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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » Leap of Faith (July 13th) PPV RP Archive
Joy Giovanni Snaps, And Hunter Payne Preaches
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07-08-2013, 03:57 PM

-An XWF cameraman caught Hunter Payne and Joy, they are seen in a church, a medium sized church where they are in the front row, Hunter is deeply enthralled by what the pastor is saying, when Joy spots the cameraman coming in-

Joy: -Whispers To Hunter Payne- I'm going to step out for a minute...

-Joy then goes out and directs the cameraman to follow her, and she looks pissed!-

Joy: I am so mad!... But not at you, in fact I'm glad you came. I have something to get off my chest. Take a walk with me.

-Joy walks down the church steps and walks out of the parking lot and down the semi-busy street the church is on-

Joy: You see, Hunter Payne is going through this thing, where he is not going to argue with Unknown Soldier, but rather show him the error of his ways and lead him closer to God. And.. I don't know.. I guess I'm just not as strong-willed as Hunter, to be able to take all this criticism and not dish out any criticism back. He knew going into this, that the verbal insults were going to come swift and hard, and he was ready to take it... But I wasn't. See, I do believe Hunter Payne is doing the right thing with his whole 'preaching to the wicked to heal them' thing. But ugh I just can't take it anymore!

-Joy gets more frustrated and loses it-

Joy: Fuck this Unknown Soldier! Seriously, If you have to align yourself with the most evil thing ever, just to try and convince everybody that your this evil entity we should all fear, then it's YOU that is the true 'joke' of this match. Why don't you just show everyone how 'evil' you are off of your own merits pussy! No, instead you will continue to hide behind the devil, and continue to use him to elevate your 'the devil is bad so that makes me bad too' ego, while sitting on satan's lap continuing to be his good little bitch!...You talked about Hunter Payne's name, how would a Mexican have a name like that? Well I don't know which Klan rally you just came from, but the majority of people in America are mixed races if you didn't know. I know right, shocker! Like for example, his mom's side being Mexican and his dad's side being Caucasian, that would make it very possible to have a name like Hunter Payne. But you're the last person who should be talking about names Dante The Unknown.... Oh and what's with you being this hobo guy that some-fucking-how speaks with college level grammar? Explain that to me! Oh, maybe it was your Norwegian upbringing? No because I'm sure if your parents and teachers were smarter, they would have told you that God wins in the end, the devil is a fallen angel who tried to overthrow God, and failed! You're worshiping the loser. But you should be used to being a loser. And If your parents and teachers were more strict with you, Well then we wouldn't have the dumbfuck that is Unknown Soldier standing before us today! Strict parents and teachers would have beaten your stupid personality and beliefs in false idols out of you a LONG time ago!

-Joy takes a quick pause, then continues-

Joy: Over the past week, I've heard you call Hunter Payne stupid, an amateur, and other ten dollar words. And I was thinking, "That's it? This is what we were waiting for? We heard so much about Unknown Soldier and Peter Gilmour's promos. And that was it?! What a huge disappointment from a spawn of satan and the Xtreme Icon." The only thing I assume is more disappointing is how unsatisfying both of you would be in bed. Whether those poor victims of your erectile dysfunction were dead or alive -cough cough- Dante! -cough cough-... Oh no, I better watch what I say! Or else Peter Gilmour will tell his mother and Unknown Soldier will increase the level of his vocabulary even more! That's so frightening you two!

-Joy takes another pause and continues-

Joy: And where is this other guy? You two said you can do it by yourselves, and for your sake, I hope you're right. Because it looks like Mister Mystery mysteriously vanished! He did the smart thing and skipped town. So it's beginning to look like the Trio Tag Titles will be defended in a handicap match at Leap Of Faith? I mean I like how hard you to tried to disguise it, but admit it. Mister Mystery isn't here! And he won't be in your corner! And you're losing the Trio championships! But it's not like you give a shit about it right Unknown Soldier, It's only worth 5 dollars right? Geez, with ambition like that I can see why you're so successful here. Or hey maybe the lesson here is; if you stick around in the company long enough, no matter how much people hate you, you're bound to get something done around here, eventually... And don't you dare talk to me about how long you've been here or how young you're opponents are when compared to you. Yeah, That's not a good thing! It just proves my point that you have been leeching from this company for far too long you old fuck!

-Joy starts to walk back to the church and continues-

Joy: Hunter Payne may not want to discuss how malevolent... you're NOT! But I do, we're supposed to believe a certified bum will defeat three of the brightest YOUNG stars of the company by himself? One of his partners is more focused on his other Championship and the other partner is nowhere to be found!... I don't care how 'scary' you think you are, bottom line is this is Professional Wrestling! Not Halloween, Your little devil costume and black magic tricks don't mean shit in the ring! You will be pinned or you will tap, and so will your partners,... Now, Hunter Payne may care if you're saved by Jesus Christ and accept him into your heart by Leap Of Faith! But I don't. I hope you lose so badly you never want to show your ugly face around here again!

-Joy walks through the parking lot and up the church steps while talking-

The Rock, Dean McGovern, and Hunter Payne are leaving Leap Of Faith as the Trio Tag Team Champions! And that is the best damn thing that can happen. I have complete Faith these three men will restore the dying Trio Tag Team division. That never really got started actually. But, I promise it will. Right after they win the titles from the three men that have done absolutely nothing with those belts since winning them. Unknown Soldier, you want to talk about how cheap those Championships are? Yeah, that is kind of your fault... No wait, that's ALL your fault. The Championship doesn't make the man, The man makes the Championship! So there you go Dante, your entire title reign wrapped up in about 3 sentences... asshole.

-Just then the church door swings open, It's Hunter Payne!-

Payne: Joy, where have you been? and what's this camera guy doing here?

Joy: I needed some air, but I think this cameraman is here to discuss Leap Of Faith with you...

Payne: Is that right? Well then I think we should go for a little walk...

-Payne with Joy in tow walk down the steps and down the parking lot and onto the sidewalk of the semi-busy street. In fact, it was the exact same route Joy already took-

Payne: "But without faith it is impossible to please him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." -Hebrews 11:6.... See we all need Faith, Now the majority of my colleagues will take a Leap Of Faith, but I fear it's not Leap Of Faith for God, but for their wrestling careers. When what should be taken is a Leap Of Faith into your next life after this one, a Leap Of Faith to spend eternity in Heaven! See my friends we are all going to die one day. This shouldn't be a shock to you. But what will be a shock to some of you is that just you believing in God and Jesus Christ isn't going to be enough get you in! Even Demons believe in the existence God and Jesus Christ. If you want to get to Heaven, you have to do more than just believe. You have to SEEK HIM DILIGENTLY! Do you know why God doesn't just appear to us as he did in the Bible to Moses and others? Because he wants to test our unbreakable Faith in him! If God just appeared all the time then everybody would be Christian. It doesn't work that way. We must take a Leap of Faith and believe in him, even when we cannot see him. We are all sinners and we must seek him with all our heart! We must all take a Blind Leap Of Faith brothers and sisters to start our search for him. And I know it's scary at first, but an eternity in Heaven is worth it.

-Hunter starts to walk back towards the church-

Payne: "Though I walk in the midst of trouble, Thou wilt revive me; Thou wilt stretch forth Thy hand against the wrath of my enemies, And Thy right hand will save me" -Psalm 138:7. Translation, I know I head onto a troubled path, but God will bless that path for me... Now I know of Unknown Soldier's and Peter Gilmour's accomplishments. I am well aware what they are capable of in a wrestling ring. But as I head on this troubled path, as well as many other troubled paths in my life. God will bless and light these dark paths for me. And that will guide me, to more than just a victory, it will help me save one Unknown Soldier. Unknown Soldier I hope you watch this, because I want you to know, that all of your paths can be blessed as well. All you have to do is accept Jesus Christ in your heart and seek him with diligence! So I ask you Unknown Soldier for the first time, but if your stubborn I promise it won't be the last, Will you accept Jesus Christ in your heart as your Lord and Savior?

-Hunter Payne reaches the church door and holds it open for Joy then proceeds in after her closing it behind him, and the video ends-

[Image: 111315-wwe-Eddie-Guerrero-pi-mp.vresize....high.1.jpg]

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