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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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The Sugay Sisters Offline
Double Trouble!

XWF FanBase:
Men and Lesbians

(physically attractive female on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

09-26-2017, 09:42 AM

The scene opens in some random studio and the Sugay’s look like they were on a photoshoot set of some sort. When the XwF’s cameras finally arrive, the sisters are sitting in one director’s styled chair. Jaslene is sitting on the cushion part and Tala is sitting on the arm of the chair as she has her legs pressed tightly together. She’s looking to the camera with a smirk while Jaslene has a big smile on her face.

[Image: jaro-375x286.jpg]

“Hi boys and girls!”

She waves while Tala smiles sitting on the side of the chair.

“I get it everybody thinks my sis and I are at odds because of who we choose to ally with. Sisters have different friends all the time, it doesn’t mean we are going to start rivaling with one another. We have a pact with each other and we owe each other our lives. There’s nothing, nobody, or anything that is going to get in our way of becoming the new Tag Team Champions here in XwF. Double Trouble is very much alive and well.”

She glances over her shoulder at Tala, blowing her a kiss. Tala pretends to catch it and slides it against her cheek.

“We have something teams like Drezdin and Liddle-J do not. We have characteristics of a real team. We have leadership. We have open communication. We have chemistry. We have the same set agenda. Oh and did I mention, we have sass, talent, and abilities?”

She flips her hair over the shoulder and smirks. She holds her arms out.


She snickers under her breath.

“Drezdin is suffering from an early form of dementia!”

She bats her eyes and look over her shoulder as Tala quickly begins to speak after her sister.

“Oh my God! What did I just suscep myself too?”

She holds her hand against her forehead and shakes it in disbelief.

“Please tell me you have a mental problem or the years of substance abuse has finally killed off the last remaining brain cells? ‘Cause Drezdin there is no way a logically and rational man or woman could even come close to comprehending anything you had to say. That specifically scares me and do you know why?”

Jaslene shrugs as she bats her eyes.

“It means you’re just a big, sadistic, and stupid animal. You don’t have self-control and trying to find a solution to the problem of beating you is going to be about as limited as your vocabulary! Don’t get me wrong, I’m not scared of a little competition. I’m not going to run and tuck my tail between my legs like your partner has obviously done, since his debut. Then again, if I found out I was teaming with a total idiot, I wouldn’t want to be associated with him either. I can’t say I blame Liddle-J much. Drezdin, you might ramble on and on about absolutely nothing, but it’s going to come back and bite you in the ass.”

Jaslene looks over to her sister and smiles.

“Why sis?”

She asks very politely while Tala brushes her hair out from over her eyes.

“Thank you for asking just a good question, sis! You see, no doubt Drezdin thinks we are two fine pieces of tailfeathers, but the one thing he isn’t suspecting is the abilities. He thinks we’re just two helpless little girls with pretty faces and big tits. Well, how many others in our career thought that way? Of course, they are going to discredit us because nobody wants to openly admit we are superior. By admitting we are superior, they are also admitting their inferiority to a couple of chicks.”

Tala licks her lips.

“Drezdin, through all your mumbo jumbo crap, I did pick up one particular statement. God damn, it was like I was decoding a message from the Russians or North Korean! That one statement you made about bringing an end to the XwF with you and your partner. Yeah, you and what army? Liddle-J is as helpless as a one-legged bitch in an ass kicking contest! It’s just not going to happen the way you have envisioned it to take place. We all know, this is your big return to XwF, but dollface, let me just tell you one quick solution to your problem.”

She motions for the cameraman to come a little closer as he zooms in. Tala leans up off the edge of the chair and places her right hand to the side of her mouth.

“You should have stayed the fuck gone! I looked at the title history and I’ll admit it wasn’t nearly as closely as I probably should have, but I don’t recall seeing your name in many of the title histories. Do you know what that tells me? All your mambo jumbo crap is just a bunch of hot air being spewed by a total moron with an education level of the second grade! When you want to grow up and get on my level, then maybe I would entertain paying a little more attention to your career, but until then I have a real career I would like to continue. I have real goals in XwF and they don’t consist of ending or destroying XwF.”

She leans back in her chair and leans her elbow up on the side of it.

“However, those goals do include Drezdin being phased back out to the unemployment line and forced to hang up his boots for good. The last motherfucker may have failed, but you best believe second time is a motherfucking charm! Drezdin before you want to go and talk shit about me or my sis, you might want to do some homework. Pick up a remote controller and aim it at the television set. Go to the footage storage at XwF’s headquarters and start watching matches with the Sugay’s. I’ll make it easy for you: you just must go back to August of this year. That is the year 2017! Do you understand?”

She cocks her head to the side and brushes her hand through her hair.

“Drezdin, I’m one of the baddest bitches on the roster to date. I hate to toot my horn, but everybody else is doing it. So, toot! toot! After tomorrow night, you’ll be going down with the other long line of losers who have fallen to the Sugay’s, or more specifically me. I have beaten number one contender Robbie Bourbon, former champion Chris Chaos, and how can we not forget my impressive dominance over Jack Cain/ I single-handily destroyed the Motherfuckers! You know, destroy! Kind of what you wish you could do in XwF, but can’t? Once again, you might want to look up our past just a little bit, so you can feel much more comfortable with knowing your place tomorrow night. Just because you’re a big stupid animal doesn’t mean you’re invincible. I’ve already called animal control and they will be there to tranquilize your ass just long before for us to give Liddle-J a dose of double trouble!

Jaslene leans in and wraps her arm around Tala.


Jaslene swings her hair back and leans back in the chair while Tala purses her lips together.

“Dezdin, you might have been raised not to hit women, but let me tell you something about that little rationale. It’s done and over with. I’m so sick of bitches using domestic violence as a cover-up to breakup with their boyfriends. If a bitch is man enough to sock a man in the face, she’s man enough to get hit back. I’ve never been afraid to hit a man in the face, trust and believe. Even if you refused to lay a finger on my sis or myself, you would only be putting yourself at a bigger disadvantage. There is a little slogan I like to live by, Dezdin and that’s the bigger they are; the harder they fall. Trust me, you will be hitting that canvas hard. If you have an erection prior, you just might go and break the sacrum.”

She shakes her head while scowling.


Jaslene interjects while smirking with her eyes widened.

“You don’t have to worry about inflicting pain on us your little lonesome self because Liddle-J or you won't have much of a fighting chance when standing across from us. By the way, where is Liddle-J? I should call him Little because I’m sure he’s small in all the right packages, if you know what I mean. If he’s just an amazing partner to you, why hasn’t he even attempted to make an appearance? I can tell you why, double trouble has him shaking in his boots. He knows he doesn’t have the size advantage you do. He knows he doesn’t have the strength you have. All he has is his big stupid animal who is about to be tranquilized! Both your little returns are about to come to a screeching halt while the Sugay’s careers and XwF continues to blossom!”

Tala throws up the peace sign and Jaslene starts to wave innocently.

“Adios, bitches!”

The scene faded to black with that.

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(09-26-2017), drezdin5788 (09-26-2017), JimCaedus (09-27-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (09-26-2017)

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