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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » High Stakes II RP Board
Your time is up my time is now
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drezdin5788 Offline

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

06-08-2017, 06:30 PM



Ava:where are you?

Drezdin:in the kitchen eating, why you ask?

(Ava walks into the kitchen where Drezdin is with his phone in her hand. She walks over to Drezdin as he is eating his fajitas empanadas. Ava gives the phone to Drezdin with a slight concern on her face, she knows that this one and only shot at becoming the new xwf tv champion in the six pack challenge at high stakes two will be the only opportunity that he will get.

Drezdin:what's wrong babes?

Ava:look at what you have to do to win your first championship?

(Drezdin looks on his phone at what he has to do)

Drezdin:yeah so? What about it?

Ava:what the?......what do you mean yeah so, what about it? You tellin me that not you are not in thee slightest worried or even bothered that you may not come out at the television champ?.....or anything!?

Drezdin:Jesus fucking Christ babes! Chill fuck out! I mean look! I mean yeah it's good ole one and six chance ordeal but Ava sexy?..................give me one good god damn reason why I should be worried or bothered? For the love of god look who's in the six pack challenge television championship match!

Ava:oh I see it, you got a one and six shot that you may not win

Drezdin:spare me the one and six shot bull shit. I mean good fucking god! Look here sweetie, l love you with all of my heart, you are my passion and my mission in life. And if you love me like that like how I love you, all I ask is you to realize this. It's embarrassing that my own love won't realize that though all six of us has that one and six chance bull shit, the other five doesn't stand or have a chance of being thee guy to win the title, or in this case for the reigning champ retain the title. You see like I said, look who in the hell is in the match? Danny sex!? You gotta be kidding me, I've said once already, and I'll say it again until I'm blue in the fucking face,he's going to hurt him self in the first five minutes. Hell I betcha on anything that he's goin to injure him self in the first five minutes before he gets goin in the match.

Ava:what about absidian air then honey?

Drezdin:*****SIGH*****, seriously babes!? The last two matches he was supposed to be in, he didn't even show his ass. I mean he doesn't even give a flying fuck any more. I mean why should he star to give a flying fuck when he's not even going to show his ass again for this important match as well? Guarantee you that he ain't even goin to show for this as well, watch.

Ava:then what about this clown person name phantom panzer?

Drezdin:you do know that he's really ghost tank right? I mean all he did is reincarnated him self by reinventing himself as the phantom panzer. He's fat, ugly, and a old as time can be. He's just back because he wants to be what He once as a long time ago. And I hate to say this but this 2017, not 1567. Like the last time and this time, he's going to in a old folks home on the shelf permanently by me.
As far as jack Cain is concern, all I gotta say is that even though I don't know him a whole lot, but I do know that he doesn't have freakin shot in hell.

Ava:last but not least what about the reigning xwf tv champ has m self?, Thomas Nixon?

all I gotta say about him is that he has the worst odds of all of us. You see honey Ava, the champ him self...again the words...has a one in six shot to retain this belt. But that since this six pack challenge for the television is a tornado style match, that poor mother fucker doesn't have to be pinned or submit to loose. Hell he doesn't have to be involved in the fuckin match to loose it. But no matter if he's in it or not, of the six of us that are in the six pack challenge for the title, I'm goin to be the one that's coming out of the match your new xwf television champion at high stakes two. So don't worry about what they say in there promos honey, it ain't happening nor will it be, cause they are full of shit and you know it. Just watch me babes on how easy it is.

(The scene fade to black as Drezdin kisses his girlfriend on the lips)

[Image: FSYLxSs.png]
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