Mr Killjoy
Who wants their trap silenced?
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06-10-2017, 04:16 PM
Several Days Ago
The scene opens in the living room of Paul "Extreme Machine" Hunters home, where Paul, Jackie, Trax and Shane Grimson's clone are currently located, Trax and Grimson both sitting in adjacent leather chairs as Paul and Jackie stand nearby. Trax and Shane Grimson have not long returned from their confrontation with Gravestone, the confrontation that turned out fatal for the man responsible for the Grimson's clone's creation, as Paul and Jackie have just found out after being filled in by Grimson.
Damn Trax, you blasted the guy out the window?
Trax slowly nods, not uttering a word. Paul raises an eyebrow.
Damn, well don't worry I'll deal with the damage control, this won't come back to you my people will deal with it, is this shit over with now?
Trax gives a half-ass shrug.
No idea man.
I would think so. Grimson chimes in as everyone turns to look at him. Gravestone was calling the shots, without him, nobody has any reason to come after us. I have no doubt someone will replace Gravestone, and quickly, but well...with what happened to Gravestone I don't think we'll have to worry about anything. Trax did what he had to do and delivered the message loud and clear.
Trax doesn't respond, Jackie shoots him a concerned glance and walks over to him and places her hand on his shoulder. Grimson gets to his feet.
I appreciate the help, you've done a lot for me, all of you, but now I need to make my own way, create a life for myself, a life I'M in control of, finally, I'm free.
Where do you plan to go exactly?
Hm.. I dunno...anywhere? Everywhere? Big world out there, lots of exploring to do.
Gotcha, but if you ever need help with anything, holla.
Noted, thank you Paul...and Trax..
Grimson turns to look at Trax.
Its been a pleasure, thanks for everything, but hopefully... we won't have to see each other ever again.
Trax nods without looking at Grimson.
Grimson nods at Jackie and Paul then heads towards the front door. Jackie continues to look down at Trax, gripping his shoulder as she stands over him.
Trax...Carlos...everything OK baby? You good?
Trax looks up to Jackie with a deadpan expression
Never better.
Hope so, I've got an answer to your earlier proposal.
Proposal? Oh the Wedding, yeah...and? What is it?
Jackie smiles as she leans forward to whisper into Trax's ear.
Lets go home, you'll get your answer then.
The scene opens back in Gravestones office, Gravestone has just ended a call after hearing men shouting and gun shots outside his office doors. A guard comes rushing through the office doors gun in hand.
Sir! We're under attack! We need to-
The double metal doors come flying off and one of them flies into the guard knocking him down, Gravestone gets to his feet and pulls a gun out of his drawer as Shane Grimson, in his executioner armour, walks into the office.
Executioner? Damn those fools in the lab I knew I couldn't rely on them to do as they promised, I should of killed you when I had the chance.
You should've, now you won't get the chance, put the gun down you know it's useless, and don't bother trying to trigger the alarm under your desk either, all the alarms and security measures have been disabled.
How, how did you manage all this?
With help of course.
Trax appears next to Gravestone, yanking the gun out his and pistol whipping him over the back of the head with it, Gravestone slumps back into his chair holding the back of his head and groaning as Grimson walks up to the table and Trax throws the gun away.
Weapons in the workplace? Pitiful. What sorta business you running around here?
One that's about to be shut down.
Grimson walks around the table and pulls Gravestone out of the chair and lifts him up by his collar off the ground.
You created me to be a monster, a killing machine, and when that didn't work, you tried to brainwash me into becoming one, but that didn't work either.
You underestimated this mans willpower Gravestone, but don't worry, you're not the only old white man that apparently has a problem underestimating people, in fact it seems to be a common trait with you old guys now.
A deadly trait, one that can get you KILLED even.
Gravestone begins to laugh hysterically.
SAVE your threats, you don't scare me, you think I fear Death? Hardly. I'm an old man and my time left on this planet is short, but with the time I have remaining I was going to make a difference, I was going to change the world, for a profit, of course. You was meant to be the perfect solider Grimson, you would have had more money and more respect then you would've known what to do with, but now, you'll be nothing but a killer a run, for the rest of your miserable days.
Grimson drops Gravestone back into his chair, he then takes off his mask and throws it on the desk.
I'm done being a killer, but leave me alone, leave Trax and his friends and family alone, or you will pay. Come on Trax... lets go.
Grimson heads for the exit and Trax follows him, as they do so Gravestone pulls another gun out the drawer and aims it at the back of Grimson's exposed head.
Why you-
Trax turns around and fires an energy blast at Gravestone that sends him flying through the glass window behind and down, down, down, down to the ground below which he hits head first, skull shattering on impact as he lays there dead in a pool of his own blood. Back in the office, Grimson is staring wide eyed at Trax whose hand is still pointed at the area where Gravestone was just as.
I knew he wasn't gonna listen.. even if I just disarmed him he woulda still came for you again, and me, and him trying to get you to kill me he nearly made you kill the woman I love... I couldn't let that shit slide.
Trax lowers his hand.
Now we can...
Trax turns to Grimson to be met with a startling and horrifying sight. Grimson standing there, his armour rusted and broken, his face pale and his eyes coal black. Grimson opens his mouth in a snarl to show rotting teeth as Trax backs away.
Murderer,! You've killed once again, and you think you're better than me? You're no different from me, you didn't have to kill him but you choose to because you WANTED to kill him, you enjoyed it just like you enjoyed killing ME in that prison cell... admit it!
You're no saviour, you're nothing but a slayer, always have been, always will be!!
Admit it!
"Grimson" lunges at Trax and knocks him to the ground, Trax goes to scream, as he does Grimson clamps his rotting teeth down on Trax's throat...
Trax wakes up in his bed, next to Jackie, who is still asleep. Trax shakes his head and gets out the bed, he retrieves his boxers from the floor and slips them on as he heads to the on-suite bathroom. Trax runs to the tap and cups his hands under it accumulating the cold water before splashing it over his face and looking at the mirror in front of him, Trax takes a moment to stare at his reflection in the glass before grimacing and going back to bed.
The Next Day
The scene opens and we are immediately met with the cheesy grin of Steve Sayors, XWF's resident and obnoxious interviewer. The camera continues with a close up of his face as he speaks.
Hello ladies and gentleman and welcome to another, that's right ANOTHER edition of "Steve Sayors Superstar Sit-Down" now High Stakes II is upon us and its gonna be big, and I have with me one of the men that will be competing in the PPV's number one contender battle royal as well as the man that will be going up against The King's powerhouse Doctor D'Ville before that match, the man who helped me kick off the FIRST official Steve Sayors Superstar Sit-Down...TRAX!
The camera switches over to Trax who looks about as pleased to be there as he looked the first time, that is to say, not at all. The camera then switches back to SS.
So Trax... big match up coming up for you at High Stakes, and a big opportunity, you will have the opportunity to become the number one contender for the Universal Championship, in your last match you actually faced and beat the Universal Champion Jim Caedus, what are your thoughts on the Triple Threat match at High Stakes? Is there someone you're rooting for to come out as the Universal Champion?
OK before I ask that question why is it only me that has these sit down interviews with you? Can't you rope anyone else into doing this shit?
Um, actually after my first initial sit down interview with you I went on to have interviews with Jenny Myst and Mezian...
Jenny Myst? Talk about scrapping the bottom of the barrel, and Mezian? Who? You know what never mind that, to answer your question no it doesn't matter to me who the Universal Champion is at the end of High Stakes, because I know that I'm going to be the number one contender at the end of High Stakes so it really doesn't matter whose holding the strap...because I know I can beat them, Caedus? I did what nobody in months has been able to do and pin him and I know I can do it again, Chis Chaos? Talented, but I've been in two matches with the guy, I know what he's got and I know I can take his best shot, the only reason he won the title the first time around was because he was able to capitalize on Bourbon almost killing me and himself, and I mean I should hope so to because literally anybody in that position should of been able to, and Thaddeus? Even that army of his wouldn't be able to prevent me whipping his ass pillar to post, taking that title and giving him a fidget spinner as a replacement so he can go fuck off and play with the rest of the kids, yeah its like that, so no, no I don't care who I go on to face after High Stakes for the title, the end result will be the same.
OK, if you don't mind me asking and I want you to be honest, since you beat Caedus the other week as mentioned do you feel like you're owed a shot at the strap already? I mean some would argue that you are.
And they're right too, I'd argue that too but no matter I'll get my shot soon enough, I noticed Doc watched my match against Caedus with a smug grin on his face and I'm no mind reader but if I HAD to guess, I think he finds it funny I'm not already in the title contention despite my win against the champ, that's what I gathered from seeing him watching that match chucking to himself like a dweeb, you know what I find funny? That he's beat both Chaos and Thad and yet those two are both getting shots and he isn't...instead, Doc has a match with me, someone who, in his mind, is irrelevant and below him so what does that say about how Theo REALLY thinks about him? If Theo thought Doc was as great as Doc thinks he is wouldn't he of made him pull double duty and instead of having Doc face me then enter the battle royal, have Doc face me then enter the universal title match instead? Or better yet Theo could of made mine and Docs match with the stipulation the winner gets added to the title match and the loser has to enter the royal but nope...nothing of the sort, Doc has to go against a guy he considers below him when Theo COULD of easily given him a title match on top of or instead of that....that's gotta sting right? THATS what I find funny, maybe Doc and Theo should have a talk.
Speaking of Theo Trax he mentioned you in his recent promo. He said you've sided with The Devil insinuating that due to you being pro-Vinnie Lane and anti-Kings you've opted to back the wrong team so to speak, what's your thoughts on that?
Yeah I saw that, what did he say, anyone is welcome to stay in XWF as long as they like if he gets full power or some shit like that, yeah that may be true but you'd also be staying under his boot right? He honestly expects me or anyone to believe that if The Kings get full control of XWF they won't set themselves up to win all the titles? Sorta like they set themselves up to retain the tag titles that night on Savage? Please. I don't care what he or any of the other Kings say, nothing but sheer fuckery awaits if they get full control and that's exactly why I'm rooting for Lane and his team, that and me and Lane have actually earned each others respect. I don't respect The Kings and if Docs anything to go by they don't respect me either, but hey that's cool, even if they DO get full control of the company them bitches still gotta pay me.
Focusing on Doc now, you two have had a few choices words to say to each other recently, he not long cut another promo as you've already touched upon, do you have anything to say regarding some of the comments he made?
You're asking me to cut a full on promo now aren't you?
Like totally! If you don't mind?
Yeah whatever may as well put this interview to good use. D'Ville listen up, I really am going to need a Doctor soon and no before you say it NOT because of our match, but because I'm getting sick, sick and tired of hearing you chatter complete bull talkin' like I'm some mere pup nipping at your heels when in actuality, I'm a goddamn lion that's looking to devour you whole. Its funny to me you seem to say I misunderstand you when its you that has ME totally fucked up. I have super powers but I'm no superhero, never once said I was in fact, its OTHER people that have refereed to me like that, not me. I do what I do outside the ring to counterbalance the ruthless and violent shit I do inside the ring, I believe in balance you see, I've gone on record to say that before, I'm not a good guy, Marvel's The Punisher saves people but you wouldn't call him a good guy now would you, fuck no. I'm not bad nor good, I'm TRAX, a mixture of both in all honesty, you on the other hand Doc, just because you don't go around attacking people doesn't mean you're not an all around sinister old ass creepy motherfucker, who manipulatives people and pulls strings, you brought The Kings to XWF and you're using them, you used them to keep hold of your tag team titles and you're going to use them to your desire furthermore, because like I said before that's your forte, mind games, manipulation, not physicality, but I've already done told you the mental games you play on your opponents to beat them before they've even stepped in the ring with you are not going to cut it, not this time, scared of the dark? Motherfucker until the age of 18 I lived in a house without stable electricity because my momma couldn't always afford to pay the bill, I literally grew up in the goddamn dark.
You talk about hope like its a sickness but hope is what causes people to keep going, hope makes people stronger not weak. Hope keeps people alive. Man if I didn't have hope I wouldn't be here right now, I'd still be out selling crack or in some gutter somewhere. I have hope, and although I'm not a religious man despite a couple talks with so-called "God" I have faith, faith in my abilities and faith in the fact I have all the tools to get the job done. I have faith I'm gonna take you out and then take on most of the goddamn roster to secure my shot at the title I want more than anything. That faith, that hope, it disgusts you don't it? Good. Then do your best to take it from me but just be prepared for the fight of your life in attempting to do so, I'm not overlooking the fact that most of the roster is competing in the royal, of course not, but it doesn't matter who is competing and that's why I said bringing up those guys is pointless, especially for you because as I said you might not be in the condition to compete in that match, you gotta get through the 6'4 270 pound brick wall that is TRAX and I ain't wavering, and that's all muscle by the way Doc, not fat, these hips don't lie, hit them and break your fucking hand doing so, I'm rock solid bitch.
Save your excuses by the way, you talk to me about holding responsibilities for my losses then you do the same, if you recall you said several times it didn't matter who your partner was during the Lethal Lottery tournament, whether it was Donald Trump as your partner or with no partner at all YOU said you were capable of beating me and Bourbon single handily, Trump took the pin but you proved too incompetent to save him and in turn save yourself so that loss is still on you Doc, just accept it like a man, maybe if you hadn't of foolishly blew so much smoke up your own ass I'd be a bit more understanding of your loss but as it stands, that night proved to me that in actuality, the almighty Doc can have shit blow up in his face and have HIS hopes crushed. Mr FN' Confidence? You goddamn right, I've been in the ring with you, I've seen how you move and I know I'm faster and can out maneuverer you, I've felt how hard you hit and I know I can hit harder, can you beat me? Course you can, but you won't be, because I know I can beat you and I will and that's that. If I doubt myself for even a second before this match then against you thats means I've already lost, so as I already told you man go ahead and talk your shit, I'll just block it the way my energy shield blocks bullets then we meet in the ring and homie that's a wrap.
Again you seem slightly confused, I never once said you wasn't prepared, its you that's been waving me off as a non-threat. I know if I'm not on my top game you'll beat me and shit you might go on to win the royal too, its me that's not prepared Doc, not prepared to let THAT happen, this is it, the stakes can't be higher, I don't know how many chances after this I've got left, if any, so I'm going balls in.I'm removing all doubt, I got all the faith and hope in the world and you can go ahead and hate it motherfucker, but trust me hate it is the only thing you're going to be able to do about it. Agenda? YOU have a agenda? Color me totally unsurprised and uninterested. Your agenda don't mean shit because you won't be seeing it to its conclusion, courtesy of Mr FN' Dominance, travel back to a time you was Universal Champion again and put it on loop cause that's the only way you're gonna be able to experience what its like to be the top guy in this federation again, shit yeah I went there, as for the other battle royal combatants, fuck all you, watch what I do to Doc and once that realization that I've kicked it up another gear and none of y'all stands a snowballs chance in Hell of stopping me y'all going be throwing YOURSELVES over the top rope if our eyes meet in that ring. Don't say I didn't warn any of you. I'm out, thanks for having me again Steve, not.
The camera, which was zoomed in on Trax as he was talking zooms out as he gets up out the chair he's sitting in and walks off the set. Steve watches Trax walk away before turning to the camera.
That's all we have time for it seems! Make sure you all tune in to watch High Stakes June 13th something tells me its going to be a night to remember no matter what happens, take care folks!
SS nods at the camera and the feed cuts out.
Trax looks around but all he can nothingness. He looks down, and he can't even see his own body.
Where am I?
The Void.
Trax's body manifests joining his consciousness and as appears, so does Shane Grimson in front of him, the dead Shane Grimson, or at least, supposed to be dead.
You sent me here...after you snapped my neck. I knew you wasn't so much different from me, and in killing me the manner you did you proved me right.
That's not true...
Oh but it is, I knew you would end up killing me and so I had you cursed, when you ended my life, my soul was to be kept here, until you killed another, the murderous act opening a gate way.
Gateway, what the Hell are you talking about?
A gateway for my soul to re-enter the realm of the living, a small piece, but sufficient, but for a piece of me to surface, a piece of you must die.
And with that, Grimson plunges his hand into Trax's chest and grabs his heart before ripping it out and holding it in his bloody hand smiling. Trax looks down at the hole in chest before looking back at Grimson, then Trax drops to the ground, his eyes rolling in the back of his head as his world goes pitch black once more.
Trax wakes up in bed next to a sleeping Jackie once again, once again he leaves the bed and heads to the bathroom, running the cold water and splashing water on his face before looking in the mirror at his reflection. Trax takes a moment to stare at his reflection until finally... he smiles, before turning the tap off and heading back to bed.
Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno
XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:
One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"