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High Stakes II: Segment 4
Author Message
Paul Heyman

XWF FanBase:
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06-14-2017, 05:42 AM

This the second tag team match of the night and it's gonna be a barn burner

I don't know what the hell that is but I guess you mean it's gonna be good

The following contest is a Tag Team Tournament Match and it's scheduled for one fall...

Introducing first At a combined weight 495 pounds THE PUREBRED KILLLLLLEEERRRSSSS....

Peter Gilmour and Micheal McBride make their way to the ring. Responding to the occasional heckler in the fans.
The go up the steps and enter the ring and wait for their opponent.

They sure do look determined tonight they are ready to go to war

Oh that is what that is called? They just look constipated to me

And their opponents at a total combined weight of 460 pounds the team of Mezian and Jody Maaaddddrrroxxxx....

The team of Mezian and Madrox make their way to the ring. Both circle the ring staring at the killers and the
walk up the steps and enter the ring.

That is the look of pure hatred and malice

Now that is a look I understand. Hey Mezian you still owe me a Red Bull from Warfare

Jody and Micheal start us off.The referee signals for the bell. And just like that Jody rushes Micheal. But the wily veteran sidesteps the attack. Jody runs face first into the corner of the killers. McBride jumps on the opportunity.he begins to punch and stomp Jody as he is caught in the corner. The ref starts counting
the crowd joins in with the count.





Micheal stops just before the ref count to five.He walks over to taunt Mezian, he stands just out of the range of Mezian's reach. Mezian tries to enter the ring but the ref stops him. Gilmour takes the chance to get a few hits in on Jody while the ref isn't looking. Once Mezian is out of the ring the ref turns his attention back to Mcbride and Jody.

Mcbride starts the offense and gain left,right,left,right,left,ri....Jody ducks under the last punch and grabs Mcbride from behind and performs a suplex out of desperation.

Bah Gawd!!!!! He must of used every ounce of strength he had left to do that

If I wasn't still numb, that would have hurt even me, JR!

The two men lay sprawled out in the ring. With little to no movement, both of their tag partners begging to get the tag. Mezian and Gilmour are stomping their feet and clapping their hands. The crowd joins in with the
cheering on their favorites.


From the other side of the arena, you can here


The crowd and the partners and chanting.The louder the crowd gets the more the men move.The arena is in an uproar. The two men start inching toward their partners as the crowd cheers them on.The men make the tag and the crowd goes

Busines is fixin' to pick up

Oh shit its about to get real

Both Mezian and Gilmour take the time to check on their teammates. Once they are done they turn to look at each other.
The two men walk to the center of the ring exchanging word and gestures. Standing nose to nose the men don't let up Mezian pushes Gilmour, Gilmour pushes back, Mezian Punches Peter, Peter punches back. The two men stand and stare at each other...finally, Peter throws the next punch. A vicious right catches Mezian in the jaw and stumbles the smaller man.

Gilmour rushes the reeling Mezian and pushes him into the corner of the ring.He begins to run his shoulder into the abdomen repeatedly the ref breaks it up and Peter grabs Mezian and tosses him into the opposite corner. He big man follows him and collides with Mezian in the corner with a clothesline. The recoiled men come out of the corner



Peter and Mezian bounce off of the mat and Peter goes in for the cover.The ref falls to his knees...




Mezian kicks out before three. Gilmour incensed by the results starts screaming at the ref. FUCKING COUNT FASTER can be heard in the ring as Gilmour screams at the referee. Peter turns his attention back to the prone Mezian. He begins to stomp on his head and neck. He know that Mezian has an injured neck and he is going to exploit the weakness.

Come on ref stop that now.....He's going to paralyze the poor man

Well you have to win somehow right?

Jody comes out of the corner and nails Gilmour with an unexpected forearm to the back of the head. Then begins to throw punches trying to put the bigger man down. Mcbride tries to intervene and he is caught with a dropkick from
Jody as he throws Gilmour out of the ring. Jody grabs Mezian by the leg and he pulls him their side of the ring. Gilmour and McBride stand on the other side of their side of the ring speaking to each other. The to mean both holding their heads.

The ref begins to count as Peter is outside the ring and is the active man.





Gilmour rolls into the ring and gains his bearings.He stands in his corner watching Jody tend to Mezian. Gilmour walks over and pushes Jody out of the way. Knocking the smaller man into the ring post shoulder first. Peter pulls Mezian into the center of the ring.Celebrating and talking smack.

I told you I was the King of Extreeemmmeeee. I told you, you didn't stand a chance against the purebred killers.

Peter reaches down to grab Mezian to pick him up. And with a flash Mezian wraps his legs around Gilmour's head and arms and pulls him in he had the Levithan Cross locked in.There nowhere to go in the center of the ring.The larger Gilmour tries to use his weight to power out of the move but Mezian has it in deep.

Bahh Gawd he has that submission in deep, this could be it

Could you imagine what it smells like? I bet it smells like sweaty balls.

With the Cross locked in the ref checks on Gilmour to see if he is still conscious. The ref lifts up his arm...

and it stays up.

Gilmour uses what seemed like all of his strength to lift Mezian while he still the hold and slams him to the mat. Mezian still has the Cross locked in the force of the drop made the submission tighter. Gilmour then starts to slide Mezian towards the ropes hoping to get a break. Mezian scoots away from the the ropes leaving them just out of reach of the helpless Gilmour. McBride tries to put half of his body into the ropes and tries to intervene. The ref leaves the side of two men by the ropes to stop Mcbride from entering. At this moment Gilmour gives up and Taps to the Leviathan Cross.

Thats it Gilmour has tapped to the Leviathan Cross...Wait the ref doesn't see any of it

Well duh his buddy McBride is running interference. That's how a good tag team works!

Or at least a passable one.

Gilmour stops tapping and with his last bit of energy tosses his foot on the ropes. With Mcbride outside of the ropes the ref sees the rope break and starts the count.





Mezian releases the hold and rolls out of the ring. He grabs his neck and winced as he stares at the announcer's table.

Good Gawd Mezian whatever you are thinking don't do it. Just don't do it.

No go ahead do it you crazy bastard just let me move my Red Bull.

Mezian begins to tear apart the announcer's table. Smiling and laughing hysterically. He starts to hear a count coming from behind him.




On the eight count, Mezian rolls back into the ring and right into a clothesline from Mcbride. The tag was made during his time outside of the ring. McBride Picks up Mezian by the hair he grabs Mezian by the waist ...

Belly to belly suplex. The thud of Mezian's head bouncing off of the mat echoes throughout the arena. McBride move on him again this time setting him up and tossing him again....

Releasing tiger suplex. This time the pride of the Irish rolls away from him waiting for Mezian to get to his feet. Jody realizes what he is trying to do and rushes him from outside the ring. He turns the corner and he is met with a


Gilmour pops up from around the corner and just lays poor Jody out. Standing over him laughing and pointing to Mezian gesturing for McBride to end it. McBride nods back and stares down Mezian as the man makes it back to his feet. Mezian
unaware of his surrounding gets to his feet and eats a devastating...


The crowd erupts as Mezian is bent is half and the two men collapse in the ring.

That spear almost cut him in half

Nope, I take my earlier comment back. That looks like it hurt.

The two men lay motionless in the ring. The ref checks both men to see if they can continue. McBride is first to his feet knocking the ref's hand out of his face and going for the cover. The ref falls to get the count




Mezian gets his shoulder up in time to miss the pinfall. McBride gets to his feet to argue with the ref. Micheal screams and walks over to his partner. McBride makes the tag, the two men pull Mezian to the center of the ring and proceed to stomp on him. The boots of his rivals bounce Mezian in one place with every stomp his body becomes more and more broken. The ref warns the two that one of them have to leave. While outside the ring Jody is climbing the top rope. He jumps and meets the two men with a cross body. The ref moves out of the way just in time. All four men are in the ring prone.

The crowd begins to chant various things as the four men stir to get to their feet.

THIS IS AWESOME*clap-clap-clap-clap-clap-clap*THIS IS AWESOME*clap-clap-clap-clap-clap-clap*THIS IS AWESOME

The four men all get to their feet and begin to brawl in the center of the ring. Mezian going for Mcbride and Jody making a b-line for Gilmour. The four men exchange punches and kicks around the ring. Gilmour and McBride break up the brawl and whip Jody and Mezian into the ropes. The to heavier men follow it up with clotheslines knocking all four men to the floor outside of the ring. The men all lay still on the floor by the announcer's table.

I said this was gonna be a war and it has not disappointed!

Eh, Ive seen better.

The crowd now seems to be in it more than ever the start to do more chants...

FIGHT FOREVER*clap-clap-clap-clap-clap-clap*FIGHT FOREVER*clap-clap-clap-clap-clap-clap*FIGHT FOREVER

The two teams stir as the ref is half way through his count.





The active men of Mezian and Gilmour roll into the ring to break the count. The two men move at a snail's pace as they make their way to their respective corners. Gilmour make is tag first and Mcbride rushes Mezian. Jody gets the tag and meets McBride with a drop kick. The bigger man stumbles back and Jody keeps it up with another drop kick. This time putting the big man on his ass. Jody catches McBride one last time with a knee to the face and mounts his chest. Grabbing McBride by the hair he starts to punch him in the face. Jody is warned about the hair pulling. Jody stands up and drags the beaten McBride to the corner he climbs the ropes he signals for his trademark move MAdrOckin.

Jody centers himself, about to jump when Gilmour runs on the apron to stop him. As he gets to Jody Mezian has jumped off of the steel steps and catches Gilmour. Using his momentum he flips backward with Gilmour....


Oh my Gawd, Mezian just hit Peter Gilmour with a Fall From Grace onto the steel steps.They may be out cold.

How did he do that it doesn't seem physically possible?

Thats what she said?

Mezian and Gilmour crash onto the steel steps and are now draped over them out cold. Jody jumps into the air and hits his MAdrOckin. The smaller man bounces clean off Mcbride. But he rolls him up for the pin.



But McBride kicks out right as the ref's hand is about to count three. Jody sits there wondering what it will take to put the big man away. He rolls the nearly lifeless body of McBride out of the ring and he goes to check on Mezian on the steps.

this could be it, ladies and gentlemen, the defining moment for these superstars careers. Who will triumph in this war of attrition?

What he means to say, guys, Is who's gonna not suck and get the win?

While Jody is checking on his partner Gilmour lifts McBride onto the ring apron and then slaps him on the back hard enough to get the ref's attention, letting him know that he is now the legal man. Gilmour then rolls back out of the ring and goes right after Jody. He grabs the man by the back of the head and slams him face first onto the cold hard steel of the ring steps.



3 TIMES!!!

Jody is standing but barely. He's stumbling around like a drunken sailor.

Gilmour smiles wickedly and winks sadistically while he grabs his opponent by the back of the head and tosses him into the ring under the bottom rope. Gilmour walks over to his opponent who is still laying motionless on the ring apron. He gives the man a hard slap across the face and yells for him to wake up.

As he does this Jody slowly gets back to his feet unbeknownst to Gilmour who rolls into the ring, right into the waiting arms of Jody Madrox. Jody nails Gilmour with an uppercut and then immediately follows that up with a drop kick.

Gilmour goes down in a heap and Madrox takes the opportunity to quickly run to the corner and climb up to the top turnbuckle.

This could finally be it. Jody is looking to end this match right here and now!

Jody leaps...

Gilmour kips up.....

Yeah you read saw that right...

What the fuck? How the fuck? Who the fuck?



Gilmour can barely move but he's able to drape his arm across Jody's body as the ref slides in for the count...




Ladies and Gentlemen your winners....THE PUREBRED KILLERS!!!! Micheal McBride and Peter Gilmour!!!!!!!!!

After the winners hands raised by the ref, the arena goes dark for about fifteen minutes...then the light come back on with a man donning's John Black's mask with a lead pipe in the ring.

Then he smacks the pipe on McBride's legs the kneels him down on the mat, and gives a final blow to his skull as he was busted open from the pipe. Then he notices a angry Glimour who charges at him, but the masked man dodges and hit him with the pipe to the dome of Gilly.

We see Gilly stumbling around the ring, and turn to eat a ROTTEN'S EDGE outta no where as the fans shriek in mass hysteria...

Then we see Mezian looking confused as the masked man tries to get a handshake from him. Then, he pulls off the metal mask as it was JODY who donned it to attack Glimour and McBride!

Jody then gets a mic from the outside, and speaks to his partner.

Jody: Mezian, whether you like it or not about me is, that I don't care about giving mercy to nobody who stands in my way. I am a man who likes people to get hurt EVEN after I fight em in the ring or in the streets. It don't matter what situation I am in, just know that I am man not to be fucked over by anyone or anything that is givin' me hell. Tonight, even if we did or did not gain the victory over these Chumps Killers, we shall become the most infamous team this company can't deal with.

Then Jody faces the crowd.

Jody:Listen up fans, as long you see me around here with or without a patna, just know that I can be as vicious as I want to be. What you just seen was me giving a simple ass beating to Gilly and Birdie, even though I have to encounter them again in the Battle Royal. I don't care about what is at stake in this Battle Royal, but all I care about is just straight up giving pain to people who are nothing more then punk bitches who need stitches.

Jody drops the mic, and we see the duo leaving the ring as the medics tend to Glimour and McBride, as the next segment shifts.
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[-] The following 12 users Like Paul Heyman's post:
(06-14-2017), "The Wolf of Afghanistan" Joshua Schuler (06-14-2017), Barney Green (06-14-2017), Doctor Louis D'Ville (06-14-2017), JackCain (06-14-2017), JimCaedus (06-14-2017), Mezian (06-14-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (06-14-2017), Phantom Panzer (06-14-2017), Steve "KingSlayer" Davids (06-14-2017), Theo Pryce (06-14-2017), Vincent Lane (06-14-2017)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

06-14-2017, 09:08 AM

Never doubt the killers!!! Oh and jody.. you're a dead man if we see u again..

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Mezian Offline
Does Fate Whispers Your Name?

XWF FanBase:
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06-14-2017, 02:13 PM

You won this oneGILMOURbut next time I will end you!!!!!

OOC: Grats Peter I'm Glad you got over your losing streak, even if it was over me.

[Image: lXVtJMr.jpg]

  • W/L/D
  • 23/15/0

  • 3xHeavyp Metalweighti Championn
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[-] The following 2 users Like Mezian's post:
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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Mezian's post!
Peter Fn Gilmour (06-18-2017)
Jody Madrox Away

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

06-14-2017, 03:12 PM

(06-14-2017, 09:08 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: Never doubt the killers!!! Oh and jody.. you're a dead man if we see u again..

(06-14-2017, 02:27 PM)Michael McBride Said: "I'm coming for you Jody. You fucked up lad, as for You Mezian. You won't be ending anything. Not while Peter and I are around."

Jody laughs at em.

Hey guys, I know you are soooo upset over that post match beatdown i placed on you both. You guys will get over it sooner or later, and if not then....well, just don't be surprised if me and Mezian decide to go for round two against ya both in the near by future.

Or, if I decide to take one of you Chumps on myself down the line.

So enjoy your win boys, because I know you both will end up getting knocked out the Tourney as me and Mezian shall watch in the monitors in the back and laugh at your flaws in it.

Let me not hold you guys up, enjoy that sweet victory... Chump Bred Killerz.
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[-] The following 2 users Like Jody Madrox's post:
Doctor Louis D'Ville (06-14-2017), Mezian (06-16-2017)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

06-18-2017, 02:04 PM

Bring it on bitches!!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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