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We don't think Neville understands words.
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Kropotkin Offline

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(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

10-13-2017, 08:46 PM Sad  We don't think Neville understands words. -->

"I thought you were supposed to be smart. But here you are, spouting some straight up incorrect information. First of all, you accuse me of being Soviet style, followed by calling me Anarchist, and then calling Anarchism reactionary. First of all, Soviets weren't Anarchist, they actually killed a bunch of Anarchists, see Krondstandt and Nestor Maskhno come to mind. And Reactionary is the very opposite of Anarchist. Or, do you mean Reactive? Reactionary means staying with the status quo, or conservatism. Do I really need to explain to you how something radical cannot be reactionary? But again, I guess if you weren't busy running around pretending to be Merlin's kid or some other such nonsense, you might actually be able to cut a coherent and logical promo. I guess that's too much to ask of a champion, though, to actually care about their match and not play around like some stupid dork with a bunch of Dungeons and Dragons books.

And all of that is before the fact that I've revealed that I'm not a man, and yet you claim to have seen the footage but harp on that. If you can't tell the difference between femme presenting and masculine presenting then I really hate to imagine how your childhood was. Did you repeatedly mistake Merlin Daddy for Merlin Mommy? And how awkward was parent teacher night? 'Uh, hi Mr. Smith, this is my dad Janet, and my mom Trevor.' And, this is a kicker. On top of that you go on to call all governments either communist or democratic, as if those are the only two government types around at all. A quick google search of current monarchies points to this statement being false. Also, googling the name Kropotkin, aside from me, would bring up results on Prince Pyotr Kropotkin, who was the father of Anarcho-Communism, and that's right on his Wikipedia page, let alone clicking the link to the Anarchist Library that has pieces on this. Do you even know how to use Google?

Let me further point out that a government cannot be Communist, they can be socialist, but not Communist. They can be made up of Communists, but the body cannot be communist at all. Because Communism is Anarchy. Communism calls for a stateless, classless, moneyless society, in which the workers control the means of production. If there is a state, or government, it's not Communist. Every socialist state admits this. Even Vladimir Lenin, who literally wrote the books that most current socialist governments base their ideologies on knows this. Also, socialist states tend to be incredibly democratic, because a key factor is workers controlling the means of production, usually via elected councils. But, I guess searching something before running your mouth about it makes no sense to the child of Merlin. Not only do you not understand what words mean, but you're also historically illiterate, because there have been a large number of anarchist colonies. Catalonia in Spain was solidly Anarchist before being betrayed by the Soviets, and eventually falling to the Spanish government, Rojava is anarchist, and is actually doing more to fight Daesh and end their reign of terror than any other people. Nestor Makno was with an anarchist portion of Ukraine, and was doing well, until being betrayed by Stalin.

You see, Anarchy doesn't mean there's no leaders or structures, it means no unjustified leaders or hierarchy. Everything is elected democratically. And you throw up this juvenile, unresearched garbage and dare me to challenge you, like you've got something to add? While going on about how I hadn't addressed you personally, before you'd actually bothered to cut a promo, or give any indication that you'd cut one. Oh, wait, I get it. You wanted me to cut this promo on politics, and have to once again repeat that I'm not a man, so that I'd be distracted, and not say anything about the match, or show up properly. I get it, you thought you'd be clever. But, it won't matter, because you failed there. You hoped to catch me off guard, but it just didn't work. I'm sorry, I am going to take your title and knock your teeth out. I guess you can use your wizard powers to bring your teeth back."

Ketavan is sitting on a the couch in the RV with Mark and Sasha. Neville's promos were playing on the television, and everyone is laughing hard. Sasha manages to get a few words out in between bursts of laughter. "He...actually...thinks...he's....descended...from...GODDAMN MERLIN...BWAHAHAHAHA" Mark is slapping his sides laughing so hard he actually falls on the floor and begins to wheeze and cough. Sasha manages to collect herself long enough to get a few words more words out. "This fuckwit is claiming to be descended from a damn legend, that's so well respected Nicholas Cage made a movie about it., and he has the nerve to ever act like he's smart or rational, or anything. If he's a respected champion, then the company is worse off than we thought." Mark is laughing so hard that at this point he's just making dolphin noises.

"Ok, team, we have to go out and take care of this." Ketavan and co. get up, and head off the bus, to be met by a massive array of black clad people. "We're ready to start building this stuff. Come on, team." Ketevan walks through the crowd, as a path is cleared for them. At the opposite end of the crowd was a large pile of wood slats, wood sheets, nails, and shingles. Ketevan gestured with their hands, and a group of four people ran and grabbed some wood, and began to assemble small little shanty buildings. Beams were raised up to build and assemble a roof, with sheets going on top of the beams, and shingles being laid on top of the wood, with a thin layer of felt in between the roof and shingles. The others would be following suite, and soon an entire little village was built. Each building was roughly 150 square foot, and a community barbecue pit was built, for them all to cook food on together. The crowd of black clad workers went on to dig a large pit, for sewage, several yards away from the houses. "Thank you so much, comrades. This will help the local rough sleepers so much. Spread the word, and we'll be able to hopefully get them back on their feet. Now, let's go fix some potholes!"

The crowd follows Ketevan as they head back to the RV, which quickly fills with people, and drives off towards the nearest town. Ketevan offers one more word of encouragement to Neville before the match, "I'm coming for that title, and that toothbrush, Neville. Hope you're really ready."

[Image: spotlights-on-a-brick-wall-black-860x645.jpg]
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