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It's just a leap of faith - PROMO #2 OF 3
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Mastermind Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

07-26-2019, 12:57 AM

quote Said:That's one small step for (a) man, one giant LEAP for mankind.

~Neil Armstrong - 20th July 1969 (50 years ago)
The first human to step foot on the moon.


On his way back to spend a couple of days back in New Zealand before heading to England for the PPV, Mastermind decided to divert to Sydney, Australia to see an old friend.

He hired his own rental car and made the drive out to outer sydney to the farmlands that also had Outback Jack's training facilty, in the middle of it.

It was mid morning so he knew where Outback Jack would be. In the gym, right in the middle of his 'clients' trying to show them where they went wrong after their matches in the weekend.

This morning Outback Jack sounded really angry, as he was laying down the law to three of his 'clients' who clearly weren't listening to his instructions.

Mastermind sat down right near the door, trying to be inconspicuous.

"I told you three a thousand times, if you don't want to be here, don't waste my time, I'm getting too old for crap like this. Either take my advice on board or get the hell out,"

Outback Jack threw his hands up in disgust and turned around and walked to the ropes. He rested on them for a second and then looked towarda the door. He squinted and made eye contact with Mastermind. He smiled.

"Well, well, well," said Outback Jack turning back around to his three 'clients' "it's your jokers lucky day, as we seem to have a visit from wrestling royalty."

Everyone turned around to look at the door, Mastermind, saw two sets of eyes who he was familiar with. One was Xavier, Outback Jack's eldest trainer and Zana, Outback Jack's eldest daughter, who was now the co-owner with her father of Outback Jack's Training Facility.

Outback Jack jumped out of the ring and headed over to Mastermind with a big fat smile on his face.

"'M' my boy, it's great to see you again,"

It had been 22 years since Mastermind trained under Outback Jack, and it had been 10 years since they saw each other in person, but they would speak over the phone every few months.

"Hi Jack," Mastermind replied semi smiling

Outback Jack gave him a huge hug
"Why didn't you tell me that you were coming here?"

"It was a spur of the moment decision," replied Mastermind

"Well I'm glad you did, can you give me a quick hand? Do you feel like getting a little sweat on?"

"Depends on what you want me to do?" smiled Mastermind

"See those three in the ring?"

"Yes," replied Mastermind without looking

"They are the ones giving me the most push back but they have the most potential out of the whole group. I just need for you to give them a proper kick in the butt,"

"Okay, but I get to choose the stipulation,"

Outback Jack smiled "Sure, I think I know what you want to use,"

Mastermind nodded.

Outback Jack turned back to the ring
"Mr Smith, Mr Jackson, Mr Baynes, it's your three lucky day. I want you head to the Rope Shed. Get yourselves ready for a simulation match, I'll see you three over there in 15 minutes,"

Outback Jack turned back to Mastermind "Let's go for a walk,"

But before they could go anywhere Xavier walked up.

"Hey 'M' it's great to see you,"

"It's good to see you too Xavier,"

"How long are you for?"

"I'm just passing through, I just needed to see Outback Jack quickly,"

"Well it's been too long, you've done well for yourself I see. A Television belt and another tilt at that XWF X-treme Belt,"

"Thank you, i worked hard to get those wins,"

"Hi 'M'" came Zana's voice from behind Xavier

Mastermind looked at Zana and nodded
"Hey Zana, it's good to see you are finalky working with your dad,"

"Someone had to keep it in the family business," laughed Zana

"Hey I'm not retired yet," replied Outback Jack "If you two can excuse me I need to catch up with 'M' quickly."

Outback Jack hussled Mastermind to the door leaving Xavier and Zana behind, who were speechless.

As they got outside, Outback Jack put his arm around Mastermind's shoulder.

"After all these years knowing you 'M', I know you tirning up here means that you feel like you are in the middle of a crisis in confidence,"

Mastermind had to nod with how right Outback Jack often was, and at this particular point, he was bang on,

"Yes you are right,"

"And it's to do with your six straight losses?"

"Again correct,"

"You didn't come to me after going through your worst ever period in the XWF with 9, so why now?"

"Back then I was learning and felt they were deserved losses, this time not so much!"

Outback Jack stopped which forced Mastermind to halt.

"So here's a question for you to think over. What's the difference between 9, 6, 17, 20 or 11? Would you still be learning something about yourself from all those losses?"

"I reckon so, yes," replied Mastermind

"Then tell yourself a number is just a number even if you go through through all those losses. So what if people comment on how big a deal that many losses is..... yes it may hurt going through that many, yes it may feel embarrassing, but you can make a comeback by stating they lost to a particular person that they were supposed to beat. That is as embarrassing as losing that many times.

"Stop worrying about it 'M', that's your biggest weakness which cripples you, you worry about the number of losses rather than your next match. Your past is the past - you can't fix. But you can fix the now, the present."

"I hear you," replied Mastermind

"Good because you got this Leap of Faith rafter match that you have got coming up. You know your opponents, you know how most of them click, use that against them."

"You know," started Mastermind "You are right on the money in regards to that,"

"Of course I am because I know you 'M', you've got this. Ypu can run circles around BigD, Notorious Ned Kaye, Brian Storm, Donovan Blackwater, and even Robbie Bourbon. You know their weaknesses as much as they know about yours, so do yourself a favour and stand up for yourself like we all know you can. Like I said, you've got this."

Mastermind nodded "I DO HAVE THIS,"

"Great.... I'm glad I could be of assistance.... now let's show those boys how listening to me is really beneficial,"

"Lead the way," laughed Mastermind


DISCLAIMER: Attention Sarah Lachlan....... because you find my promos boring please stop watching, as you don't need to be bored to death as you have too much going for you.


The camera fades in to the thinking room of Mastermind as it finds him sitting in his chair that he hasn't used for a while.

"Coming up this weekend I will be involved in my second ever Leap of Faith pay per view, and my first time in the infamous Leap of Faith rafter match. The winner ]receives a 24/7 briefcase.

"I go up against 5 other opponents, Donovan Blackwater, BigD, Notorious Ned Kaye, Brian Storm and Robbie Bourbon. As I sit here in front of the XWF Universe, I guarantee to all of my fans that I WILL WIN the Leap of Faith rafter match come hell or high water.

"I have one thing on my side which all five of my my opponents do not have and that is UNDERSTANDING....."

Mastermind stopped and waited for his words to sink in, before speaking again.

"That's right, you all heard what I said and that was Understanding. None of them UNDERSTAND what is about to happen on Sunday, but I do.... None of you UNDERSTAND the amount of hard work that goes with training for this rafter match, but I do.... None of you UNDERSTAND the sheer enormity of the outcome to this match but I DO..... None of you UNDERSTAND about anything when it comes to me when I am left to come from the depths of despair but I DO. So I will make you all UNDERSTAND now..... Just sit back and relax..."

Mastermind sits forward in his chair.

"First of all let's start off with the two elephants in the room. Donovan 'I'll only turn up if I feel it suits me, and if I do, it'll be late in the piece' Blackwater, and Robbie 'I'm too fucking lazy to think about a Rafter match but I'll still turn up, albeit late, spread my vile, and maybe win the match if I try' Bourbon.

"These two big dumb mofo's are good at what they do, but I UNDERSTAND that it's all about commitment and caring with them. Both of them don't really give a fuck, because if they did, we would have heard from them by now, and much earlier. That's why they are both elephants in the room, we know they are there, but should we really care? I think not. So instead of caring about what they might say and do, let's not waste any more breath of fresh air of them, because they certainly aren't wasting any breath talking to us about what they may want to do."

Mastermind smirked his infamous smirk, and sat back.

"Next up let's talk about Brian 'a dear caught in the headlights' Storm. I UNDERSTAND Brian that you are new here, and you really don't want to make waves, after all you are the rookie amongst us, so you try an approach which seldom works. Being nice. I tried that a few times when I started out, didn't really do me any good, apart from making a few friends with certain people, but I won't go there. So go on, carry on the nice boy routine, and see what happens when reality slaps you in the face when you're falling off the rafter come Sunday, and then you will digress that maybe just maybe that was not really the right approach, but like I said, reality will bite you in the bum when you hit the ground at well over 40 miles an hour, and how much you care after that."

Mastermind chuckled for a second at the mere thought of Brian Storm hurtling backwards off of the rafter onto his bum hitting the ground. Then he started feeling his right knee which was still giving him grief after his match with Notorious Ned Kaye, a few weeks ago.

"Notorious Ned Kaye, another 'I want to be the good guy' routine. 'I want to do this right' 'I want people to like me when sometimes I don't even like myself'.... don't get me wrong I have huge respect for you and I mean huge..... But UNDERSTAND me when I say, I want revenge for when you made me say 'I Quit' and nearly tore my knee off of the bone, which would have meant months on the sidelines instead of having to spend just one month.

"I'm not one to stop dead in my tracks. I only do that in retirement. Or Semi Retirement. Standing still, doing nothing is not what I do well. Don't get me wrong, to spend a month at home with my wife and family will do me the world of good, but I rather be facing people. And you Ned have certainly put a dent in that and that is why I'll be focusing on getting to you first, come Sunday and doing everything in my power to get rid of you from the match, because if you UNDERSTAND that then that's all well and good, but there's more to it than meets the eye which I won't go in to now....... So you can fight as much as you can, but in the end it won't be enough if I have my say, and I'll make certain of it. The end will justify the means, and the end will be me having my say, and you have nothing to talk about."

Mastermind sits forward in his chair, he's about to open his mouth when he's distracted by something off camera. He's being spoken to by one of his staff.

"Wait what?"

The staff member responds again but the camera can't pick up what he's saying. Mastermind starts to smile. He looks back at the camera.

"it seems the first elephant in the room, Donovan 'I'll only turn up if I feel it suits me, and if I do, it'll be late in the piece' Blackwater, has just sent out a promo while I have been filming so let me just take a minute to check out what he did......."

Mastermind clicks his fingers and the camera fades out.

Once again the clicking of fingers has the camera fading back into the thinking room of Mastermind's mansion, and he sitting in his chair with a stern look on his face. Then he just bursts out laughing.

"Let me change what I said about Donovan' I'll only turn up if I feel it suits me, and if I do, it'll be late in the piece' Blackwater, to let me see, what are the right words to describe his promo..... oh yeah how about Donovan 'Fast and Furious, I don't give a shit, just make something up and put it out, and don't worry about it' Blackwater. UNDERSTAND this Donovan..... Give a shit next time, will you, it's like you half assed that promo of yours. If you are coming for me first and foremost like you said you were going to do, then that's just going to turn around and bite you in the bum as you fall to the ground without even touching the briefcase. So bloody what if I can't beat Zane, you're not winning this thing, that's for sure. You clown."

Mastermind chuckles once more before looking back into the camera.

"Last but not least I left you for last BigD, because like I said in my last promo you are the biggest copy cat of them all. In your promo that you sent out recently you made yourself a t-shirt. We'll get to what it was about in a minute, but that just goes to show that you are not original, and you have to make a t-shirt to rely on my t-shirt making expertise. Truly pathetic mate, that really is.

"Now let me say this....."

Mastermind sits forward.

"And UNDERSTAND when I tell you...... How fucking dare you use my dead mother's memory as an excuse for a t-shirt. How fucking low can you go? Sure I have my wife and staff telling me I shouldn't worry.... shouldn't even react to that.... but come on..... You've seen my promos to know I have lost my mother, so why the fuck would you even suggest something like that. I am coming for you BigD.... BigD the copy cat..... BigD the biggest baddest stupidest idiot if ever I saw one. Your UNDERSTANDING of the situation really doesn't make any sense, but you'll be making no sense of all when you find yourself falling off the rafter to the ground below and it'll be me making damn well sure of it.

"You think you high and mighty? You think your tough? Then think again. Because the high and mighty becomes low and softly when people like myself make sure how to use the word revenge the right way. I hope you UNDERSTAND that.

"I hope all you guys UNDERSTAND what I've said today.... because if you don't..... then your UNDERSTANDING will be felt when you are dropped from the rafter and I'll be the lone survivor holding up the 24/7 briefcase, and then you can say you all UNDERSTAND then...... because I will take a small step for myself before taking a giant leap further to become the winner of the Leap of Faith Rafter match.

"I'll see you all soon......."

Mastermind starts smiling as the camera fades out.

Overall - 64 Wins 107 Losses 8 Technicals 2 Draws 1 No Contest
Comeback Record - 4 Wins 5 Losses
8th Year Record - 2024 - 4 Wins 5 Losses
7th Year Record 2023 - 5 Wins 16 Losses
6th Year Record 2022 - 5 Wins 8 Losses 1 Draw
5th Year Record 2020 - 7 Wins 12 Losses 1 No Contest
4th Year Record 2019 - 12 Wins 1 Draw 21 Losses
3rd Year Record 2018 - 6 Wins 2 Losses
2nd Year Record 2015 - 1 Wins 9 Losses 2 Technical
1st Year Record 2014 - 24 Wins 34 Losses 6 Technicals

February 2020 Star of The Month
November 2014 Star Of The Month

Former 2x XWF Television Champion
Former XWF Thursday Night Anarchy Champion - 2022 - 1 Successful Defence
Former Three Time X-Treme Champion
Former Two Time Ark of the Covenant Champion
Lost in the 1st Round of the Woodstock Open - Wrestlestock 2019
Semi Finalist in the XWF King of the Ring 2020

50TH CAREER WIN vs TOMMY WISH - Wednesday Night Warfare - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2020

100TH CAREER LOSS vs BOB D - Weekend Warfare - 12TH AUGUST 2023



Check out my page for victories and losses


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[Image: Misfits2.png]
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