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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Wild Card Weekend (June 29th) PPV RP Archive
The Flynn-A-Roonie (RP 8)
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#MemeQueen Luca Torchwick Offline
Waves don't die.

XWF FanBase:
Women and gay men

(physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

06-29-2013, 07:09 AM

Act 11: Counting Down to the Seconds

"Let's give it up for the Iron Chancellor of the fucking Curtain Jerkers, ladies and gentlemen! Mark Flynn!"

A studio audience applause explodes into the speakers of the video camera, taking the viewers by surprise. Luca smiles for a few moments, almost as if savoring every second of this promo particularly. He takes a breath, but doesn't begin talking. Instead, he continues to look into the camera with the same smile he's had since the promo started.

"You wanna know something funny, Mark? The fact that in your big return you still are looked upon with that bit of intimidation in the eyes of most of the roster. You can see it in Heironeous' eyes, Gilmour's fat rolls, Eli James' Sermons, they all fucking fear you to death. I don't however, and maybe that's why you haven't said anything all week. Because every person except for me forgets the roll you were on just before you disappeared on us.

You had five star classics with the likes of Sebastian 'The Tower of Power- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA' Duke, Sweet Cheapshots, and the Tyroneasaurus Rex. And do you all remember what the result of all of those matches was? Wait for it...

Mark 'Fucking' Flynn losing. Need I say more?

Oh, but now Flynn's back and better than ever. Right? Not exactly, you see the old Mark Flynn, the reason this new downgraded version is relevant at all would be decimating the likes of Steve Davids and Scott Charlotte. All he's doing now is going the distance with them, and winning in close matches! But no, if Flynn even says something, it'll be to the effect of 'I haven't lost it, you're just a braindead piece of refuse.'

Come on Flynn, at this point those very same rookies in this match fear Gilmour more than you. You heard me Flynn. GILMOUR IS A BIGGER THREAT TO WINNING THIS MATCH THAN YOU AT THIS POINT! Doesn't that just make you want to go all out again, as if you weren't the old motherfucker everyone thinks you are already."

Luca eyes become much more pleading with each passing second.

"Look around man, none of these people are even saying anything worth a damn, let alone something decent. Like I've said prior, no one's offering me a challenge and this is supposed to be a main event? You gotta come out and say something, I think I'm going crazy! How could you deal with this much rookie behavior and not just commit suicide-

Oh my fucking god he did. The pain finally got to him and that's why there's no more Mark Flynn. That's why he's not saying anything.

Way to go rookies, you killed Flynn.

Sucks, I thought I was going to do that. I even penciled it in for this match:

'Yeah, if you could like literally kill Flynn, that'd be great' - John Madison.

All jokes aside, where is the old Flynn? No, this isn't a Michael James promo where I say the same things over and over again without any hint of reasoning into it, before you play that card. Where's the Flynn that did what he pleased and destroyed rooks? Not this Flynn that beats Steve Davids by countout and looks to team with NeoNero for the tag belts that are held by Knightmask and the CRIMSON FUCKING DONG! I of course mean Cobra, and apologize to the Dong for mixing you two up.

Because that's the Flynn that can win this match. That's the Flynn that can beat me."

Luca takes a deep breath, running his hand across his hair.

"That's the Mark Flynn I respect.

Seeya at the Chamber Mark, if you actually show up there."

The scene fades out to black to give the viewers a chance to ponder what they just heard. It can't be true, it has to be a ruse to lure Flynn out of his hidey hole, isn't it?

Isn't it?

[Image: giphy.gif]
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