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SAVAGE! 07-29-2017
Author Message
Arnold “Chubby” Fletcher Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
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07-30-2017, 07:43 AM



Xtreme Wrestling Federation Presents:

In the arena the lights are off. We see a shadowed ring with a single figure standing in it. No music, no fanfare. The crowd is still filing in and unaware of any presence. When the single spotlight shines down onto the ring, revealing the man standing within it, the crowd gasps.

In the ring, a haggard and worn Vincent Lane stands. His hot pink suit and bandanna are equally wrinkled and the bags under his eyes have grown. His thinner. His hair is a mess. But strangest of all, on his head he wears a crown.


The chant from a few fans starts, but quickly dies out as Lane stands merely looking out and up at the X-Tron, not reacting whatsoever to the adoration. He brings a microphone to his lips.

“Ladies and gentlemen of the XWF Galaxy… there has been an event. Something so Earth shattering, so monumental, that mere words cannot justly describe them. Please turn your attention to the Tron and behold.”

Vincent motions up to the X-Tron and suddenly a slightly familiar scene fills the screen. Vincent and Archie Lawson stepping out of a limousine in London, England.

A row of traditionally-dressed Queen’s Guard stand at attention as Lawson and Lane move past them. Right up to the gate of Buckingham Palace. The foot guards do not attempt to stop the passage of the two men, in fact quite the opposite. The doors of the palace are opened by two of them and Lawson exchanges pleasantries with someone on the inside.

Lawson enters first and there are some gestures of explanation. And then, oddly, the man inside the palace bows to Lane.

The crowd in the arena seem perplexed as the scene shifts, then awestruck when it returns in the throne room of Queen Elizabeth II. Members of the royal family gather around, some looking confused, others nervous. The queen herself, however, seems amused.

“Mister Lane,”

The Queen’s voice silences every other in the room.

“You have presented my family with a conundrum, if what you say is true. And, according to my best advisors and trusted confidantes, among them our mutual friend Mister Lawson, there is merit to your claim. This is not something that has come before the crown in hundreds of years. Not since before my family of Windsor, before even the Hanovers, has there been such a claim. Mister Lawson, please read to me the findings.”

The queen waits patiently then as Archie walks to just in front of the throne and pulls a sealed letter from his coat pocket. He clears his throat and stammers a bit, clearly taken aback by the situation.

“Your Royal Majesty, it is, as always, an honor to stand before you. I hold in my hands the official findings from the highest courts of science, a cooperative team made up of experts on royal lineage from both Oxford as well as Cambridge Universities.”

There is a pause as Lawson opens the envelope and unfolds the papers within, then reads silently to himself before closing his eyes as the words sink in.

“Your Highness… the experts concur. They are in full agreement, in fact, after dozens of tests and retests of the provided samples. The claim is, in fact, proven as suggested.”

There is a murmur among the royals. Queen Elizabeth, for once, shows a hint of emotion as her visage furrows.

“How would this be possible, Mister Lawson?”

All eyes return to Archie as he shuffles the papers in his hands, moving to the second one and reading silently again. Once more he stammers as he begins to speak.

“Your Majesty, the DNA confirms that Vincent Lane is a direct descendant of Queen Anne I, of the House of Stuart. The findings show that, unlike what is on official royal record, the Queen’s only son to survive infancy, William, Duke of Gloucester, did not, in fact, die at age eleven in the year 1700 but was in fact hidden away for reasons unknown. This has been researched and confirmed through papal documents in the Vatican, revealed only earlier today. My Queen, this means…”

“I know very well what it means, Lawson.”

The room rumbles as all in attendance react to the Queen’s unusually stern cadence.

“Mister Lane, please approach the throne.”

Vincent adjusts the lapels of his pink suit and steps forward, bobbing his head towards the monarch as he does so.

“Your Majesty.”

“Cut the bullshit, Vincent.”

The gathered crowd, both on the Tron and in the arena, gasp loudly.

“Bend your knee."

Lane hesitates, but feels the weight of a hundred eyes on him and does as she asks, kneeling before the Queen and lowering his head. Queen Elizabeth then extends her hand and is given a ceremonial sword by one of her guard.

“Vincent Lane, I hereby bestow upon to you the adoubement of royal decree. I dub thee, henceforth, to be known as Sir Vincent Lane, Duke of North America.”

There is a small kerfluffle as the Princes in attendance seem dubious, but a hand from the Queen wards them off and silences them on the spot.

“It is my royal right, nay my duty, to hold strong the lineage of succession to this throne of Great Britain. As the sole patrilineal descendant of the House of Stuart, predecessor to the House of Hanover, predecessor to the House of Windsor, I declare that you are the rightful heir to the Crown of Great Britain.”

The sword taps either shoulder of Vincent Lane as a smirk spreads across his face.

“Now, if you don’t mind, Sir Lane. Get the hell out of my sight.”

The feed zooms in on Lane’s face as he stands before the Queen Regnant, smiling from ear to ear, then fades to black.

In the ring, the house lights have come up and are glinting off of the jeweled crown on top of Vincent’s head. He speaks again, with a sneer curling his mouth.

“As you all can see, ladies and gentlemen, this is not a prank or a joke! My lineage and my ancestry have been scrutinized and officially recognized in the court of the Royal Family. Whenever the old bitch finally croaks, yours truly will ascend to the throne. Naturally, this caused me to do some soul searching and make some changes in the XWF… namely, and frankly in an act that is long overdue, I am retroactively declaring myself the WINNER of the 2016 XWF King of the Ring tournament!”

There are some scattered cheers.

“The so-called victor in the finals that year NEVER defeated me, and was unceremoniously removed from the company in every regard mere days after being wrongfully awarded this accolade. As the only REAL King in the XWF, it is only just that the honor go to ME, the RIGHTFUL VICTOR. And as my first official decree as your reigning KING. I am announcing the official date for the 2017 tournament finals –to be held in London, England, my soon-to-be home – as August 19th, 2017! The winner of tonight’s main event will face the undisputed number one contender for the XWF Universal Championship, James Raven. The tag team titles will be defended by the Lowercase kings against the winners of the ongoing tag team tournament. And, the finals of the currently running King of the Ring tournament will take place, at which time I will declare the winner…. CO-KING OF THE XWF! ALONGSIDE MYSELF! Because the crown is NEVER leaving my brow, just as the royal blood in my veins will NEVER cease pumping through my lion’s heart!”

The crowd, more full now that the show is so close to beginning, seem to be shocked silent by the bizarre announcement from Lane.


Lane drops the microphone with a hollow thump and storms out of the ring, heading up the ramp just as the lights and pyro for Savage begin.

Jim Ross: Ladies and gentlemen, I'm still trying to wrap my head around that announcement from Vinnie Lane.

Huey D. Louie: That's SIR VINCENT LANE, get it right!

Jim Ross: Well, Sir Vincent Lane can't just go back in time and change the winner of last years King Of The Ring like that!

Huey D. Louie: Why not!?! He made a good point, he wasn't beaten! On top of that, Vincent Lane has been reveled to be the one true king in the XWF! I'd say that he can pretty much do as he pleases JR!

Jim Ross: The fact that he is half owner says that he CAN do whatever he likes, but Vincent knows better than this. One thing is for sure, Vinnie hasn't quite been acting himself since Theo Pryce returned to the XWF and reveled that he owned fifty percent of the company!

And with a sudden POOF of smoke, everybody's favorite XWF Superstar Cadryn “I used to be tired, I used to be fired, but now I'm rehired” Tiberius stands alone in the middle of the ring. Sporting the tightest pair of Wrangler blue jeans to ever exist, a red button down shirt, and a beautifully crafted, straight from the case, white Stetson cowboy hat. Cadryn motions with his right hand to ringside where a lowly production employee quickly tosses a mic in his direction. Cadryn pulls the microphone towards his face, but quickly drops it! As Cadryn throws his arms in the air the arena erupts in a sea of cheers and screams for The Essence Of Excellence. After a few moments, the crowd begins to settle once more, as Cadryn picks the microphone back up and begins to speak for the first time in quite a while.


The crowd erupts again as Cadryn begins pacing back and forth in the middle of the ring.

Thank y'all so much. Like I've always said, if there was ever a reason to put myself through hell, it's for each and every one of you here tonight, and all of those watching from home!

Once more for the third time, the crowd erupts in celebration for The Reflection Of Perfection.

Now, I know y'all been following along. I don't really feel the need to get too far into it, but we'll recap for those who may not know.


I was a coward. For the first time in my life I turned down a challenge, and I'll never forgive myself for that. I gave up my Hart Championship because I was afraid that I wasn't going to be able to get the job done. I was afraid that I couldn't be the champion y'all deserved, so I tucked my tail and threw a little hissy fit, refusing to defend my title. Well, as most of you know, I was fired by Paul Heyman. Rightfully so, might I add. Paul and I have had our disagreements in the past, but that's water under the bridge.

But like I said, it happened, nothing I can do about it now. Instead, as I've always done, I'm gonna get back in the saddle, and ride off towards my next great achievement.

Which brings me to the real reason I felt compelled to stop in this evening.

James Raven.

One of the single greatest men to ever grace a wrestling ring, company office, and probably an Armani suit. The legend himself, the end all be all of a generation that has long since been forgotten. Jimmy Pigeon has managed to open our eyes and ears to the true potential of the stars of yesteryear.

The man is an Adonis.

Damn near 100 victories..

With an impossibly impeccable record of 97-20-2, James Raven exemplifies victory in every essence of the word. He has won titles, tournaments, probably the lottery, you name it. He's made more money and definitely made a better life for himself than I could ever hope to.

On paper, James Raven is everything I'm not.

On paper, I seemingly have a zero percent chance of beating a man of his caliber.


That's the thing about paper, Jimmy..'s quick to crumble..

I, however, am not.

James Raven.

I hereby challenge you to a singles match next week, right here in this very arena, on Savage!

And again for a fourth time, the crowd erupts! Practically shaking the building straight to it's foundation!

I don't want your number one contenders spot, or your spot in the power rankings, or any other nonsense. All I want is you. Because, once I lay you down for that oh so bittersweet 21st loss, opportunities will once again be tossed in my lap.

Cadryn pulls the microphone away from his mouth and slowly lowers his hands to his sides. With a burst of energetic enthusiasm, Cadryn launches his Stetson into the crowd and let's out a deafening “YEE-HAW”!


For the fifth and final time, the arena explodes in excitement!


And with that, Cadryn is gone, leaving nothing but a small trail of smoke in the spot in which he once stood..

The X-Tron fades out from the catchy Lady Gaga tune and switches to a scene of Roxy Cotton, the new head of the XWF Bombshell Division, standing in front of the Hollywood sign in Los Angeles, California.

The sultry siren winks and blows a kiss to the camera, then places a diamond tiara on her head and giggles before speaking.

“Looks like my fiancé Vinnie Lane did exactly what he said he would do and forced the so-called ‘kings’ to abdicate… my baby made me a queen! And now, my first announcement from next to him on the XWF throne is that the following match-up, pitting three up and coming XWF female stars, will have HUGE implications! Whoever wins this match will face Jenny Myst and King of the Ring on August 19th to crown the VERY FIRST XWF Bombshell Champion! Congrats, ladies! Now the question is… will it only be two Bombshells in that match? Hmmmm…. I guess we’ll find out!”

And with that, the X-Tron slowly fades out on the new queen’s smiling face.

- vs -
Isabella Ravenwolf
- vs -

No Word Limit
Elimination Triple Threat

Tig O’Bitties: The following contest is a triple threat elimination match!

Tig O’Bitties: Coming to the ring at this time, hailing from Salem, Massachusetts, ISABELLA RAVENWOOOOOLF!!!

O' Death begin to play over the P.A.The lights go out in the area and all is silent for a few moments before three lighting bolts strike the top of the ramp. Soon afterwards the lights turn back on and there is sitting on top of a large black horse, with eyes red as blood. The horse begins to makes it way down the ramp and soon reaches the ring. Isabella hops off. She pets her mighty Shire before releasing him of his duties. The horse runs off busting into flames and disappears into smoke. Isabella gets into the ring and waits for the match to start.

Tig O’Bitties: And her opponent, hailing from beyond the stars, ROSALIIIINAAAA!!!

as the arena goes dark bright lights flash like stars and one pyro shoots across to the stage as if it were a shooting star and explodes into a sparkling shower. as the beat to the song Independent by Webbie begins and has the crowd cheering and clapping to the beat and spelling out I N D E P E N D E N T and chanting do you know what that mean? in a chant She then slowly descends from the rafters in Front of the X-Tron during it to the stage her music playing her to the ring and with her wand which she waves overhead she causes the ring posts to light with fireworks.

Tig O’Bitties: And their opponent, ABIGAAAAIL!!!

The slow opera music plays as Abigail walks out to the stage. She doesn't stop, she continues to walk slowly with the music down the ramp and into the ring completely focused on her opponents the entire time.

Isabella is extremely confident at the start of the match. Rosalina waves to the crowd and they go nuts. They really seem to love her tonight! Action everywhere early on. Kicks, strikes, drop kicks coming from every direction. After Isabella boasts, Rosalina and Abigail form a short lived alliance to take her out of the ring together. Quick roll-up attempt on Abigail by Rosalina to the crowds delight, but no dice. Abigail and Rosalina go at it momentarily, but Abigail stands tall as Isabella reenters the ring. Ravenwolf is in control, managing to fend off both opponents for a while. Abigail is able to create some space and sends Ravenwolf back to the outside. Rosalina attacks Abigail from behind and tries to take advantage. The fans seem to love it. Rosalina catches a kick from Ravenwolf followed by a swinging neckbreaker and a pin attempt.



KICKOUT!!! to a loud pop!

The three women end of exchanging strikes in the center of the ring. Isabella gains the upper hand and tosses Abigail to the outside. Ravenwolf goes for The Witching Hour on Rosalina, but Rosalina manages to avoid the move and slides outside of the ring to collect herself. She leans up against the barricade and a group of fans go crazy cheering and patting her on the back. Abigail goes straight for Rosalina and the two of them end up brawling at ringside. Isabella takes to the turnbuckle and leaps outside with an amazing 450 splash onto both competitors!

Isabella is still gaining steam as she hits a double drop kick to each of her opponents on the outside. Isabella puts Rosalina back into the ring and heads up top. She comes up empty initially, but rebounds nicely with a front drop kick sending Rosalina to the corner. She heads up top again, but Abigail sends her to the floor. Abigail comes up empty on her own top rope attempt as Rosalina manages to roll out of harm's way. Isabella rushes back into the ring, but Rosalina hits a swinging neck breaker on Ravenwolf. Ravenwolf rolls out before she can get to the cover. Abigail comes off the top rope and hits Rosalina with a Hurricanrana, following through with a pin attempt.



Rosalina kicks out at the very last second to yet another huge pop. Abigail waits for Rosalina to get to her feet. She hits Rosalina with a series of strikes, backing her up against the ropes before hitting the Disasterpiece! Isabella slides back into the ring and tries to attack Abigail from behind, but Abigail sees her coming and attempts to put her down with a brutal Bicycle Kick! Isabella manages to avoid the move and catches an off balance Abigail with Dragon's Blood! Abigail rolls out of the ring in a desperation attempt to not get eliminated.

Rosalina somehow finds the heart and determination to make it back to her feet, but isn’t in any condition to fend off Isabella right now and gets caught with the Kozmo DDT! Isabella hooks the leg!




The crowd erupts in a chorus of boos and begins chanting.




Isabella breaks the pin, but comes up short, hitting Abigail just a second too late.

Eliminated - Rosalina!

Jim Ross: The crowd here tonight seems very upset over Rosalina being eliminated from this match!

Isabella celebrates her elimination of Rosalina as Abigail stares on from the outside. The two women lock eyes. Ravenwolf is full of confidence and Abigail has a look of determination and anger. Ravenwolf steps back from the ropes and motions for Abigail to enter the ring. Abigail doesn’t hesitate and slides in quickly. Ravenwolf tries to rush in and get the advantage, but Abigail springs to her feet at a lightning quick pace. The two women exchange chops and slaps until Abigail throws a stiff right punch that staggers Isabella. Abigail tries for the Mercy-Kill, but Isabella slips out of it and reverses into a Kozmo DDT! Ravenwolf goes for the pin!



Abigail kicks out!

Ravenwolf pulls her to her feet, and whips Abigail into the corner. Ravenwolf lifts her up to the turnbuckle and climbs up to the second rope.

Jim Ross: Isabella looks to be setting up something big!

Abigail grabs Ravenwolf’s hair and connects with a sickening headbutt that sends Isabella crashing into the mat. Abigail stands up on the top rope and leaps off with a Perfect Ending! Abigail rolls the leg into a cover.



Jim Ross: THREE!!!

Huey D. Louie: No!!!

Ravenwolf kicked out at the last second! The two women lay on the mat for a minute, exhausted. Eventually they both make it back to their feet. Abigail tries to hit the Bicycle Kick again, but Isabella slips it like before. Isabella follows through, bouncing off of the ropes and connecting with the Poisoned Frankensteiner! Abigail no sells the move however and springs right back up to her feet. Isabella is completely shocked by this and that causes her to fall victim to the Mercy Kill! Abigail hooks the leg!




Winner - Abigail!

- vs -
John Holliday

2500 Word Limit
Standard Rules

Tig O’ Bitties: This match is set for one fall… making his way to the ring, he hails from Cincinnati, Ohio… MEZIAN!

Dim Blue light with smoke and flashes that go with the music. He comes out and walks down to the ring, and climbs over the ropes and waits for his opponent.

Tig O’ Bitties: His opponent for this evening… he hails from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania… JOHN HOLLIDAY!

He simply walks down to the ring, and before he climbs to the apron, Mezian punches him to the floor. Then he goes outside, and he slams Holliday head on the steel stairs. Holliday then is in a groggy state, as Mezian Irish Whips him to the barricades which connects to his back! Then Mezian rolls into the ring as the bell has rung…


JR: Mezian is putting on a unfair fight against Holliday.

Huey: I say he is smart Jim, Mezian is humbling him before they can put on show for us.

Then Holliday climbs to the Apron, and Mezian tries to Suplex him inside the ring, but Holliday blocks it and he Headbutts him. Then Holliday connects with a Springbroad Dropkick on Mezian that causes him to be on the mat. Then Holliday stomps him, and he places him on the corner strangles him with his foot on his throat until the ref broke it up at two…

JR: Holiday is claiming revenge for that pre match beatdown that ensued here tonight.

Huey: That’s what I like about Holliday, he gives no fucks about the rules and manages to put himself out there like he should.

Once the ref broke it off, Mezian manages to punch him in the gut and he gets to his feet. Mezian keep on laying punches on Holliday and Irish Whips him to the ropes. Mezian connects it with a Belly To Belly Suplex. Mezian starts to have the fans clap in unison, and he lifts Holliday up to his feet and drags his head to the top rope to Smash his head in, but Holliday elbows him in the gut and hits Mezian head on the top rope. Holliday moves away from Mezian, and he sizes up on his back and hits his Signature Move… KA-BLAM!

JR: That folks was a classic German Suplex…will Holliday capitalize on it?

Holliday then pins Mezian…



Mezian kicks out at two, Holiday was pissed and he stomps on him aggressively. Holliday then lifts him up, and he was about to Thumb in in the eye, but Mezian grabs his arm and does a Armbar in MMA style!... Holliday then struggles to the ropes…




Holliday grabs the ropes, Mezian held the arm until the count of two from the ref. Mezian broke it off, and he stands to his feet and taunts to the audience…

JR: Showboating the crowds I see.

Huey: Let’s hope he doesn’t lose focus here. He’s doing quite well against Holliday.

Mezian then turns, and he gets caught in a Small Package by Holliday….



Holliday and Mezian both look at one another, and they get to their feet and started to punch one another. Mezian then places Holliday to the corner, and he lifts him up to the top turnbuckle, and he tries to lock him in his Fall From Grace but Holliday tries to break it off him. Then both men are struggling to stay on top of the turnbuckle, but Holliday pushes him off and he hits a Diving Elbow Drop which Mezian rolls away from.

JR: Seesh, seeing these two men go on top of that rope was a sight to see…

Huey: Just for Holliday to crash and burn into the mat like an idiot!

Holliday rolls onto the mat, holding his arm. Mezian comes off the ropes with a leg drop, but this time Holliday moves. Mezian grabs his ass/upper leg and Holliday, moving with quick speed, grabs Mezians legs and pushes them up, his shoulders down to the mat, and lays on top of Mezians legs, pinning them up to his chin.





Jim Ross: Holliday did it! What speed and awareness from the rookie!

Huey D. Louie: Yay! Holliday stole one! How many viewers are still on this channel, you think, Jim?

Tig O' Bitties: The winner of this match, John Holliday!

Winner: John Holliday

Television Title Match

Neville Sinclair
- vs -
Tommy Wish

2500 Word Limit
15 Minute Time Limit

Tig O' Bitties: This next match is for the XWF Television Championship and has a 15 minute time limit!

Jim Ross: Here we go!

Huey D. Louie: This one should be good!

Tig O Bitties: Introducing first, from Brooklyn, New York, Tommyyy Wiiishhhhh!

The lights goes off in the arena, and starts to flicker as his theme plays on the X-Tron. Then the lights turns white, and Tommy comes down to the ring with giving high fives to the fans. Then he rolls into the ring, and stand in the ring.

Tig O' Bitties: And his opponent, from Oxford, England, he is the XWF Television Champion......Neville Sinclair!

Neville steps out from behind the curtain, his TV Title around his waist. He drinks his scotch, taking a sip seemingly with every step, as he walks down the ramp and into the ring. When he gets into the ring, he throws his arm up, expecting the ref to take the belt off his waist for him. When he doesn't he berates him. He takes the belt off himself and shoves it in the refs chest as he puts both arms in the air.

Jim Ross: Neville has a a mean streak, and we have seen it the past few weeks. His attitude has completely changed.

Huey D. Louis: Do you blame him? He has to defend this title every week, he is always under fire. He has adapted to his surroundings charmingly.



Neville and Tommy tie up in the middle of the ring and Neville quickly gets the advantage. He quickly wraps around Tommy and locks his arms, dumping him back for a German Suplex. Keeping his hands locked, Neville holds on to deliver another German.

And another German.

And another.

And another.

Finally he lets go. Neville throws his arms up in a cocky manner, obviously confident now from his early success and picks up Tommy by the head before locking him into a sidewalk slam and dumping him on his back.

Tommy begins to roll towards the ropes but the TV Champion doesn't relent.

Jim Ross: Neville showing a bit of that mean streak here.

Huey D. Louie: He refuses to be besmurched! Long live the Queen!

Jim Ross: Shut up.

Neville lifts Tommy again but the rookie hits him with an uppercut to stagger him off and catch his breath for a minute.


Tommy shoves Neville into the corner and rains body blows down. Neville covers like a boxer, before elbowing out of the corner. He reverses and slams Tommy back first into the corner. Neville lowers the shoulder and rams his shoulder into the mid section of Tommy Wish 4 times before locking his head into a DDT.




Tommy gets a shoulder up.

Jim Ross: The young kid showing resiliance here. It has been all Neville early but he had the wherewithall to kick out there.

Huey D. Louie: He won't last too long with the greatest TV champ in history!

Jim Ross: Lets not push it, he is good but hes been tested.

Huey D. Louie: Keep sipping that hater-ade JR!

Neville lifts the young superstar up and whips him off the ropes. Wish ducks the clothesline and grabs Neville, bringing a knee up for a brain buster to the face making the TV champ stumble back. Wish tackles Neville and the two roll under the ropes and to the mat outside.

12: 20

The ref begin counting as JR starts yelling about the two of them taking a hard spill to the outside. Wish is up first and takes Neville, slamming him head first into the announce table.




Wish takes Neville and whips him back first into the steps.




Neville is using the apron to lift himself up. Wish runs and goes for a flying knee, but Neville moves at the last second and the young superstar smashes his leg into the steps.

Jim Ross: Buh gawd! That could have shattered his leg! And the ref is at 7!

Sinclair rolls into the ring and puts his arm up. He hears the ref count to nine, and throws his arms up as if he won via count out. But he doesn't hear the bell. He turns around to see Tommy Wish hobbling into the ring. Neville scowls. He immediately goes for a chop block, taking the injured leg of Wish out. He goes to one knee and Neville comes off the ropes with a knee to the face.

Jim Ross: This is that mean streak we were talking about! It is very pronounced!

Huey D. Louie: If it rained all the time in Oklahoma, wouldn't you have a mean streak too? I bet they don't have barbecue in England!

Neville locks in a sleeper and begins to yell at Tommy to pass out. He wrenches tighter. Looking up at the clock on the X-Tron it says 10 minutes. There is still plenty of time. He wrenches tighter as the clock ticks under 10.

Tommy is starting to fade. But just as he looks like he is going to pass out he begins to get to his knees. Tommy gets to his knees, with Neville on his back. He flips the TV champ over his shoulders into a sitting position and hits a standing drop kick into his back.



2----Neville powers out at two.

Wish gets to his knees but his leg still seems to be bothering him. He goes back after Sinclair and the TV Champ chop blocks the knee again. Wish goes down, holding the knee. Neville looks up at the clock and is getting frustrated that Tommy Wish has hung on this long. He grabs the knee, lifting it up and slamming it on the mat. Then again. And again. Opening Wish's legs, he drops an elbow down on the inside of the knee.

Jim Ross: Here is that mean streak again from Neville! He is trying to cripple his opponent!

Huey D. Louie: That scotch is starting to hit him! Finish him, Neville! I want to see the what Jenny is wearing tonight!

Neville lifts the leg again, and Wish tries to kick him with the good leg, but Neville catches that one, and lifts him by the legs, propelling him into the corner face first. Running after him he drives an elbow into him. Wish stumbles back out and to one knee. Neville grabs him by the head and begins to fire shots down on his face.


Tommy appears to have a small amount of blood coming from his forehead, as Neville lifts him up to his feet. Wish fires off a punch out of desperation but Neville whips him into the ropes. On the rebound he knees him in the gut.




Back boy drop by Wish......drops Neville back first hen grabs the ropes to catch his breath.

Jim Ross: WOW! Wish just countered the Education out of sheer desperation!

Huey D. Louie: I wonder if she wears underwear under her ring shorts....they are so tight.

Jim Ross: We have a match going on here, Huey!

Huey D. Louie: I have a match going on in my head, too, Jim!

Neville is back to his feet. Wish limps, going for a clothesline, Neville ducks, then spins Wish around and kicks him in the gut. He goes for the Education again but Wish sees it and rolls out of the ring.


Neville slaps the turnbuckle, before following Wish out of the ring. As soon as Tommy sees Neville slide out of the ring, he slides in and Neville turns back towards the apron. He runs and slides, hitting a baseball slide and knocking Neville back into the barricade.

The ref begins to count as Wish holds his leg, panting. It is a much needed rest. Neville gets back to his feet and goes to get in the ring again and Wish goes for another baseball slide and this time Neville catches him, pulling him out and dropping him back first on the apron.

The refs count is at 7.

Neville rolls him into the ring. Wish goes to get up, holding his back now and Neville hits him with a kick.........

Bending him over.......


Neville hooks the leg.




Jim Ross: He did it! It was a hell of a fight but Neville retains!

Huey D. Louie: Long live the Queen!

Tig O' Bitties: The winner of this match, and STILL XWF Television Champion....Neville Sinclair!!

Winner and STILL TV CHAMP: Neville Sinclair

After the bell has rung, Tommy rolls outside of the ring and snatches the TV title from the outside, and rolls back into the ring with it.

JR: What’s Tommy doing with the Television Championship?

Huey: Who knows? He might personally give it to Sinclair for a job well done within the last minutes.

Tommy then hands it to Sinclair and raises his arm in the air and claps for him.

JR: Well since Tommy couldn’t one up with Sinclair he felt the need to—

Tommy sucker punches Sinclair in the face, and Sinclair looked disgusted by his action as he tries to leave the ring, but Tommy grabs him by his hair and hits a HideYaFace in the middle of the ring. Then he stomps on him as the fans reluctantly boo’s him.

JR: What has gone into Tommy?

Huey: He’s gone off the rails from what the fans seen.

Tommy then snatches a mic from the outside and speaks.

Tommy: Let me say this, Sinclair had done the good deed and beat the daylights out of me, but he didn’t know what hit him after this long fought battle for the strap. Either I or him won the TV Strap but it don’t matter. You know what, Sinclair enjoy your time as TV Champion, because you’d be the good bitch to put on a clinic for fifteen minutes every night on Savage.

Tommy then lifts the TV Strap and spray paints a “X” in black on the plate and drops it back down in the mat. Then he leaves the ring before the security arrived.

Tag Team Tournament Match

Team 2.0
- vs -
Engy and Maddy

2500 Word Limit
Standard Rules

Tig O’Bitties: Coming to the ring at this time, Madison Dyson and The Engineer, collectively known as AMERICA FIRRRRST!!!

Tig O’Bitties: And their opponents, Guppy Parish and Scully, TEAM RETAAAAARD TWO POINT OHHHHHHH!!!!

Madison Dyson and Scully stand across from each other in the ring as The Engineer and Guppy Parsh step outside to the apron. Scully tries to rush Madison, but she's ready for him and hits a perfect standing dropkick that catches the former champion right in the mouth. Scully stumbles backwards and Madison dives at his knees with a shoulder block that collapses him to the mat.

Jim Ross: Madison Dyson is off to a quick start!

Huey D. Louie: Something tells me it won't last.

Madison jumps on top of Scully and tries to lock him into a side headlock but Scully shifts his hips, rolling her over and winding up on top. Scully looks to rain down elbows but Madison throws her legs up defensively and hooks him off of her. Both competitors roll to their feet and look to engage again. Scully looks for a clothesline, but Madison ducks underneath and both stars bounce off the opposite ropes. Madison rebounds off hers quicker and leaps through the air with a flying plancha, and Scully is down!

Jim Ross: You were saying, Huey?

Huey D. Louie: Just wait, Jim. Just wait.

Madison scrambles to her corner and tags in The Engineer, who immediately rushes Scully and begins to gouge at his eyes. Scully screams for the referee to step in, but ultimately throws a few hard left hands that back his opponent off. Scully scrambles away from The Engineer and dives for Guppy Parsh, but The Engineer quickly makes his way back to Madison Dyson and tags her in.

Jim Ross: Strategy on their part, or is The Engineer afraid of Guppy?

Huey D. Louie: The Engineer fears no one. Don't kid yourself.

Madison Dyson climbs the turnbuckle and jumps off with a huge flying elbow, but Guppy easily avoids it. Guppy with a jumping clothesline off the ropes catching Madison. Madison manages to roll over and tag The Engineer who throws a knife edged chop at Guppy. Guppy fires back with a chop of his own. They continue throwing chops back and forth. The Engineer throws a right at Guppy, but Guppy blocks it and fires back with an enziguri! Guppy pulls The Engineer up and whips him into the corner, but The Engineer reverses it and sends Guppy into the corner instead! The Engineer with repeated corner uppercuts to Guppy. Scully tags himself in and hits a springboard shoulder tackle on The Engineer.

The Engineer applies a waistlock, but Scully powers him off. Scully punches him in the corner and whips him to the opposite corner. Scully rushes in with a back elbow, but The Engineer slips out of the corner right before impact and comes back with a jumping knee to the face. The Engineer climbs up to the second rope and does the ten punches before Scully shoves him off. Scully avoids a big splash and hits a neckbreaker! Scully goes for the pin!




Jim Ross: The Engineer said that you’re not beating me that easily!

Scully pulls The Engineer to his feet, and whips him hard into the ropes. The Engineer gets control, though, and springs off the ropes when he hits them, nailing Scully with a Cross Body. Scully and The Engineer are back on their feet quickly, locking eyes with one another. They both quickly lock up, battling across the ring. Scully gains the upper hand with a side headlock. The Engineer reverses it into a back drop and sends Scully crashing into the canvas! Scully tries to get to his feet, but The Engineer is all over him. The engineer grabs Scully by the waist and pins him to the mat while he drives his knee into the top of Scully’s head!

Jim Ross: Scully is in a world of trouble right now!

Huey D. Louie: The Engineer is fighting like a madman right now JR!

The Engineer pulls Scully to his feet and whips him into the ropes. He goes for a back body drop on the rebound, but Scully sees it coming and kicks him in the face! The Engineer stands up dazed. Scully hits the ropes and rebounds with a big dropkick that sends Engy flying back towards the ropes where he collides with Madison, sending her down to the floor!

Jim Ross: Engy just accidentally took out his own partner!

A huge German suplex by Scully, but he's not done there; he tags in Guppy and sits Engy on his own shoulders. Guppy ascends to the top rope, leaps off and hits Engy with a thunderous clothesline knocking him to the mat.

THE PLOT DEVICE! Guppy covers!




A huge German suplex by Scully, but he's not done there; he tags in Guppy and sits Engy on his own shoulders. Guppy ascends to the top rope, leaps off and hits Engy with a thunderous closeline knocking him to the mat.

THE PLOT DEVICE! Guppy covers!




Winners - Team 2.0!!!

James Raven
- vs -
Jack Cain

2500 Word Limit
Standard Rules

Jim Ross: Ladies and Gentlemen, for this next match, we're joined by Robbie Bourbon of the Motherfuckers on commentary.

Robbie Bourbon: Hello, Jim. Hello, other dude.

Huey D. Louie: My name is Huey D. Louie, Robbie.

Robbie Bourbon: Okay.

Jim Ross: Robbie, you brought out a giant cake tonight, why is that?

Robbie Bourbon: Well, Ross, the Motherfuckers are the most dangerous group of individuals in the XWF right now, and tonight two of our members face each other. This is big. Really big. So, we're going to celebrate with cake.

Huey D. Louie: You look like you've celebrated an awful lot with cake recently.

Robbie Bourbon: Hushabee, other guy, or you don't get any.

Tig O'Bitties: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from New York City, Jaaaaaack Caaaaaaaaaaiiinn!!!

Jack Cain slowly makes his way down the entrance ramp, steely eyed, ignoring the cake as he lumbers down to the ring.

Robbie Bourbon: Now that's a physical specimen and a half right there. Jack Cain is easily one of the most destructive forces the XWF has ever seen, and he's an obvious star in this business.

Huey D. Louie: Is that why you signed him up to the Motherfuckers?

Robbie Bourbon: Both myself and Pig thought that Jack Cain has it in himself to represent what the Motherfuckers are all about, namely wrecking threats.

Jack Cain enters the ring.

Tig O'Bitties: And his opponent, hailing from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Jaaaaaaaaaaaaames Raaaaaaaaven!!!

The entire arena slowly fades to black as the audience excitedly awaits the entrance of "The Peoples GOAT". The drum beat and guitar solo start and a series of white and blue spotlights come up and pan the crowd. Mike Shinodas voice is heard on the speakers singing.

“Now here we go for the hundredth time, hand grenade pins in every line, throw ‘em up and let something shine, going out of my fucking mind… filthy mouth, no excuse, find a new place to hang this noose, string me up from atop these roofs, high and tight so I wont get loose.”

By now the fans are going wild and cheering as the spotlights slowly make their way to the top of the entrance ramp where a dim fog begins to form.

“Truth is you can stop and stare, rub myself out and no one cares, dug the trench out and lay down there with a shovel up, out of reach somewhere… yeah, someone pouring in, make it a dirt glass floor again, say your prayers and stomp it out when they bring that chorus in.”

The spotlights come together as one, and the fog fills the top of the ramp until the downbeat hits and a major blue and silver pyrotechnic display goes off and the rest of the arena lights turn up to full. When the smoke clears James Raven is seen on top of the ramp, his hands thrown up over his head and a huge smile on his face.
“I BLEED IT OUT!!! Diggin’ deeper just to throw it away, I BLEED IT OUT!!!”

James makes his way down the ramp, high fiving fans and posing for pictures with several of them until he reaches the base of the ramp. Then, he pauses for a few seconds and sprints for the ring, diving in under the bottom rope and sliding in to the center of the mat on his hands and knees. He poses for a second, then gets up and runs for the turnbuckle, climbing up and posing yet again for the fans before doing a 360 degree spin off and doing the same on the opposite turnbuckle. As his music fades out he stretches in his corner, and then waits for the starting bell.

Huey D. Louie: And here's the number one contender for the Universal Championship, I wonder why you wanted him on your side.

Robbie Bourbon: Because the man has a backbone? A sense of integrity? He doesn't seem like a majority of the XWF roster who'd stick their dick in a dead raccoon if they were under dire circumstances?

Jim Ross: Very colorful way of putting that, Mr. Bourbon.

Robbie Bourbon: Thanks, but enough about me, these are two of the best in the XWF, and I foresee a brutal contest before cake happens. Also, rest in peace to the lead singer of Linkin Park.

The referee calls for the bell as both men walk to the center of the ring. Raven is moving spryly as he prepares to tie up. Cain looks back at him, almost like a statue. Raven and Cain go for the tie up, and Cain tosses him back into the corner! Raven stops and looks back at Cain as Cain beckons for him to come in and give it another go! Raven rushes in, both men tie up, and Cain easily slips into a hammerlock, torquing Raven's bad shoulder! Raven tries to throw a back elbow, but it barely phases Cain! Cain with a massive forearm to the back of Raven's head! Another forearm shot! Raven ducks! Raven slips behind Cain with a reversal of the hammerlock into another hammerlock! Cain throws a back elbow which catches Raven! Cain reverses into the arm wrench! Raven rolls through the arm wrench, gets to his feet, and reaches up with his free hand! Cain catches it! It's a test of strength! Raven struggles as best he can, but can looks nonplussed. Cain sinches in and takes the test of strength, and shoves Raven back, who tumbles into the corner!

Jim Ross: Jack Cain, as skilled as he is, isn't the type to just go into your standard wrestling fare!

Raven gets back to his feet as Cain calls for him to come to the middle of the ring again. Raven stretches his shoulder as he circles Cain. Cain has his hands up, ready to tie up, and Raven shoots in! Raven quickly ducks under Cain's attempt at the tie up and goes behind, grabbing Cain around the waist! Cain bends forward lifting Raven up! Raven is struggling, his legs kicking in the air, and he's back on the mat! Cain with a snapmare! Cain locks in a reverse chinlock! The referee checks to make sure it's a legal hold. Cain drops an elbow onto Raven's crown! Cain is to his feet, and he punts Raven in the spine! Raven sprawls on the mat, and Cain with a huge jumping elbow drop! He goes for the pin on Raven!




Robbie Bourbon: Jack's pouring it on, but that's not enough to keep Raven out!

Huey D. Louie: Who are you rooting for?

Robbie Bourbon: The Motherfuckers.

Jack rolls his eyes as Raven slowly goes to all fours. Jack picks Raven up and delivers a brutal uppercut! Another uppercut! Jack shoots off the ropes, but Raven is awake from the uppercuts, and he goes into the ropes and a springboard! He goes for the air...


NO! Cain catches James Raven! Cain uses his momentum and delivers a massive shoulderbreaker!

Jim Ross: Cain seems to be targetting Raven's shoulder here!

Robbie Bourbon: Smart thinking on Cain's part, but I hope he doesn't go too far, that's our guy too!

Cain with another elbow drop! Cain to his feet again, and drops another elbow! Raven is in trouble! Cain drops a third elbow and goes for another pin!



Kickout! Raven is far from finished, but he's in pain! Jack Cain jaws with the referee and holds up three fingers! Cain lifts Raven again, and wraps his hand around his throat! He's going for the chokeslam! He lifts Raven, and Raven shifts his momentum! He catches Cain around the neck with an arm and swings his legs, delivering a skyborne swinging neckbreaker! Cain is laid out, and Raven gets to his feet! He delivers a boot to Cain's side! Another boot! He moves to Cain's legs, lifts both, and delivers a stomp to Cain's solar plexus! Raven goes to the corner, and gets low, watching as Cain slowly gets up!

Jim Ross: Jack Cain looks like he's about to get something he doesn't want!

Robbie Bourbon: This is brutal, Ross, brother against brother in the ring!

As Cain gets to his feet finally...


Cain is wrecked by the massive spear! Raven goes for the pin!



Kickout! James Raven looks annoyed as he realizes this is going to go on longer! Raven slowly gets to his feet, and goes to the corner again!

Robbie Bourbon: Another Divebomb! C'mon, Raven, keep it clean and competitive, you're going to break yourself and Jack!

Jim Ross: These two men don't care about alliances right now, Bourbon, they only care about winning tonight on Savage!

Cain is to his feet. Raven charges in, looking to hit another Divebomb! Cain catches him from the side, and whips him up quickly, driving him back down with a gutwrench powerbomb, bouncing Raven off the mat! Jack Cain is still dazed from the Divebomb that hit! He's sitting on the mat, looking at the prone Raven, who is clutching his back! The referee starts a ten count!




Jack Cain gets to his feet, and grabs Raven by the throat! Cain lifts Raven to his feet! Cain cocks back his right hand, looking to land a massive TKO! He swings, and Raven ducks underneath! Raven with a swift thigh kick! Another thigh kick! Cain slaps his hand in and grabs Raven by the throat, and delivers a huge chokeslam to Raven! Cain drops down and goes for a loose pin!




Kickout! James Raven gets a shoulder up at the last second! Jack Cain is incensed, and he drags James Raven to the ropes! He sets his head and shoulders out on the apron! Jack climbs through the ropes, and leaps, looking to drop a huge knee onto James Raven! Raven pulls himself into the ring by the bottom rope, and Cain hits nothing but apron! Jack Cain falls to the outside, clutching his knee! The referee begins a ten count!




Jack Cain slowly gets to his feet...




Jack Cain turns to the ring...



AND RAVEN HITS A SUICIDE DIVE THROUGH THE ROPES ONTO JACK CAIN! The referee is bewildered and stops his count! James Raven is on top of Jack Cain, throwing forearms into the big man's forehead! Raven to his feet, and he pulls Jack Cain up, and rolls him into the ring! James Raven heads into the ring!

Cain stands back up, but is stumbling. Raven sizes him him.

Robbie Bourbon: Here it comes! I've seen this look before!


Hooks the leg!




Tig O' Bitties: The winner of this match, by pinfall, James Raven!

Winner: James Raven

Robbie Bourbon: Hell of a match, hard fought by both. That is why they are both motherfuckers!

Jim Ross: Both tough competitors to say the least. What a match that was!

The match over, Robbie Bourbon heads to the top of the entrance ramp with both James Raven and Jack Cain. As they approach the giant cake, two girls in bikinis come out with implements to cut the cake!

Suddenly, the cake bursts open! Out of it steps Jerkbeast!

Jim Ross: Oh my! Jerkbeast is here! Jerkbeast is here!

Huey D. Louie: Jerkbeast was in the giant cake!

Jerkbeast raises a crowbar up! He nails one of the girls in bikinis! Bourbon, Cain, and Raven all stop dead, wondering what happened! Jerkbeast looks down at the girl in the bikini on the ground, then at the crowbar, and drops the crowbar! Robbie steps over, checks on the girl, who was barely hit but is cowering on the ground, and then looks at Jerkbeast.

What the fuck! I put you in that cake to be a surprise, not to kill one of the girls!


James Raven helps the girl to her feet and walks her back through the entrance. Jack Cain picks up the Crowbar. Robbie raises Jerkbeast's hand.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the newest member of the Motherfuckers, JERKBEAST!

Chris Valerius
- vs -
Finn Kühn

2500 Word Limit
Parking Lot Brawl
Match takes place in the middle of a multitude of cars parked in a circle with their headlights on. The winner will be the first wrestler to score a pin fall or submission.

Tig O’Bitties: The Following contest is a Parking Lot Brawl! Both competitors will face off in the parking lot. They will be enclosed in a ring of cars where anything goes! The only way to win is by pinfall or submission!

Jim Ross: For the life of me, I don’t know what was going through the mind of JT Washington when me made this match. These two young men are being forced to put their careers in jeopardy tonight, and for what?

Huey D. Louie: For what? FOR WHAT? FOR RATINGS JR! Who doesn’t love to see two men beat each other half to death in a match like this!?!

Jim Ross: Whatever happened to enjoying the sport for the athleticism?

Huey D. Louie: That was of thinking was lost looooong ago, just like your youth! Now people crave blood and carnage, and Mr. Washington gives the people what they want!

The cameras shift to the parking lot where both competitors are standing by along with referee Chaz Bobo. They are surrounded by about twenty or so cars. The area is lit up by the headlights of each vehicle. Chris Valerius and Finn Kuhn stand across from each other, both dressed in street clothes, and both looking like they are ready to tear the other limb from limb. Chaz Bobo approaches each man, assumingly giving them some last minute instructions before he signals the match to start. Chris Valerius and Finn Kuhn waste no time as the referee calls for the bell, lunging towards each other to tie up right away. Kuhn twists his way into control, tying Valerius into a tight hammer lock before releasing him and hitting a nice drop kick to the back of Valerius. Chris stumbles forward into the hood of a car. Chris turns around to find Finn waiting. Kuhn wraps Chris up around his midsection, suplex onto the pavement! Chris Valerius head and shoulders make a sickening thud on impact. Finn Kuhn is looking to take advantage with a quick pin!

Jim Ross: My God, he may have broken him in two with that move!



Chris manages to kick out before the referee can get to three, and Kuhn rolls off of him and backs up, allowing The Übermensch to climb back to his feet. The two men circle each other slowly, then lunge forward to tie up again. Finn Kuhn gets the upper hand again and Irish whips Chris towards one of the cars. Chris slides up the hood of the car and crashes into the windshield. Kuhn moves in to continue the assault when Chris suddenly jumps up and leaps off of the car, rocking The Young Lion with a stiff superman punch! Finn stumbles backwards, falling up against the hood of another car. Chris grabs Finn by the throat and delivers a flurry of punches to the head. Finn fights back and shoves Chris back. Finn lunges forward with a clothesline, but Chris slips under the attack. Finn quickly turns around, but is caught off guard by Chris booting him in the stomach to double him over and then bringing a double axehandle smash down across Kuhns shoulder blades and sending him hard to the pavement.

Jim Ross: We are seeing a brutal match between these two men tonight!

Huey D. Louie: You call this brutal? Let's get Barney Green out here so that he can teach you the definition of brutal JR!

Valerius winds up for a heavy soccer kick but Finn rolls away and narrowly avoids getting drilled in the dome. The Young Lion tries to scramble back to his feet but gets quickly tackled with a nicely timed double leg! Chris throws Finns legs aside and moves to side control, throwing several hard elbows at The Young Lions face as he does, then tries to step over into full mount. As soon as he does Finn tries a sweep and manages to get out from underneath The Übermensch, escaping and getting slowly to his feet. Chris slaps the ground in frustration, clearly not happy that he let his opponent elude him there, and climbs to his feet as well. He points at Finn and drags his thumb across his neck but Finn smiles and motions for him to bring it. Chris rushes at Finn, but Finn gets the better of this exchange as Chris shoots for another double leg and gets rocked with a running high knee!


Jim Ross: Oh my God, what a sickening sound!

Chris Valerius stumbles and drops to one knee, his eyes rolling backwards in his head before he finally falls face first to the pavement! That knee was nuclear! Chris Valerius doesn't look like he's moving any time soon! The Young Lion pounces atop The Übermensch and hooks his leg for the second time tonight.



Valerius kicks out, and grabs on to Finns right ankle twisting furiously. Kuhn screams out in pain and begins flopping around in agony, his leg anchoring him in place. Chris Valerius is looking for a knee bar! If Finn doesn't tap out his entire knee could be left mangled! Valerius grunts loudly as Finn begins to roll over and find the counterweight and eventually grabs Chris' foot to sink in a submission of his own. The heel hook! Both men are looking to take the others' leg home with them! This could get ugly! Suddenly Valerius screams and let's go of Kuhn, yanking his leg free of The Young Lion and clutching it desperately. Kuhn gives Chris no time to recover, throwing several hard right hands before flattening him out for another cover.



Valerius kicks out again but The Übermensch knows that he's far from out of the woods yet, and Finn knows his opponent is hurt! He tries another quick pin!



VALERIUS KICKS OUT AGAIN! Finn Kuhn stands slowly, feeding off the and urges Valerius up to his feet as well. Slowly, Chris climbs to a vertical base, using a nearby car for leverage. Finn grins at him, taking clear note of the limp Valerius is moving with now. The Übermensch is hurt! He takes a slow and plodding step forwards but Finn fires two kicks into Chris' knee, dropping him to all fours. He grabs Valerius by the head, DDT! He rolls over on top of Chris, looking for the final nail in the coffin! The referee slides in to make the count!




Jim Ross: It’s over!!!

Huey D. Louie: NO!

No! Chris Valerius has somehow managed to keep himself alive here! He's clutching his knee, screaming in agony, but he's not finished yet! The Young Lion backs away, playing to the crowd as Valerius tries once more to climb up on his wounded limb. Finn takes a slow and confident step towards Valerius, openly mocking him and pointing at the hobbled knee. Enraged, Chris winds up for a haymaker and lets it fly. Finn slides out of the way easily and ends up behind Valerius. Finn wraps his arms around Chris’ waist and snaps back with a suplex. Finn’s back hits the hood of the car as he sends Chris crashing into the windshield!

Jim Ross: He killed him! He KILLED HIM!!! Chris Valerius is out cold!!!

Finn slides down the hood and slowly regains his footing. He turns around and grabs Chris’ lifeless body and drags him off of the car as well.

Huey D. Louie: It doesn’t look like Finn Kuhn is done yet JR!


Finn Kuhn hits the Knife in the Back and The Übermensch is laid out flat! Finn doesn't look for a cover this time, and instead grabs the injured leg and twists it up into the Deaths Grasp submission! He's about to rip Chris Valerius' leg from his body!

Valerius taps! The Übermensch taps out to The Young Lion! It may be too late though, there's already been severe damage done to that knee.

Winner - Finn Kuhn!!!

Tag Team Tournament Match

Panzer's Psycho Circus
- vs -
The XWF's Resident Power Couple

2500 Word Limit
Standard Rules

Tig O' Bitties: The following match is part of the Savage Tag Team Tournament, and is set for one fall! Introducing first, residing in Clearwater Beach, Florida, The XWF's Resident Power Couple, Chris Chaos and Jenny Myst!"

Huey D. Louie: I wonder what Jenny will be wearing today!

Jim Ross: Well whatever it is, you know that cheating little wench has her trusty spray

At the 10 second mark, Chris and Jenny step through the smoke at the rampway. Jenny bends and twists, blowing a kiss (WWE Maria) and Chris stands behind her, throwing up an X with his arms (symbolizing him killing AX3 and her killing BX3). When the kiss is finished, he twirls her around, bends her back, they kiss, then walk to the ring. When they get to the ring he holds the ropes open for and she enters slowly, Velvet Sky style with a step through and a little ass shake.

Huey D. Louie: These two are going to win, I can feel it.

Jim Ross: I can see it happening, but I just hope they don't sleep on the circus here.

Tig O' Bitties: And their opponents, from the Pysche of a Broken Mind, The Pyscho Circus!

Panzer slowly walks out as the lights dim. Then they light up on the ramp only, and he walks out and as he walks along the lit ramp, blood seemingly follows his every step, coating the ramp. Pyscho is with him, with the long black trench coat and the fedora. As they reach the ring, the ring is lit up and before he enters, and as he steps foot inside the squared circle, the effect rushes from all four corners. After a minute, he throws his arms out fast upwards, and the lights brighten as bloodied confetti (a shit ton of used tampons) shoots out and into the crowd.

Huey D. Louie: Still the creepiest entrance in the XWF JR!

It's a barburner of an entrance, that is for sure!

Pyscho and Chaos start in each corner as the bell rings.

Pyscho laughs at Chaos in a manicle way, but Chaos is unphased. He begins to approach Pyscho and the Doctor locks up with him. Chris, with a burst of energy, throws Pyscho into the corner. He attacks quick, firing off a series of head and body blows. Whipping him into the other corner, Chris runs and splashes Pyscho in the corner who crumbles down. Chris throws his arms up with a cocky smirk.

Grabbing Pyscho by the head he tags in Jenny, who uses the ropes to propel off the middle of the top one and bulldog Pyscho from mid air!

Jim Ross: A modified bulldog there!

Huey D. Louie: They are rolling here in the early going Jim!

Jenny has Pyscho up, chops him once in the chest and bounces him off the ropes, delivering a diving elbow and taking him down.




Pyscho is just able to kick his leg enough to break the count.

He picks Pyscho back up and he is able to shove her away. Going for a tag, she rolls him up but he rolls through it, grabbing her and dropping her face first onto the mat. As Jenny rolls, holding her face, Pyscho dives and tags Panzer.

Jim Ross: Desperation move there from the Doctor!

Huey D. Louie: Nooo! Her pretty face! He should be DQ'd!

Panzer is in the ring and immediately begins kicking and stomping at the blonde, laughing maniacially. She starts to roll towards Chris and his outstretched hand, but he pulls her back by the leg. Twisting her back on the mat, she uses her leg to push him off, but he keeps coming. He goes for a kick and he grabs his leg, rolling him into a small package.




Jim Ross: Jenny has certianly been working on her technical skills!

She slaps the mat and walks over, tagging Chris. Panzer charges for a clothesline, Chaos ducks, and comes off the ropes with a massive SPEAR!!!!!!!!

Panzer is damn near broken in half, but Chris doesn't go for the cover. He grins and tells Jenny to go to the top rope. He wants her to hit the whisper in the wind!

Just then, Pyscho is in the ring and clubs Chaos in the back of the head, stumbling him forward. Jenny is on the top rope, but turns her attention to Pyscho. She jumps off the top with a dropkick, which sends him out of the ring. Turning, she catches an uppercut from Pyscho and falls back into the ropes, but Chaos plants him with a spinebuster. Jenny climbs on the top rope again. Chris tags her, but it looks like a high five. He puts her in what looks like a military press. He takes a step forward and throws her onto Pyscho in sort of a modified splash.

She stays on top for the cover.




Winners: The XWF's Resident Power Couple: Chris Chaos and Jenny Myst

Tig O' Bitties: The winners of this match, Chris Chaos and Jenny Myyyst!

Jim Ross: They did it! Jenny and Chris are going to the finals of this torunament!

A hallway backstage moves quickly, as the camera passes doors with great speed. The camera takes an abrupt turn and skids to the right. Shouting can be heard far off backstage.

“Put me in front of a fucking camera! Where is a goddamn camera!”

The camera continues rushing forward, and then takes a final turn. Now, the back of The Clone of Brock Lesnar is in sight. The camera gets closer, but Brock doesn’t notice. He’s in the process of flipping a concessions table. He stomps on the metal leg of the flipped table, snapping it, and he turns, realizing he’s on camera.

“I’m sick of Nixon’s shit! I’m sick of those fucking lizards! I’m sick of this fucking company!”

Lesnar turns and grabs a watercooler, tossing it down the hallway, covering the floor with water. A crew member turns but immediately jumps back, confused and scared.

“But Brock Lesnar finishes the shit he starts! I want that big stupid motherfucker to meet me in the ring!”

Brock turns away, seemingly finishing his thought, but then he turns back, still angry.

“He can quit wasting his time with the little punks that keep calling him out, and he can find me for a real damn fight! I’m going to cripple Jack Cain and bring him within an inch of his life! And If Cain backs down, I’ll hunt him down, and beat the tar out of him, just like he tried to do to me! Pick your poison, boy.”

Brock turns away from the camera, walking down the hallway and through the carnage. As the scene cuts away, you can hear Brock mumbling…

“Pick your poison.”



Bruce Blingsteen
- vs -
Jim Caedus

2500 Word Limit
Steel Cage Match

Tig O’Bitties: The following contest is for the Universal Championship and will take place inside of a steel cage! Introducing first, the challenger, from Naples Island, Long Beach, California, “The Star Killer” JIM CAAAAAEDUS!!!

The now familiar opening notes to "Ready Steady Go" by Paul Oakenfold begin to blast from the PA moments before the ring announcer plugs. The fans erupt. As the spiel is unloaded the lights cut, plunging the arena in darkness before silver strobes begin to flash and silver spotlights begin to continuously wave from along the length of the entrance walkway to the crowd and back.

Obviously practiced and well-timed, the moment the announcer finishes, "ready, steady, g-g-go!" is let fly by the song's vocalist and silver pyro erupts from the egress. Before the cloud of smoke dissipates, the former XWF Universal Champion Jim Caedus, sadly sans strap, steps out as the house lights come up.

His hair hangs freely, emotion absent in his eyes. He glances around at the majority population of fans who now know exactly who he is. The small pockets of his smarks seem less enthused to be a part of the crowd but remain cheering nonetheless.

As the music continues he turns his attention to the ring and it's inhabitant(s) then starts an unconcerned slow walk, carefully gathering his long blonde hair into a secured samurai-style bun along the way. At ringside he removes his Dickies jacket, folds it carefully beside his corner's steps then ascends to the apron, stepping through the ropes and into battle after nearly 2 minutes have elapsed.

Tig O’Bitties: And his opponent, she is the XWF Universal Champion, hailing from Los Angeles, California by way of Chicago, Illinois, BRUCETTE BLIIIIINGSTEEEEEEN!!!

Eighteen Cool plays through the arena and Brucette rides out on a segway, pumping her arms. she wheels her way down the ramp, slapping hands with the ringside fans on her way. Once she reaches the ring she hops from the segway onto the apron and springboards into the ring and raises her arms as the fans cheer.

Action picks up quickly when Caedus charges at Blingsteen and takes her to the mat with a double leg takedown. Caedus mounts Blingsteen and fires off a wild array of lefts and rights. Caedus then drops an elbow onto Blingsteen and then grabs hir by the neck, pulls her up, and puts his head under her scrawny arm. Caedus lifts and attempts a suplex but Blingsteen gets out of it and DDT’s Caedus straight to the mat. Blingsteen jumps up and kicks Caedus right in the ribs. Caedus screams in pain and then gasps for air. Blingsteen then heads to the corner across from Caedus and waits for him to get up.

Jim Ross: Both of these wrestlers are looking impressive here tonight and they seem like they know what they are doing, even if one of them is a woman.

Huey D. Louie: Well I would hope so, I mean this is a Universal title match!

Caedus gets up and when he turns around, Blingsteen sprints right at Caedus but he moves out of the way and Blingsteen runs shoulder first into the ring post. Blingsteen then falls out of the ring and Caedus goes after her. Caedus grabs Blingsteen and rolls her back into the ring. Blingsteen then uses the ropes for leverage to help get back up and when Caedus gets back into the ring, Blingsteen gives Caedus a big right hand to the jaw. Suddenly, Caedus fights back by giving a left jab to the ribs of Blingsteen, followed by a right jab on the other side. Caedus jumps and plants Blingsteen with a DDT.

Jim Ross: What a combo by Caedus.

Caedus gets up and grabs Blingsteen by the hair. Blingsteen suddenly lifts up and drops Caedus into a Northern Lights Suplex, then rolls him up in a pinning predicament and the Heyman begins the count.



Caedus just kicks out. Caedus then rolls to his stomach holding his back and Blingsteen then jumps to the top rope and attempts a backwards moonsault. Caedus rolls out of the way and Blingsteen comes crashing down hard onto her chest. Both wrestlers lay motionless on the mat.

Jim Ross: Blingsteen is in a world of pain after missing that moonsault!

Huey D. Louie: I would say so, have you ever done a backflip onto your chest?

Jim Ross: Of course not. Also, I don’t have breasts.

Huey D. Louie: OF COURSE NOT!!!

Caeuds is the first to get to his feet and Blingsteen slowly does as well. Blingsteen turns around and is met by a big right hand, followed up by another right by Caedus. He then turns Blingsteen around and somehow lifts Blingsteen in a back suplex. Caedus then jumps to his feet and bounces off the ropes and leg drop onto Blingsteen . Caedus then goes for the pin.



Blingsteen just gets a shoulder up.

Huey D. Louie: Close but no cigar Jimmy!

Jim Ross: Jim Caedus was just milliseconds away from winning back the Universal Championship!

Huey D. Louie: But Blingsteen isn’t going to let that happen!

Caedus then turns Blingsteen around and puts her in the crossface. He has it locked in and there is no way for Blingsteen to get out since they are in the middle of the ring. It looks as if Blingsteen is going to tap out but she then bites the hand of Caedus. Jim doesn’t let go as Blingsteen just continues to bite down.

Jim Ross: Oh my god Huey, Brucette Blingsteen still has the Universal Championship Grill in and is it using it to bite through the flesh of Jim Caedus!

Huey D. Louie: This is a steel cage match Jim, Blingsteen is well within the rules!

Caedus finally let’s go and he looks at his hand. Blood is pouring out and he has teeth marks engraved into his hand. Caedus then looks at Blingsteen and picks her up, but Blingsteen works her way free and catches an unbalanced Jim Caedus directly in the face with a brass knuckle shot! Jim stumbles back against the ropes, out on his feet. Blingsteen suddenly puts Caedus in an inside cradle pinning predicament. Heyman goes down for the count when the fans begin cheering wildly, and Blingsteen is trying to figure out why.

Jim Ross: It's James Raven! The People's G.O.A.T. has made his way out to the stage!

This also distracts the Heyman from counting and Blingsteen gets up and looks around with a confused look as James Raven walks down the ramp from the stage to the ring. Heyman is now up as well, standing side by side with Blingsteen and throwing just as big of a fit over James Raven interrupting this match.

Huey D. Louie: What the hell is going on, what’s HE doing out here!?!

Jim Ross: I have no idea but Brucette Blingsteen doesn’t look happy about it!

James Raven walks down the ramp as Blingsteen shouts insults at him through the cage. Raven politely waves at Blingsteen and grins before heading over to the announce desk to join Jim and Huey.

Jim Ross: Well, this is an unexpected surprise. Welcome to the broadcast team Mr. Raven!

James Raven: It’s an honor, JR.


James Raven: I can’t help it if Blingsteen has A.D.D. She's had a month to sit on the sidelines and get ready for this moment, it's not my fault she can’t remain focused on the task at hand.

Blingsteen appears annoyed at this turn of events. As she turns her attention away from Raven she is suddenly hit by a fierce chop by Jim Caedus and follows up with a belly to belly overhead suplex! Jim then goes for a quick pin.



Huey D. Louie: Blingsteen kicks out just before 2!

Jim Ross: Jim Caedus knew that wasn’t going to be enough, he’s just making Blingsteen expend energy.

James Raven: Wear her down, wear on her until she breaks. It's a good strategy.

Both competitors get back to their feet, and lock up. Caedus starts to easily overpower Blingsteen again, but this time Blingsteen slips through, then grabs Caedus, gets him into the air, and knocks all the air out of him with a shoulder gut buster.

Jim Ross: Ouch! There’s a quick way to turn the tide, and it’s called the shoulder gut buster.

Huey D. Louie: Yep, and Blingsteen is taking advantage!

Blingsteen immediately scoops Caedus back up, and hits an over-the-shoulder piledriver. Jim lays on the mat nursing his shoulder as Blingsteen circles around him looking pissed and talking smack. Blingsteen delivers a few well placed stomps to Jim’s head to help take some of the fight out of him. Blingsteen grabs Jim’s arm and drops a leg on it. Jim flops around in pain as Blingsteen gets back to his feet.

Jim Ross: I think Caedus may have really hurt that shoulder.

Huey D. Louie: No, Brucette Blingsteen really hurt that shoulder JR! It’s amazing the damage she is able to inflict weighing 125 pounds.

James Raven: I'm sure Caedus wasn't expecting a tea party. He's a tough bastard, he can still bounce back from this.

Huey D. Louie: Or maybe Blingsteen can finish this?

James Raven: Not if there's a God.

Blingsteen grabs a fist full of Jim’s hair and guides him up to his knees. Jim tries to break free, but Blingsteen delivers a stiff knee to the nose, busting it open and taking the fight right out of Jim Caedus! Blingsteen pulls Jim up to his feet and hooks his head under his arm. Blingsteen the runs them both towards the ropes and releases his grip on Caedus, sending him head first into the cage!


James Raven: Come on, Jim... get your ass up...

Blingsteen climbs through the ropes and grabs Jim by the back of the head, grating his face back and forth into the chain link cage wall! A new cut seems to open on Jim's forehead as a result. Blingsteen steps back into the ring and postures to a crowd full of fans who are all booing him. Blingsteen seems very proud of herself as she grabs Jim by the boot and drags him back under the ropes and into the ring. Blingsteen lifts Jim up, but Jim breaks free and throws a big right! Blingsteen ducks it and slips behind Caedus. Caedus seems a bit off balance as he turns around and gets plastered with an enziguri! Blingsteen quickly jumps up to the top turnbuckle and waits for Jim to get back to his feet. Jim stumbles up and turns around, but doesn’t have time to react as Blingsteen connects with an impactful missile dropkick!

Jim Ross: Brucette Blingsteen has managed to turn the tides in this match in a big way!

Huey D. Louie: Was there ever any doubt!?!

James Raven: It's not over, yet. Caedus is the type that can end a match out of nowhere.

Huey D. Louie: Hey James, your bias is showing. Why don't you give Blingsteen a fair shake?

James Raven: Why don't you fight me, punk?

Blingsteen with the cover!


Caedus kicks out just before 2.

Jim Ross: Caedus with the quick kick out!

James Raven: I told you, Jim’s a tough customer.

Jim Ross: I think Blingsteen has refocused here. She realized what was happening to him just as we did, and she’s locking in on what he needs to do.

Blingsteen gets back to her feet and once again pulls Jim up as well. Caedus succeeds in overpowering Blingsteen, and whips her into the corner. Then, he rushes in and executes his signature maneuver, The Wrexus Plexus!

Jim Ross: Oh my Gawd! That’s the first time that I have ever seen that move executed in the corner!

James Raven: Man, that move is vicious! Blingsteens face says it all.

Blingsteen stumbles out of the corner. Jim lifts him up to his shoulders.

Huey D. Louie: NO NO NO!!!!


Jim hooks the leg!





James Raven: Really?! It definitely surprised the hell out of me.

Huey D. Louie: You're obnoxious. I can't wait to see Cadryn Tiberius beat you next week!

James Raven: Let me know how that works out for you, Huey.

Jim Ross: Gentleman, this match isn’t over yet!

Both wrestlers are slow to their feet. Caedus tries to lock up, but Blingsteen sidesteps the grab, and suddenly hits Jim with a vicious combination of kicks to the body, followed by a Enziguri kick to the head that knocks him down.

Blingsteen scurries up to the top rope and looks down to Jim. Blingsteen then looks to the top of the cage and back down to Caedus.

Jim Ross: I think that Brucette Blingsteen is realizeing that she has a good opportunity to win this match right now just by exiting the cage.

Blingsteen turns and jumps off of the turnbuckle, nearly reaching the top of the cage.

Huey: D. Louie: Caedus isn’t moving, Blingsteen has this match won!!! YOU'RE GOING TO FACE HIM AT KING OF THE RING, JAMES!

James Raven: It's looking that way. So be it. I'll handle him myself.

Blingsteen gets to the top of the cage and looks down to a motionless Jim again. Blingsteen climbs to her feet and stands at the top of the cage looking down at Caedus. The crowd, realizing what’s happening, can’t help but cheer.

Jim Ross: This doesn’t seem like something Blingsteen would do! Why would she risk it all to leap from the cage when she could just win the match?

James Raven: Do it... do it you dumb b-

Jim Ross: Easy! We're still live on the air!

Blingsteen readies himself to jump as the crowd gets to it’s feet.


Blingsteen carefully repositions herself and throws a leg outside of the cage as she begins to climb down.

Jim Ross: That’s the Brucette Blingsteen we all know and hate!

Huey D. Louie: You seem like the type who would hate a woman for turning down your offer to buy her a drink!

James Raven: I could care less how smart she is. I hate her because she's a bitch. An obnoxious, cowardly bitch... and because I don't have to love her to kill her.

Blingsteen straddles the top of the cage as the fans jump to their feet booing. Blingsteen seems to take pride in the reaction that she is receiving. She stares out into the crowd laughing, not noticing that Caedus has made it back to his feet.

James Raven: Guys, Jim’s back to his feet!

Caedus leaps up onto the cage just below Blingsteen. She looks down, shocked to see Jim climbing up after her. Brucette firmly grabs hold of the cage and begins kicking at Jim, trying to swat him away. Jim takes a few solid stomps to the face, but it doesn’t stop him from grabbing Blingsteens leg and trying to pull her off of the cage. Blingsteen manages to maintain her grip, but Jim just keeps climbing until he is at the top of the cage as well.

Jim Ross: This is about to end very badly for one of these two competitors!

James Raven: Hopefully Brucette!

Jim positions himself behind Blingsteen and manages to lock in a sleeper hold. Once locked in, Jim drops himself off the side of the cage. This snaps Brucettes neck in an awkward position and forces her to release her grip on the cage. They both fall to the mat below with Jim’s legs hitting the ropes, causing him to spin mid air and land squarely on his head.

Jim Ross: Oh my! Caedus crashed down hard, head first!

Jim grabs the springs up pretty quickly, but it’s evident that he was knocked for a loop by that fall.

James Raven: Like I said earlier, Jim Caedus is a tough son of a bitch!

Huey D. Louie: Yeah, real tough guy trying to maim a lady like that!

Blingsteen manages to get up to a knee. Jim and Brucette lock eyes from across the ring. They are both getting hyped up for their hatred of one another. Finally Blingsteen darts up and the both rush towards one another. Caedus gets a head of steam and hits a crossbody on Brucette. Brucette had the same idea and they both crash down to the mat. After they both struggle back to their feet. The Caedus goes on an offensive flurry, rights and lefts are flying wildly! Brucette is stunned Jim grabs her and snaps back with an exploder suplex. Brucette looks unconscious, but Jim is too winded to capitalize.

Jim Ross: Both of these athletes are leaving it all in the ring tonight. Whoever walks out of this building tonight with the Universal Championship will have damn well earned it, that’s for sure!

Both competitors are slowly getting back to their feet. Jim is up first. He grabs Brucette and pulls her up for a powerbomb. Jim Caedus runs across the ring and throws Brucette into the cage wall with a vicious powerbomb! Brucette crashes into the cage and gets tangled up between the cage and the ropes. Caedus looks at the top of the cage and then back to Blingsteen. Jim starts to take a step towards Blingsteen, but stops and looks back to the top of the cage.

Jim Ross: Jim Caedus knows that he should escape the cage now, but he’s tempted to continue the assault on Blingsteen!

James Raven: Can you blame him?

Jim rushes to the cage and begins to ascend it. The crowd is going nuts as Jim makes it all the way to the top without any signs of life from Blingsteen. Caedus throws his leg over the top of the cage, then the other!

Jim Ross: Jim Caedus is going to do it, were about to have a new Universal Champion!!!

James Raven: This is justice being served JR. The better man won tonight.

Huey D. Louie: you should just go suck him off and get it over with Raven!

Suddenly a figure darts up the outside of the cage quick as lighting.

Jim Ross: What in the hell is he doing out here!?!

The intruder grabs Jim Caedus by the hair and smashes his face into the top of the cage before dumping Caedus over the top of the cage. Jim crashes down hard as the camera zooms in on Micheal Graves who slinks down the cage and watches from the outside.

Jim Ross: Micheal Graves just screwed his best friend and partner Jim Caedus, but the question is why!?!

Huey D. Louie: I’m sure Graves has his reasons!

Blingsteen slowly crawls out from under the ropes and towards Jim as Heyman looks on furiously. Blingsteen manages to make it just far enough to drape her arm over Caedus for a cover attempt. Heyman hesitates to make the count, causing Graves to shout at him from outside of the ring. Finally Paul drops to the mat.




Jim Ross: Oh my God, No! Jim Caedus has been robbed of the Universal Championship for a second time!

Huey D. Louie: Robbed? Brucette just pinned him fair and square!!!

Jim Ross: Only because Micheal Graves stuck his nose where it didn’t belong!

Graves flips Jim Caedus the bird and begins laughing as he backs away from the ring.

James Raven: The better man lost tonight, and it’s all because of Micheal Graves.

Winner and still Universal Champion
Brucette Blingsteen!

Brucette Blingsteen is helped to her feet and awarded the Universal Title (grill) as the show credits flash onto the screen and the show fades out.

Special thanks to the following match writers:

Chris Chaos
Robbie Bourbon
John Black
James Raven

Without their help, this show would not have been possible!

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[-] The following 13 users Like Arnold “Chubby” Fletcher's post:
(07-30-2017), Brucette Blingsteen (07-30-2017), Chasm (07-30-2017), Finn Kühn (07-30-2017), Guppy Parsh (07-30-2017), JackCain (07-30-2017), Jean Baptiste Le'Croix (07-30-2017), JimCaedus (07-30-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (08-01-2017), Phantom Panzer (07-30-2017), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (07-30-2017), Rosalina (07-30-2017), Travis McCoy (07-30-2017)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Arnold “Chubby” Fletcher's post!
Phantom Panzer Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

07-30-2017, 07:57 AM

Psycho laughs heartily as he leaves the Arena. Using his powers to heal right up, no bruising, no pain.

"Psycho, I put in as much work as my partner does. You put in no fucking work, so why should I? Psycho screwed Psycho. Get fucking used to losing because of your own stupidity. I wasn't going to even ATTEMPT to carry this literal heap of garbage, just so he could try and gloat that HE did the work!

Get rekt, Fucko!"

[Image: hvu6R0Z.png?2]
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JackCain Offline
Fighting to the last man

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

07-30-2017, 08:29 AM

Great show. Enjoyed the TV Title match and the main event. And I'm keeping that crowbar.

[Image: JackCain.jpg]
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[-] The following 3 users Like JackCain's post:
(07-30-2017), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (07-30-2017), Vincent Lane (07-30-2017)
Finn Kühn Offline
Be the best, or be broken.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

07-30-2017, 09:34 AM

"Enjoy being a cripple for the rest of your life, Christopher."

[Image: d4Mq0D5.png]

January 2018 Star of the Month
- Win | Loss | Draw  -
- 2 | 2 | 0 -

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JimCaedus Offline
Trash Talker Skywalker

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

07-30-2017, 10:29 AM

XWFLive subscriber exclusive post-air content

Jim watches from his position, appropriately back on the mat, as Brucette takes it's leave of the ring, steps free of the cage and disappears up the ramp through the egress to an alarmingly raucous ovation. Only then does he rise from the mat.

The ovation subsides.

Jim Ross: It looks like Caedus has finally recovered here.

Huey D. Louie: Pussy.

In the ring, Jim slowly gets to his feet, nothing more than a slight buzz emanating from the crowd.

Jim Ross: _Excuse me_??

Camera view cuts to commentary.

Jim Ross: The man just stepped outta _Hell_, Huey! Huey rolls his eyes, smirking. The Universal Championship, gone! His dream, dead! And all because of that _backstabbing_ sunuvabitch Micheal Graves!

Camera view cuts to the ring. Jim, standing now, can't help but curse at himself in frustration. It's quiet enough that we can make out-

Jim Caedus: Fuck!

He looks out into the arena, eyes scanning the fans.

Cut to commentary.

Huey D. Louie: Yes, it's aaaall the fault of Micheal Graves...and I'm sure Caedus will be shovin' that down our throats for the next 6 months. What did he say in his promos, JR? He said he didn't care WHO got involved, HE wasn't leaving without "HIS" Universal Title. Jim couldn't get it done and that's all there is to it. He has NO ONE to blame but himself!

Jim Ross: Did or did not Micheal Graves interfere? Did or did not Jim Caedus have this won before he did?

Huey D. Louie: Blah, blah, blah.

Cut to the ring. Jim has stepped free of the cage and is rounding the corner heading for the ramp. The camera's audio catches an indistinguishable comment from a fan near Jim's location. Laughter erupts from the area as Jim slowly swivels his head in the direction of the loudmouth fan, eyes narrowed.

A faint chant is heard.

It catches on...




As the chant continues we hear commentary chime in.

Huey D. Louie: The people have spoken JR.


Jim continues to regard the chanting fans as it spreads. Like wildfire.


Jim Ross: This is unacceptable. The man doesn't deserve it, especially at home. This is...this is humiliating.

Huey D. Louie: YOU'RE A FUCK UP!! He laughs as the fans clap. YOU'RE A- C'mon JR, loosen up, it's fun! Guarantee you people like Chris Chaos, Jenny Myst, Josh Reno, Bilbo Blumkinz, our definitive and first ever female XWF UNIVERSAL CHAMPION _Brucette_ herself, The Kings- hell, I'd bet the entire ROSTER is chanting at this point!


Jim Ross: I just...I'm ashamed to call you a colleague right now.


We hear the audio of JR's headset hit the table. Now off mic but still audible, we hear-

Jim Ross: I'm done. Done for the night.

Cut to commentary.


JR walks away as Huey raises his arms in a "wtf" gesture.

Cut to Caedus.


Jim turns away from the fans and begins making his way up the ramp.




Jim makes it halfway up the ramp.




He stops at the summit, the camera moving in for a close-up, the fans and the ring in the background, as he bows his head to stare at the grating beneath him.


His visage...his eyes...drain of emotion, of life.


He raises his head. The lens lines up with his gaze... The thousand yard stare pierces through and far beyond us.


Jim continues on his way, stepping through the egress and out of view.


::Fade to black::

::XWF® Logo::

[Image: chM1Ri0.gif]

[Image: pz4P3Ut.png]
Shout out to Gator/Noah Jackson for this kickass banner

[Image: aFZyFWU.jpg]

~XWF ALL TIME TOP 50 - #6!!!! <3
~Efed Podcast Top 100 - #74 w/no Twitter (all credit to you, fam, 🙏 <3)
~XWF TAG TEAM CHAMPION w/Chaos then Engy, w/APEX x2 - 3x 
~XWF 24/7 Briefcase - 3x
~XWF Trio Tag Champion w/Ax3 - 1x
~XWF Television Champion - 1x (undefeated)
~XWF Federweight Champion - 2x
~XWF Triple Title Holder - 1x (TV, Federweight & 24/7 case)
~XWF Double Title Holder - 5x (TV/Fedr, Uni/Trio, Tag/24/7, X/24/7 & Uni/Tag)
~XWF 2017 Lethal Lottery IV Tournament winner!!
~XWF 2017 Leap of Faith Rafter Match winner!!
~XWF 2017 2nd Annual Doc D'Ville Shove-It Rumble Co-Winner w/Chaos!!
~XWF 2017 War Games Co-Winner with Rob Main & Drew Archyle as APEX!!
~XWF Feb. 2017 J. Federweight Scramble Winner!!
~XWF January 2017 RP of the Month!! - "Like a Moth to the Flame"
~XWF February 2017 Star of the Month!!
~XWF March 2017 3-Way Star of the Month!!
~XWF September 2017 RP of the Month!! - "Lions & Tigers & Caedus, Oh Shit"
~XWF July 2021 QOTM!! - line from "Took It All"
~XWF October 2021 RP of the Month!! - "This Just In" audio
~XWF November 2021 Star of the Month!! (3rd time!!!!!!)
~XWF Match of the Year 2021 w/Bourbsy!! - X-Treme, Flynn's Audio Shove-It

---Love Me, Like Me, Hate Me. No Worries---

Gator's Archive💙
[Image: KlXZwFe.png]
In Loving Memory of Captain Dick Powers

Gravy's Archive💙
[Image: YSqFoQ7.jpg]
[Image: oqNqgFo.jpg]
Shout out to Gravy for these kickass banners

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[-] The following 8 users Like JimCaedus's post:
(07-30-2017), (07-30-2017), Finn Kühn (07-30-2017), JackCain (07-30-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (08-01-2017), Phantom Panzer (07-30-2017), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (07-30-2017), Vincent Lane (07-30-2017)
Tommy Wish Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

07-30-2017, 11:38 AM

XWF camera rolls up to Wish in the backstage with a towel on his neck. He looks down on the floor as he sits on a chair, then looks up to the camera.

"Honestly tonight, it was a blessing I did not try and harm Sinclair even further. I could have added insult to injury and gone all Naito on it. You could say that I almost had Sinclair by the ropes, but it was bound to happen when he would manage to last five minutes with me in the ring, and like I said before...

Fuck the title!

What's the point of me running a shit show like Savage? Just to always put on a technical clinic every night for fifteen minutes?


If that was the case, i'd tell em to drop that rule completely or put a 10 minute clause on it if I had gone home with the strap.

But, I suck and couldn't hang with Sinclair's fancy ass in the ring... so thats why I did what I had done to him. He needed to be taught a lesson in humility and pain.

From this day forward, Sinclair if you are listing you are put on notice FROM me... every night you are in that ring, those last few crucial minutes will end up costing you big fucking time.

Also Jim, fuck that Transmanic He-Devil, you still the true Universal Champion no matter what the marks say about you, I will always watch your back no matter at what cost in this federation.

Let me just say this... Savage will be my personal playground of fuckkery... and Sinclair is on my hitlist on who I want to take the trash out with."

The Camera rolls away to the credits of Savage.
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[-] The following 2 users Like Tommy Wish's post:
JimCaedus (07-31-2017), Vincent Lane (07-30-2017)
"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

07-30-2017, 11:43 AM

What a surprise, "Big Dick Daddy" is acting like a delicate little flower!

Boohoo Jim, Boohoo!

Are you gonna run and hide under a rock with your buddy Robert Main now!?!

What a fucking joke!

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[-] The following 4 users Like "Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves's post:
Brucette Blingsteen (07-30-2017), Finn Kühn (07-30-2017), Gaybe Lincoln (07-30-2017), JackCain (07-30-2017)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates "Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves's post!
JimCaedus (07-31-2017)
Neville Sinclair Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

07-30-2017, 12:22 PM

Neville stands in the backstage berating XWF staff on getting the spray paint off of his built. The attack was a bit of a surprise but it was to be expected with a moron like Tommy Wish. Neville found the attack a bit surprising, but he ultimately knew that when someone was as undisciplined and stupid as Tommy Wish, things like this happen.

Tommy, this is exactly what a man without purpose or a plan looks like. Nothing about anything you've pulled here makes any sense

Neville can feel a drip of blood coming from his nose. As it reaches the crease of his mouth, he licks it and smiles.

You might think I come away from what just happened pissed off and mad at you. But the only thing I think about you now is that I can't even take you seriously. You've admitted you don't want the title, you've admitted that "running Savage" doesn't matter to you. You've made fun of the federation and the title. You've also admitted that your only role here will be "fuckery". Why would anyone in this federation ever give you the chance to do anything ever again? You've now relegated yourself to a sideshow attraction in the XWF, and you seem to be happy to do it.

Neville begins to laugh thinking about how Tommy Wish has just shot his career in the foot

And you've put me on notice, as if I'm supposed to fear that. Tommy, when you carry a belt around, everyone has you on notice. Because everyone wants what you have. I'll maybe fear the guys I think can beat me.

The laugh keeps coming. Neville looks almost maniacal now. He can't stop laughing.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I just broke Tommy Wish

Educating the XWF since 06/08/17
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Finn Kühn Offline
Be the best, or be broken.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

07-30-2017, 12:26 PM

(07-30-2017, 12:22 PM)Neville Sinclair Said: I'll maybe fear the guys I think can beat me.

"Speaking of which, see you at Savage."

[Image: d4Mq0D5.png]

January 2018 Star of the Month
- Win | Loss | Draw  -
- 2 | 2 | 0 -

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Brucette Blingsteen Offline
Don't do drugs...without me.

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

07-30-2017, 12:36 PM


As if there were any doubt.

Current Universal Champion
(1x) X-Treme Champion
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[-] The following 2 users Like Brucette Blingsteen's post:
(07-30-2017), Chasm (07-30-2017)
Neville Sinclair Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

07-30-2017, 12:41 PM

(07-30-2017, 12:26 PM)Finn Kühn Said:
(07-30-2017, 12:22 PM)Neville Sinclair Said: I'll maybe fear the guys I think can beat me.

"Speaking of which, see you at Savage."

Hey Finn, congratulations on being moved up from one of the kids tables...
Why does it feel like you're a puppy, excited for everything and mostly harmless?

I'm going to take a break, so you can sit in time out for a few hours.

Educating the XWF since 06/08/17
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Neville Sinclair's post:
Finn Kühn (07-30-2017)
Finn Kühn Offline
Be the best, or be broken.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

07-30-2017, 12:44 PM

(07-30-2017, 12:41 PM)Neville Sinclair Said:
(07-30-2017, 12:26 PM)Finn Kühn Said:
(07-30-2017, 12:22 PM)Neville Sinclair Said: I'll maybe fear the guys I think can beat me.

"Speaking of which, see you at Savage."

Hey Finn, congratulations on being moved up from one of the kids tables...
Why does it feel like you're a puppy, excited for everything and mostly harmless?

I'm going to take a break, so you can sit in time out for a few hours.

"Funny you joke about me being harmless. All I see before me is some guy who acts smart and talks big but can't back it up when facing an actual challenge. Keep my belt warm for me Sinclair, I'm coming for it."

[Image: d4Mq0D5.png]

January 2018 Star of the Month
- Win | Loss | Draw  -
- 2 | 2 | 0 -

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JackCain Offline
Fighting to the last man

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

07-30-2017, 12:57 PM

Neville? I know we don't get on, but I'm gonna try and smack the shit outta this little turd for ya in time for next week. Call it a favour.

[Image: JackCain.jpg]
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Neville Sinclair Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

07-30-2017, 01:20 PM

(07-30-2017, 12:57 PM)JackCain Said: Neville? I know we don't get on, but I'm gonna try and smack the shit outta this little turd for ya in time for next week. Call it a favour.

Please do. Apparently my title reign has been full of times where I "can't back it up". He's either ignorant, slow, or he meant to speak to you and said the wrong name. Either way, he was egregiously wrong.

Educating the XWF since 06/08/17
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Neville Sinclair's post:
JackCain (07-30-2017)
Finn Kühn Offline
Be the best, or be broken.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

07-30-2017, 01:42 PM

(07-30-2017, 01:20 PM)Neville Sinclair Said:
(07-30-2017, 12:57 PM)JackCain Said: Neville? I know we don't get on, but I'm gonna try and smack the shit outta this little turd for ya in time for next week. Call it a favour.

Please do. Apparently my title reign has been full of times where I "can't back it up". He's either ignorant, slow, or he meant to speak to you and said the wrong name. Either way, he was egregiously wrong.

"Someone's unable to hear properly. Oh, and Jack? Warfare's gonna be fun. For me. Not really for you, unless you like being hospitalized."

[Image: d4Mq0D5.png]

January 2018 Star of the Month
- Win | Loss | Draw  -
- 2 | 2 | 0 -

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The Engineer Offline
Man of Peace

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

07-30-2017, 02:21 PM

OOC: Gotta admit, that ending to the ME was a shocker. All hail our gender reassigned overlord.

[Image: 9QBn3eQ.jpg]

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[-] The following 4 users Like The Engineer's post:
(07-30-2017), Brucette Blingsteen (07-30-2017), Finn Kühn (07-30-2017), JackCain (07-30-2017)
JimCaedus Offline
Trash Talker Skywalker

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

07-31-2017, 12:37 AM

(07-30-2017, 10:35 AM)BasIc biTch doCtor josHua reno Said: Reno catches Caedus as he walks through the curtains to the backstage area.

Reno places a shotgun in front of Caedus with a note attached to it and then runs off before Caedus's kicks his ass.

You know what to do.

"Uh....shove it down your throat, pull the trigger and blow your ovaries out your snatch from the inside? Oh, wait, no, it's your friend Bruce who's the conveniently timed woman now, my bad, you're just the dude with no nuts. Clever move handing a shotgun to a man who'd gladly murder your entire family with it, dipshit."

(07-30-2017, 11:43 AM)Micheal Graves Said: What a surprise, "Big Dick Daddy" is acting like a delicate little flower!

Boohoo Jim, Boohoo!

Are you gonna run and hide under a rock with your buddy Robert Main now!?!

What a fucking joke!

"Hmmm...tell me, Graves, what about the fans chanting shit has anything to do with me acting like a "delicate flower"? Sounds like you're tryin' to get _O_ut _O_f _C_ontrol with it, which is fine. We can always handle this shit privately if you're suddenly feeling tough. What's that about running and hiding? Isn't...that what YOU do every time you lose a match lately, take a month off you punk motherfucker? Suck my cock. Go change your appearance/name/gimmick for the tenth time in less than a year and continue believing SOMETHING is gonna make you better at this."

(07-30-2017, 12:36 PM)Brucette Blingsteen Said: #andSTILL

As if there were any doubt.

"Oh there's doubt, sudden dyke. When someone who has talent like you walks around hypin' their game yet can't back it up in promo alone without waiting for ammo, without wasting an entire week after my first, without subjecting your opponent to jackin off with bluffs no one bought into, without STEALING his opponent's insults, style and promo titles...makes you look like you're only the best when you stack the deck and act shady. All you've proven is how much illegitimacy it takes to "top me". You still ain't shit, Blingsteen and you never will be."

[Image: chM1Ri0.gif]

[Image: pz4P3Ut.png]
Shout out to Gator/Noah Jackson for this kickass banner

[Image: aFZyFWU.jpg]

~XWF ALL TIME TOP 50 - #6!!!! <3
~Efed Podcast Top 100 - #74 w/no Twitter (all credit to you, fam, 🙏 <3)
~XWF TAG TEAM CHAMPION w/Chaos then Engy, w/APEX x2 - 3x 
~XWF 24/7 Briefcase - 3x
~XWF Trio Tag Champion w/Ax3 - 1x
~XWF Television Champion - 1x (undefeated)
~XWF Federweight Champion - 2x
~XWF Triple Title Holder - 1x (TV, Federweight & 24/7 case)
~XWF Double Title Holder - 5x (TV/Fedr, Uni/Trio, Tag/24/7, X/24/7 & Uni/Tag)
~XWF 2017 Lethal Lottery IV Tournament winner!!
~XWF 2017 Leap of Faith Rafter Match winner!!
~XWF 2017 2nd Annual Doc D'Ville Shove-It Rumble Co-Winner w/Chaos!!
~XWF 2017 War Games Co-Winner with Rob Main & Drew Archyle as APEX!!
~XWF Feb. 2017 J. Federweight Scramble Winner!!
~XWF January 2017 RP of the Month!! - "Like a Moth to the Flame"
~XWF February 2017 Star of the Month!!
~XWF March 2017 3-Way Star of the Month!!
~XWF September 2017 RP of the Month!! - "Lions & Tigers & Caedus, Oh Shit"
~XWF July 2021 QOTM!! - line from "Took It All"
~XWF October 2021 RP of the Month!! - "This Just In" audio
~XWF November 2021 Star of the Month!! (3rd time!!!!!!)
~XWF Match of the Year 2021 w/Bourbsy!! - X-Treme, Flynn's Audio Shove-It

---Love Me, Like Me, Hate Me. No Worries---

Gator's Archive💙
[Image: KlXZwFe.png]
In Loving Memory of Captain Dick Powers

Gravy's Archive💙
[Image: YSqFoQ7.jpg]
[Image: oqNqgFo.jpg]
Shout out to Gravy for these kickass banners

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Brucette Blingsteen Offline
Don't do drugs...without me.

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

07-31-2017, 08:07 AM

(07-02-2017, 04:05 PM)JimCaedus Said: "Ax3 ain't Caedus. Better believe I'll be retaking that strap."

[Image: grocery-store-5.gif]

Current Universal Champion
(1x) X-Treme Champion
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