10-13-2017, 09:45 PM
The scene opens in a local gym in Vancouver, Canada. When the cameras zoom in on a location, they vaguely snapped a shot of the hotel’s courtyard, but going inside the hotel room facility—the cameras take place inside of the small designated gym area. Inside the gym is Tyler Cross who has two weights in his hands. He has his hands firmly gripping the handles of the large weights and he’s standing in front of the mirror. He’s working out his biceps while drops of sweat come down his forehead. However, the door to the gym has been reopened and strutting inside is the very confident Kings’ jester Cadryn. He makes his way over to the back of Tyler Cross while adjusting his suit jacket. He’s whistling and while Cross can see him in the reflection, Cross remains focused on his task.
”Mine, mine, what do we have here?”
Cadryn says as he sneaks up behind Tyler Cross in the arena’s gym. Without turning around, he looks up at Cadryn in the mirror reflection and snarls while he continues to work out his biceps.
”What’s the matter, young man? Are you starting to have second thoughts about facing my Kings?”
He laughs while Cross just grins in the mirror, continuing to ignore Cadryn. Cadryn looks to be getting frustrated.
“Hey stupid! I’m talking to you!”
He yells as he starts to grow irritated. He grabs him by the triceps and spins Tyler around to face him. He starts on his tippy toes as he tries to look Cross in the eyes.
“What do you want? Can’t you see I’m prepping for my match?”
Cadryn looks at the biceps as they look massive right now.
“My good sir, you shouldn’t even bother with this match. Why would you even waste you time and tarnish what little dignity you have left? I would just leave Barney Green to officially be retired at the hands of my Kings and salvage what’s left of your miserable career!”
Cross drops the weights to the concrete floor and starts rolling his neck.
“Do you think that’s the kind of man I am, Cadryn? Do you think I’m the sort of man to just lay down and let some bullies pick off a defensive man limb by limb? Well, if that’s your impression of me, then you and your fellow Kings are in for a rude awakening!”
He sets up to Cadryn as he towers over the mouthpiece of the Kings.
“So much potential, yet so foolish. Oh poor Tyler, you will eventually learn that you mess with the Kings and you sudden disappear. My Kings are not just any ordinary champions; they are the best Tag Team Champions in the history of professional wrestling and the Xtreme Wrestling Federation! You sir, pursuing this match is only going to kill tarnish what little career you have left!”
“For being such a small man, you sure have a big mouth! Don’t think for a second I haven’t forgotten our little splat when I first signed with XwF. I accepted your challenge and I have yet to receive it!”
Cadryn starts laughing bluntly in Cross’ face while Cross looks unamused.
“You really want to fight me? Do you have any idea who I am? I am the most respected man on the roster! Nobody beats me, unless I let you win!”
He says while adjusting his dress shirt. He smugly tilts his head up and raises his upper lip while glaring across at Cross.
“Yeah? Is that the common trait between the rest of the Kings too, or is that just one thing from the deluded mind of Cadryn?”
Cadryn raises his right hand up to Cross’ face and very arrogantly slaps both his cheeks. Cross starts to rub his cheeks while glaring down at Cadryn.
“You sir have no sense or morals! How dare you continue to bad mouthed the Kings when we very generously gave your fat boy partner the opportunity at the Tag Team Championships in the first place! Barney hasn’t earned this match, Mr. Cross and if my memory serves me right neither have you. Barney couldn’t even managed to beat John Samuels. Barney Green is just the Kings’ bitch and you sir are going--”
He starts thrusting his middle finger against Cross’ chest while shoving him back. Cross has had enough and he snatches Cadryn’s wrist. He bends it to the side while Cadryn’s eyes widen with suspense.
”Unhand me at once!”
Cross starts to back him up while staring down at him.
“If you ever touch me like that again, you’ll be picking your teeth up off the floor because I’m going to permanently remove them. The next time you want to call my partner a bitch, you need to reflect on your life. You’re the one on your knees slurping up all the Kings’ cum. You can take this message back to those son of bitches and let them know, Tyler Cross wants those titles nicely shined up and pretty for when I win one-half of the titles Sunday night!”
Cadryn pulls his arm out from the grip and he starts to rub his wrist while just foully shaking his head in disgust at Cross.
“You can’t even hold our jock straps! I’ll send the message, but you betcha believe the Kings are coming for a little payback!”
He slaps him once more and as Tyler reaches for the little man, Cadryn manages to take off like wind. Cross holds his jawbone and just glares at the gym’s door as the door is flopping open. He turns around shaking his head in surprise. He leans down to pick up the weights and looks toward the mirror. As he continues to work on his arms, the scene faded to black.
“Theo, Doc, I’ve tried to play nice with you two. I’ve even tried to respect the legacies you two have cemented in the history books. I didn’t want to be that kid who took away your accomplishments because that would be uncanny. I want to be a person who is known for giving respect where respect is earned, but I see you guys just continue to nitpick every little thing I do. You guys want to try and drive a wedge between Barney Green and myself. I see what you’re doing because it’s all about dividing and conquering, right guys? It’s all about dissecting our flaws and then using our weaknesses against us. I’m not going to back down, stay home, or turn my back on Barney like I have already stated. There’s a mutual respect there between Barney and I.”
“I mean, sure Barney and I don’t have a fancy tag team name like the Kings do. We are just known as Barney Green and Tyler Cross, but we don’t want a fancy name to take away from the talent we plan on coming to Leap of Faith with. After we win the Tag Team straps. After we are declared the new Tag Team Champions… just maybe, then maybe we will adopt a tag team name. I don’t know after beating you guys at Leap of Faith, I’m thinking the Kings v.2 would be a cute name to pick up. What do you guys think, Doc and Theo?”
“I wouldn’t let Barney and I walk around being called the Kings v.2, so don’t you guys worry about it. The name Kings is a bit overrated and outplayed in the industry, if I do say so myself. Anybody who calls themselves a King or Queen is trying to relive a part of history where the monarch was a ruler in a country. Monarchs in the 2017 are nothing more than figureheads. There’s no power or authority that come with the talent and titles of Kings and Queens definitely don’t mean the individual is automatically the richest person in the world. I have seen some poor monarchs in my day. After you two lose the Tag Team Championships, you two will be a couple of poor Kings. You’re not going to lose because you two suck. You’re going to lose because you underestimated both Barney and myself. You’re going to lose because you aren’t giving us the credit we deserve. That’s the real reason why you’re going to lose the titles.”
“I don’t know how good of champions we would be together. I don’t even know how long we will have the titles for. The only thing I know is we will be the team known for dethroning the impeccable Kings. Your reign will always go down in the history of this company as one of the greatest, especially in the tag team division. This is the perfect opportunity for me to stun the world and make doubters into believers!”
“I do have to say Doc… you wanted to make a bold statement and you asserted that good help was hard to find. Was that an insult to me? Do you think I’m not going to be of any assistance to Barney? Do you think I’m going to let Barney suffer, yet another defeat to the Kings? Over my dead body! The one thing I am is loyal. I am as loyal as a cute little puppy picked out from the animal shelter. You don’t have to worry about whether I’m going to be his downfall or his rise to fame. Doc, you should have unplugged your ears and watched my promo before you started making assumptions. All those assumptions did for you was make you look like an ass. I told you exactly why I am the best partner for Barney Green.”
“Do you think anybody established would be a good partner for Barney? Why? I mean, how do you think that? Cause they have some success in the XwF? Somebody who is a former champion would be more damaging as Barney’s partner than helpful. Somebody successful would act as a detour for him and try to boss him around. They would butt heads because unlike most guys, Barney Green isn’t the type to just take people’s crap. People might try to bully him because of his looks, but guess what? He doesn’t just take it like a little bitch! I’m sure a former Universal Champion would be better than me talent wise, but it wouldn’t be an even matching. Right now, Barney and I are on the same page. We agree that it’s time to bring an end to the Kings’ reign. We understand that the Kings need to be knocked off their pedestal. We are going to lead the uprising that sends the Kings revolting! The most ironic thing is the night Peter Gilmour gets a spot in the Kings, the Kings lose their precious Tag Team Championships. I guess Peter Gilmour is more bad luck than he is good, eh guys? I bet you’re second guessing your stipulation in his match after all.”
“This isn’t about Peter now, nor ever was it. Peter’s days as the Hart’s Champion are numbered. They are as numbered as your days as Tag Team Champions. The only difference is at the end of Leap of Faith, the Hart’s Championship is going to be the only thing the Kings have left to grasp onto for dear life. It makes me wonder how badly you guys want to retain those titles. It makes me wonder just what you two will do to make sure those titles do not leave the Kings. It’s just safety that Barny asked for the Xtreme rules stipulation to verify that you guys aren’t going to cheat us out with a disqualification. I can’t seem to get over Barney’s intelligence. He took a page out of the Kings’ playbook and outsmarted you. It does make everything legal, but I’m a fighting son of a bitch though. I will fight one man. Two men. Three men. Or four men. It has no bearing on me what I have to do to make sure I don’t go zero and two in my XwF career!”
![[Image: giphy.gif]](https://media.giphy.com/media/zBwkDGeRmXvcQ/giphy.gif)