold plates of the XWF Universal Championship. Several seconds pass before the stream lets up before going to a drip then a dribble before the sounds of a zipper zipping is once again heard before the camera pans back, up and out to see that CHRIS PAGE is standing over the Universal Championship in a pair of black jeans and a black t-shirt that features an XWF log on the top with the words “JOB SQUAD” written underneath the logo followed by “PIN ME, PAY ME.” Which is written under Job Squad.

In his right hand is a small, clear and empty water pitcher with little drips still dripping from the lip of the pitcher on to the Universal Championship as CHRIS states directly into the camera.

CHRIS PAGE- “The next time it’s not going to be a joke. You have until SAVAGE to provide me with an answer.”

The scene immediately cuts to static as WARFARE leaves the air.

OOC: Sorry for the lateness of results, I was hoping to get them out much earlier but I was writing the Main Event and wanted to do it justice, then a late segment came in which I had to edit, so that took more time.

Thanks to you who roleplayed, it was a small card following the PPV so much appreciated.

Thanks to Tony Santos and BigD for them writing matches as well as Tony writing a segment.

Plus those others of you who wrote segments, you know who you are.

I hoped you all enjoyed the show, once again apologies for lateness.
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[-] The following 8 users Like SBW-SmokingBobWilliams's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (08-08-2019), Ghost Tank (08-07-2019), Hanari Carnes (08-08-2019), Michael McBride (08-11-2019), Ned Kaye (08-07-2019), Peter Fn Gilmour (08-08-2019), Theo Pryce (08-08-2019), Tony Santos (08-08-2019)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-08-2019, 12:20 AM

I hate work. Should've done better for this show.. But I'll get my Hart title back. I promise u that

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Peter Fn Gilmour's post!
Hanari Carnes (08-08-2019)
Ghost Tank Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-08-2019, 12:29 AM

If you can get through me... keyword IF... you anorexic fuck.

[Image: Vn6ynTV.jpg]
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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Ghost Tank's post!
Peter Fn Gilmour (08-08-2019)
Hanari Carnes Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-08-2019, 11:39 AM

(08-08-2019, 12:20 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: I hate work. Should've done better for this show.. But I'll get my Hart title back. I promise u that

Get in line, chico
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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Hanari Carnes's post!
Peter Fn Gilmour (08-08-2019)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-08-2019, 02:27 PM

oh ghost wank ill get through you then hanari, chico IF you beat Tony Santos which I dont think you will, I'l be glad to do battle with you again and send your ass back to Mexico or wherever you came from in a bodybag.
that hart title WILL be coming home to me once again!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Corey Smith Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-08-2019, 06:05 PM

I'd like to move to officially rename Chris Page, "Pissy Chrissy".

You can have that, Bobby.

[Image: CoreySig6A.png?width=270&height=406]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-08-2019, 09:27 PM

i move to call him main's bitch

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Michael McBride Offline
Whiskey, Cigars and guns.

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-12-2019, 12:16 AM

"I had a wonderful time. Made Kennedy me bitch twice, but hey. He got one in. Good for you lad. I'll show you how to properly to use a knuckle Duster the next time I see you." Good to be back."

XWF Achievements
1x Hart Champion
2x Xtreme Champion
1x Television Champion
2x Tag Team Champion w/ Peter Gilmour-Purebred Killers
Quadruple Slam Champion
[Image: svR0kd1.png]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Michael McBride's post:
Mastermind (08-12-2019), Peter Fn Gilmour (08-13-2019)

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