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06-28-2013, 05:09 PM
Nightmare is stood in front of the Castle of Demons. He is alone and stood still and silent. His eyes closed behind the mask and his head bows. There is a sudden flash of light causing the backdrop to turn to white. Once the white fades the castle cannot be seen anymore, instead we have a shot of the XWF HQ.
XWF Interviewer Steve Sayors uneasily approaches Nightmare with a microphone and a cameraman.
Steve: Uhh Mr Nightmare sir, do you have any words you would like to say leading up to your match up in the elimination chamber at the weekend, Maybe a message for your opponents?
Nightmare looks directly towards Steve, his eyes piercing with menace before finally relaxing, with that making Steve feel a little more at ease.
Nightmare: Very well.
Luca Arzegotti we meet again.
I am glad you enjoy the stories of others much like yourself. You see Luca all of these stories are true to life stories of people who have done wrong in their life and have need to face the consequences they had appeared smart enough to avoid.
That’s right Luca, seeing as you have heard these stories you will know that all of these beings errors in judgment shall we say have manifested themselves out of nothing more than greed and arrogance.
GREED & ARROGANCE. These are two traits that can cause problems for all involved because you see Luca or what you do not see I should say is that greed and arrogance come hand in hand with mistakes and foolishness. Granted it is a foolishness that the subjects of the stories would not suffer, they would not fall into the trap of failure in what they would seek most. This is why these stories are so special. You will not find many people in the world who can get away with as much as these subjects have and this is why the powers must step in.
I do not like to say that the subjects of the stories have been a success but unfortunately in someway I must. The achieve there goals and get what the want and eventually what they deserve. The get what they deserve when finally the ticking clock is placed above there head. TICK. TOCK. TICK. TOCK.
The clock continues like that until the mission is put in place, until it is time for their Nightmare to arrive, the time when the powers send me to deliver retribution and to deliver the justice they managed to avoid at the beginning.
You remind me a lot of the subjects of these stories Luca but at the same time you are very different. You are a disgusting, despicable human being and you also show the arrogance of the others but unfortunately you do not have the smarts to avoid allowing your arrogance to slip into the realm of foolishness.
Luca you do not have the clock above your head yet TICK, TOCK, TICK, TOCK but your foolishness has found me already. We have met once before in a match that had finished as a no contest but this time it will be different. There will be no helping that friend of yours, you will not make it to the king match, you will fall at the penultimate hurdle. This hurdle is not only myself but is also you.
You are a drunken fool and your time will come to an end this weekend.
Now my Apprentice has informed me of some of the other small obstacles that will also be standing in this chamber match with Luca and myself. So with that I feel it is my duty to acknowledge their presence.
Heironeous I appreciate the humbleness you show when talking about your own mission in hand, however your mission is one of self-satisfaction, your self-satisfaction to succeed and to be the best, to be the King.
Please don’t miss-understand me Heironeous. I do not paint you with the same brush as I have others in the past and I understand your desperation to succeed and I must congratulate your for making it this far but this night at Wild Card weekend, it is not your time, this company needs a king that is selfless. I am nit suggesting that you would become a king in the model that the XWF has now but you must understand a selfless king would be a successful king, a king that would have everyone looking up to him.
If Heironeous you truly believe you can be a king of this kind, if you can put your on agendas to one side then I will not begrudge you or any of the others that time to prove it as king.
Unfortunate for now the only person a can trust to lead the XWF into the future is myself and that is what I intend to do.
Prove me wrong if you can Hieroneous. Prove me wrong.
That last message goes out to everyone else apart from Luca that will be stepping into that chamber this weekend.
My Apprentice has told me of another competitor by the name of Peter Gilmour, my apprentice believes this to be a man that will show a real passion to succeed in this match. He also said that Gilmour’s main goal is to get his hands on the king, such like my own.
Since being told of Peter Gilmour’s presence in this match I have don’t, as I always do some research into his ability.
I must say Mr Gilmour you have impressed me to an extent, showing great ability to go along with that passion you have. My Apprentice did confirm that he has witnessed you in a match and he was impressed. We will see at the PPV if your ability and passion is enough to get you through a match that includes my self and another competitor who goes by the name of Mark Flynn.
Mark Flynn is the once competitor that I really do not know too much about but according to my apprentice apart from myself he is the most likely to eventually de-throne King Madison.
As I have said before if his aim is to do this for the correct reasons just as I am then I would never begrudge him that honour.
I look forward to stepping into the chamber with you Mr Flynn, I truly believe that everything you do should be done to the highest standard and you should never go for the easy option’s for quick success like many of the subjects of my stories do. So if you are as great as the stories of you that have been told then I will say may the best man win and take away the crown from the tyrant king.
I will say to you though Mr Flynn, this is my mission for the higher powers, I do not fail my missions so you must bring everything you have into Wild Card Weekend for the smallest chance of not leaving there empty handed.
Eli James IV I am truly embarrassed to say I do not know anything of you and for this I apologise, my apprentice has failed me on this occasion and he will face the consequences.
My attention to detail and superior power as a Night Terror does assist me with lets say knowing certain things about people.
I know that in your short time in the XWF you have been kicking up quite the storm, upsetting a few people along the way.
I will say though Eli James IV, I do agree with some of your beliefs but for the most part I do not and I truly believe that you are not someone that the XWF needs to be sitting upon the throne forcing some of your more radical beliefs upon the people.
I am sure the others in this match will agree with me on this and unfortunate for you I don’t see you getting anywhere near the goals you have set out for yourself on this evening.
One day Eli, it maybe your time but I truly believe you need to reign in some of your thoughts and beliefs before they over power you completely and you end up walking down the same road as so many other where the powers place that ticking clock upon your head in anticipation for your nightmare to arrive.
Nightmare just stops talking and turns to face away from Steve and the cameraman that had been recording the entire interview. Steve turns away to look at the cameraman in confusion as to whom Nightmare is now just staring at a wall. When Steve turns back again he is shocked to see Nightmare has vanished.
Steve what… where did he go?
The cameraman shrugs his shoulders and gestures that he didn’t see anything as he was talking to Steve.
Steve: Were you recording?
The cameraman nods and smiles before Steve quickly ushers him inside of XWF HQ to go through the footage off the tape, especially the last few seconds where Nightmare had vanished.
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AlexandraCallaway (06-28-2013)