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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Shot
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Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

11-07-2017, 03:22 PM

Robert’s eyes grew heavy. His mind had been wandering for hours now, refashioning old choices that he had made, he goes over each choice countless times in his mind. For some of the trip, he was making much better choices than a few hours ago life was becoming brighter! Robert did something he cannot come back from kidnapping a preacher and beating a God fearing man nearly to his death. A haze overcast his mind. He became jaded over these past few hours! He vividly remembers what had happened. His memory became fuzzy, blocked-out! Guilt and regret engraved his consciousness, he indulged himself into his own madness. Robert grips the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles white with rage.

[Image: KPEECgI.jpg]

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH…. Why can’t I remember what happened? My memory is so foggy! Everything comes back in patches! Why do I feel this way?

How do you feel Robert? Do you feel guilty? Or did you feel pleasure? You did what was needed! Ever since the beating a few hours ago you have kept me out! Don’t harp on what happened my child! You’re becoming stronger, that is what truly matters! Your mind has grown weak and here I am to set you on the right path again! You cannot get rid of me! We made a deal and you will fulfill it until the day you die! I will show no clemency!

Fuck you!

[Image: yj0iRYS.jpg]

Robert glances at the radio clock in his Jeep for a brief second, the time had just ticked to 3:01 A.M. in the morning. The green glow cast a shadow on Robert’s face! He soon noticed a sign on the road signaling a gas station. He glances down checking the gas gauge, noticing he needed to fill up and try to mentally prepare himself for the long flight to Vietnam! Robert glances over towards the passenger seat to see if he was truly there! There sat the Devil in human form! He had on a nice three-piece suit he nicely polished black dress shoes on the dash. His seat laid back as far as it could go! His arms propped behind his head. The Devil looks over with his freighting red eyes and smiles revealing his sharp canine teeth! Robert glances in the rear-view mirror for a moment before speaking up once more.

[Image: neDZ0y2.png]

I don’t need you here! Isn’t there other deals you’ve made with other helpless souls, you need to check on? I’ve delivered everything, I said I would!

Yes indeed you have Robert, you have delivered on everything I’ve asked of you! As have I! I’ve made you stronger! Faster! More resilient than you ever were! You feel no pain now! What more could a man ask for? Your shoulders will become laden with gold soon enough! I come to you Robert because you are starting to resist my evil presence. I find you fascinating, your ability to fight my power. It’s become harder to convince you to do my work! Deals with others? Oh…. Robert there are millions of deals made every day all over this planet! Every man, woman, and child all have one thing in common! They each want something they cannot have! That is when I come in Robert, I’m willing to give it to them for a price! Those who I cannot strike a deal with, become a pain at times! But over time even the best man can be lead away! It just takes assiduous amounts or labor! Just because I can lead them to water, doesn’t mean they will drink!

I’ve got to stop for gas in a few miles! Listen I do try to block you out and I am becoming more successful! Having two minds in my head at once is driving me insane!

Robert cracked the window lighting a cigar he cast a cursory glanced over at the Devil again continuing down the highway!

[Image: K15SJAM.jpg]

Its creepy no one else can see you! Why is that?

Because they haven’t made deals Robert! They can only see me when deals are made. You don’t have to see me to know I am there! Look around this pathetic world! Why do you think, world governments have the influence they have? It isn’t because they are good people. The people I deal with are deprecated. Just take one glance at all of the corruption in politics right now Robert! Do you believe these people all of a sudden just started stealing money? Selling weapons to the highest bidder? No. It has been happening since the begging of time! Robert in their darkest hours I stepped in and whispered into their ears! When their purpose is fulfilled they crumble! No one is immune to me! Kings and Queens! Presidents! No one! Not even an Engineer!

Are you talking about Engy?

Dexter Bright, seems to believe I’m not around! He is blinded by his own egregious behavior! A foolish man! Not long ago this man was addicted to drugs! I’m alive and well. Business is booming like never before. End times are near! I can feel it! Evil is running ramped! The hapless Dexter Bright! Playing the tough guy role, standing at the shooting range. Yet he claims you are the one acting tough! Hypocrite! Soon enough He will feel my sting again after you dismantle him in front of the world! Revealing true violence! Robert, I have to ask you. Am I driving you insane? Or were you already that way?

Robert glances over once more.

I’m truly not sure anymore! You’ve clouded my mind! I’m not even sure anymore if my thoughts are my own, or if you have planted them there! I feel like I’m insane!

[Image: Z6VExuM.jpg]

Insanity seemed to be Roberts own personal curse, it was the only thing he truly feared above anything else. Once the strange thoughts started creeping into the corner of his mind, these thoughts would sneak him into vast realities with graceful ease, never leaving a single trace or a clue they had taken hold of his mind, these thoughts would come and go as they pleased. Each thought is a florid daydream, not to be viewed as a movie on the silver screen, but live and in first person. Robert seemed to lead in the starring role, elevated and evil, a delusion of grandeur unlike anything else. A true delusion is a fixed false belief that gains traction, like a tire on the road, these delusions can drive a person in many different directions, often erratic, leading toward imitate disaster. Robert’s have become more like a horror film, seeing demons, feeling empty inside, and seeing the Devil himself walking along with Robert! The wheel of hell continues throughout Robert’s mine, leading him down a path of no return!

For the first time in Robert’s life, he found himself all alone. He sat in his Jeep driving to the airport alone and utterly terrified in the confined darkness of his vehicle. The dark consumed his frail form. He had no one there to soothe her fears, it was just him, alone going to a strange place with strange people.

Engy, do you know the difference between you and me? You fit the mold around here! You are a carbon copy of what I have grown to hate! You have common beliefs, you believe in the institution! I, on the other hand, attack them. I’m an iconoclast! I watched you at the gun range today, I can’t say that you were entertaining! But it was something! Everything that you have put out is nothing more than a big brown turd! You’ve grown accustomed to your opponents not having anything to say! Now that I do, and there will be plenty more by the way! If you think for one fucking second that you are going to say anything and I do not have a rebuttal, you are a fool! The whole point of this thing is for us to talk shit! Get under one another’s skin! I’m not these other guys! I can string together sentences and I will challenge you on every word! You call me hacky and lame or is it the fact that I am actually putting in the time and the work I think that right there is what is truly bothering you. I’m putting forth the effort! You are used to just getting the win as of late! I’m telling you that you are wrong and what do you come back at me with? Hacky and lame! You and I both know that you are wrong! Come Warfare you will fail! Now you’re throwing you temper tantrum! Pissing and moaning like a trans-gendered trying to use the women’s restroom!

No one at home or in any arena around the world wants to hear you talk at all Engy! You have nothing to say that is even remotely relevant or entertaining! You want to talk about stealing ideas and shit like that? Look back at Leap Of Faith! I did a promo about shooting! By your lunatic terms, seeing how I did it before you. That would make you a thief! Have many original thoughts Dexter? I never knew that my words won matches here in the XWF! I didn’t know they did the wrestling for me! Words hold no weight. They are just words! If they are hurting you so badly quit listening! Stop coming back at me! This is a losing effort on your behalf! If you want to go cry in a corner like a bitch, make sure you put a tampon in your pussy while you are at it! You remind me of a liberal snowflake! You want the world and everything in it! But like all liberals, you want the world on some else’s! You want it handed to you on a silver platter! Then like all liberals you cry bitch and moan about how you are not being treated fairly! Everything is all well and good until someone else opposes your ideology! That’s where these temper tantrums come into play! I will not lay down for you! I will fight you every fucking single step of the way!

Here I always thought my athletic ability is what won me all of the matches. Not my words! Maybe in your false world words wins you fights. In mine, these two fists do all the talking! If you would remove Robbie Bourbons dick that has been firmly implanted into your ass maybe you would get the picture! Watching you fumble around your words with this verbal gymnastics shit is getting old! It’s almost like you have something lodged in your tonsils! Wait! That would be Jimmy’s dick! Taking them in ever hold huh? Maybe if you reach around you can give the Bearded War Bitch a reach around! Now seeing how you have thrown that word lame around time and time again. Let’s talk about what is actually lame! Engy, you are lame! Look at that promo you just did! It was filled to the brim with my quotes. You just didn’t have enough to say right? What is there truly to say negative about Robert fucking Main? Not much! So you used my quotes as FILLER! That is lame Engy! That right there is Chris Chaos like! What’s next? Since you have no original content, maybe you’ll look to Wikipedia! It works for Chaos, why not you? Don’t come at me with that bull shit! At least I put forth the effort! Do you want to know why your promos are so short? Because there is nothing to say about me! There is not one ounce of shit to talk! That’s why they are short. You have nothing to say! I have you on the run like a little fucking bitch. All you are doing is defending yourself! I don’t have to defend myself! You want to pull up a chair and take me to the woodshed boy, you fucking better have better ammo than using my quotes, then defending yourself! What a fucking joke! You want to see a lame mother fucker? Take a peek in the merrier!

Robert screams again, shaking his head violently!

My child you really need to calm down! I can feel the anger rising inside you!

Insanity stole into Robert’s mind like a deranged thief in the night, taking what was most important to him, adding new dangerous ideas, seeding a new personality and muddling up the rest of his mind. Sparks of ideas that he once would have dismissed altogether, as bizarre as each idea was, each evil though began to grow roots, very deep roots, they began to make sense to Robert coming together in one revolutionary moment after another! Cascading out of control, falling on top of him like an avalanche of hatred, luring Robert further and further from the self he once knew and loved! Robert was now deep that he no longer recognized anything around him! His mind because like paths leading to nowhere, these paths twisted and turned, Robert, followed one path wildly after another, making new connections in his newly distorted reality! Robert had become trodden, with each new path, so much so they formed an inescapable maze with no way out, like a prison without walls.

I can’t calm down! Look at what you have turned me into! I’m not sure what’s real or even what I am doing half of the time!

Robert that is because you are fighting the process! Give in!

You are making me something I do not want to be! Look at me! I’m kidnapping preachers and beating them to death! I’m drinking more than I ever have in my life! I drink now just to numb myself! I try to balance everything out with booze! I’ve truly become a monster!

[Image: 6vpDMy8.jpg]

Robert knew those around him were calling him a lunatic. He had never cared before but now he knew what they were saying was the truth! He could hear the low whispers behind his back! He watched as parent pulled their children closer when he would pass by. It was now common knowledge that Robert had a history of violent outburst and currently some mental problems. There were a plethora of layman diagnosis for his condition! Depending on who you spoke to you'd be told in hushed, and sometimes not so hushed, bi-polar, schizophrenic, psychotic or psychopathic. Ready to write a prescription and make those problems disappear! Pills would only dull the pain! Most common people didn't know the difference between the illnesses and used them all interchangeably. Robert knew they gossiped and stared, spreading rumors and lies. He became uncomfortable in his own skin! He knew deep down inside what was wrong! He knew the Devil was here! He could see him, hear him, and even feel his searing touch! But no one else could! Robert wanted to tell anyone who would listen that it could happen to anyone, given enough pressure any mind can snap. Robert’s mind has been broken in two, he’s unsure if he will ever be able to get it back! Or if he will be under the Devils control forever!

Engy, where have I been? I’ve been right here along! I’ve seen these impressive feats you spoke of! But are they truly impressive? I too have walked down the path of slaying former Universal Champions! Nothing impressive in my eyes! Those matches were Robert Main doing what he always will do. WIN! There is a reason they are called a former Universal Champion! It’s because they lost a step, they fell from grace, much like you will on Warfare! These former Universal Champions you fought were not at the top of their game! The difference between you and me! I bet Jim when he was one of the most feared Television Champions in this industry! I beat Jim on his ascension towards the top of the mountain! He was at his very best. He was about to peak, and peak he did! Something Jim is about to do again if I were a betting man! I beat Chris Chaos while he was Universal Champion! Look it up kid that happened! Lethal Lottery! I beat Gabe Reno before he was Universal Champion! He too like Jimmy was peaking! I beat your leader a few weeks before he won the Universal Championship! I just defeated Peter Gilmour, a legend a former Universal Champion! I beat people on their way up the mountainside Engy, you beat them tumbling down! There is a vast difference in the two! Everything that you have done in those 6 months of being here has been easy! I came into this company and was fed to the wolves! Right away these wolves found out I was a Lion!

I will say this about Jim! He and I have traveled the up and down the roads together for months. I try not to attack him because he is my brother! He is my friend! Go ahead and ask him Engy! Jim and I have a friendship like no other! I look at Jim as my equal, he looks at me the same way! If for a split second you get nervous against Jim, guess what you already lost! The problem with your little band of merry fuck heads is this! You bunch of losers will turn on one another! You fucks did it to James Raven! The very best fucking wrestler this company has ever seen! What happens when you three get tired of living in Jimmy’s rather large shadow? What happens then? Because that is all the Mother Fuckers will ever do is live in Jim’s shadow! He will give you three bitches some table scraps from time to time! You three are nothing compared to him! It is Jim and the MotherFuckers! You clowns are the backup dancers! Next to Jimmy! You three no matter what Championship you hold over your shoulders, are nothing more than second best! Once you brought Jim in he took control of that group! Do you think for a second that the Universal Champion will go on being second best? Living in Jim’s shadow? With the ego Robbie Bourbon has we all know the answer! So Engy pop Jim’s dick from your mouth and think about it for a second! Stop gargling his balls long enough to see what is really going to happen! When Robbie says jump you will ask him how high and do it! You are nothing more than his bitch! When he says Jimmy’s got to go what will you do? Will you buck the supposed leader? Or will you follow through with the orders given to you? We know the answer!

Engy, I say the things I do because I believe them! No one has ever proved me otherwise, nor will you. When I tell you I will haunt your dreams! I will do just that, it’s just not going to be in the way you envisioned in your promo! I’m no Freddy, see you are taking make believe and reality and twisting them up! I will haunt your dreams in a much different way! Over and over again our match will play out! I will take that Championship from you each and every night. You think that you will block out your greatest failure? I don’t think so! You may have locked away abuse in that mind and for that I am sorry! No child should live in a broken home! Nor should that child be beaten or treated like a second-class citizen! From the bottom of my heart when I say this I mean it! I am sorry you were rapped in a bathtub! It’s a horrible thought even for a man like myself! As hard as that was to go through and I do know it was hard for you! I’m sorry to say this but, Engy that painful RAPE! You will feel it again! Not in the way you are hoping for though! I won’t be sticking my dick inside you! I’ll leave that To Robbie the Nazi lover and the Bearded War ! I will rape you mentally! I will drain every single ounce of your blood! All the abuse you lived through as a child! I will make you feel it all over again as I am making you my little bitch boy! I will beat you like your deadbeat daddy did when you were small! I will kick and stomp you enjoying every second. Engy, I will be your DADDY!

Wow Robert! Those were some terrible things! You talked about beating a man like his father did! You are talking about an abused man who was rapped! Keep going Robert let the hate fuel you!

[Image: JgHiLks.jpg]

Robert looked towards the exit and decided he should stop now and get some gas and better get and a pack cigarettes. Robert knows his life has just recently been thrown into free fall. He pulled his jacked up lime green Jeep next to the pump, swiped his card, and began filling. Robert stood there still smoking his cigar fully aware of the no smoking signs all around him! At this point, Robert didn’t care if the whole gash station went up in flames! He has felt flames burn his skin before. This would be no different! The Devil would not let Robert die though, he would bring Robert back until he fulfilled his part of the deal. Robert leans up against his Jeep staring into the night sky. The Devil now laying on the hood of Robert’s jeep!

Robert this world has an infection, it’s the human race! You must help he cure it, enslave them! Could you imagine a world without its heroes? I would be all MINE!

Get the fuck off the hood of my Jeep! Almost full!

Do you know why you will defeat Dexter Robert?

I’m sure you are going to tell me either way so go ahead and
enlighten me!

Dexter is a hallow man, one full of empty promises! He is a man filled full of lies and secrets! He wanted a dragon to slay! I’ve given him a demon!

This world we live in, is terrible! It is nothing more than a cesspool needing to be cleansed! It is a cold dark and lonely place, filled with hate! Engy, you seem to stand for all of these illusions that are just not real! I stand before you, real, in the flesh! You live in the augmented reality! Fake! I stand for everything that is real! I am a different man! Where you see a blank canvas, I see an opportunity to paint with my brush of hate! You can call me whatever you’d like to Engy! You can make fun of me and call me cheap names! Just know this! With everything that I have said to you! Not one moment did I lie to you? Go back and time and watch my other promos! Not once did I ever lie to the others! I speak the truth because there is nothing else! You’ve lied to yourself so many times Dexter, over and over and over again! You’ve started to believe some of them! I can see now why you think you are this horseman of death! You have told yourself you are unbeatable! You have told yourself you are this white knight! SO MANY TIMES YOU BELIEVE THEM! Now is the time for me to shake the very foundation you stand on! I will take your hope! I will show you, that you are a liar! You have earned the trust of so many behind that fake porcelain smile!

You want to make me look like I am the insane one! You are no better than I am! You are a beast just like me! That beast is something that you have kept locked away hidden from the world to see! I though, I’m the key to unlocking it! I will bring that beast within front and center! I will make you become what you were. A monster or you will fail plain and simple! I’ve got you right where I want you! You are dazed and confused, lost in the world of the Omega! I’ve got you up against the ropes! All you need is just one little push! Warfare the demon will come out to play! Are you ready? Will you be the one who will vanquish the beast? Will you slay the demon that I have become? Warfare Dexter Bright you become scorched Earth!

Robert removes the nozzle from the gas tank of his jeep slamming it back into the pump. Heading towards the gas station for a pack of smokes when he stops suddenly. Robert stares at the station for a moment placing his hands on his hips shaking his head a few times as cars pass him by.


But my child you never know what could happen! Just take it to be safe! Look at the world you live in!


[Image: ci57s66.jpg]

Robert walks back to his Jeep, ripping the door open visibly upset. He reaches underneath the leather seats pulling out his black Glock .40! Robert looks at the gun for a few moment checking the chamber. He looks around the parking lot as he places the gun into his waistband at the small of his back. He glares at the Devil who is smiling. As Robert crosses the parking lot he notices a familiar car but thinks nothing of it entering the station moving up to the counter quickly. Robert’s eyes move about the station with extreme paranoia as the clerk mover forward!

Clerk: What ya need?


Clerk: Kind?

Don’t care anything I got to get out of here and hop a flight!

Clerk: You look familiar!

I get that a lot.

Hey sir, you wouldn’t happen to be heading towards Clark County, and have an extra seat, would you?

[Image: r2oWQU5.png]

Robert hands the clerk ten dollars placing the cigarettes in the pocket of his leather jacket. The voice from behind Robert sounded familiar. Robert turned around slowly revealing himself to the stranger.

No I’m heading towards the airport! Dad? What are you doing here?

Dad: Just out getting a few things before heading to the house! Robert we really need to talk son! I’ve seen some of the things that you have been saying and I am alarmed! You’ve said you have made a deal with the Devil it’s all over the television and internet! Plus after what you did to that preacher. Robert, there is a warrant out for your arrest! Are you okay son?

Dad I cannot talk about this right now I have to leave the country for a match!

Robert looked behind his dad seeing the Devil is displeased!

Listen to me Robert I’m not going to lecture you about anything! But you are in some trouble let me help you. Mom and I are worried about you! Son, you are a good man. Sure you had a momentary lapse in judgment. But this can all be taken care of! You are sick and need help! We can get you that help Robert if you would just let us! We have to take care of some of this legal trouble first! I know you too well son! I know your heart is heavy. Your path forward will not be easy. But it is one you have to take! There’s going to be many voices out there telling you to leave, telling you you’re no good, telling you to quit, and reminding you every day of your sins. Every day and every moment you are going to have to be a living, breathing refutation of the critic. You are a good man. Every day you just focus on being a better person and you will make it out of this pool of despair and find the happiness that eludes you. Everyone that matters still loves you and supports you. Come home Robert and get some help! We love you!

Robert quickly storms out the front door followed by his Dad. Robert stops in front of his Jeep dropping his key on the ground.

Dad: Robert please come home!

The Devil is not seeing that Robert’s father is seemingly getting through to him! The Devil smiles snapping his fingers as Robert bends down picking up his keys.


A single gunshot cracked into the Nevada air, the shout was as loud as thunder but without the raw power of a severe storm. In comparison, they were tinny and small! Even if the shot could have been mistaken for the crack of an oncoming super squall there wasn't a cloud in the night sky. Robert stands quickly looking at the Devil who is smiling pointing at Robert’s Dad. Robert turns around seeing his dad had been shot!

Dad: Rob……ert! AH!

Robert stood there shocked his Dad was laying on the ground bleeding out! Shot from his own gun! Robert’s face fell faster than a corpse with cement shoes. His skin became green, his mouth hung with lips slightly parted and his eyes were as wide as they could stretch. Robert reaches for his gun tossing it on the ground attending to his father! Robert looks back at the Devil who has his hands like two pistols shooting Robert’s Dad over and over again laughing!

You son of a bitch! You fucking son of a bitch! You made my gun go off shooting my Dad! I will never work for you! Fuck the deal we made! I will make damn sure I do not help you anymore! You said it yourself, I have grown stronger than even you can control!

Ah…. Robert I’m going to need a hospital… Who are you talking to there is no one here buy you and I son?

Dad do you know how you and mom always told me and sis to stay away from the darkness! Dad, I made a deal with the Devil! I know you cannot see him but he is here! Right now he is behind me! I can only see him because I made a deal. I listened to him bringing my gun into the station. He made the gun go off. Dad, I’m so sorry! This is all my fault! I’m sorry Dad! Dad..? Say with me. You’re bleeding pretty badly! DAD!!

Dad: I’m still here Robert! Don’t beat yourself up Robert we ahhhhh. Are humans! We can be tempted by evil! We can be tempted by many things! Just fight like you always have! I love you son and if for some reason your old man can’t get out of this alive! Robert, please tell your mother and sister I love them very much and I’ll always look over them!

No, no, no, no! Dad don’t talk like that everything is going to be okay! I can hear the sirens coming up the highway now! Just stay with me Dad! I’m so sorry!

Robert applied pressure to the wound on his Dad’s stomach. The bullet wound was small, compared to what Robert had imagined it would be. Somewhat ragged around the edges but barely bleeding even. The exit wound must be on his Dad’s back somewhere! Robert looks back at the Devil still grinning from ear to ear.

Robert we really have to go! We have a plane to catch! I told you, I own your soul!

[Image: iMF0Yb9.jpg]

Dad: You don’t own a damn thing you son of a bitch!

Dad how? Can you see him?

[Image: 737zCrr.jpg]



[Image: 6x9xFnQ.png]
[Image: nLYNvyj.png] x2
[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
[Image: WPoUWuI.png]

Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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