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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
A Flawed Partner and Flawed Opponents
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Thomas Nixon Offline
Saving the Lizards

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Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

07-06-2017, 02:48 PM

The room was well lit by LED’s that sparsely cover the ceiling, but the room had no windows or natural lighting whatsoever. They were in one of the living areas where the lizard people were watching and serving the needs of The Clone of Brock Lesnar. Thomas Nixon is standing a few feet from Brock who is sitting down at a wooden table with a Jimmy John’s sandwich in one hand. With his free hand, he makes a fist and slams it into the wood causing a loud thud.

“Don’t tell me that was my fault! I’m the only one out there that did a damn thing!”

“Brock, you tagged me in, and I fought them off while you sat on the outside. I got plenty in, but we couldn’t put them away. And if I’m not mistaken, you were the one that couldn’t get a shoulder up in time.”

“Watch the tape, I tossed that big motherfucker around like a rag doll.”

“Maybe if you weren’t busy thinking about how you’d jump Jack Cain later in the night, you could’ve focused on following up on all those suplexes and maybe winning the match.”

Brock gets out of his chair, quickly closing the distance between himself and Thomas.

“Stay out of my damn business. If that guy wants to run his mouth at me, I’m gonna make that sunnuvabitch pay. I don’t give half a shit what you think about that. I’m here because you disappointed your lizard buddies. So I’m not going to take orders from your scrawny ass.”

“Okay, Brock. Let’s start over. Next week, you do your thing. I’ll be at the corner, and you can tag me in if you need to. If you can win all by yourself, then fucking win the match. I’ll help if you want it. You weren’t my idea, so I’m not taking responsibility for you. But I will be a team player. It’s your choice if you want my help.”

Thomas Nixon extends his hand towards Brock. Brock squints at Nixon, looking at the Ambassador of the Lizard People with great scrutiny. He looks down at the extended hand, but he turns away. He grabs the Jimmy John’s sandwich off the table and walks down the corridor leading back to his room in the den of the lizard people. Nixon keeps a straight face, despite being mildly agitated, but at least he got his point across. He won’t stick his nose in Brock’s business. And if he can’t get the job done, it’s on him. After glaring down the corridor, Nixon turns and exits Brock’s living area as the scene fades to black.

* * *

The worst part about hearing Brock argue is despite his Neanderthal-esque qualities, he has a point. Why did my people bring him to life and into the XWF? There are only a few rational explanations and all of them point at discontent with my performance. So who am I to flex authority over the clone?

But I haven’t been remotely unsuccessful in my time here. Sure, I got a little distracted a few months back. I got in a personal argument with Singer over my feud with McBride, and that feud kept me out of the ‘limelight’, at least from the vantage point of my lizard friends. But that was a necessary evil. I was humiliated and degraded when McBride attacked me, so I got my vengeance. And that’s over and done with, I came out looking good after that match. That short time away from the Television Title hunt shouldn’t make me a piece of damaged goods.

And up until High Stakes, I was the Television Champion! I have two reigns under my belt. The only recent champion that’s been able to rack up defenses like I did was Jim Caedus. It’s tough to make it out like I was a failure. I was doing everything right. I was in the main event, retaining my belt, beating guys like Danny Imperial, Jack Cain, Peter Gilmour, and Mezian. I was finding ways to tear the house down and come out as the champion.

So why did they feel the need to ignore my progress and create a companion for me? They must be impatient, they must be far too eager to play the slow game. They wanted a shot of adrenaline injected straight in the blood stream, so they went for a big publicity stunt. But we didn’t need to make some last chance effort. And now they are putting a lot of faith into the clone and myself. They’re expecting us to plow through the tag team tournament and come out as champions in the long run.

I’m not sure if that is realistic. Take a look at this first round match up, it’s myself and Brock up against Chris Chaos and Jenny Myst. That’s not good news. Because when I look at my tag partner, I see his flaws, and the biggest flaw in Brock Lesnar’s game is his focus, or more appropriately his lack of focus.

In the end, the Motherfuckers beat us by pinning Lesnar down for the three count, but a lot of things happened that got us to that result. Lesnar went to the floor and ate a goddamn Jimmy John’s sandwich and drank a beer during the match. I don’t think it takes an expert consultant to realize he wasn’t giving that tag team match his full, undivided attention. And then after we lose, he seeks out Jack Cain and takes another cheap shot at him! I have a feeling he’d been thinking about that throughout the night, and I don’t doubt that distracted him mentally.

Myst and Chaos are prime candidates to take care of Lesnar’s focus issues. Chris Chaos is surprisingly predictable for a guy with the last name ‘chaos’. No matter who he is faced with, he tries to play the same mind games, and he runs his mouth like he owns the place. He acts like he is a big dog and we just walked into his yard. That’s the kind of shit that gets Brock fired up. He wants to knock people off their high horse, and he wants to push them down a few pegs. I believe that’s why he beat up Jack Cain in the first place. He saw a big man with a big piece of gold closing out the show, and he figured that he might as well humble the guy.

That doesn’t sound so bad but if Brock is too busy trying to send a message, he’s going to expose himself. He’s going to make a critical mistake. And if he so much as slips up, he might find himself rolled up or taking a hit to his lower extremities. If he plays around with Chaos, he’ll give him enough time to sneak himself a win. How the hell can we get through the whole tournament if Lesnar slips up big time in the first match? We could be knocked out in the first round, and this little experiment won’t even get near the tag team title shot.

And that’s not even bring up Jenny Myst. Let me preface this by saying that she strikes me as the female version of Chris Chaos. She talks all this trash, and she picks fights with guys off screen. Then, when she gets her big opportunities, she falls flat on her face. She spent a whole week talking about being the next Television Champion, but then she doesn’t bring the belt home. She spent a month opening her mouth at the mention of Roxy Cotton or the High Stakes pay-per-view, and then she got flat out beat.

But her constant quality is that she’s annoying and obnoxious. Nobody likes hearing a loser run their mouth. I can watch her matches and see that she has some skill, and then I can figure out how to treat her in the ring. But Brock will probably go into the match blind to her abilities and annoyed with the little girl. And then she’s going to get the same treatment and the same subsequent opportunities that Brock will give Chaos.

If Brock can stick with what he knows best, then this will be easy. If he goes into the match looking to kick ass in record time, he could manhandle Myst before Chaos can even step a single foot into that ring. He could probably dismantle both of them, even though they both are quality competitors. But we all saw what happened last week. We saw the way he tossed around Robbie Bourbon, let me repeat ROBBIE BOURBON. If he can keep his momentum without falling for tricks or getting egotistical, it’s hard to believe that Chaos and Myst have a road to victory. But trusting Brock to stay focused isn’t a bet a like making.

If he gets in trouble, I’ll be there to wrestle, but Brock will have to humble himself before he’s willing to tag me in. But I’ll be ready to fight Chaos and Myst. I’m no stranger to Chris, we crossed paths once before, and I can’t say I’m a big fan of him. His ego goes unchecked, and he walks around picking fights left and right. Lately, he’s been unable to make a big impact. He failed to reclaim the Universal Championship on a big stage; he choked. He couldn’t beat Caedus or Duke, and he walked away empty handed. Now, he’s just wreaking havoc and trying to get someone to pay attention to his antics.

But I look past the mind games that he plays. I don’t care about all the enemies he makes for himself. To me, Chris is another wrestler. I don’t care what he says about himself because I’ve seen what he’s actually capable of. Although he’s talented, he isn’t the unbeatable king of the XWF that he wishes he is. I know that, the fans know that, and deep down, Chris knows that. He’s good at getting ahead of himself. The second he’s in control, he loses his mind. He tries to take out as many people as he can, and he doesn’t think twice. And that’s an exploitable tendency that I’m ready to jump all over. Those are the kinds of weaknesses you have when you’re self-absorbed instead of self-aware.

Maybe, just maybe, if I pick up the win in this tag match instead of the hulking behemoth on my team, it will send a compelling message to my people. It will remind them that Thomas Nixon has plenty left in the tank. I’ve built my own name. I have my own brand. People know about my revolution, and more and more are joining my crusade every day. All of that was true before Brock Lesnar came into the XWF, and all of it will be true when he’s long gone.

Keep your eye out and pay close attention. The talk going into this match is going to be simple. Jenny and Chris are going to be saying sly little one liners while demeaning myself and Brock. They’re going to crack a few jokes, and pat themselves on the back while stroking their superiority complexes. You’ll hear fans and wrestlers alike debating if Brock is going to shut them up. But nobody will expect that I, Thomas Nixon, may very well walk out after getting the pin because the foregone conclusions are just inaccurate. Because I don’t need Brock as my partner, but everyone seemed to forget that was well off before him. That ending will be the reality check that everyone, including my lizard friends, need.

Ambassador of the Lizard People
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