Jenny Myst
The Queen of X-Treme
XWF FanBase: Very random (heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)
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Joined: Thu Apr 06 2017
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08-18-2017, 02:07 AM
Summer, 2013
There he was, the man from the night before. She remembered him, and he was about the only thing she remembered.
How the fuck did he get inside her apartment?!
She threw the covers off and jumped up but he put his hand up, signaling for her to stop. For some reason, she did.
"You left me hanging last night," his voice was cold, not like she remembered it from the night before. It was so soothing then. Charming even.
"And? You wanted to me risk my job by partaking in prostitution. They have cameras everywhere. We both would have been knocked....."
He put his hand back up again.
"It doesn't matter. None of that matters. I came here today because I only have one more question for you....just one.....and I will be on my way."
She looked at him with a bitchy look. She had resting bitch face, she couldn't help it. "And what would that question be?" She yawned, stretching with an elbow crack.
He paused for a minute, a smile crossing his lips. It was a bit of a wicked grin, and his eyes had a brightness to them.
He walked closer to her until he was at the foot of the bed. Each step produced a thud on the hardwood. Each step sounded like a thunder pound in the quiet room. There was a faint buzzing of the AC unit. Once there, he leaned in so he was almost face to face. His smile increased.
"Have you ever had your initials carved into your forehead?"
Just then her eyes shot to the knife on the table. She knew she was in trouble here. Her cell phone was on the table as well, and she would have to go through him to call for help.
She moved quick, but he was quicker, grabbing her arms and pinning her down on the bed. He was so strong. He was much stronger than her. She was in pure surival mode at this point, kicking and fighting, trying to get away.
"I am going to get it one way or is useless to fight."
He held both her arms down with one of his as he unzipped his fly. She didn't remember him being this solid the night before. He was in shape, sure, but this strength was a shock to her. She couldn't move. He continued to talk as he pulled his junk out.
"You made a grave mistake, little lady. All the girls there know me, love me, and are on my side. I spend more money there in a month than these whores make individually in a year. All you had to do was what you promised, and I could have been your best friend......."
She noticed he was erect. A weird part of her, a dark part of her, took that as a compliment.
"But I----"
"Shhhh", he put his finger on her lips. His smile was softer now, more like the night before.
"Now, not only am I going to fuck you, but I am going to kill you."
There was a certainly in his voice that made her cringe worse than his penis at her entrance did.
"Then I am going to carve your whore initials into your pretty little forehead, while making you watch, then slit your throat and leave you here to bleed out."
Her eyes went wide. How could anybody say this to another human being?
"Nobody will miss you, it may not even make the news.....just another dumb Vegas whore, caught up with the wrong crowd......"
On that final word he thrust in, and her back arched.
Her hands clawed his back. She reached for the knife but the table seemed miles away. He groaned.
"Uuuuuuaaghh, yeah......this is what I was hoping for....."
Another thrust.
The men from the desert came racing back. She wasn't going to let this happen again but even as she pounded her fists on his back, he was rock solid. She decided then to lay back and let it happen, knowing he would finish soon, and when he went for the knife she would make her move.
She could hear the sounds. It sounded like a porn video, and she soon realized the noises were her own. Even though her apartment was on the luxury side, it was in a rough part of town. Whenever anything happened here, nobody paid any mind. Screaming for help wouldn't do any good.
Luckily he was smaller than the man in the desert was.
Soon enough, as predicted, she felt the hot substance fill her and him begin to soften.
A single tear shot its way down her face and a rage in her was mounting. Rage like she hadn't felt since the day in that desert when she killed her father.
He soon exited her.
"See, that wasn't so bad now, was it?"
He slid off the bed and moved over to the table. "My money---I'll be taking this back." He picked up a wad of cash and shoved it into his pocket.
His hand slid over to the handle of the knife. He picked it up, looking at it gleefully like a child who had just opened a toy they had wanted for Christmas. "I enjoyed that, but I think I am going to enjoy this even more....."
He moved again with that quickness. Jenny, however, was ready. She moved too as he brought the knife down, sticking into the pillow where her head was an causing feathers to fly everywhere.
She tried to run to the door. He blocked it. Swinging the knife again, she elbowed him, and he barely moved. She punched him again but he just stood there, laughing. He swung the knife again and she grabbed his wrist. The two battled for leverage for a moment before she had to make a split second decision. She kicked him in the nuts with her bare foot as hard as she could. This seemed to level the man out, as he groaned again and went to one knee. Dropping the knife, she picked it up and with a quick flick of the wrist ran it across his throat. Blood began to spurt and his hands went to his neck as she ran out of the room. She ran until she got downstairs. Her keys were on the hanger by the garage door, and she grabbed them. Starting her car, she backed furiously out of the parking lot and peeled out, not looking back.
20 Minutes Later.
Her sports car screamed into the club parking lot like an Eagle zeroing in on its favorite prey.
She slammed it into park, but left it running. Jumping out of the car, she made her way barefoot--wearing only a baggy tee and her pink thong (which now had a wet stain on the crotch)---to the door. Ripping it open she saw some of the girls there, preparing for the day shift and sitting around playing cards.
Grabbing the cigarette out of the mouth of a girl who goes by Candy, she jammed the hot butt right into her neck. The girl screamed as she fell off the chair. Jenny grabbed another girl, the one who called her a bitch for having the man thrown out the night before. She went by Skyy.
Grabbing sky by the hair she walked her towards the mirror and rammed her head repeatedly into the glass. The other girls tried to pull her off but they were unsuccessful until Skyy's face resembled meatloaf more than it did a 22 year old dancer.
She turned around with fire in her eyes. She growled. "WHO GAVE HIM MY ADDRESS?!" All of the girls tensed up. Nobody wanted to throw the other one under the bus.
"Fine. I will just beat the fuck out of every single one of you until I get a suitable answer......"
She lunged at Mercedes. The girl tried to move but Jenny caught her, throwing her over the bar and causing bottles to tumble, smashing on the floor. Bella came at her, but she ducked, elbowing her in the throat before kicking her in the face. She grabbed a bottle off the bar and smashed it over Diamonds head.
There was one girl left.
"I'll ask"
Hayden, whose eyes were wide, pointed to Skyy who was on the ground covering her face.
Jenny turned and grabbed the girl by the hair again, ramming her face first into the stripper pole on the stage. Then again, and again, annnnnnnd again. Half of her face was broken by the time she stopped. When Jenny dropped the girl, she crumbled. The boss walked in from upstairs just as Jenny dropped the girl.
"What in the fuck?! Myst! What did you do?!"
Panting she looked at the man.
"Consider this my two weeks notice."
Looking back at Skyy, she kicked her hard in the ribs, spitting on her.
"You stupid cunt."
As she walked out, she could hear the boss attending to the girl. Before the door slammed, he heard him do something he NEVER does. Call her by her real name.
"Abigail, are you alright? Can you hear me?"
Her name was Abigail, and she was a stupid cunt.
"Stupid cunt" she said again just as her door closed and she put her sports car in gear.
![[Image: lQqoRV7.jpg]]( ![[Image: lQqoRV7.jpg]](
"Funny, your little shot back at me was called "Chasing Cars". Did you wake up this morning and actually were able to stomach looking in a mirror? Because, Abigail, that is all you are doing. You are that dog chasing a car that is blowing by at full speed. I am so far ahead of you in every facet of life---and you can run until your little legs get tired....but no matter how hard you try you will never catch me. I am lightyears ahead of you. But it is cute that you try. I am going to pound this point into the ground, drive it home like a good sex scene. THIS IS MY DIVISION. MY BELT. I mean, I don't doubt you are going to show up and compete. Good. But you just can't touch true perfection, but I heard there is a part in Little Orphan Annie at The Old Vic theatre that you'd be perfect for with those flowing ginger locks. Maybe there will be a place for you in London after all but it sure as shit will not be in an XWF ring.
But you decided to open your mouth again, so, I'll open mine. It's only fair, right?
First off, you called me "Missy" the entire promo. What, you can't say my name? Afraid to acknowledge me as me? Missy.....ick, you sound like my mother. Not a good look.
From the moment you walked through the doors behind Chris Chaos you have acted nothing less than a princess
To say that I followed Chris here, Abigail, is just silly. We didn't even know each other way back in September 2016. I saw something in him, I knew he would be a star, and I approached him. I looked different back then, as you may know, but I was still the hottest female on this roster. I was strictly a valet back then, as I didn't know the first thing about wrestling. I came to him to be his manager because I knew a rising star when I saw one. We didn't "stumble" upon this place, we "stumbled upon" each other---and it worked. He rose to glory and I became a household name and face. People from across the world tuned in every week to see what shenanigans we would get into. I don't even think your own household recognizes you when you step into a ring, Abigail. Face it, you're just not marketable. You don't have "it". It is okay though, not everyone does. But before you make claims that we came here together, you might want to do a little research first.
Or be a dumb cunt, whatever you'd prefer.
Hmmm, what other dumb cunt shit did you say? Oh yeah.....
Looking from the outside-in, Missy, how can you even say ANYONE is entitled to this? At this point, we're all even.
Hahaahah, whoa whoa whoa there killer, we are NOT even. Not even close. I can claim to be entitled to it because there isn't a bitch here that deserves this more than I do. Question my methods, sure, but I still have put the work in. But here is the kicker....are ya ready? I put the work in HERE. Nobody gives a fuck about your "extensive resume" anywhere else. What did you did somewhere else isn't worth a cup of urine, Abigail. It is what you have done HERE and NOW. And HERE and NOW, you're at the bottom where you belong. Everyone has to earn their stripes at this place, and you haven't even earned the first stroke of ink yet. I said it once and I will say it again, you're in this match by DEFAULT. You're in this match because there was nobody else to choose. If Nemesis ended up getting signed, Madison decided to be in the match rather than officiate it, Roxy decided to do something besides thumb Vinnie's baby carrot, and Dolly Waters didn't go AWOL---not to mention Isabella Ravenwolf popping up whenever she sees fit---you'd be in the kick off show where you belong. But no, you are in this match because there was nobody else. Same reason as Ezariaha. Roxy wanted to stir the pot and not just award me the belt---because of her and my personal issues---she wanted to fuck me over and make it as difficult as possible. What she didn't realize is that this isn't difficult at all. You even claimed in your first rambling vlog session that you "don't even care about this belt". Why the sudden change of heart?
Maybe because you know that the only reason anyone knows you exist is because you're facing me?"
She puts a hand over her mouth with a sudden intake of breath.
"If I wasn't on this roster, maybe you'd be relevant. But unfortunately, Abby, I am here and that makes your road to anything more than second best nearly impossible to travel down. You call ME entitled? Psssht. You rubbed in my face how you and Vinnie used to run roughshod. Just because of your little leasions with Vinnie and Shane back in the day you think that all of the sudden think that this match is in the bag. That you are going to be champion. Yeah....I am the entitled one. I may not have known that you and Vinnie were in cahoots, but I didn't expect you to be a hypocrite either. Don't call the kettle black, "Missy". You think you're good because of your past, and you're so quick to write me off because of my present.
But I am the entitled one.
You stupid cunt.
And you want to bring up Dolly Waters? Sure, lets bring up Dolly Waters. She is a perfect example of how landscapes change. She ran through here like Ebola in Africa. She was unstoppable. She has done more here than most men. But just when she was at her highest, she faced Chris......and she got beat. She had been on a downward slide ever since. Micheal Graves used kidnapped her and did go knows what. Jim Caedus used her as a human lawn dart at Lethal Lottery. She virtually disappeared. Not to mention she.....uh....took drugs. She cheated. She gained an unfair advantage. But SHE is the bar I am supposed to look up to? SHE is the example? She WAS good, but now, her numbers have been forgotten quicker than a doing fractions. She is irrelevant, and she will remain that way. She has an X-Treme title number one contenders match, and she will lose that too. She hasn't even opened her dicktrap to speak about her match once yet. But SHE is the example you want to throw in my face? The shamed former TV and Hart Champion whose claim to fame here is being Micheal Grave's chew toy. SHE is the example?
You stupid cunt.
"Well, I am a princess!"
More like empress. Get it right, sweetheart.
Did I mention a lying cunt too? A backpedaling cunt?
Was I bashing the title a little too hard last time, Missy? I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to talk you out of t or downgrade it at all. I was just sharing with everyone what I thought it was worth. It's prize though. Enough to draw a few others into the mix and try out the XWF. I think I was right when I said about drawing in "outside talent", too. Kim Anderson? Jezzebel? The Sugay Sisters? Open your eyes, Missy, but I suppose since neither of them have done anything they're not even worth mentioning.
She slaps her knee, laughing sarcastically.
You're first little attempt at a cogent promo was cute, truly. But, need I remind you, THE SUGAY SISTERS WEREN'T HERE THEN. JEZZEBEL HAD BEEN HERE LESS THAN A WEEK AND HADN'T BEE SEEN ON XWF TELEVISION YET. KIM ANDERSON had JUST signed up and was fighting dark matches to open shows. Calling Kim Anderson "talent" is like calling red blue. I bet you're going to tell me Rose is a part of this little movement too, aren't ya? The Sugay Sisters and Jezzebel are not the "outside talent" that this belt has drawn in. They are a desperate attempt to fill a women's division that holds me and then drops off steeper than the walls of the Grand Canyon. That is all they are. Plain and simple.
You'd make a horrible champion.
Well, I am going to be champion, so you will need to learn to adapt. Donald Trump will be a horrible president, but he isn't going anywhere. Neither am I.
You stupid cunt.
This isn't even about ME wanting the title. Shocker, right? This is about someone, not to mention any names, that doesn't want YOU to have it.
Shocker, right? No. I am not surprised. When you suck, nobody conspires against you. Nobody cares. When you are real threat, people try to take you out from the inside. Obviously, the credit you fail to give me, someone else has given me for you. They don't want me as champion because they know I am a shoe in to be champion. This is all a big coo because I pose immediate threat, the most immediate threat, to challenge everything this little mystery power has planned. I pose the biggest threat to turn the women's division upside down and become to most dominant woman this company has ever seen. They know it, and they sent YOU to stop it?
Hang on.
She inhales and resumes her laugh.
You are too dumb to see that this little power who doesn't want me to have the belt is doing nothing but throwing you to the wolves. You are the great white hope, sent to bring a message of peace in a time of war. But when I break you in half and send your head back in a box, the little "powers that be" will have nothing left to do but bow the fuck down like everyone else.
You live in the shadow of someone as transparent as a glass of water. Granted, I haven't done a thing since my return to the XWF, but you don't hear me chirping on about how much I deserve this and am entitled to it.
"Uhhhh......honey, yes I do see you doing it. You just spent an entire promo talking about how you USED to be good, telling me what you USED to do. Then you say you've done nothing as of late, but still laid that little seed of "I once mattered to someone" in there an hoped it would grow into a "yay someone gives a fuck" tree. Then, after all of that subtle horn tooting, you say we are all even? Do you even understand English? You aren't as blunt as I am, and maybe that is a good thing. But if you are going to tiptoe around a point and sugarcoat it, at least keep it consistent. If you weren't flaunting entitlement, why even bother mentioning your past?
You stupid cunt.
And I don't live in Chris's shadow, trust me. Look at the XWF recently and what has went on between us the last few weeks and months. If anything, HE lives in MINE.
Did I mention you're a cunt?
Just in case I didn't......
There is some basic English for you.
The last thing the XWF needs is a sparkle in it's history books. The Bombshell Title will be won by exactly that. And unlike you, I'm not referring to my looks. I'm referring to the fact that is is the exactly impact I'm going to make at King of the Ring and the XWF following winning this title.
What the fuck does that even mean? Have you talked yourself so far into a corner that you have to circle around it like a plane waiting to land? It doesn't need a sparkle, then it does? XWF doesn't need a sparkle, but a sparkle is exactly what will win? That will be your impact? A sparkle we don't need? Good luck with all that. While you are over there "sparkling", I will be exploding onto the scene like an atom bomb aftershock, leaving everything and everyone in my way nothing more than a cloud of dust at my feet. So have fun sparkling........
Have fun not winning another title.
Have fun being just another statistic in the book of Myst.
I was pretty confident coming into this match to begin with
Good. I have been confident since day fucking one. But its a crime when I say it? At least when I say it....people listen. It sure got you riled up, didn't it? So go ahead, put your big girl panties on and show up to Wembley Stadium with all your sizzle and sparkle, your dazzling array of martial arts skills and your little ninja cop outfit and get crushed into the vacuum bag residue we all know you are.
Show up, and get crushed in the palm of the true alpha female of XWF.....