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Saturday Night Savage 02/16/19
Author Message
Atticus Gold Online
Gold is the New Black
Management Lv. 2

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

02-16-2019, 06:16 PM

[Image: k5A7AW8.png]


[Image: 1200px-Minneapolis_Armory.jpg]


Savage opens with pyro all around the arena as the camera pans the hyper crowd. We waste no time as we go immediatly to the action.

Natia Ngata
- vs -
Cadryn Leslie Tiberius
- vs -
Triple Threat

The bell sounds and all 3 look at one another to see who is going to make the first move. Suddenly Cadryn goes after Lux, and Natia is happy to take a back seat for now and watch.

Cadryn hits Lux with a few jabs, and lefts and rights, and try as he might Lux tries to block them, he then fights back using some forearm techniques which puts Cadryn on the back foot. Lux follows up with a surprise throat punch, which stops Cadryn right in the middle of the ring, and he grabs his throat trying to breathe. Lux takes him down with a round house kick, and goes for a surprising cover.



Broken up by a desperate Natia, who grabs Lux and sends him running into the corner. He comes out and is hit with a stunning diving cross body by Natia. they both go down. Natia isn't finished and follows up with a side slam back breaker and then executes a bulldog before going for a cover.



This time broken up by Cadryn. Who looks down at Natia with an evil smile. He grabs her by her hair, and pulls her to her feet, before executing a DDT. He then helps Natia back to her feet and sends her into the corner, and he follows up with his End of the Road trademark move, a.k.a a super kick in the corner. He leaves her in the corner and turns his attention to Lux, who has gotten to his feet.

Cadryn doesn't react and Lux hits him with a running Knee to the Face and they both go down. Lux gets to his feet, looks across at Natia who seems out of it, and focuses back on Cadryn. He pulls him to his feet and executes a Running STO. He goes for the cover.



Kick out but just barely.

Natia couldn't even make it back to her feet where she is stuck in the corner. Lux gets up and slaps Cadryn a few times, who starts laughing because of it. They both rise and get to their feet, and stare at one another and start trash talking one another. Suddenly their attention is turned to the corner, but too late, Natia flies at them with a flying clothesline from the middle rope and takes them both down.

All three competitors are down on the mat staring up at the ceiling. The ref starts checking on each of them one at a time and it's Natia who is the first to start stirring. She rolls over onto her side and then with her knuckles pushes herself up to a kneeling position as both Lux and Cadryn start getting to their feet. Lux by way of the ropes and Cadryn by slinking himself up against the turnbuckles.

All three wrestlers start to circle each other as if the match had reset, trying to wait each other out either because of a lack of patience or because of the dozen or so lines of Wonka Pixy Styx that Cadryn snorted pre match he makes the first move by grabbing Natia by the hair and tossing her out of the ring like the 148 pound ball of estrogen that she is which gives Lux the opening he needed to take control of the match.

As Cadryn looks down at Natia who is now on the outside of the ring rolling around in pain Lux is standing behind him sizing him up…

And then….

SUBMIT! A spinning roundhouse kick right to the dome piece that almost separates Cadryn’s head from his body.

Tiberius falls to the mat with a thud and Lux quickly takes advantage with a pin.




Winner - Lux

Game Girl
- vs -
Ezra Blackwater
No Powers Barred

Akira by Anamanaguchi blasts as colored lights pass over the roaring crowd. Game Girl springs from behind the curtain and begins to energetically hops down the ramp. Smiling, waving and high fiving fans. When in the ring she proceeds to power up.

All three brothers emerge, with Ezra Blackwater, in the lead. Pausing briefly, the brothers look around at the exuberant crowd, with immense entertainment. Sharing an amused glance to one another as the fans scream. From there they walk in unison to the ring, occasionally separating to approach a random fan that's losing their mind. Clearly, enjoying the effect they have on the crowd, the Brothers Blackwater continue onward. Once they reach the ring, two of the brothers hold up the bottom rope, as the intended participant for the fight slides into the ring. That brother then takes his place in the squared circle and awaits his opponent, while basking in the cheers from the audience.

The pair start in their respective corners. Ezra relaxes in his as Game Girl hops and stretches with a bubbly expression.


And the match is underway; Game Girl is quick to take advantage of the no powers barred and immediately ⇦ ⇦ B Get Over Here! The spear extends from GG's palm and hits Ezra in the chest; winded Blackwater stumbles but is quickly pulled towards Game Girl who delivers a Raging Uppercut! Sending Blackwater sailing through the air and then crashing to the canvas; GG carries on the insane combo with ⇩ ⇩ A+B Romper Stomper! The double foot stomp makes impact with Ezra's sternum as soon as he hits the ground! GG stands victorious on top of Blackwater! The ref goes for the pin!



But Electron is most definitely not down and out as he grabs GG's heels and sends electricity coursing through her body, breaking the pin.

Game Girl is shocked, literally, as she is stunned by the current as she spasms and just like in the cartoons, you see her skeleton. Game Girl is blown away from the shock and is knocked back into the corner a halo of stars orbiting her head as she tries to keep consciousness. Ezra rubs his ribs as he slowly gets back to his feet. Game Girl shakes the cobwebs and lifts herself up; her cheery demeanor turns to determination as she raises an arm and opens her palm, hoping to release a Power Geyser! But nothing happens! Just a zap of electricity zaps her fingers! She flinches in pain and looks to a now, cocky Ezra Blackwater.

Ezra sprints towards GG with haste hoping for a clothesline but Game Girl ducks under the arm and goes to Ezra's back but it was a ruse! Blackwater has already leaped against the ropes and nails Paige with a brutal Springboard Dropkick! The strike knocks GG down as she slides across the mat and quickly stumbles back to her feet; trying to get back into fighting position. Ezra rolls up to his feet and keeps the quickness going; electricity runs through Ezra's arm as he runs with a powerful haymaker to Game Girl's chin and crashes GG to the canvas with force!

Game Girl spasms for a moment as her body glitches out from the current running through her; Ezra clutches his ribs as he runs up to the top rope, gracefully turning on the turnbuckles as GG begins to raise and hits her with a gorgeous Corkscrew Crossbody! The pair collide and roll on the mat; Blackwater quickly getting on top of his opponent and hooking a leg!




KICKOUT! Kind of! Game Girl's body de-materializes into a mess of pixels and lies on the mat a few feet away from the pin attempt! Ezra's powers are clearly playing havoc on the 16-bit hero. Ezra gets to his knees and looks to her as she sits up too, holding her head. The pair share a look and both get to their feet a distance away.

Game Girl jumps forward and throws a punch but it's dodged by Ezra who counters with an Enziguri! GG is knocked down once again she turns over to see Ezra mid standing moonsault but Game Girl, with insane speed, Atomic Headbutt's Ezra mid-air! However without her powers working it damages her as much as her opponent and the two collapse onto the mat.

The crowd begins to chant "HOLY SHI-" but realize Game Girl's innocence and instead chant "HOLY CRUD! HOLY CRUD! HOLY CRUD!"

After some time Ezra is the first to rise; he stumbles back against the ropes and looks to his downed opponent; he motions towards the corner with some trouble and pop from the crowd. He climbs the turnbuckle and gets in position for Haywire! Livewire! But sees Game Girl on one knee with an arm extended; the two are in a standoff.

Game Girl releases energy but with a spark of electricity running throughout her body the energy explodes in her hand and a white explosion fills the ring and blinding most of the audience. Hopefully only temporary.

The light dims and Game Girl is prone on the singed mat; Ezra has fallen from the turnbuckle to the apron he clutches his body as he blinks quickly; he seems to regain his sight and sees Game Girl lying in the center, motionless. He crawls under the bottom rope and slowly gets to his target; he pushes her over and throws an arm around GG!






Game Girl gets an elbow up! Ezra is pushed away and lies face down on the mat and chuckles to himself in disbelief. Game Girl slowly crawls away, she begins to say something to herself but Ezra hears and is filled with dread and a second wind when he recognizes the Konami Code when he hears it; he quickly rushes Game Girl from behind but taking a page out of Ezra's book. Blackwater just got baited!

Game Girl quickly turns around, surrounded in a red aura and meets her opponent with a high-speed flurry of punches and kicks before throwing them high into the air and delivering a falling 720 spin package piledriver.


Game Girl goes for the pin!







Game Girl releases the pin and the two collapse away from each other, they lay on the canvas their eyes half open through the battle they just went through. Game Girl smiles and weakly holds out a fist towards Ezra, he chuckles and pounds GG's fist with his own to a raucous cheer from the audience.

[The scene opens up to a corridor somewhere in the arena, and we see Tommy sitting alone in the stairwell. As we see him contemplating suicide on broadcast with a gun, as soon he pulls the trigger, nothing came out and Tommy sighs in relief, then suddenly a man in a suit shows up to him.]

[Image: ecw362.jpg]

"Hey You... you sure got lucky you didn't spray your brains on this show."

"Hey man, it was a prop gun. It don't mean i'd actually do it."

[Then the man shrugs.]

"You know what, i've encountered men like you before. Broken, desolate, ignorant..."

[Tommy nods his head down, but he places his eyes on his eyes. He then slaps Tommy in the face.]

"Listen here kid, I am Culty... I am here to help you."

"I don't need some man--"

"Listen to me you son of a bitch, when I saw you got beaten by Vita, I was pissed off. You shouldn't have let that girl live to see another match!"

[Tommy looks to the side of the caged wall.]

"You might not care about losing... that is fine with me."

"Then what are you trying to push on me?"

"You need someone like me to put fear in these crop of cabbage patches. I have seen you work for almost of your career in XWF. I want to help you bring.... your wiredness out to the world."

"These fans have seen all the wired shit i've done, I might as well say fuck it and go out on a high note."

[Culty smacks him again.]

"You need to stop feeling so sorry for yourself, and stop faking your positivity motif to these people. You’re a negative creep who got a foot fetish, you’re a hardcore lunatic, a bastard of the XWF.”

[Tommy then gives off a wicked smile to Culty and gets on his feet. Then both men shake hands, and both climb up the stairwell signaling a new connection, as the next match happens.]

- vs -
El Pantera
Xtreme Ladder Match

"Los Mandados" begins to play. ALEJANDRO RIVERA steps out of the entry curtain looking at the audience with his trademark confident smile. He walks with a swagger down to the ringside area. He takes his time walking to the ring steps and climbing them. He climbs up to the second turnbuckle, looking around at the crowd with his usual smile before dropping off the ropes into the ring awaiting the champion.

A silence falls the arena...silence...silence

The opening riffs of “Highly Strung” begin to play as the crowd jumps to their feet in excitement. VV runs out onto the stage and postures for her adoring crowd. She makes her way down the ramp, slapping the outreached hands of her fans along the way. VV the heads up the steps and runs along the outside apron. She grabs the top rope with both hands and springboards into the ring where she tucks and rolls before settling on a crouched, almost ninja-like pose. VV hops up and celebrates with the fans for a moment, pumping them up for the upcoming match. Finally, she settles into her corner and uses the ropes to loosen up as she waits for the match to begin.

A few moments go by where the crowd still screams for their X-Treme Champion VV who is pointing towards the ladder situated at the top of the ramp. That's right folks, we're going old school.

The bell sounds and both champion and challenger come to meet in the center. A true David and Goliath match up.

ALEJANDRO immediately grabs VV in a headlock. VV using her striking begins immediately hitting elbows to the abdomen area of PANTERA. ALEJANDRO feeling the effects of the blows releases the hold and receives a nice punch from VV.

ALEJANDRO nods in appreciation for the quickness of VV, but comes forward this time with a running knee to her abdomen. RIVERA rushes her back to the corner where he throws repeated knees into her ribs before backing away.

MISTAKE! Superkick connects to the challenger.

Wow that was fast. VV looks back at the ladder, at RIVERA...ladder...challenger. ALEJANDRO RIVERA begins to get up, but ouch soccer kick to the head.

VV watching RIVERA slides out of the ring to go get the ladder. She walks up the entry ramp backwards keeping a close eye on her challenger. VV makes it to the ladder and lifts it up amidst cheers from her fans. She begins to carry the ladder back to the ring as ALEJANDRO RIVERA is making his way upright.

Noticing this VV sets the ladder down and the two stare each other down old west style.

ALEJANDRO takes the center of the ring and VV quickly slides in. ALEJANDRO charges with the clothesline, but VV ducks. RIVERA off the ropes. Hurricanrana connects for the champion. She hooks the legs, but the referee reminds no pinfalls. ALEJANDRO and VV scramble up to their feet where PANTERA grabs her by the head in a Thai clinch taking her back to the corner. Multiple uppercuts connect to the body and head of VV. ALEJANDRO lifts her up and hits a sit-out bodyslam.

VV rolls to the outside of the ring instinctively while PANTERA does the same thing. PANTERA grabs the ladder and slides it in the ring. The fans are screaming now. It's go time.

ALEJANDRO sets up the ladder right underneath the title belt. He looks over at VV with a dismissive look before climbing up the DEFEAT to the ladder and both PANTERA and the ladder go down.

VV takes advantage of the situation climbing up to the top rope. She leaps off and connects with a frog splash. ALEJANDRO rolls around in pain as VV bounces off the ropes and hits a baseball slide knocking PANTERA the rest of the way out of the ring.

She sets up the ladder...climbing...climbing...climbing...climbing...she reaches...she screams...ALEJANDRO pulls her off the ladder. VV lands on her feet but is the victim of a spinning back elbow that sends her back into the corner. ALEJANDRO takes her into a Muay Thai clinch throwing knees body...head...body...head...body...he...VV blocks the headshot and circles out of the corner. ALEJANDRO turns around, catches VV'S kick, Enzuigiri! VV. PANTERA staggers, VV up on the turnbuckles TORNADO...No ALEJANDRO has blocked it. Sit-Body...VV slides down his back, she bounds for the ropes, ALEJANDRO turns around HANDSPRING BACK ELBOW hits back for the champion knocking the challenger back down.

VV realizing the challenger isn't down for good wait...waits...charges...running bulldog connects. The crowd is going wild! VV takes the ladder and sets it up in the middle of the ring. SHE'S CLIMBING...PANTERA'S DOWN...VV taking her time unnecessarily...PANTERA up. He's climbing too! They meet and come face to face. VV is unloading left and right combinations on the challenger needing the bigger man to get off of that ladder. PUNCH.PUNCH.PUNCH. PANTERA shocked by the quickness takes his only defense, grabbing VV by the hair and slams her head hard into the top of the ladder.

VV is clearly stunned PANTERA hits her head off the ladder again and shoves her. She immediately grabs on to the hook holding the championship. She swings up and hits a double front kick to the chest. RIVERA AND THE LADDER fall backward.

VITA has retained her title, but is hanging on for dear life! ALEJANDRO RIVERA who had tucked and rolled looks up angry, but still. He stands under VV telling her to jump. She looks down at ALEJANDRO with a clear expression of mistrust, but taking hold of the championship with one hand she lets go and falls...falls...falls into the waiting ALEJANDRO RIVERA.


She immediately pushes away from ALEJANDRO RIVERA showing an expression that she still doesn't like him.

PANTERA nods his congratulations before leaving the ring so VV can celebrate with her fans.

- vs -
Jessalyn Hart
15 minute time limit
Submission Match

NEVER...BE...SILENT!!! appear on the screen as the song starts.

Lights go out Stobe lights at the top of the ramp illuminate the silhouette of Jessalyn. The lights come on to her facing the facing the ring. She runs down the ramp, slides into the ring. Climbs the turnbuckle with arms stretched out.

Danza Kuduro hits and Hanari spins and dances his way out to the ramp in traditional latin Bachata style. He is carrying the flag of the Dominican Republic on a flag pole over his shoulder, the TV title around his waist. He swings his hips and points at the ladies in the front row, winking and making the gun symbol with his thumb and index finger of his free hand. He spins again and walks his way down to the ring with a cocky head swing and a million dollar smile. Climbing the ring steps he gets into the ring, getting on the top rope and waving the flag a few times before jumping down and preparing for the match.


Fifteen minutes shows up on the X-Tron as Hanari and Jessalyn circle. The crowd is buzzing with anticipation as these two had quite the promo battle during the week, there is a lot of bad blood here.

The link up, Hanari using his strength to bend Jessalyn down, her shoulders almost touching the mat but her feet staying in normal standing position. Jessalyn battles back up, both are standing now, and Jessalyn fires a few punches off the the upper torso of Hanari, backing him off, and then she whips him into the ropes. Off the rebound he ducks the clothesline and turns quickly but Jessalyn hits a standing drop kick, sending Hanari tumbling back into the corner.

Jessalyn runs and hits a flying elbow and then locks Hanari's head, then a running bull dog which puts Hanari down in the center of the ring. She knows she can't pin the champ, but tries to lock in the arm bar. Hanari realizes this, and quickly squirts out, booting Jessalyn in the chest and backing her off before flipping to his feet. Hanari smiles at Jessalyn which further enrages her as the crowd cheers.


The two circles again, neither one having a clear path to strike. The two lock up again adn this time it is Hanari who whips Jessalyn into the corner. Following her over, he throws a couple of elbows to the side of her head and whips her into the other corner. Running towards her he tries to put her away with the Punta Cana Kick, but she ducks it and his leg is extended over the top rope. In a quick strike she takes out the good knee wtith a chop block, and Hanari falls awkawrdly, holding his leg. Jessalyn sees this a an opportunity and begings to stomp the leg of the downed champion. After five or so kicks, she drops down into an ankle lock, and begins to contort the ankle of the champ, who immediately yells out and reaches for the ropes.


Hanari is reaching for the ropes but the challenger has the hold locked in. Is Hanari going to tap?! He slaps the mat, in obvious pain, but refuses to quit then the ref asks. Hanari is clearly in a good deal of pain, but keeps refusing. Eventually, he is able to spin around and put a boot to Jessalyn's chest, breaking the hold. Hanari uses the ropes to lift himself up, Jessalyn charges. He ducks, and uses his arm to propel her head first towards the ropes. He head bounces off the turnbuckle, and ge goes for the sunset flip, she rolls out and dropkicks Hanari, who stumbles back into the corner. Jessalyn throws a fist up and yells as Hanari looks totally dumbfounded. Jessalyn charges, Hanari throws the elbow to back her off. She swings again, he ducks, and he slides behind, wrapping the arms around her waist for a suplex. He pries his arms off and spins him around, punching him numerous times in the face before whipping him into the ropes. Off the rebound she goes for a spinning heel kick, he ducks, and comes back off the ropes the other way with a Lou Thez press!

Panting, looking up at the X-Tron he sees time.


At this point, he just has to outlast Jessalyn. Hanari leans on the ropes to catch his breath. Jessalyn is back up, and charges, Hanari lifts her and drops her torso first over the top rope. As she grabs her sternum and retreats to the middle of the ring, Hanari pounces, going for the arm.

Hanari locks in the arm bar!

Viva La Republic!!!!

Jessalyn is in the center of the ring! Is she going to tap?! Hanari pulls harder. Jessalyn yells NO to the ref when he asks if she submits. After what felt like an eternity, she is about to land enough punches on the chest and head of Hanari, reaching wayyy over, to get him to break it. She gets up, holding her arm with a pout on her face, in clear pain. Hanari stands up quick and rushes her, she ducks. He grabs the ropes and turns around. She chops him a few times. Just to create some space.

Hanari fires back. Whips her into the ropes with such force, she flips her legs up. Landing back down on her feet, he runs for the step-up enziguri


Jessalyn cumbles

Hanari locks in the arm bar......

VIVA LA REPUBLIC!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hanari drops to the mat, gripping his ankle.

Just after Hanari receives the title from the referee and is trying to recover from the match, 'Monster' by Eminem and Rihanna plays on the Arena's sound system. It's Mastermind's entrance music. Hanari turns to face the entrance ramp and is trying to be ready for an attack. Suddenly Mastermind's face comes on the main screen.

"Yo up here dude, yeah look at me."

Hanari confused, looks up at the main screen. Mastermind can be seen sitting in his Thinking Chair back home in Wellington, New Zealand.

"Don't worry Hanari, I'm not over there in the States to ruin your victory. Miss Hart did give you one hell of a fight. But I'm disappointed in you Hanari. Very disappointed. I saw last week's Savage, and I saw your little party. I have to say I was disgusted. How dare you do that. You disrespected my title reign, the very thing that I changed the way Saturday Night Savage competed. Over 129 plus days, which included time competing in a PPV, and a couple of times on Warfare. But you nearly destroyed that in 1 night by having a Party?

"And then you come out during the week and say something in a promo. That you bet me and I am now gone. Na ah. Yes, you beat me, but I'm not gone from the XWF. You won't be the one to retire me. That's a very foolhardy thing to say. I went back home to New Zealand to recuperate with my broken arm, and have a rest. Because I will be doing hosting responsibilities on this coming Warfare as the XWF Wednesday Night Warfare will be at my mansion. I will be the guest referee for all matches.

"You also may want to go back to school Hanari and rediscover how to do maths. 129 days does not come up half a year as you said in a promo to Miss Hart. it represents a quarter of a year. 1 fourth. 4 Months Hanari I was Television Champion for. That's the 2nd biggest Television Reign ever. So until you get your facts right, and learn how to do maths properly, stop opening your mouth.

"But before you think I'm done, then think again. I'll be making my come back, and don't for once think that I am done with you. I am not. I'll be plotting my revenge and I'll make damn sure of that. You ever disrespect the Television Title again by throwing a party. I'll make damn sure you will regret it. That's no threat Hanari it's a fact. See you soon Hanari. Until then. Have fun, but not too much fun."

Mastermind smirks and starts chuckling as the camera fades out and settles back on Hanari back inside the ring as Savage comes to an end.

Special thanks to El Pantera, Mastermind and fellow GMs for the help with this show.

[Image: ESXHYMB.jpeg]
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ElPantera Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Women and gay men

(physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

02-16-2019, 06:24 PM

Alejandro can be seen backstage after the show disappointed.

AR: "That was a great match tonight VV. I give you all the credit."

El Pantera continues to sit in his fold chair whilst the camera zooms in on him.

AR: "That's it for tonight bud."

With that the shot switches elsewhere.

[Image: alberto-del-rio-png-4.png]
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ElPantera Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Women and gay men

(physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

02-16-2019, 06:44 PM

AR: "Duke, what are you doing here? You should be focusing on your own career. I noticed Arthur Grey beat you last Warfare. Maybe focus on your own career and better yourself. Cause you suck."

Alejandro laughs knowing Sebasstian Dyke can't do anything, but run his mouth.

[Image: alberto-del-rio-png-4.png]
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ElPantera Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Women and gay men

(physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

02-16-2019, 07:06 PM

AR: "I may have not won yet, BUT at least I don't lose to jobbers, mine are champions, definite future champions too. Meanwhile, you still suck...Duke"

[Image: alberto-del-rio-png-4.png]
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ElPantera Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Women and gay men

(physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

02-16-2019, 09:07 PM

(02-16-2019, 07:20 PM)Sebasstian Dyke Said: I don't know why you are acting like you are above jobbers when you're basically the token brown member of the local job squad.

You're talking to me about future champions, I've won multiple titles here already. Talk to me when you win a match, let alone a title.

And by the way jackoff, it's Dyke. Not Duke. It's always been Dyke. Just like you've always been a filthy field worker who is now so out of his depth that he should probably just infect himself with Aids and hope death comes quickly.

AR: "You still suck, Duke!"

[Image: alberto-del-rio-png-4.png]
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drezdin5788 Offline

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-16-2019, 09:47 PM

And i dont loose to a girl or loose a match not even less then 30 seconds in.

[Image: FSYLxSs.png]
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ElPantera Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Women and gay men

(physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

02-16-2019, 10:09 PM

(02-16-2019, 09:47 PM)drezdin5788 Said: And i dont loose to a girl or loose a match not even less then 30 seconds in.

AR: "Drezdin, you shouldn't be speaking. Smoking Bob Williams felt sorry knowing how bad you're going to lose that he booked me in two matches next Wednesday in a vain attempt to give you a fair shake."

Alejandro tells no lies.

AR: "You should be ashamed Drezdin."

Not going to happen. Drezdin actually think he's a good wrestler.

AR: "Oh and PS...I'd like to see either you or Duke fight Valentina, Game Girl, or Dolly. They would destroy either one of you, but to be nice they wouldn't laugh."


AR: "So talk all of the trash you want, but in the end it means nothing because the three of us know when it comes down us fighting Alejandro 'El Pantera' Rivera wins...every time."

{School Dismissal bell rings}

[Image: alberto-del-rio-png-4.png]
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Arthur Grey Offline
Ah. So you are as dumb as you look.

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

02-16-2019, 11:56 PM

(02-16-2019, 07:06 PM)ElPantera Said: AR: "I may have not won yet, BUT at least I don't lose to jobbers, mine are champions, definite future champions too. Meanwhile, you still suck...Duke"

"Your ass better not be classifying me as a jober. At least Dyke put up a fight in our match. More so than your ass has since you've been here. I'm up for the Hart title. What the fuck have you done? Jack and shit, and Jack left town a long time ago."

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ElPantera Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Women and gay men

(physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

02-17-2019, 01:49 PM

(02-16-2019, 11:56 PM)Arthur Grey Said: "Your ass better not be classifying me as a jober. At least Dyke put up a fight in our match. More so than your ass has since you've been here. I'm up for the Hart title. What the fuck have you done? Jack and shit, and Jack left town a long time ago."

AR: "What are you going to do about it. Yeah you suck, you're going to lose to Dolly Waters, and lose bad. Maybe, some day when I see that you can provide competition we'll fight. Until then Shut the fuck up."

[Image: alberto-del-rio-png-4.png]
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ElPantera Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Women and gay men

(physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

02-17-2019, 02:25 PM

(02-17-2019, 02:14 PM)Sebasstian Dyke Said: Who the fuck are you to lecture anyone on providing competition? You lost a match after one move. It took Lux 17 seconds to beat you, 3 of which he spent pinning you and the other 14 seconds for you to slowly walk into the heel of his foot.

It takes Peter Gilmour longer to shuffle around his fat belly to find his cock than it did for you to lose that match.

The only thing you're competing for is "fastest loser".

AR: "No matter what you say. You still suck and I would still kick your ass. Get in line SebASStian."

[Image: alberto-del-rio-png-4.png]
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ElPantera Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Women and gay men

(physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

02-17-2019, 05:19 PM

(02-17-2019, 04:03 PM)Sebasstian Dyke Said:
And by the by, whenever you want to face me in the ring you let me know

AR: (laughing) "Get in line, bitch."

[Image: alberto-del-rio-png-4.png]
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ElPantera Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Women and gay men

(physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

02-17-2019, 07:05 PM

AR: "Bitch, I'll accept your challenge. , but GET...IN...LINE and when it comes your turn I'll beat you up."

[Image: alberto-del-rio-png-4.png]
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ElPantera Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Women and gay men

(physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

02-17-2019, 07:24 PM

AR: "Hey dumbass I have two matches on Warfare and when I beat Kid Kool I got a Hart title match that next Warfare. So, as I said take a number your ass will be kicked in a month and a half."

[Image: alberto-del-rio-png-4.png]
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The Brothers Blackwater Offline

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

02-19-2019, 12:27 PM

"Oh wow. How about that match, huh? I think that might've been the MOST EPIC fight any Blackwater, has ever taken part in... to date. Hey, thanks for the good time, G.G. Oh and congrats. You really brought the fight and showed that 'ring rust' is definitely a myth. If you ever want to put the high speed on that upgrade and level up quicker, hit me up. I'm kind of a rock star at software development and computer programming, I can have a code written up and ready for you in minutes. Except since I am the very best, I can do what virtually no one else can, promise there will be zero chances of glitches, errors and bugs. Anyway, it's up to you, this is merely an offer since I have the knowledge and ability. Take it or leave it. It makes no difference to me."

[Image: vp1uvfb.jpg]

[Image: iNVRm0X.jpg]

Donovan Blackwater
Former 1x...

[Image: jtHw5j1.png]

[Image: OZdvB4F.png]

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Game Girl Offline

XWF FanBase:
Families & Kids, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

02-19-2019, 03:06 PM

[Image: ockNnw7.png?1]

Game Girl says like she knows which brother is speaking.

"That was one heck of a match, almost had me! Good game!"

[Image: mAmAfiJ.png]

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The Brothers Blackwater Offline

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

02-19-2019, 04:10 PM

[Image: anigif_enhanced-buzz-11514-1376323855-39.gif]

"Agreed. Good game."

[Image: vp1uvfb.jpg]

[Image: iNVRm0X.jpg]

Donovan Blackwater
Former 1x...

[Image: jtHw5j1.png]

[Image: OZdvB4F.png]

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