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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Leap of Faith 2017 RP Board
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Kropotkin Offline

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

10-10-2017, 07:03 PM

Kropotkin is sitting at a table on a platform, with Mark and Sasha flanking them. They're surrounded on all sides by a large crowd of people, all angrily shouting. Mark stands up, fixes his shirt, and walks to the microphone in the centre of the platform. He taps it, to test the system, and then speaks into it. Slow and low at first. "Brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers. Comrades!" The crowd falls silent when he calls them comrades. "We have been let down by the government. We have been let down by the corporations. We have been let down by the Bourgeois, and the petit.e Bourgeois. We are being divided, to make us easier to conquer. We are being pitted against each other, and I WILL NOT STAND FOR IT!" They erupt in applause. "We have fought too long just to survive, scraping and begging, to get even a scrap of a crumb. NO LONGER! We must unite and work together if we are to succeed in what we do." The crowd erupts, and he steps away for a second.

Returning to the microphone he raises his voice once more, "We have at our feet a unique opportunity. We stand on the precipice of greatness. Our Comrades in Catalonia are once again fighting for their independence, and winning it. Our comrades in Rojava have driven DAESH out of their lands, and are taking back Kurdistan for the Kurds. We have, on the night following the anniversary of the death of our most beloved Comandante, gathered here to hear the message of change. We have seen a swelling in our ranks in the last year, since Cheeto-Mussolini took power, and that swelling has seen us raise up and stop the tide of the white nationalists and hate groups who pollute our streets with their vile hatred and disgusting rhetoric. We have shown the world when we unite these right wing reactionaries do not stand a chance. We drove them out of Charlottesville, we drove them out of Boston, we've shut down Milo, and we've shut down Richard Spencer. When they congregate next, we will stop them as well. My friends, we will always be there when hate knocks on the door."

"Redneck Revolt is growing in numbers, and the Huey P. Newton Gun Club is looking to pick up where the real Panthers left off. We are bringing about real change! And bringing the battles for Universal Healthcare, a higher minimum wage, and free education to the bourgeois bastards that think they run this country. The media has tried to ignore us, and paint us as monsters and villains, but our numbers swell, and our presence increases. We've even cut out a niche on social media just for us, and every day it grows. But, you're not here to hear me speak. You're here for Kropotkin. Without further ado, I give you the person, the myth, the legend, KROPOTKIN!" Mark steps away from the Mic was Kropotkin, and their sister Sasha approach it.

"Hello. I want to encourage all of you to continue your efforts. I will be continuing mine to further the cause and its image to flourish. I will do this by spreading the gospel everywhere I go, and by every show I'm booked on, destroying my opponents. But, there is something I must do if I am to continue to fight the good fight. I cannot keep fighting as a mask, I realise this now. In order for me to properly address the public, I must do so with my real face, and my real name. I am not Kropotkin, as you have known and suspected." They step back from the microphone, and pull the mask off their face, revealing a feminine face below.

[Image: 0287f93091c96a6c4cc2c377b4d3481e.jpg]

Another voice comes now, back to the microphone, this time it is human, and equally feminine. "My name is Ketevan Mahkno, and I am here to bring the revolution to the XWF. I have a chance at a title this Leap of Faith, in just 4 days. The thing is that I know Phantom Panzer, and I know I can beat them. The clown likes to talk a big game, and act like some sort of ghost deity or some nonsense, but they fail to measure up to me. It would probably be for the best if they don't come to the arena. As for Neville Sinclair, I understand that he's been a champion for quite some time. But one thing is that he hasn't come up against me. He hasn't come up against anyone who's challenged him, but I will. I will take him to his limit, and I will break him. There's no other option, only victory. Call our match Operation Barbosa, and call me Georgy Zhukov, because I will not be stopped."

The crowd is sitting silent as Ketevan pauses, and looks around. "Yes, I am assigned female at birth, but I am not a woman, and even if I was, I'd still manage to kick the crap out of everyone in my way. I just cannot be stopped." The crowd erupts in applause at that statement. "Now, let's go smash capitalism and the Fash!"

The scene fades out as an army of Anarchists cheer and pump their fists in the air.

[Image: spotlights-on-a-brick-wall-black-860x645.jpg]
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JimCaedus (10-13-2017), Muddy Waters (10-10-2017), Phantom Panzer (10-10-2017)

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