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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » King of the Ring 2017 RP Board
She-Wolf: Final Thoughts Before Becoming the Bombshell Champion
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Jenny Myst Offline
The Queen of X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

08-18-2017, 08:05 PM


Jenny was wearing a valor track suit as the plane rolled to a stop at the terminal in Heathrow. She paused her music and grabbed her neck pillow. That was a long flight, but she took first class, of course, so it wasn't too bad. She was about to be bombshell champion, after all. She was watching Abigail's promo now that she was on the ground, and a bitchy look crossed her face.

Times ticking down, Missy. Times ticking down real fast. It seems like you've maybe got caught in a web of Chris Chaos as of late. A little caught up in his moment, maybe?

"What the fuck? I was on a plane. I don't have to answer to this twat or promo when she wants me to. I have plenty to say.....but I can't exactly promo from 30,000 feet. There is no connection up there. God she's dumb."

Standing up, she grabbed her bag out of the overhead storage. She had to go on her tip toes, but she did it herself. She didn't need or want any help. She was determined to do it by herself, just like she was going to win the title all by herself. She didn't need Madison.

Fuck Abigail, there is no "agreement". Madison said she is going to call it down the middle.

Dumb cunt, she needs to pay more attention.

She walks out of the terminal and it is exactly as Chris described. It was absolutely gorgeous. Fit for a queen.

Fit for her.

As she walked towards the exit, she had a limo waiting for her. Did London have Uber? She didn't care, she was riding in style this week. She deserved it, after all. But she didn't get far. There was a gathering of people, all holding signs and wearing shirts. Her signs. Her shirts. This was a new sensation for her. She was used to people hating her.

Most of the signs were held by and the shirts worn by young girls. A lot of them had their hair dyed just the same way as Myst did, blonde with the pink tips.


Jenny couldn't help but smile as a young girl, probably around ten, approached her. She was wearing a shirt with Jenny's face on it. She had what looked like an autograph pad. Jenny set her back down, she knew what was coming.

"What does this little twat want", she thought to herself. But, she didn't say that. She smiled at the girl and went to one knee to greet her.

"Oh my god! Jenny! I love you!" the girl squeaked.

Jenny smiled at the girl, but the corner of her lips were a small snarl.

"Can I have your autograph?"

Jenny smiled another fake smile, saying "sure!"

She scribbled JM in interlocking letters. The girl squealed again.

"When I grow up, I want to be just like you!"

That was horrifying. Where were this girls parents?

Jenny stood up, but there was more to sign. It took her damn near 40 minutes to get through them all. Finally, she saw a man with a walkie talkie walk up to her.

"Ms. Myst, I am here to take you to your car. You're booked on a talk show in one hour, and its on the other side of the city. We need to get you there."

There was a collective sigh from the crowd, but they understood. They clapped and cheered as she passed.

"Oh thank god" she said as they walked away. "I thought I was going to have to sign them all. Jesus, its like these brits never get out of the house."

He looked at her.

"Oh. sorry. Well, thanks anyway."


"Welcome Back to Talking Chad! I am your host Chadwick Largeteeth and I am here with the beautiful, sassy and bloody tough Jenny Myst of the XWF!"

She smiles and waves to the camera.

[Image: HlK275o.jpg]

"So tell us, Jenn, how has your first trip to London been?"

"Great, great.....It was a long flight and I am a little tired but I will be able to get a good nights sleep before my title match victory tomorrow! Not to mention a tea session and a first class London foot massage!"

Chadwick smiles.

"So, you have a big match tomorrow night, under the lights in Wembley. You have to be super excited."

She smiles again to the camera. Cheesy, sure, but hey--its the responsibility of a champion to be sociable.

"Super excited! I am finally getting a shot at the belt they have made for me and been teasing me with for weeks. I am about to run the entire women's division in the XWF, I couldn't be more excited!"

"Your opponents have been throwing some serious Shade, miss. Well, one has anyway."

"Everyone loves to talk, but she needs to get it out of her system so I let her. It is all hot gas anyway. There is nothing between the ears with that one, let me tell ya!"

"Go on...."

"Well, let me put it this way for ya. Abigail is the type of person who can't decide which side of a Twix tastes better. She looks like she uses gasoline as body wash. She sounds like she got a tampon stuck up there and is experiencing the beginning stages of toxic shock syndrome.......bottom line, she's dumb, she smells and she flat out sucks."

He grins a bit.

"Spoken like a true heel."

"This isn't even about heel or face, this is about a dumb twit and her big mouth being put in her place. It is about proving my worth instead of saying it."

He nods, jotting something in a notebook.

"You know, umm....Chadwick, you said? is baffling to me, truly, what some of these opponents come up with. Now I see what Chris had to deal with all this time. No wonder he always complained about how dumb the XWF roster was. These window lickers don't do their research first, they spout off at the mouths and then pat themselves on the back for a job well done when all they did was make themselves look idiotic. Ezariaha has gotten a case of weak-bitch and Abigail has proven she is nothing more than a pawn for someone else and incapable of her own thoughts. She sounds like she was reading off a cue card, but whoever wrote it gave her some bad information."

Chadwick crossed his legs the other way.

"Which information is that?"

They turned to the big video screen in front of them.

"Lets take a look shall we?"

Abigail's face came up on the screen. Jenny could feel a little puke in her mouth at the sight of it.

Some amazing things are definitely going to transpire at King of the Ring. What makes it sweeter, is that I couldn't care less about it.

She shook her head, and palmed her face. Was this bitch serious? How could she sit there and say that? Why even bother showing up?

"Don't mistake me explaining the result of me becoming champion as a desire to become champion, Missy."

"Does that sound like a champion to you, Chadwick?"

He shook his head.

"Me either. Sounds to me like she is going through the motions, no? Well don't mistake what I am saying either, toots. Yes I feel like I am GOING to win this title.....but I want this more than anything else also. I want it more than I wanted anything else in my entire life. That passion, that drive, that want that flat out NEED to win this belt, that is what will fuel me. I am going to bring a fury that has never before been seen from me. I am going to bring a fire that has been burning in me since they announced this title belt. A fire I haven't felt before. A fire I never even knew I had. She doesn't WANT to be champion, yet EXPECTS to be champion......yet I am the entitled one? Psssht.....please."

Chadwick jotted something down, then smiled into the camera.

"Miss Myst, tell us why you would be the best candidate as the champion of the Bombshell division?"

She smiled. She seemed to sweet to Chadwick, he didn't understand for the life of him why everyone seemed to hate her.

"Well, Chadwick, that is a great question. I think I deserve this because I have been the one who has put in the most work. Abigail calls my record less than stellar, and I agree, it isn't a record that looks overly flattering. 9-5 is good, don't get me wrong, but you need to consider the full scale of it. I've faced some of the best competition on this roster and though not always successful, I've been competitive in every single one. I guess that counts as somewhat of a win, right?"

The future Bombshell Champion and the obviously gay talk show host share a chuckle.

"But for real, not only am I the one who will look best with this belt, but I am the one who will fight best. I think I have proven myself. Madison thinks I have proven myself. I have stood up to the challenge of big names and even bigger men and have not been afraid. I slapped Brock Lesnar in the face, twice, without fear. I have felt so much fear in my life there just isn't any time for it anymore. I am immune to it. The only place I can go is up from here. The only thing I can do is stand up to this new information about a scheme to keep me from holding the belt I deserve. I am the victim here, and I wil rise above."

Chadwick nods his head, the pen in his mouth.

"I just want all the little girls in London to look up to me as their Bombshell Champion. To have photos and posters of me in their rooms. I want the little girls to see that a girl who has been bullied her entire life and who has went through hell can make something of herself and become a champion through it all."

Chadwick removes the pen from his mouth, nodding his head again.

".....Right, the little girls. You're last two promos were titled names that we can't say on this broadcast. They are names that are derogatory towards women and were very profanity laden. Is that the message you want to send to the little girls?"

Touche, Chadwick.

Without missing a beat, the soon-to-be Bombshell Champion fired back.

"Have you never said something about someone that may be viewed as questionable? What makes you so perfect? Get off your soapbox, Chadwick, and realize this is 2017. They are going to hear those words regardless, they are all over the internet."

"They aren't in my house."

The conversation went dark quickly, as Jenny's attitude turned hostile towards the host.

"Oh, did you and your partner adopt?"

" wife and I?"

"Ahh so acknowledging one is the female role."

"She is a female, yes, as are you."

"Come on Chad," she said with a laugh, "I mean--you're obviously gay."

The host was getting upset now. His leg began bouncing.

"I am not!"

"Haha, come clearly are."

Now he knew why they all hated her, she was a total chav.

For those who don't speak British, here is a side note: The Oxford English Dictionary defines chav as an informal British derogatory, meaning "a young lower-class person who displays brash and loutish behaviour and wears real or imitation designer clothes".

"You know, Jenny---this attitude isn't going to get you very far."

She laughed to herself, rolling her eyes.

"What, you want someone on this show like Abigail? Someone who will conform to what society wants and change things for the better? She's obviously good at taking orders.....she would be perfect in your socialist fucking dict-----"

"Someone cut her mic!"

He made the chop symbol on the neck with his hand.

"No, no Chadwick. They aren't going to silence me. They aren't going to stop me! I am going to be heard loud and far! I am Jenny Myst, damnit, and it is high time I start getting some damn respect around here! You want to know why Abigail thinks I sound so entitled? Because I have to! I am under attack from all the sides all the time! Am I expected to cave in and give up? HELL NO. I AM JENNY MYST AND I AM GOING TO BE THE BOMBSHELL CHAMPION! MARK THAT DOWN!"

Her voice is a shrill screech now. She is panting breaths between sentences.


She reaches into her bra in a quick movement as security begins to approach.

Just then, she opens her eyes.....the lights are on......

"Welcome Back to Talking Chad! I am your host Chadwick Largeteeth and I am here with the beautiful, sassy and bloody tough Jenny Myst of the XWF!"

"This is gonna be good" she says to herself in her head as she smiles and waves at the camera.


I would bet money that you have never been alone in your entire life.

"You better get your wallet out then, you stupid, stupid girl. You better make sure Vinnie gives you a little intensive in your check this week, or when you blow him before the Pay Per View you better swallow this time. Your money is as good as mine, then, just as this belt is.

I can't even believe it. I mean, are you that dense? I knew you were dumb but do you need one of those handicapped placards for your car? Do you know what is is like to actually be alone? Like, alone alone? So alone that even your thoughts don't want to be near you? Do you know what it is like to live in 10 different foster homes by te age of 13? 10! Do you know what it is like to spend most of your early years sleeping under an overpass because your family was too fucked up to go home to---and their "home" was a fort made of milk crates and newspapers? Meth is a hell of a drug. Combine it with gambling and holy hell. Have you spend a year eating only bread and drinking water you weren't sure was clean or not, but it was the only water you had? Have you ever had to kill your adoptive father to get the mob to let you out of a deal he made where you are their sex slave-for-hire? Have you ever been alone in the desert and had to make your own way, facing dehydration and sun poisoning? Have you ever went to sleep knowing you would wake up and not wanting to? Don't you EVER tell me about being alone. You are GODDAMN RIGHT I have been alone, and it has made me a stronger person. It has made me a tougher person.

They show a sad little girl who's lost and scared.

Bring that to the ring, come in with the mentality that I am at all scared of you. In the least. Please. I am scarred, but not scared. I am bent almost to the point of snapping, but I am not broken. By no means am I broken. I have seen and done more in my 24 years than most people do in a lifetime. You think my backstory promos are boring? Good, fuck you. I don't care. I am coming to maim and mangle. Fuck just winning, Abigail, I want to hurt you. I want to beat you to within an inch of your life. I want to make you regret coming back to the XWF. I am going to regret making you know the words bomb and shell. You are coming for the neck? I am coming to rip your heart of your flat chest and eat it raw. I was all about competition until you opened your mouth. I am not being cute here with punchlines and clever ways to insult you. I am coming right at you. Fuck mace, I am going to leave it at home. I am going to beat you with my fists. I am going to beat you with my feet. I am going to beat you with my H-E-A-R-T. I am a she wolf and right now you are a direct threat......soon to become......prey.

That princess thing. That self-entitlement thing. That spoiled brat insisting that an entire division belongs to her.

[i]The bitch is back, and this bitch is, from now on, your superior. I just spent 3 promos now telling you WHY it is mine, so maybe you should go back and watch those because quite frankly I don't feel the need to explain it further. I don't even feel the need to talk to you anymore. Quoting your promos is just giving your garbage undeserved attention. Just know, if nothing else, that when I get to London there are no if's ands or buts about it. I am leaving with this.......

[Image: XTsQHQH.png]

But I am coming with this......

[Image: X7nUTaJ.jpg]

I am your new Bombshell Champion and the funny thing.........I always was ..........

Get used to it.

100 Percent, Pure


[Image: BWVb4rb.gif]


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