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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Australian Job
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Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

01-29-2019, 11:38 PM

:::::Continued From #MechanicLivesMatter:::::

Time flowed like cement in the middle of winter. Robert glanced down at his gold Rolex checking the time for what seemed like the hundredth time. A minute had passed since he checked what he thought was an hour ago. Sitting there with nothing to stare at but six monitors attached to security cameras. His expression was of one having to tolerate a fart in a car with the windows rolled up. His gaze was steadfast and unconcerned. It was all so fruitless. There was no was Locksley was going to knock over a heavily secured bank ran by the mafia. This man’s skill is beyond compare, this just wasn’t going to happen. He’s smarter than that. You can’t see someone who’s a ghost. Robert began to drift off into a distasteful daydream or was it an over-suspicious fantasy? At this point, Robert didn't care. It helped pass the time and he wasn't one for entertaining himself with optimism.

[Image: giphy.gif]


Robert began massaging his pounding temples as he browsed over each of the six monitors, the screens seemed like they were blurring together as Robert rubbed his eyes then leaned back in his chair looking up at the ceiling before forcing himself to gaze back down towards the monitors once more. He yawned, again rubbing his exhausted eyes as his thoughts became groggy and incoherent. He then throws his hands up!

What the hell am I supposed to find here? This is like finding a needle in a haystack. The bank is packed. How in the hell am I going to find someone who is in disguise? A gut feeling?[/green]

Robert instantaneously notices all six monitors glitch all at once, he tilts himself forward for a closer look watching a rather large man being wheeled into the bank. The man is in a wheelchair, his lap covered in a heavy thick blanket his face though cannot be seen. Robert sits back glancing towards the man who runs the bank pointing at the monitors.

[orange]Do these monitors glitch like that all of the time?

What do you mean glitch? I was watching them as well I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. We have a state of the art system here. I assure you, Robert, you didn’t see a glitch.


Robert looks down at his smartphone seeing Drew is calling him. Robert reluctantly picks up


Did you eat all the Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

What….. Are you serious right now….Yes, I ate it all!

Damn it! I need my sugar!


Robert places his phone in his back-pocket spotting what seemed to be another glitch on the security monitors. He takes a small swig from his flask before speaking up.

You see that?

I did. Do you think we have a problem?

How in the hell am I supposed to know guy? I’m no I.T. expert. The guy in the wheelchair though.. HE hasn’t moved in the past five minutes what the hell is going on down there? No one is moving.. Take a peek out there and tell me if the guy in the wheelchair is down there.

The man opens the door eyeballing the bank floor.

No he isn’t. Where did he go? Robert?

What do you mean he isn’t?

Robert leaps from his chair quickly moving out the door leaning on the rail frantically sizing up the bank floor seeing the man in the wheelchair is no longer there. He then sprints back over to the monitors watching for another second.

Those glitches! The cameras have been hacked they are on a loop! Locksley is here, he is in the building.

Adrenaline floods Robert’s system like it's on an intravenous drip. Robert stampedes out the door towards the elevator when… A blinding flash came from below, the entire building shook as a concussion followed propelling Robert into the wall behind him. Robert hit the floor trying to get his bearings as the electric goes out and the backup generators kick on. He takes a moment shaking off his disorientation, distinguishing there was no other way down but to jump because the elevators were in emergency lockout without full power. Robert shakes his head peering down at the floor catching sight of a large table covered in papers.

Fuck it!

Robert then vaults over the railing plummeting through the table to the marble floor. He laid there for a few moments as pain shot throughout every inch of his body. He then observes the man from the wheelchair take off sprinting with some type of device in his hand. Robert musters up the energy shrieking!

Locksley! STOP!

Bullets started whizzing over his head as began charging after Locksley!. Robert loses sight of him through all the commotion. Adrenaline coursed through his veins as a fight or flight instinct reared its ugly head, his heart began beating out of his chest, pounding like a drum. He continued to run forward, every second barley escaping death, he felt like his blood was on fire. His limbs were moving on their own. He was disconnected from everything but the sound of his own drumming heart. Robert tries to ignore it and slow his breathing. When he grabs a man with a gun.

What happened? Where did he go?

The man in the wheelchair got up and tossed a grenade. After we took cover…. We opened fire now he’s in the safety deposit box room.

Robert sprints towards the safety deposit room when he notices a grenade roll out towards him. For a moment time stood still, Robert’s eyes grew wide as silver dollars, he kicked the grenade back into the room it was tossed from. The second explosion rang out. A few moments passed as he stood in agony and semi-blindness amid all the chaos surrounding him. As Robert began to recover his consciousness, he found himself on the marble floor face down by a pillar some distance from where he had been. He saw a place where tables and chairs were all upside down, legs in the air, amid the debris of glass and twisted metal, he saw the bank now was almost empty, nearly everybody was gone. Robert begins crawling towards the safety deposit room seeing a hole blown in the floor from a distance.

Got to get… There….

Robert surveils the gaping hole in the floor leading straight down into the sewers below.


Robert leaps down into the sewer, as his feet hit water splashes up all over him hectically looking in both directions when a silhouette emerges from the darkness revealing himself for the first time.

[Image: tB2Cn2O.jpg]

The man stares at Robert remaining silent in that frozen second between standoff and brawling Robert stood his ground. Both men’s faces are unreadable, no fear, no invitational smirk. Robert is banking on Locksley! making the mistake. But it never came. A sudden gush of pain jolted throughout Robert’s body. His stomach ached, his arms lost tension and his legs began to weaken. As Robert dropped to the wet sewer floor, he noticed his tongue was soaked with the taste of blood. Bruised and winded, with a leg in agony, he grabbed the foot of Locksley! pulling him off his feet to the watery sewer floor. Robert’s head was pounding. But he couldn’t stop this was his chance to end all of this.

Robert raised his fist into the air throwing a bomb in the direction of Locksley’s! face, but Robert missed. Locksley uses this momentum tossing Robert off of him getting back to his feet. Locksley slams Robert into the brick sewer wall, as Robert, groans out in pain the air leaving his body by force. Robert then returns the favor slamming Locksley into the wall on the other side. Robert goes for a headbutt missing hitting the brick wall behind Locksley splitting his forehead open. As the two grapples for leverage throwing body shots where ever they could. Robert finally gets a small window getting behind Locksley placing him in a rear naked choke. Robert squeezes with all his might as the two drops to their knees. When suddenly a voice from above can be heard.

There he is open fire!

No, I’ve….

As Robert loosens his grip for a moment then looks down seeing the only thing left in his hands is Locksley’s mask and the device he was carrying.


Griffin, I've recognized you've taken a different approach than most. You want to go after my temperament because I'm a ferocious person. Let me make this crystal clear, because of all this combativeness I stand before you as the Universal Champion. I'm the man that rarely succumbs to defeat. I do surmise going after me requires you to say a thing or two you might not actually mean. There is so little to assault me on. This character assassination will never work against a guy like me. We all understand you’ve got to say something. Problem is, all the things that you want to say about me isn't true. You can't go after my athletic prowess because we all know what I'm capable of. Griffin, you can't tell me I'm some dead-beat ass hole off the street who can't win a match, peek at my track record.

So, what do you honestly have on me? Nothing.. Not one damn thing. What I think has happened here is you’ve come to the realization that you're in the deep end of the pool with no water wings to keep you afloat. So, you're splitting hairs. What's next Griffin are you going to pounce on the way I dress? Or maybe harass me about the cigars I smoke? Perhaps you’ll infringe on the glass of bourbon I like to have every night before I go to bed. Since when did you become my fucking cardiologist? If I were a gambling man and I am. I bet you are praying for something to happen to me. That would be the only way you'd survive this encounter. You come out talking one way then midriff you change course and start on something else. Do me a favor and stop talking out of both sides of your mouth and stay the course.

Robert shoved a handful of fries into his mouth, making a gratified noise at the back of his throat. He then washed it down with a large gulp of pop then took a large chunk of his all-natural grass-feed fire-grilled and deliciously moist burger. Robert continued chewing looking back down at the mountain of fries on his plate watching the grease ooze from the pile. it still had an unnatural sheen to it.

Oh, shit the heart attack thing. I’m working on it, Griffin… Just for you pal..

Robert winks at the camera

It’d be a fucking travesty if I dropped over dead right here at the table. I’m sure that would break your heart. But let’s get back to our little back and forth we're having and worry about weight watchers later. We all know by now that you enjoy kicking people’s asses. Hell, that all we’ve heard from you. We get it you like to stomp mud holes and walk them dry. The whole boots to ass’s thing, oh and before it slips my mind, Griffin. Why join the world’s largest wrestling promotion when Championships in your words don’t matter? It boggles my mind. You have hardly said a damn thing about the Universal Championship. What are you here for? To thrash people and get paid for it? I like the idea, but let’s be honest you can fight anywhere on this planet and get paid to do it. Every local bar has some dick everyone wants stomped.

In your case, though you’d end up with a wedgie so deep you’d need a pry bar just to get it out. That is after you got out of the trash can enduring the walk of shame to your car being called a nerd. You’ve disrespected every single man that has ever worn the holy grail around their waist. The James Ravens the Theo Price’s god I genuinely hate that man. Loverboy Vinnie Lane, Doctor Louis D'Ville, Trax and even my good friend who is gone now Jim Fuckin Caedus R.I.P. my brother until we meet again. You’ve given these men a black eye and the business a bad name with your half-assed effort showing up from time to time. If you’re not in it to win it, then get the fuck out of here. I defend the Championship with pride and honor, I’m paying homage to those before me. To the men who laid down the groundwork for a guy like me to succeed. I’ll be damned if some fucking geek by the name of Griffin MacAister tarnishes this belt.

I may not have a list of accomplishments as long as my dick like my buddy James Raven!

Robert nods to the camera

What’s up Raven! But I am Champion. It’s something you’ll never be able to say. Griffin if you want to walk around like a hen on a hot rock, puffing your chest out begging for a brawl. That’s fine by me. You want to play the tough guy role perfectly. Go ahead! Because I’m going to give you all that you can handle and then some. You are nothing more than a man who claims to be this tenacious skull buster! Conditioned to destroy, am I right? Unyielding as they come. It's a great narrative to push, but nothing more than just that. The only person who gives credence to all this bull shit is you, Griffin. You believe you are this dangerous hard-nosed fierce competitor, but I see it all differently. All these self-proclaimed achievements and bravado is making me sick to my stomach, and it’s not this amazing burger and fries. Not once have you talked about winning this match. You’ve only said, “win or lose”. That right there says it all. Your confidence isn’t there. I’ve already got you in a physiological head- lock and your tapping like a bitch.

Robert takes another handful of fries dipping them in ketchup. While tapping the table with his other hand

You knew going in there was no chance in hell. You’ve become panic-stricken, and the bell hasn’t even rung. Intimidated… I can hear it in your voice, Griffin. I’m going to expose you and show the world just how deep the yellow runs down your spine after you fall short. One thing is certain after this match Griffin you’ll once again get bitten by the disappointment bug, and I know you say this match doesn’t matter to you or the title. I’ll make sure you know what it feels like to be squashed underneath “The Omega’s” thumb. Come Warfare Griffin you will learn your place in the food chain. You’ll understand you are not this grand prize fighter.. No. You’re the helpless loser, getting owned when the grandest prize of them all is on the line. Griffin, you might rest assured thinking you have faced the best wrestlers on Earth, but, you haven’t even scratched the surface. But you will soon enough.

I’m as cut-throat as they come, a slayer among men. Judge, jury and executioner. A hit-man who's fearlessly bold and reckless to boot. After everything that you have uttered, I remain unrattled. I have seen the very best this business has to offer, and you are not in the top 25. I’ll remain valiant, as my confidence rises by the second. When we come face to face the cockiness will pour from my very being. This will be the first time Griffin MacAister has ever stepped foot inside the ring with a man so courageous, having undaunted nerves. No matter where this match takes us, I will be the one who's more ballsy! I am one with everything to lose after all! I’ll bring the scuffle right to you, Griffin. To me, this match is as serious as dick cancer. This all might seem like a big laugh to you, in the end, you’ll be the one who looks like the jackass who didn’t even know what hit um.

Robert takes his index finger to his throat moving it from one side to the other in a cutting the throat motion.

Oh, I’m not choking, didn’t want you to get those hopes up.

Robert smiles waving to the camera


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[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
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Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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