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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Wild Card Weekend (June 29th) PPV RP Archive
No More Words (RP5)
Author Message
Andrew Morrison Away
The Storm Of Destruction

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

06-28-2013, 07:56 AM

(camera feed on)

(we are in an empty Madness arena and we see Morrison in trademark black hoodie and jeans sitting in the ring on top of the turnbuckle)

Hello, Hunter..
A lot of things have been done and have been said between the two of us and…others..but none of that will truly matter come Saturday at Wild Card Weekend..

Because you see this business, at the end of the day, isn’t about who can talk the most trash, or who can use the most the end of the day, Saturday night, it will be you. It will be me. And we will be in that ring to wrestle. To fight. To beat the living hell out of each other and show the world who the better man is on that night..

I’m not coming to open presents..I’m not coming to stand in that ring and trade words with you. I come to trade fists..and I come to win the match. Im not coming to shake hands or make friends with the crowd..I come to pin you in the middle of that ring or make you tap.

One of us will walk out the winner and one the loser. I will tell you right now, that will not be me. You will have to beat me within an inch of my breath if you think your keeping me down for a three-count, and you will have to rip my limb off if you want to even think I’ll tap. Im not going to stop until I plant you in the middle of that ring and finish this.

No more words will come from these lips, Hunter.. I am coming to fight, I suggest you do the same.

(camera feed off)

W-L Record Since Return: 1-1 (singles or tag) 0-1 (special/gauntlet matches)
[Image: pdCdNLq.jpg]
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