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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Wednesday Night Warfare 08/30/2017
Author Message
Darius Xavier Offline
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08-31-2017, 06:21 AM

[Image: L06Pst3.png]



- vs -
Bilbo Brommer-Blumpkinz
Submission Match!

Finn Kühn
- vs -
Michael Petrović
Lion's Den Match!

Jim Caedus
- vs -
John Holliday
X-Treme Rules!

Jean Baptiste LeCroix
- vs -

Jack Cain
- vs -
The Engineer
Nighty-Night Match! Winner is determined when he knocks his opponent OUT COLD!

Tala Sugay
w/ Jazza Sugay
- vs -
w/ Tommy Dreamer

Hart Championship Match
Travis McCoy
- vs -
Peter F'n Gilmour

Chris Chaos
- vs -
Barney Green
X-Treme Death Match! The ring will be surrounded with trap boxes of broken glass and fluorescent light tubes, and the ring ropes will be replaced with electrified barbed wire!

- vs -
Bilbo Brommer-Blumpkinz
Submission Match!

”The following match is a submission match! In order to win, you must make your opponent tap out.”

”Introducing first, from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, KRUUUUZER!!!”

Lights go out in the arena. The Tron crackles to life with an ignition starting and a hood showing on the screen. The engine revs a few times with the Kruze Kontrol logo appearing as the hood ornament then cuts to a Canadian Flag waving and 'O Canada' on electric guitar plays then 'Don't Tell Me How to Live' by Monster Truck plays. A fire ignites at center stage atop the ramp and Kruzer rises up in the center of the fire, grinning from ear to ear, holding his trusty crowbar in his right hand. Once at stage level, Kruzer steps through the fire to the ramp, looks left then right across the XWF Galaxy, then raises both arms up, flashing his trademark bullhorns to a flurry of pryos going off behind him. He grins again then makes his way to the ring. Slides under the bottom rope and steps up top the second turnbuckle, egging on the crowd for more, but pointing at himself, then flashes the bullhorns again, yelling 'YEEEEAAAAAH!!!!' before stepping down then hanging over the top rope, looking left then right, still grinning like he knows something you don't.

"This man's resemblance to former Universal Champion Chris Chaos is uncanny!"

"Just what the world needs, another Chris Chaos!"

”And his opponent, rolling in from Tennessee, BILBO BROMMER BLUMPKIIIIINZZZ!!!!

Bilbo slaps his balls on the side as he wheels down the ring in his chair, trying to make sure the beast stays awake. When in the ring, he rubs it for a minute before eyeballing his opponent.

The ref calls for the bell. Bilbo sits in his chair stroking his member. A look of determination in his eyes as he stares at his opponent. Kruzer can’t help but point and laugh at the sad excuse of a wrestler that sits before him. Kruzer looks out to the crowd and ask “REALLY?”. Just as he turns back to face Bilbo, Bilbo presses a button on his chair and is sent flying out of it at a high velocity. Bilbo crashes into Kruzers face, catching the bigger, taller, arguably sexier wrestler off guard. Bilbo slides his cock into Kruzers mouth and somehow, almost seemingly by magic, he begins mouth fucking Kruzer into submission!


Kruzers eyes grow wide with fear and disgust. He falls to the mat and tries to pry the little fella off of him, but it’s no use, Bilbo has a fucking death grip on him.

”Bilbo has a “fucking death grip” on him!”

Kruzer is fading fast. It’s not long before Mika Hunt decides to check on Kruzer. She raises his arm, and watches it drop to the mat. She raises it a second time to the same result. Mika raises Kruzers arm a third time, this time hesitating for just a moment before releasing, but when he does, it drops to the mat motionless just like before. Mika hops up and calls for the bell!


Winner: Bilbo Broomer Blimpkinz

”Bilbo did it, Bilbo Blumpkinz just won this match!”

”I admittedly don’t follow the product all that closely, but if I’m not mistaken, this is Bilbo’s first victory here in the XWF.”

”It is Luca, and this match was also dedicated to the memory of Bilbo’s fallen friend, Joshua Reno.”

Suddenly The Rated R Superstar Edge hits the ring. He kneels down over Kruzer and begins doing something. Mika Hunt looks on in horror at whatever it is that Edge is doing. Before long Edge stands up and turns around to face the camera. Revealing that he has cut the face off of Kruzer and is wearing it like Leatherface!

”Oh my goodness, talk about adding insult to injury!”

”Yeah, Kruzer sure did lose a lot of face tonight.”

The show fades to commercial as Edge gallivants around the ring with Kruzers face.

Finn Kühn
- vs -
Michael Petrović
Lion's Den Match!

The following contest is a Lion's Den Match! In order to win the match, you must escape the cage and touch the floor! Introducing first, currently hailing from New York City, he weighs in at 200 pounds..... “The Young Lion” FINN KUHN!

No Mercy begins it's slow beginning, with all lights in the arena going out sans a lone spotlight at the stage. After a few seconds, Finn comes out with his head bowed, hands behind his back and a black hooded jacket being worn. Finn begins to slowly walk his way to the ring, the spotlight following him. As the song begins to say, "No Mercy..." for the first time, Finn kneels on one knee, hands going to the metal grate, and as the song revs up, Finn shoots up, removing his hood and runs into the ring. From there, Finn poses on the turnbuckle for the fans, and bounces on his feet as he prepares for the match.

Finn Kuhn has been one of our most charismatic and attention garnering newcomers here in the XWF. But tonight he's up against a fierce debut athlete in Michael Petrovic.

Yeah and Petrovic grew up in Eastern Europe, those people have to fight for food scraps over there so he's gotta be tough.

Oh stop it!

And his opponent, he currently hails from New York City and weighs in at 250 pounds, MICHAEL PETROVIC!

A cacophony of voices can be heard over the speakers, various overlapping sound bites in BCS (Bosnian, Serbian, and Croatian). After a few seconds, the X-Tron comes to life showing the accompanying clips: Radovan Karadžić speech on the Croatian War, Ratko Mladić speaking to Srebrenician civilians, Naser Orić rambling in an interview, and so on. As the clip show continues the audio overlapping intensifies until all that can be heard is an unrelenting wall of noise. Then, the sound cuts and the X-Tron fades to black.

Marilyn Manson's "Killing Strangers" hits the speakers and the clips of Eastern European war criminals are replaced by a single name: Michael Petrović. The X-Tron shows clips of Petrović training, intercut with footage of the Siege of Sarajevo. 

Michael Petrović steps out onto the stage like a man on a mission, his face obscured by the hood of his black Adidas jacket. He wastes no time marching down to the ring. He climbs the steel steps and steps between the middle rope before throwing down the hood, unzipping the jacket, and handing it to the ref. He raises one fist in the air in the middle of the ring, then makes his way to his corner.

The cage is locked and loaded and we are ready to go!

The bell rings and Finn is off like a rocket! He launches himself into the bigger man with a big time running dropkick, putting Michael in the corner. Finn then rolls to his feet and launches at him again, this time with another stiff dropkick right to his face! Finn rolls up again to go for the same move, but this time Petrovic catches him in the air and Rock Bottoms him in the middle of the ring!

Dipped into that well one too many times.

Petrovic then picks Kuhn up and lifts him into a delayed vertical suplex, nailing him back down. Petrovic gets vertical and lays some vicious kicks into his downed opponent before he decides to go for the cage. He gets about halfway up before Finn is on him, pulling him back down and lighting him up with a series of chops. He forces Michael into the ropes, but Michael reverses the momentum and grabs Finn by the back of his head tossing him headfirst into the cage! Finn's skull bounces off it and he lands on the mat. Petrovic quickly follows this up with an elbow drop before hefting Finn up and running him into the corner, where he proceeds to lay into him with savage elbows and chops!

Michael Petrovic came into this match with fire in his eyes!

Guy's got a mean streak, I'll give him that.

Finally, with that rabid fire combination done for, Petrovic finishes it off with a big head butt. Finn collapses to the canvas again and once more Michael starts to climb. He gets even further this time, but Finn finally rouses and gets up and under his opponent, electric chair dropping him back down onto the canvas with a thunderous crash! Finn decides to take a chance at climbing the cage and he gets a third of the way up before Petrovic follows him. They both exchange blows on the cage, but Petrovic gets the upper hand and he smashes Finn's head into the steel causing him to release and drop to the canvas. Petrovic also loses his balance a bit, and he drops to the canvas as well. But seeing an opening, he waits for Finn to get up before locking up with him and dropping him with a big time gourdbuster! But after planting him, Michael does not make a move for the cage!

He's gonna try to finish Finn off for good here.

Petrovic goes to pick Finn up again, but Finn surprises him this time with a knee lift to the face, followed by a stiff european uppercut that drops his opponent! Finn then climbs to the top turnbuckle with cat like grace and shoots off it into a picture perfect moonsaut! He lands right on Petrovic's ribs! Finn is himself stunned by the force, but Petrovic starts rolling over, clutching his abdomen. Kuhn uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet. He waits for Petrovic to rise and charges at him, going for another big time dropick, but Petrovic counters it again! He traps Finn in his arms and hurls him into the cage! Finn rides the steel all the way down, landing between the ropes and the cage. Trapped, Petrovic gets on him, rushing him with more closed fists blows and headbutts until Finn fnally hangs limp over the top rope. Petrovic then pulls Finn over the top rope, with his feet hanging on the rope and drills him with a DDT! Satisfied with his work, Petrovic starts to climb the cage again!

He's getting close!

Kuhn starts to come to though, and when he sees Petrovic nearing the top he begins to shake the cage, forcing him off balance. Finally, Petrovic drops to the mat. Kuhn goes to lock up with him, but Petrovic irish whips him into the ropes. Kuhn halts his momentum and Petrovic goes after him, but the smaller man ducks under a haymaker, sweeps his legs out from under him and hits him with a standing moonsault! Kuhn then leaps on Michaels legs and wraps him up in the Death's Grasp!

He's got him in that sharpshooter variant!

Kuhn's still waiting on that cease and desist from the Hart family.

Consider it an homage.

Petrovic cries out in pain and struggles for the bottom rope. The ref is checking in on the man's condition, but with the only way to win being over the cage there is no tapping out. Petrovic bites and claws to the bottom rope and the ref makes Finn break the hold, but clearly some damage has been done. Finn stomps Petrovic in the head a few times for good measure before forcing him up and dropkicking him in the face. Petrovic falls against the ropes and Finn grabs him, turns him around and rams his face right into the cage. Then, he runs with Petrovic across the cage gathering some speed and does the same thing on the other side!

It's a miracle neither of these men have been busted open!

I know, what a ratings buzz kill.

Petrovic drops and Kuhn again clambers to the top rope. He signals for the Overlord shooting star press! He takes flight.....

…..AND CRASHES! Petrovic rolled out of the way! Finn catches every bit of that bad landing!

Aw damn rook, bad call!

Selling blood, Petrovic rolls to his feet and rights Kuhn. He picks him up into a fireman's carry position and drills him with the U.O.D. USHIGOROSHI!

That's got to be it! Did you see his head snap!

Indeed, Kuhn looks to be down and out! But Petrovic is still wobbly on his legs from the damage done by the sharpshooter. He starts to climb, getting higher and higher. He throws one leg over the top! But Finn has come to and he starts climbing!

Kid looks like he might not be seeing straight though!

Finn grabs hold of Petrovic's tights to stop him from throwing his other leg over! He starts punching furiously at Petrovic and somehow he gets himself up on top of the cage as well!

Oh this always makes me sick to see, both men perched precariously on top of the cage!

Kuhn and Petrovic start trading frantic blows right on top of the cage! They both want this win so bad! Blow after blow, each one landing and staggering the other, near drop after near drop!

I think Petrovic's getting the advantage though!

Indeed, the bell ringing from the U.O.D. Is still having an effect. Kuhn is slowing down and Petrovic starts laying into him with numerous unanswered blows! Then a headbutt, multiple trapping headbutts!

Is he gonna go....?!

Finally, Kuhn can't take anymore punishment, his body goes limp and Petrovic pushes him off the top of the cage back into the ring! Kuhn crashes into a pile of himself! The crowd pops!

Petrovic labors his other leg over the top, he climbs down the exterior of the cage and his feet touch the floor! The bell rings signaling a winner!

Winner: Michael Petrović

One hell of a strong showing from the European newcomer. I hope he sticks around.

He won the match, somebody give the man something to eat!

I hope he hears this and decides to have a little "discussion" with you backstage.

I'll bring catering.

Jim Caedus
- vs -
John Holliday
X-Treme Rules!

"This next contest is an XWF XTREME RULES BOUT!"

"This should be a good one Luca; over the past two weeks Jim Caedus and John Holliday have been at eachother's throats. Not just the harsh words for one another in promo but behind the scenes."

"Introducing first, hailing from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He weighs in at 240 poooounds....JOHN...HOLLIDAAAAAAAAAAAY!"

John steps out from the egress and begins making his way to the ring, slapping the outstretched hands of the fans.

"Oh I know aaaaall about it, Old Man. John tries for The Sugays, Jim cock blocks and pulls a robbery. John gets pissed, calls Jim out in that argument with Doc and Jester-Cadryn. JIM gets pissed-"

"Yeah, we get it."

"Well excuuuuuuse me."

John enters the ring, reaches behind his back and pulls a foot and half long silver short sword from its sheath. The fans pop ecstatically.

"Whoa! I know this is Xtreme Rules but c'mon!"

"This IS gonna be good!"

"And his opponent..."

The now familiar opening notes to "Ready Steady Go" by Paul Oakenfold begin to blast from the PA moments before the ring announcer plugs. The fans erupt. As the spiel is unloaded the lights cut, plunging the arena in darkness before silver strobes begin to flash and silver spotlights begin to continuously wave from along the length of the entrance walkway to the crowd and back.

"Hailing from Naples Island in Long Beach, California, weighing in at 230 pooooounds...JIIIIIIIIIIIIIM CAEDUUUUUS!"

Obviously practiced and well-timed, the moment the announcer finishes, "ready, steady, g-g-go!" is let fly by the song's vocalist and silver pyro erupts from the egress. Before the cloud of smoke dissipates, the former XWF Universal Champion Jim Caedus steps out as the house lights come up. He motions to the egress...and out struts Tala Sugay. Jim takes her hand, spins her around and the two kiss.

"Ha! What a DICK rubbing it in, I love him!"

"Jesus Lord above that woman is easy on the eyes. What a set!"

As the music continues Jim turns his attention to the ring and it's inhabitant(s) then starts an unconcerned slow walk with Tala in tow, carefully gathering his long blonde hair into a secured samurai-style bun along the way while she slaps fans' hands.

Jim leads Tala to a padded folding chair near Nipsey's table, opens it for her and she takes a seat. The former Uni Champ then steps to the ring, removes his Dickies jacket, folds it carefully beside his corner's steps then ascends to the apron, stepping through the ropes and into battle after nearly 2 minutes have elapsed.


"Here we go!!"

Jim immediately starts at the sight of the short sword John's brandishing. "The fuck, John," he growls? He chances a step towards the man. John mock-swings and Jim flinches back. John laughs and slides the short sword out of the ring. An official quickly snatches it for safekeeping. Holliday then motions to Jim. "Come on gay lumberjack."

"Awwwwww, don't ditch the sword!"

"Luca stop trying to encourage that kind of behavior."

Jim curls his upper lip in an angry snarl and charges John. The two lock-up and Jim is quick to slide around to the back already looking for some type of belly to back suplex. John digs in to prevent it before forcing himself and Jim backwards into the ropes. Jim shoves him on the rebound and hits the ropes behind himself a second time. The two converge mid-ring, John ducks a clothesline, spins, leaps and catches Jim with a dropkick that sends him over the ropes to ringside!

Jim is quick to rise...only to spy John leaping over the ropes himself with a splash! Jim catches John but struggles, backpedals and crashes into the commentary table.

"Hey what the hell guys!?"

John lays into Jim with lefts and rights, Jim absorbing the blows as Mika looks on from the ring. Outta nowhere, Holliday suddenly finds himself being lifted up-

-and is sent crashing THROUGH the table with a messy belly to belly!!! The commentary monitors topple to the sides, Old Man Johnson catches a leg to the head and drops to the floor unconscious.


Jim is taking a moment to clear his head of the pummeling it was taking. John rolls out of the debris and stands, shaking the cob webs from HIS head after that journey through the table. He double takes from Luca to Jim-


-then rips Luca's headset off and USES IT AS A GARROTE TO CHOKE JIM FROM BEHIND!!

Jim struggles, attempting to wrap his finvers around the plastic digging into his throat, cutting off his oxygen. He gags-

-and the headset snaps! John stumbles back as Jim rubs at his throat, coughing. Immediately John tosses the pieces aside, glancing around for a weapon. Pulling Nipsey from his steel chair seat, John folds it and turns-

-and catches Caedus with a chair shot to the back! Jim winces in pain and stands to receive a second! He stumbles forward as Tala calls out to him. "Stay there," he responds! Jim spins and manages to catch the chair on the third swing. He boots John in the gut, disarms him doubling him over, and CRACKS John over the back of the head!! He then tosses the chair back to Nipsey and pulls John up to his feet.

Leading Holliday now past the ring, Jim and John head up the ramp towards the egress-

-and John bursts to life, slapping away Jim's hand and nailing him with a right fist! The two erupt in a flurry of punches now, making their way up to and through the egress, Mika running to catch up.

The camera cuts to backstage and the ensuing battle moments later. At this point, the taller, heavier John Holliday gains the upper hand with a NUT CHECK to Jim's crotch before grabbing his arm and whipping him across the way into the wall- NO! JIM REVERSES! JOHN REVERSES! JIM HITS THE WALL FACE FIRST!!

The Star Killer clutches at his nose, checks for blood then turns out of instinct expecting another assault. But John isn't there....for some reason he's hightailing it down the hallway passing crew and rostermates alike.

Jim gives chase as the cameraman runs to keep up, Mika between them...

The camera cuts again to another further ahead catching Jim rounding the lefthand corner at the end of the hallway just spying Holliday disappearing up the steps to the second level of the arena seating. Jim hustles at top speed finally arriving and vaulting up the steps in pursuit.

Cut to the stairwell from the summit. Jim makes good time up to the top-

-and John catches him with a swung baseball bat to the top of the head!! JIM TUMBLES DOWN THE STEPS AND LIES IN A HEAP AT THE BASE!!






"FUCK!," John shouts. He pulls Jim to his feet-

-Jim with the POINT BLANK HEADBUTT TO THE FACE!!! John wobbles, dazed.............





THR- NO!!! JOHN KICKS OUT JUST IN TIME!! Jim rolls over, still in agony over his fall down the steps. John remains on his back breathing heavily.

John starts to show a bit of sluggish life, rolling over to rise on all fours. He struggles to rise to one knee........pushes harder to stand and looks as if he won't be able to do so............but he's taken a lot less punishment than Jim has and he gets to his feet.

Jim begins to stir. John takes the steps a second time, half-clip. Jim meanwhile also makes an attempt to rise........................and finally gets to his feet. "Jooooohn," he bellows! Woozy, he makes for the steps, reaches the top and cautiously rounds the corner Holliday surprised him behind previously.


John attacks with yet another chair from the opposite corner, nailing Jim in the back of the head! Oddly, he drops the chair, grabs Jim by the arm....

"Am I on?? Good! Apologies folks, Old Man Johnson is still out but I'm sure he'll be right as rain for the next match- Holy SHIT!"

The view cuts to skycam and we see John irishwhip Jim Caedus at full strength towards the rise balcony!!!



"Oh man! Oh man! Oh MAN! He alive?! Old Man! Wake the fuck up!"

Holliday looks down over the edge as the fans surrounding him go crazy! He steps up on the balcony!

"Oh shit! Here we go!"

Holliday leaps off the balcony and sails down landing right on Jim Caedus! He pulls the leg for a cover!!





Jim Caedus managed to get a should up at the last possible second after falling from the balcony down to the floor and after John Holliday dove from the same balcony down onto him!

The two men lay motionless for a while. Holliday is the first to start moving, Jim looks over and notices and tries his best to get up too.

"Oh wow... What did I miss?"

Two guys killin' each other, Old Man!

Holliday grabs a steel chair lying on the ground and whips it at Jim Caedus's head! It bounces off and sends him face planted back onto the ground. Holliday approaches him, but Jim grabs the chair and returns the favor!! He cracked Holliday across the face!! He stands up and.....


"Ouch!! Jim Caedus just nailed that stiff Yakuza kick right into the chest of John Holliday who just got winded! This could only mean....."


Caedus grabs his opponent and lifts him up on his shoulders and hits the modified Burning Hammer on the hard pavement!! He hooks a leg.........




Winner: Jim Caedus

The show cuts to the locker room area. Engy has a duffel bag in hand and he slings it down onto the bench. A sharp metal object falls out of the bag.

Ah ah ah, what's that?

Madison Dyson calls at him from off camera. Engy goes to pick up the object, but Madison is slightly faster. She snatches it up and scrutinizes it.

Jesus, is this an ice pick?!

It's a lobotomyizer!

Engy announces this indignantly as he pulls it back from Madison. Madison lets it go, but still bares an aura of concern.

And just what were you gonna do with that?

I'm gonna lobotomy all the Kings! Those metrosexual fucks are gonna regret stealin' my crown!

He throws his bag into the locker angrily and slams the door shut.

Look, I get it. You're pissed. If it isn't Lane, its the KIngs taking your crown from you....

It ain't just that! I WON that fuckin' tournament, but ever since then I been havin' people act like my win somehow don't count. But I bet if anybody other than me had won, they wouldn't a had to deal with this shit! So if these pricks ain't gonna take me seriously I'm gonna force 'em to!

Hey, nobody agrees with you more than I do. And frankly I think a post-lobotomy Theo Pryce actually stands a good chance of being more entertaining than what we got now. But the fact is, and I do hate to admit this, The Kings are an institution for a reason. And if we're gonna take a run at them, we need some support.

What you mean?

Well, in case you haven't noticed, we're short a couple dogs in this fight. And if you want to bring these fuckers down, we're gonna need to rally some people to the cause here. I'm sure we can find some people who are just as sick of the Kings as us. But, and I know this isn't your strong suit, you're gonna have to wait until we do. Your still the Xtreme champion, and getting your wings clipped by a four on one attack from the Kings won't be doing much for your title reign.

Engy sighs.

Fine. You right.

Of course I am. I want you to stay focused on Jack Cain. The guy may have a win-loss record on par with Calypso's but he's still a crazy motherfucker.

Engy salutes.

Consider me Captain Focused!

Engy then starts to walk off, but he still has the ice pick in his hand. Madison points to it.

So then what are you doing with that?

Oh, I saw a big fat squirrel on the parking lot and I'm pretty hungry, so....

He mimes stabbing a small mammal. Madison shakes her head.

The worst part is I'm completely confident that you're not lying.

Madison waves him off and Engy heads off to catch himself some redneck dinner.

Jean Baptiste LeCroix
- vs -

torcher cell match.
no disqualification, no count outs, nor there will be no pin falls, no submissions, and no interference.
there are only four ways to win, you have to torcher your opponent by forcing him to say I quit, by the referee's discretion(cant continue any more), or by rendering unconscious, or by massive blood loss.
and it all happens in side a hell in a cell cage that is surrounded my barbed wire so no one will interfere, and it will be surrounded my endless amount of legal weapons and illegal weapons, and home made weapons that the fans made as well(ever inch of it will be covered in it)
and yes including the ones under the ring as well.

Tig O’Bitties: Ladies and gentlemen, making his way to the ring for the first EVER XWF torcher cell match… standing 7’2, from Saskatoon, Sasktchewan… JEAN-BAPTISTE LEEEEEEEEECROIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIX!!!

[Image: 69edf2cd6c399e4a639684acc47ca06160bb5fdc_hq.gif]

Luca: Y’all. This man is giant as hell. Look at them trapezius muscles! The obliques! The latissimus dorsi are unreal here, kid!

JR: Indeed they are, but will that impressive physique be enough to survive the insanity of the torcher cell match?

LeCroix gets to the rings and stares up at the hug barbed-wire cell hanging over the ring. Fans start to toss in their homemade weapons that they brought to the show just for this historic match.

A baseball bat with an axe in it!
An axe taped to a baseball bat!
Two tennis rackets made into nunchucks with a bike chain connecting them!
A blowtorch inside a bear trap!
A traffic cone with knives glued to it!
An autographed copy of Michael Bolton’s Time, Love & Tenderness on CD!

LeCroix looks pleased at all the implements of destruction landing around him, and he smiles while waiting for his opponent.

Tig O’Bitties: And his opponent… from Ottawa, Ontario, HE… IS… CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASM!!!!

Made of Scars starts playing on the pa system as smoke fills the entrance way. Chasm walks out and looks around the area. He smiles and starts to walk down to the ring ignoring the fans who are mixed between boos and cheers. He slides under the bottom rope and quickly gets to his feet. Chasm starts to stretch as he waits for the cage to be lowered.

Luca: This crowd isn’t done throwing weapons into the ring!

Truly, dozens more homemade weapons rain down into the ring area as the cell lowers.

A box of Cheerios with dynamite in it!
A bag of AIDS!
A Beef Chalupa Supreme… ON FIRE!
A trebuchet filled with chainsaws bounces off of the cell wall as the cage is fully lowered.

JR: Probably for the best that that one didn’t make it in…

The cell hits the floor and the bell sounds… and LeCroix charges across the ring and slams a big boot right into Chasm’s face!

Chasm flops to the mat and rolls to the side just in time to avoid a big stomp from LeCroix, who already starts grabbing at some of the weapons littering the ring… he tosses aside various barbed wire wrapped objects, and finds… A GRAVY BOAT!!!

Chasm gets to his feet, but LeCroix slams the gravy boat right into his face, sending him to the canvas again, his face full of cuts from the shattered china!

Luca: Chasm’s been STRICKEN!

LeCroix pulls Chasm to his feet and launches him out of the ring, right on top of a bunch of clothespins fashioned into a whip. Chasm rolls over and grabs the pins, lifting them over his head and whipping them at LeCroix as he exits the ring to follow Chasm. HE GETS CLOTHESPINS TO THE EYES!!

Chasm then stumbles toward the cage wall, still obviously disoriented.

Luca: Chasm is in a land of confusion, JR!

LeCroix is on his knees, plucking clothespins from his skin and off of his face… and Chasm charges toward him, planting a knee in the side of LeCroix’s head, sending him into the ring steps. Chasm then gets onto the ring apron and dives off, dropping a forearm across the throat of LeCroix!

Luca: Now Chasm is the vengeful one!

Chasm finds a pair of sharpened chopsticks and straddles Jean-Baptiste LeCroix, holding the sticks over LeCroix’s eyes… and he plunges them down!


LeCroix squeezes Chasm’s wrists until he is forced to drop the chopsticks, then shoves him off of himself before getting to his feet. He lunges forward, grabbing at Chasm and dragging him up, then whipping him into the STEEL cell wall! Chasm plows into the chain link and slides down in a heap, right next to a weaponized banjo.

LeCroix doesn’t follow him, though. Instead he walks to the opposite end of the ring where a ziplock bag full of rusted nails sits. LeCroix grabs the bag and holds it in his hand, standing like a pitches on the mound as he waits for Chasm to get to his feet.

JR: LeCroix looks like he would make an amazing softball player with his impressive and athletic frame!

Luca: Chasm doesn’t see what’s about to happen! OPEN YOUR EYES!

But as Chasm turns, he is hit directly in the face with the bag of rusted nails, which splits open and throws shrapnel everywhere. Chasm begins bleeding profusely from a dozen facial lacerations.

JR: Good god! Chasm may end up with tetanus from those nails!

Luca: I hope he doesn’t go down with the sickness!

LeCroix runs to Chasm and drops a leg across Chasm’s chest… then stands and drops the point of his elbow right onto Chasm’s face. Blood smears everywhere. LeCroix tries another elbow drop but before he can, Chasm finds a fire extinguisher under the ring and sprays it straight up, blinding LeCroix!

LeCroix falls backward and Chasm attacks with vicious punches, hitting him with ten thousand fists! LeCroix is busted wide open from the impact!

JR: Not a lot of finesse to a match like this!

Luca: Come on JR, who taught you how to hate?

Chasm keeps battering LeCroix, who eventually manages to gain some separation and gets to his feet, still covering up in a guard while Chasm throws hands. LeCroix grabs Chasm by the throat in a goozle! He goozles him! And then he turns and chucks Chasm RIGHT THROUGH THE CAGE WALL TO THE OUTSIDE!!!

JR: Chasm just got tossed right out of the cell and is on the floor in front of our announce booth! He got torn to shreds going through all of that barbed wire!

LeCroix follows Chasm out of the cage, avoiding the barbed wire for the most part. He looks down at Chasm writhing and bloody on the floor, then starts to slowly climb the outside of the cell. LeCroix is slow to get climbing, and eventually Chasm regains his senses and sees him going up. Chasm also climbs the cage and makes headway much faster than the enormous LeCroix.

Chasm catches up with LeCroix and overtakes him, getting to the top of the cell… he looks down at LeCroix, and leaps off, catching LeCroix in a sunset flip…



JR: That was a perfect insanity, Luca!

Luca: #GimmickInfringement

LeCroix is lying in the rubble of the announce table, twitching… the referee take a closer look, and he sees a huge chunk of table wood has impaled LeCroix through the left side of his midsection! Blood is spurting out of LeCroix and he starts to go pale, and the ref suddenly throws up the ‘X’ symbol with his arms and calls for the bell! This one’s over!

Luca: The official might have saved his life… LeCroix will need to find another way to die!

JR: Got any more?

Luca: Naw. Disturbed sucks.

Winner – Chasm

Jack Cain
- vs -
The Engineer
Nighty-Night Match! Winner is determined when he knocks his opponent OUT COLD!

Up next, something a little unique for Warfare - a knockout match.

Knockout match?

Yes Luca - pretty much as it sounds, you have to incapacitate your opponent for a count of ten. It’s like a last man standing match - but we’ll have specially trained medics to verify that the loser is indeed unconscious.

So, a weird match, for two weird guys. I'd love to see the medical bill after the one - it’ll probably bankrupt Lane and Pryce…

Is Dexter ill? Is Dexter ill? Is Dexter ill Is Dexter ill today?

Mr Kirk, Dexter's in school!

I'm afraid he's not, Miss Fishborne. Dexter's truancy problem is way out of hand. The Baltimore County school board have decided to expel Dexter from the entire public school system!

Oh Mr. Kirk, I'm as upset as you to learn of Dexter's truancy. But surely, expulsion is not the answer!

I'm afraid expulsion is the only answer. It's the opinion of the entire staff that Dexter is criminally insane…*echo*….insane….insane….insane….

On the main screen is a grainy image of an old television test screen. After the initial dialogue the sound slips into “Frontier Psychiatrist” by The Avalanches. As the offbeat tune picks up, the test screen fades and is instead replaced with a series of Rorschach ink blots. Each panel of ink blots at first looks innocuous, but soon slithers into the shadowy outlines of terrible scenes: a knife going through a head, a body with entrails spilling out before it, a bisected human torso, a figure whose face appears to be slipping off. Interspersed with the morphing inkblot tests are other images of rats flitting about in sewers and pictures of pleasant “whitebread” 1950’s families whose members have no faces. The white lights are now accompanied by small red lights panning all over the arena that look like droplets of blood in contrasts with the white lights.

Introducing first, from Parts Unknown, weighing in at 204 pounds, he is the XWF X-Treme Champion - The Engineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrr!!!

The Engineer steps to the top of the ramp, his head ticking back and forth as he shoots the crowd paranoid, nervous glares and mutters to himself. He stalks to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope, whereupon he paces back and forth like a caged animal, still talking to himself, while he waits for the bell.

And his opponent, from Queen’s, New York, weighing 328lbs, Jack Caaaaaaaiiiiiinnnnnn

Cain appears at the top of the ramp and starts to walk slowly to the ring. Engy’s eyes are wide with excitement as his opponent makes his way down the aisle. Cain locks eyes with Engy and scowls at him as he steps over the top rope. He removes his jacket and throws it to ringside as he tightens the straps on his gloves.

Engy and Cain start off in opposite corners. Slowly they move towards the centre of the ring, with Cain dropping into a boxing stance. Engy laughs and imitates the bigger man, daring him to throw the first punch. Jack swings but Engy is quicker and dodges expertly, again doing a comedy windmill stance to embarrass Cain. The X-Treme Champion moves again as Cain sticks a jab in his direction.

Engy is much quicker and more energetic. He’s humiliating the former Television Champion!

But’s he’s got to watch the power game here - let’s not forget, Cain specialises in knocking his opponents out - that’s the only way you can win this match - it’s only gonna take one of those TKO punches to put his lights out.

But Engy is strong too Old Man - maybe not as strong as Cain, but he has a chance of matching power with him - he’s got a lower centre of gravity too.

Engy bounces around Cain, mocking him by hitting swift jabs to Cain’s chest and chin, irritating the big man rather than hurting him. Engy is laughing, almost maniacally, as he does so, tagging Cain repeatedly. He responds with a couple of big haymakers, but fails to connect. Changing tactics, Engy drives the toe of his boot into the side of Cain’s knee, stinging him but not sending him down. Cain backs into the corner, taking stock of the situation, as Mika Hunt forces Engy back. She moves over to Cain and consults with him, as Cain motions to his knee, indicating he’s injured or in pain. Engy’s eyes widen and he lets out a scream, charging Cain. Jack though, shoves Mika out of the way and smiles as Engy is going to fast to escape his clutches. Cain unleashes a big boot straight into Engy’s face that sends him halfway back across the ring.

What an impact Luca!

Cain caught him, knew he was too quick to catch so he got him to come to him - smart move by the big man, and now he can use that power.

Jack is on him quickly, planting his boot on Engy’s throat and having the smaller man stomp on the canvas trying to escape. Cain bends down and picks Engy up by his throat. He heaves him up into the air with one hand. He walks him over to the side of the rung and dumps him over the top!

That would hurt many normal people Old Man, but look at Engy, he’s right up!

Sure enough, Engy isn’t phased by the impact, and is ready for Cain when the bigger man gets out of the ring. Engy flies at him and tries a Thesz Press to take him down, but can’t take him off his feet, so he grabs Cain’s head and starts biting him relentlessly.

No Disqualification Luca - it’s all legal!

Cain shoves him off but Engy is up quickly, and tries again. Cain shoves him away again, further this time, and grabs a chair from where Tig O’Bitties is sitting, dumping her on her ass. Engy’s next charge is met with an almighty shot smack on top of his head!

Holy shit Old Man! That’s nasty!

But it hasn’t stopped The Engineer, Luca - look!

Engy isn't even dazed. In fact, he’s enjoying it, and he dares Cain to do it again. Jack obliges, cracking the chair over the top of Engy’s head with a sound that reverberates throughout the arena. Cain looks on in disbelief at Engy laughing as he bashes his head with his open palm, then stares at it and laughs some more. Cain raises the chair to smack him again, only for Engy to kick him square in the groin, this time knocking him down to his knees. Now more or less at the same height, Engy goes back to the biting, digging his nails deep into Cain’s scalp. He release his jaw, and pushes Cain’s bulk back into the ring. He walks over to the announce table and grabs a length of cable, scurrying back into the ring where Cain is regaining his composure. He has little time though, as Engy wraps the cord around his neck and pulls tight.

It’s a knockout match Old Man - and Engy’s going to choke Cain out!

Well Cain had his chance. Walloped him with those chair shots and tried to take him out early on, but Engy just lapped it up.

You ask me, they’re both nuts.

Cain is fading as he scrabbles to escape the choke, but Engy is enjoying himself and tightens his grip. Cain’s head slumps against his chest, and Engy releases the cable. Mika checks and begins to count.




The medical teams at ringside get to their feet in anticipation of Cain losing conciousness




But Cain rolls over and shakes his head, trying desperately to regain his senses. Engy is on him quickly, grabbing his head and bashing it against the mat repeatedly. He moves to the side of his downed opponent and starts to kick Jack in the head again and again. The big man has the presence of mind to shield his head with his arms as Engy heaves him to his feet. He again digs his fingers into Jack’s head and rubs his forehead against the ring ropes, backwards and forwards before he slams him against the turnbuckle. Cain falls backward into a heap in the middle of the ring.

Uh oh, I think Cain is in trouble here Luca.

I’ve seen that look in Engy’s eye before - that’s why he’s the X-Treme Champion.

He’s also King of the Ring isn't he?

Not according to Vinnie Lane or The Kings, Old Man. Doesn't look like anyone wants this guy to have a crown.

Well he might be about to crown Jack Cain here - look.

Engy has gone to the top rope, and waits for Cain to get to his feet. He gets ready to level his opponent, and leaps with his palm aimed at Cain’s head.

But he never connects.

Cain sidesteps and catch him in midair. Awkwardly, he hoists him up onto his shoulder, and then positions him for a military press. With an angry look on his face, he walks over to the edge of the ring. Engy is struggling. But Cain has a vice like grip. With all his strength, he hurls his smaller opponent down the aisle.

Jesus Christ Almighty Luca - he must have thrown him ten feet down the aisle!

I’ve never seen strength like it Old Man - he must be pissed.

Engy faceplants on the concrete, and while he’s still smiling, it’s obvious the impact has down some serious damage. Cain is now bleeding from the cut he sustained at King of the Ring that the rope has re-opened. His face is slowly beginning to be covered in blood. Engy is just about getting to his feet on the outside as Cain pursues, and drives a massive kick into his midsection, sending him further down the aisle.

He’s kicking him like a soccer ball Old Man.

I thought we weren’t in England anymore!

Cain stalks his downed opponent, kicking him more and more. Engy begins to cough after the brutal blows to his midsection. He crawls up the ramp towards the X-Tron and slowly gets to his feet. He stings Cain with a forearm to his gut, but the big man shrugs it off, and hurls him to the top of the entrance way. Cain advances, but Engy grabs him around the waist, trying desperately to lift him off his feet for a ragged looking suplex on the steel ramp. He looks to be getting him up before Cain brings a huge clubbing forearm down on the back of his head. Engy drops him and slumps to one knee, clearly woozy but still in the fight. Cain stomps over to him, and grabs him around the throat. Picking Engy up, he chokeslams him off the stage to the floor below with a sickening thud.

My God Luca - that’s just… sick.

Engy hit the floor like a sack of potatoes Old Man, that’s gotta be it.

Mika begins the count.








But Engy begins to stir. Mika halts the count as Cain, frustrated, jumps down from the stage and gets on top of Engy, smashing him with rights and lefts to his face as The Engineer just keeps laughing back. Cain picks up and hauls him up onto his shoulder, then carries him up the ramp once more to the top of the stage..

Cain tries to look up Engy but the Xtreme champion escapes the hold and then kicks Cain in the groin with everything he has and then quickly plants Cain with a DDT on the hard steel.

Engy wastes no time, he pulls Cain back to his feet and then Suplxes Cain through the XWF TRON!!!




Cain is done and he ain't getting back up as the ref starts the 10 count....












Winner: The Engineer

Tala Sugay
w/ Jazza Sugay
- vs -
w/ Tommy Dreamer

Making her way to the ring, she hails from Bronx, New York…. TALA SUGAY!

She walks outside to the stage, and Jaslene walks beside her. They walk down to the ring with mixed jeers, and we see the sister giving some pep talk and Tala enters the ring and wait for her opponent as Jaslene moves to her corner.

Tala opponent tonight who hails from Death Valley California…. JEZZABEL!

Lights go out in the arena. A bell tolls andf the Tron crackles to life with aburst of flames showing on the screen. The intro to 'J.S. Bach's Toccata & Fugue' by Birdie Wings begins to play then the creepy little girls say: "SHE'S HERE!". The entire stage bursts into flames leaving center stage fire atop the ramp and Jezzabel rises up in the center of the fire. Once at stage level, Jezzabel steps through the fire to the ramp, stops and looks left then right across the XWF Galaxy and cracks a slight smile before making her way to the ring. She grabs the middle rope and pulls herself to the apron then steps into the ring. She walks to the middle of the ring and looks around the arena on more time. She bring her arms up and pulls them down sharply. Lightning bolts shoot down from the rafters as she brings her arms down, hitting the ring posts and igniting them in flames. She cracks a small smile again and steps to her corner.


We see Tala moving to the corner as Jezzabel comes up to her. Then Jaslene trash talk Jezzable, but gets blindsided by Tala with hair pull to slam her on the mat. Tala moshes Jezzable head on the mat until the ref counted to three, Tala breaks it off and she spits on Jezzable face and taunts to the crowd suggestively.

My, Tala is feeling herself a little too much.

Hey that’s my line… Tala is one piece of hot ass who has a right to---

Jezzable hulks up and wipes the spit off her face, then she drags her head to the nearest turnbuckle and smashes her head to it. Jezzable chokes Tala with her foot in the throat until the ref counted to three as she breaks it off. Tala gains strength by punching her in the gut a few times until she gained momentum. Tala Eye Gouge Jezzable which the ref ignored, and she does another one. Tala hits a Spinning Heel Kick to Jezzable, she was still on her feet gorggy. Tala hits another but Jezzable ducks gives her a LARIT!
My God, Jezzable had completely fucker her up with that Larit!

…Tell her sister to pick her remains, this is done.

Jezzable then pins her…



Tala kicksout at two, and Jezzable then argues with the ref with count. Jezzable then gets to her feet and she stomps her in the body. Jezzable drags her to the corner and she pushes herself away and charges to hit at a Senton, but Tala moves out of the way. Tala then crawls to Jaslene as she gives her some bottle of water to cool her down.

Close call on Tala, she would have been turned to a flapjack in no time.

You thinking that, I’d love some flapjacks…

Tala gets to her feet and the two have a staring contest. Then it lead to them shoving one another until Jezzable shoved her to the ropes. She then Irish Whip her and she connects with a Big Boot. Jezzable lifts her to her feet and she kicks her in the gut to hit…


But Tala quickly breaks off her hold in the Cruifix position, and gives her a Hair Pull Toss to Jezzable. Tala then does a Cartweel into a Leg Drop on Jezzable, then Slaps her ass to the fans and mouths off “Kiss It Bitch!” to Jezzable.

If I were Tala, I’d go for the pin at this moment…

Tala then covers her, before the ref could count Jezzable Bench Pressed her off the cover. She does a Kane Sit Up with a menacing smile. She gets on her feet preys upon Tala, but Jaslene gets on the ring apron and tries to distract Jezzable. The ref does a bump after Jaslene pushes her away. Then Jaslene goes inside the ring, and Jezzable gets caught up in a Handicap situation.

Oh man this match got turned into a shit show for Jezzable. What can she do?

Oh I don’t know…MAYBE… try to fight em off. She’s a big girl.

Then the sisters hit the….


Jaslene then leaves the ring to back into her corner, and as the ref gets up….Tala covers Jezzable!




Jezzable kicks out with all her might, as Sugay Sisters get fed with boos from the crowd. Then the camera pans to the crowds where we see Dreamer holding a Kendo Stick as he walks down to the barricades. Jaslene then turns behind her to see him, she got spooked as he jumped over the barricades. Dreamer then taunts her with the Stick as she moves away, but Dreamer hits her anyways. He drops the Stick and kicks her in the gut, and put her in a Piledriver hold with her red thong exposed as he eats her ass around the ring.

Oh my, Dreamer came in late and decided to mess with Jaslene NOW. What’s wrong with him?

If I was Dreamer, minus the hardcore appeal, I’d do way worse than what he is doing to her.

As Dreamer parades Jaslene outside the ring, Tala then looks at Dreamer menacingly and he just drives her to the mat. Tala attempted to go outside the ring, but Jezzable grabs her by the hair and attempts to hit another…



Sugay pushes Jezzable backwards into the ropes....J.T.E(Super Kick)

Tala Sugay connects with a vicious Super Kick right to the jaw of Jezzable.

She goes to cover her as tries to climb into the ring but he's pulled back out by Tala's sister Jaslene....




Winner: Tala Sugay

No sooner has the contest ended when all the lights go out in the arena.

Did someone forget to pay the electric bill?

And then, an eerie voice sounds out...

They only want you when you're 17, when you're 21, you're no fun....

And then, the main screen launches into a series of horrific images. Bloody grotesque shots of surgical procedures: the flesh from a human face getting pulled back, a seeping incision, a woman's breast being operated on, an abdomen lying torn asunder...

I think I'm gonna puke!

And just as soon as it started, it ends. The lights come back on, but the ring and everyone inside is now covered in blood! Jezzebel and Shugay look like crimson mannequins. Even the referee has been drenched in gore! Both ladies are horrified and awestruck, cursing and trying to leave the ring without slipping.

This is reminiscent of what happened to Kim Anderson a few weeks back! God lord what a spectacle, it would seem like someone is still trying to send a grisly message to the women's division here in XWF!

Could they maybe do it in a way that won't make me lose my lunch though?

Folks, I think we're gonna need a moment to clean this up. We'll be right back.

Hart Championship Match
Travis McCoy
- vs -
Peter F'n Gilmour


Travis McCoy starts to coolly walk down the ramp as The Red by Chevelle blares throughout the arena.

Making his way to the ring, hailing from St. Louis, Missouri, the challenger, TRAAAAAAAAAVIS MCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOY!

Travis McCoy steps in through the ring ropes, and stretches out while holding the top rope.

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then hear the eerie sounds of a bell being tolled and then an explosion of fire emitting from the entrance ramp. The beginning of COMANCHE by IN THIS MOMENT begins as the heavy guitar riffs kick in and red strobes dance around the stage. As soon as the verse kicks in, we see Peter Gilmour and his wife Maria Brink come out to the ramp.

And making his way to the ring, hailing from Los Angeles, California, your XWF Hart Champion, PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETEEER GILLLLLLMOOOOOOOOOUR!

They smile at each other before going down the ramp hand in hand. Peter bobs his head to the song. They get in the ring together and Peter gets on the turnbuckle and throws up an "X" sign as pyro goes off above the ring. Peter hops down and kisses Maria as they wait his next victim.

The referee calls for the bell, and this one is underway!

Travis McCoy and Peter Gilmour approach each other in the center of the ring. Gilmour slaps McCoy across the face! McCoy retaliates with a slap of his own! Both men grab each other by the back of the head and start throwing heavy blows on each other!

These men aren't holding anything back!

This is for the Hart Championship, why would they?

Peter Gilmour jams a thumb into the eyes of McCoy! Peter with a quick roll-up!



McCoy reverses the roll-up!



Gilmour reverses the roll-up!



McCoy kicks out, but Gilmour is quick to hop on and latch in a camel clutch! The referee checks on McCoy to see if he taps out! McCoy hooks Gilmour's leg, and rolls back into a pinfall!


Gilmour rolls back into the camel clutch!

Neither man is giving the other a chance to catch their breath here!

Gilmour releases the hold and throws a forearm to the back of McCoy's head! Another forearm! Gilmour is up and has McCoy in a headhold! He tries to hoist McCoy for a powerbomb, but McCoy counters with a back body drop! McCoy shoots off the ropes and comes back with an elbow drop! Another quick elbow drop from McCoy! McCoy with the lateral press!



Kickout! McCoy is up again, and shoots off the ropes! He comes back with a leaping elbow! Gilmour rolls out of the way as McCoy hits the mat hard! Gilmour sits up and looks around, a sadistic grin on his face! McCoy sits up and looks at Gilmour! Gilmour slaps McCoy! McCoy slaps Gilmour back as both men start raining blows on each other while seated! Both men get to their feet, still pummeling each other! Gilmour with a huge back hand chop to McCoy! McCoy throws a chop of his own! Another chop from McCoy! McCoy rebounds off the ropes, but Peter kicks him in the gut! Huge DDT from Gilmour! Gilmour with a pin!




A lot of close falls here so far!

Gilmour looks infuriated, and he points to the turnbuckle!

No way.

Peter Gilmour seems to be signalling he's going to the top rope!

Gilmour to his feet as he approaches the corner! He climbs to the second rope, and flashes a sadistic grin to the crowd! McCoy is to his feet and charges in with a forearm to Gilmour's back! Another forearm to Gilmour's back! McCoy climbs to the second rope as well, and hooks Gilmour! Belly to Back Suplex off the second rope! McCoy seems dazed from the fall himself! He's slow to make the cover!



Kickout! McCoy sits upright and looks distraught! The referee flashes two fingers to him, letting him know the pinfall didn't count. McCoy gets to his feet and throws a stomp onto Peter's right hand! Peter rolls over in agony, clutching his hand! McCoy walks around and throws a stomp onto Gilmour's leg, and Gilmour starts to hold his leg! McCoy lifts Gilmour with a headhold, McCoy shoots Gilmour into the ropes! The Real McCoy off the rebound, and McCoy sinches in the pin!




Peter won't quit!

McCoy looks frazzled as he lifts Gilmour again! Huge chop to Gilmour, sending Gilmour into a 180! McCoy hooks the waist, and throws a German suplex! He holds on, and lifts Gilmour up, and throws a Dragon Suplex! He holds on, and lifts Gilmour again, but Peter throws a back elbow! Another back elbow! McCoy releases the hold! Gilmour with a Pele Kick! Both men are on the mat! Peter rolls over on top of McCoy!




Gilmour can't believe it! Gilmour picks McCoy up, and whips him into the ropes! McCoy counters, sending Gilmour into the ropes! Gilmour on the rebound...


McCoy drops Gilmour onto the crown of his skull! McCoy hooks the leg!

This one is over!






Travis McCoy can't believe what has happened! He looks up at the referee in disbelief! He then looks at Gilmour furiously! He hops on top of Gilmour and hooks in a half nelson!

McCoy looks like he's going for the Sugar Hold!

McCoy tries to grab Gilmour's other arm, but it's pinned underneath Gilmour! He struggles to pull it out from under Gilmour. Gilmour shakes the cobwebs out, and pulls himself to his knees, with McCoy finally locking in a full nelson! Gilmour rises to his feet with McCoy hanging off of him with a full nelson! Gilmour throws a leg back and nails McCoy in the groin with a reverse horse kick! McCoy releases the hold...


Gilmour with the cover!




The fans here are going wild for this one!


Gilly can't believe McCoy kicked out of the Gilmour Cutter. He looks to the referee for an answer, but the common answer, as always, is the shoulder was up. Gilly shakes his head and pulls the challenger to his feet.

Both of these men have been battling tooth and nail to claim this Hart Championship, people. I think Mr. Gilmour would do just about anything to get a successful title defense under his belt

I think that's the idea of being champ, Old Man! You making Gilly sound like some kinda fool!

Gilly takes his time getting going again. He applies a head lock to McCoy who pushes Peter off the ropes and across the ring. Peter takes a bounce off the ropes, ducks a clothes line, and comes back with a big cross body! McCoy is down and Peter hooks the leg!!




You gonna have to do better than that, Peter! Come on!! Another Gilly Cutter, let's see it!

Gilly hears Luca yelling from the outside and nods. He picks up McCoy and goes for another GIlmour Cutter, but McCoy delivers an elbow to the mid section of the Hart Champion. He fights back and slams Peter down with a full nelson slam! He holds the move and sets himself up for the Sugar Hold!! The full nelson camel clutch! He's got it locked on in the center of the ring!!!

Peter, the champion, is in trouble right now! If he taps out, Travis McCoy will be the NEW XWF Hart Champion!!

Get your shit together, Peter!! Get your shit together!!

Gilmour screams in agony as he fights to push himself up to his knees. He finally manages to do so and rolls Travis McCoy off of his back. McCoy jumps to his feet and kicks Peter in the mid section sending him back over onto his back. Travis signals for the end and works Peter into the corner. Peter sits with his back to the corner as McCoy tries to pick Peter up to his feet. Peter pulls his weight and keeps falling back into the corner. McCoy gives up and walks across the ring, then runs back into the corner attempting a jumping knee! Peter rolls out and off the apron at the last second and the momentum sent McCoy's knee crashing into the ring post! He drops to the ground, holding his injured knee as Peter crawls back into the ring. He measures his opponent up, then goes in for the attack. Peter picks him up........


Peter hooks the leg!!




Winner and STILL XWF HART CHAMPION - Peter F'n Gilmour

We go backstage and see Steve Sayors sitting with Robbie Bourbon. The crowd gives a very mixed reaction when we see his masked face.

Robbie Bourbon, last Savage, you viciously attacked James Raven. Would you like...

Robbie puts his hand up, his eyes closed. He opens his eyelids and gazes intently at Steve.

Go put it on, Steve.

Oh, okay.

Steve Sayors gets up and walks away. Robbie looks at the camera.

Hello, XWF.

Hello, America.

And hello, James.

I know a lot of you out there are wondering to yourselves, 'why'? Why did you do that to James Raven? Wasn't he your friend?

Yes, yes he was. He still is, in my book.

It's an estranged friendship, suffice to say.

However, the twisted hand of fate had plans.

James Raven is a stand up guy. Dependable, reliable, and downright honorable.

Frankly, I'm not.

I'm a Motherfucker.

See, I'm proud of it. I'm proud of the Motherfuckers. I'm proud of Bearded War Pig, and his ability to wander off into the sunset like he does without a care in the world, looking for the next thing in his life. I'm proud of Jack Cain, standing tall and strong, taking on anybody and everybody on his path to dominance. I'm proud of me, hell, I pinned Chris Chaos is a hell of a match at King of the Ring, I got to do it in front of all the fucking Universe as witnesses, and I'll be fighting again.

I'm proud of James Raven, for winning the Universal Championship and making that ridiculous set of dentures go away and bringing back the old, beautiful belt I have looked at and dreamt of for almost two whole years now. A title so prestigious, so glorious, that it shattered AX3.

I won't let it shatter the Motherfuckers.

James, I don't ask for your forgiveness. Nope. I don't expect it. I know you're a smart man, and if you're still blindsided and in shock over what happened, well, get over it. Fast.

There's a fucking billion ton meteor coming in to hit you going mach seven.

People around here call it the Robbiebomb.

We're fated and stuck in what could have been a tragic alignment, destined to explode.

So I saved the Motherfuckers.

There's no in-fighting. There's no wondering when the Motherfuckers are going to explode. There's no drama.

We found the root cause and eliminated it.

That being said, I don't think you're going to take any of what happened lightly. I know I wouldn't if I were in your shoes. Fuck, I wasn't when I was in your shoes and the same happened to me. Getting ousted. Ostracized. Even when you felt like you were pulling everybody up every step of the way.

I wish I could say I was sorry it came to this. I'm not, though. I just am not. I'm proud you won that belt and gave it the dignity it deserved. I'm happy to have won a grueling test against Chris Chaos and earned a shot at your Universal Championship.

So let's save the apologies for after our match.

Once it's over, we'll take you back. You were a fine Motherfucker, James.

But until you and I are done with each other, I can't let the Motherfuckers sit in peril. Seriously, look at AX3. Look at the Kings, for Christ's sake, and what happened when they wanted to hot potato the belt between each other and what it did to ratings, and PPV buys, and even ticket sales.

The people deserve better.

And if that means I be your nemesis, well, good for them...

Steve Sayors reappears bedecked in a white polyester suit and black disco wig.

What's that?

Sucks to be James Raven.

Oh, is that it?

Actually, Steve, it isn't.

Now that I think about it, the Motherfuckers are down in membership, and we need more talent. The Motherfuckers are actively recruiting.

Frankly, we see one man and think to ourselves 'now THAT is a Motherfucker'.

Robbed, deprived, belittled, for no other reason than the fact the man is talented and others are terrified of the fact he represents something they aren't.

A true King in the XWF. The Xtreme Champion.

To the Engineer, I know you have to watch your back wherever you walk, that Xtreme Championship belt gets heavier and heavier each time you have to defend it. I know you want to focus on reclaiming what is rightfully yours, the crown of the XWF. Navigating your way through to success regarding each is, well, daunting.

Sounds like you could use a Motherfucker or two to help you out.

And we sure would love to have you helping us go after the Kings and take their Tag Team Championships.

What do you say, kiddo?

Are you inviting The Engineer to join the Motherfuckers?

I just did.

Chris Chaos
- vs -
Barney Green
X-Treme Death Match! The ring will be surrounded with trap boxes of broken glass and fluorescent light tubes, and the ring ropes will be replaced with electrified barbed wire!

"Like A Prayer" by Madonna starts to play throughout the arena as the fans go nuts. We see a black jeep being driven onto the entrance ramp as we see Barney Green standing in the back of it waving the Irish Flag to massive cheers. The jeep stops and we see Barney Green exit the jeep and waves the flag one last time as he places it back into the jeep. Green, dressed in black shorts with a gold stripe on the sides and a Jaromir Jagr Pittsburgh Penguins jersey with no shoes and black kneepads, walks down to the ring. He high fives a few fans on his way down. He enters the ring. He stands in the corner as the music fades waiting for his opponent.

The words "FOLLOW ME" show up on the X-Tron screen as smoke billows at the entrance. Blue and white lights flicker. At the 10 second mark, he steps through the smoke wearing his jacket (Rated R Edge trench coat). Looking to both sides of the crowd. He walks slowly to the ring until he gets about 3/4 of the way down, then jogs and slides into the ring (edge style)...When he gets into the ring he gets up on the far turnbuckle and gets up on it, throwing both arms up.

Chris and Barney exchange dagger glances, then Chris begins to laugh as Barney is visibly angry.

Chaos is laughing at Barney Green here.

We've been laughing at Barney for years, he isn't doing anything out of the ordinary.

He may be in for a surprise.

Doubt it.

Barney then charges Chaos with a yell, but the saavy veteran drop toe hold trips him and he falls forward into the barbed wire ropes chest and neck first. He is cut across the lower chest and neck and turns around bleeding, but smiling. Now Chris's eyes go wide. The blonde haired former champ rolls out of the ring and Barney gives chase.

Chris goes to grab a box but Barney grabs him by the hair and whips him back first into the barricade. Barney runs as well as he can, and puts all of his weight behind a knee to the face of Chris who slumps to the mat.

"OOHHHHHH" from the crowd.

Barney picks up Chris by the head and bashes his head into the announce table before whipping him into the steps.

See, I told you, Barney Green is irate over the words and actions of Chris Chaos this week. He is dominating!

It is early, old man. Early. I am not the head member of the Chaos fan club but he has been in this situation before.

Barney looks at the slumped and stunned Chaos and then grins, opening one of the boxes. A sick look comes over his face as he pulls out a barbed wire baseball bat.

He turns and swings, trying to take Chris's head off, but Chaos ducks and the bat sticks into the apron. Chaos uppercuts Green who stumbles back and lets go of the bat. Chris then fires off a few shots to the head of Barney out of desperation before kneeing him in the gut. Chris levels the big man with a DDT onto the mat as he pants a minute, catching his breath and getting his bearings.

Green is starting to stir, though. Chris goes back into the open box and finds brass knuckles and a bag.......he squeezes it a bit.

Are those what I think they are?!

Chris slides into the ring, emptying out the bag.


Spreading them out with his foot he rolls back under the electrified barbedwire ropes. As soon as he gets out of the ring he is met with a big right hand from Green which staggers him back.

Green then takes a page out of the Chris Chaos playbook and spears him THROUGH THE BARRICADE!


Both men are down! The action is starting early in this one, and we knew it would! These two have wanted to get their hands on each other for a long time!

The ref proceeds to check on both men, and both seem to be moving, though slowly. There is a hint of blood on Barney's face, but it isn't pronounced.

Chris gets to a knee and Barney to a knee, both firing punches at one another, before Barney kicks Chaos and he rolls back onto the mat towards the ring. As Barney gets to his feet, Chris reaches under the ring. Barney pulls Chris out by his legs but the former Uni champ quickly smashes him in the head with the wrench he found under the ring. Barney falls back and grabs the barricade. Chaos slides into the ring. Barney gets his wits and rolls under the ropes, where Chaos begins to stomp him.

Smart move by Chaos. His ring awareness is supreme!

Barney is just dumber, thats all.

Chaos keeps the pressure on but the much larger Green powers up. Chaos slides around and goes for a suplex, aiming for the tacks, but Barney reverses. He hits Chaos with a back body drop. Barney throws a fist up, and the crowd cheers.

He turns around and catches a stumbling Chaos.



My god they are everywhere!

Chaos is a human pin cushion thanks to Barney Green!

Green could go for the cover but he doesn't. He wants to punish his opponent more.

Barney goes up to the top rope!

What is he doing?!

Big men can't fly!

Barney gets the crowd going and they begin to cheer but just as the crowd starts to roar, Chaos stumbles forward with a veteran move and shakes the ropes, sending Barney stratling the barbwire electric rope!


Whatever anatomy Barney had left he doesn't anymore!

Chris then drop kicks Barney who tumbles off the ropes and to the mat below.

Chaos has blood running down his back.

*The scene cuts to the back where John Holliday is watching the match on a big screen TV. He is wincing from his match with Caedus still, but he is intently watching to see his next opponent in Chris Chaos*

Chaos rolls out of the ring and grabs Barney, throwing him into the steps back first. The force of the whip and the sheer size of Green causes the steps to tumble. The impact sends a tremor through the arena. Chaos stumbles over and kicks Green hard in the ribs. He rolls onto his stomach and Chaos kicks him again.

Walking over to one of the boxes, he opens it and grins a wicked grin.


Chaos grabs a few of them, but Barney Green is up. Chaos turns quick and smashes one over the head of Barney, shattering it and busting the big man open!

Oh my god! Chaos just put Greens lights out!

With a light tube, how fitting!

Chaos then pulls not one but two tables out from under the ring. Setting them up, he puts the lights tubes on top of one of the tables. Then, setting up the second table on top of that, he puts light tubes on top of that one as well.

Chris then picks up Barney by the head and rolls him into the ring. Getting him into the ring he stands him up, whipping him into the corner. Running with a splash. Then, standing up on Barney he fires shots down.











Barney is wobbly but still on his feet. Chris sits him up on the ropes, helping him to the top. Barney begins to come alive and fire rib shots into Chaos, understanding the predicament.

Barney and Chaos exchange blows back and forth on the top rope, but Chaos gets the upper hand, hooking the arm. Chaos uses all of his strength to lift Barney.

Oh no! Don't tell me!



Barney goes crashing through a mixture of glass and wood. Chaos is down also. Both men are out. The ref looks like he might be about to call the match when Chaos rolls over, wincing, on top of Green.



3---Barney Green kicks a leg out at the very last second!

Chaos looks frustrated!

What is he going to have to do to put Barney away?!

Chaos looks shocked. His back is still bleeding from the tacks. Barney is a mangled mess from the tables and tubes. Chaos rolls out of the mess, and tries to pull himself up on the barricade and to one knee.

Chaos is having a hard time pulling himself up. The tacks are still in his back. Barney Green is still motionless. Chris is dumbfounded as to how the hell he kicked out. Chaos begins to stumble up the ramp, holding himself up by the barricade walls as he seems to have another idea.

Barney is now stirring. He gets to all fours. Kicking Barney in the gut again, he rips off the hockey jersey and begins to choke him with it. What the crowd doesn't see is that Chris had a string of barbed wire that he wrapped with the jersey. Barney's neck began to bleed and blood poured from his mouth but he kept asking Chaos is that was all he's got and to do it harder. Eventually, he does go limp.

Chris makes his way, slowly, to the Jeep that Barney drove out onto the ramp, goes to the back seat and gets the Irish flag. Making his way back down the ramp, Barney is now up and clotheslines Chaos onto the ramp, forcing him to drop the flag.

Barney picks it up and drives the bottom of it into the sterum and stomach of Chaos. Two, three, four times. Picking up Chaos by the hair he walks him towards the Jeep. He goes to slam Chris's face but Chaos reverses, bouncing Barney's head off the hood.

These two men just can't seem to put the other away.

If Chaos was a cheeseburger, he would be long gone by now.

Barney charges again and Chaos grabs him......


The hood is now dented and Chaos droped to a knee again.

Looking off the stage for a moment, a Chris crosses his face. He goes to grab Green but Barney moves, hip tossing Chaos onto the now dented hood and his fae smacking against the glass. A small trickle of blood begins on the face of Chaos.

He slides off the hood and a wincing Barney picks him up by the hair.


Oh my god! He damn near drove Chaos THROUGH the ramp there! That's gotta be it!

It's not.

Barney covers.



3---Chaos gets a shoulder up at the last second.

Told ya.

Both men on their feet, Chaos and Barney are exchanging exhausted blows on the ramp. Just then, Chaos looks at what he was looking at before. He knees Barney in his gut.


A fire starts.

Barney Green is on fire!

Deep fried, just how he likes it!

Somebody needs to stop this damn match!

Chaos stares off the ramp and down at his damage. EMT's and fire crews come rushing out.

He grins for a moment before wobbling back down the ramp. Rolling into the ring......but grabbing a chair in the process......he throws his arms up in victory.

Tigs is right about to announce it when the crowd begins to roar.

Barney Green is walking down the ramp! He is burned, bloody and limping badly but he points to Chaos as he walks down the ramp. Rolling into the ring he doesn't last long as Chaos bends the chair over his head. The crowd boos.

But Barney gets right back up.

Chris hoists him onto his shoulders.





Chris cannot believe it.

Yelling at the ref to count again, he lifts Barney up.




3----Barney gets a shoulder up!

I don't believe this. That is two equalizers from Chaos! What's it gonna take?!

Maybe he needs a finisher called "The Diet Plan!"

Chris gets an idea.

Walking up the ramp, he goes and gets the dented Jeep from the top of the ramp. Driving it down he ramp he parks in front of the ring. Barney is beginning to stir.

Chris gets him near the ropes, hoists.....


The glass shatters and Barney falls into the car. Chaos covers the half concealed body.




Thank god thats over!

Chaos did it! Eat that Green......oh wait.....

Tig O' Bitties: Here is your winner, Chris Chaos!

Winner: Chris Chaos

Suddenly the lights in the arena go black.

Shadowy figures can be seen rushing the ring.

The lights come back to life, and almost instantly the fans in the arena begin to boo loudly as the Kings™ appear next to Chaos and Barney.

Sensing what was to come, Chaos immediately lunges for Doc but is headed off by Samuels. Samuels delivers a headbutt to Chaos and then throws him in-between the barbed wire ropes. Samuels follows Chaos out, grabs a handful of his hair, and rams his face first into the security barrier. Samuels laughs and spits on Chaos, then retrieves a microphone.

Back inside the ring, the rest of the Kings™ turn their attention to the bloody Barney Green. Before he can fully gather himself he is met with a swarm of punches and kicks. They quickly overwhelm Barney as he collapses into the corner. Doc motions towards Cadryn, who rips the bow tie from his neck and uses it to tie Barney's arm to the barbed wire. Theo looks toward Madison and nods toward Barney's other arm. Maddy rips off his tie--

"Is that a clip-on!?"

Maddy shrugs and attempts to tie down the other arm to no avail, the short tie won't reach. Doc steps in, grabs the tie and shoves it down Barney's throat. Barney gags and gasps for air as Doc walks back, smiling. Maddy quickly hops up to the middle rope, undoes his zipper and lets a stream of urine flood the empty eye cavity of the helpless Green.

Samuels rolls back into the ring with the microphone in hand and approaches Theo.

"Oh, the HUMANITYYYYY!" Samuels bellows out in his most sarcastically distressed voice.

The Kings™ laugh as the barely conscious Green struggles to escape.

"WHY THEO!? WHYYYYYY!? Samuels shoves the microphone next to Theo's face as he eyes Barney.

"Because, who's going to stop us?" He says with a smirk.

Theo steps backs and lunges forward, connecting with a superkick so hard that the urine pooled in Barney's empty eye socket sprays out onto an unlucky, and poorly dressed, man in a James Raven t-shirt.

Admiring their handiwork, the Kings™ slowly exit the ring as the fans boo grows louder and louder until Warfare finally goes off the air.

Special Thank You To:

Jack Cain
Robbie Bourbon
Jim Caedus
Chris Chaos

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[-] The following 5 users Like Darius Xavier's post:
(08-31-2017), Barney Green (08-31-2017), JimCaedus (08-31-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (08-31-2017), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (08-31-2017)
Barney Green Offline
Back In Black

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

08-31-2017, 06:44 AM

The camera catches up with a battered and bloodied Barney Green. Standing next to him is John Laurinaitis. Barney notices the camera and goes to speak.

Barney: Chaos took everything I had left in me. At least I thought he did until The Kings savagely attacked me after the match.

Barney pauses as John goes to speak.

John: You did fine, champ. Are you really sure you want to even mention The Kings?

Barney: I know what I am doing. The Kings want to win the awards for biggest pussies in the XWF apparently. They wait until their prey is weakened and barely functional before they strike. I might have to call for some backup but I will get my revenge.

John: Know that I will support no matter what you do. If The Kings have an issue, I will gladly step in to throw down with you, champ.

Barney: I appreciate that John but this is a battle I can't risk you getting injured in. I need you to focus on People Power Academy. Know this much, Kings. I am never gonna back down from you. As much as I may not like Chaos as a person, I respect him as a competitor. Each time you think about attacking someone, I will be there to do everything in my power to prevent it from happening.

[Image: juXb2Dg.jpg]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Barney Green's post:
JimCaedus (08-31-2017), Phantom Panzer (08-31-2017)
John Samuels Offline
Whatever you are, be a good one.

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-31-2017, 07:01 AM


Stop us?

Urine over your head there, Barn.

[Image: WWF-JBL_1506347856131-768x431.jpg]

1X - GOAT.
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[-] The following 4 users Like John Samuels's post:
JackCain (08-31-2017), JimCaedus (08-31-2017), Phantom Panzer (08-31-2017), Theo Pryce (08-31-2017)
Prof. Bobby Bourbon Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

08-31-2017, 07:15 AM

Universe, I apologize for our current Universal Heavyweight Champion not appearing in person so he could dodge a potential confrontation because I let him know I'd be live tonight.

At least James Raven was on Twitter.

Engy, get back to me man. Let me know as soon as possible. We can work together. We don't even need to stop the Kings, just remind them who the true King of the XWF is.

Oh, and looks like Robert Main was indeed too timid to face me next Warfare. I guess he needed just a little more time off after losing to Cadryn.

The man I beat in seconds.

[Image: DtUCPfZ.png]
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[-] The following 3 users Like Prof. Bobby Bourbon's post:
JackCain (08-31-2017), JimCaedus (08-31-2017), Theo Pryce (08-31-2017)
Barney Green Offline
Back In Black

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

08-31-2017, 08:35 AM

(08-31-2017, 07:01 AM)John Samuels Said:

Stop us?

Urine over your head there, Barn.

Oh, I am shaking. Shaking with laughter. You are looking at an evil man. A man who has no problem hurting another person. You attacked me. I will take you out one by one even if I die in the process of doing so.

[Image: juXb2Dg.jpg]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Barney Green's post:
JimCaedus (08-31-2017)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-31-2017, 11:14 AM

Still the champ bitches!!

Ooc: EPIC match Travis

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
JimCaedus (08-31-2017)
John Samuels Offline
Whatever you are, be a good one.

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-31-2017, 11:24 AM

Keep on turning heads, Mr. Gilmour. Those of us who matter are certainly taking notice.

[Image: WWF-JBL_1506347856131-768x431.jpg]

1X - GOAT.
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[-] The following 2 users Like John Samuels's post:
JimCaedus (08-31-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (08-31-2017)
Jean Baptiste Le'Croix Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

08-31-2017, 11:31 AM

Who ever wrote the Chas jbl, love it how violent the match went even though the injuries I've substained in the match. Thanks a bunch

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Neville Sinclair Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-31-2017, 12:47 PM

Wait, did someone really get their face ripped off?

I have no words

Educating the XWF since 06/08/17
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-31-2017, 03:58 PM

(08-31-2017, 12:47 PM)Neville Sinclair Said: Wait, did someone really get their face ripped off?

I have no words

better than getting an ear ripped off. *grabs ear*

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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The Engineer Offline
Man of Peace

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-31-2017, 04:32 PM

OOC: I'm calling Kruzer getting facefucked into submission early moment of the year.

[Image: 9QBn3eQ.jpg]

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[-] The following 1 user Likes The Engineer's post:
JimCaedus (08-31-2017)
Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

08-31-2017, 08:57 PM

(08-31-2017, 07:15 AM)Robbie Bourbon Said: Universe, I apologize for our current Universal Heavyweight Champion not appearing in person so he could dodge a potential confrontation because I let him know I'd be live tonight.

At least James Raven was on Twitter.

Engy, get back to me man. Let me know as soon as possible. We can work together. We don't even need to stop the Kings, just remind them who the true King of the XWF is.

Oh, and looks like Robert Main was indeed too timid to face me next Warfare. I guess he needed just a little more time off after losing to Cadryn.

The man I beat in seconds.

Robbie I asked for the match! I even reached out on twitter! Why it was never signed is beyond me. I'm back now! Like I said before. If you want to fight just say when!

[Image: 6x9xFnQ.png]
[Image: nLYNvyj.png] x2
[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
[Image: WPoUWuI.png]

Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Robert "The Omega" Main's post:
JimCaedus (08-31-2017)
Prof. Bobby Bourbon Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

08-31-2017, 10:26 PM

(08-31-2017, 08:57 PM)Robert Main Said:
(08-31-2017, 07:15 AM)Robbie Bourbon Said: Universe, I apologize for our current Universal Heavyweight Champion not appearing in person so he could dodge a potential confrontation because I let him know I'd be live tonight.

At least James Raven was on Twitter.

Engy, get back to me man. Let me know as soon as possible. We can work together. We don't even need to stop the Kings, just remind them who the true King of the XWF is.

Oh, and looks like Robert Main was indeed too timid to face me next Warfare. I guess he needed just a little more time off after losing to Cadryn.

The man I beat in seconds.

Robbie I asked for the match! I even reached out on twitter! Why it was never signed is beyond me. I'm back now! Like I said before. If you want to fight just say when!

I said when.

You proved to be too "small time".

See you ringside while you sit ringside to watch "I literally avoided the ring when Robbie Bourbon was coming to wreck" Gabe "Not as talented as Joshua so I better throw up bells and whistles and get artsy fartsy in my promos" Reno during his match.

You avoided the fight and earned a humiliating ass whoopin'.

How much time will you need off afterwards?

Oh, wait, the people could give a shit less how long you'll be gone. World will keep turning without you anyhow, just like it has.

Robert Main. The Fluke.

Pinning me wasn't the fluke, being in the ring with me at the same time was.

[Image: DtUCPfZ.png]
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