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Changing The Narrative
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

06-04-2017, 03:47 PM

Jackson Hole, Wyoming
Home of Theo and Brianna Pryce

“Just set it up over there.” The unmistakable sound of Steve Sayors, XWF’s primary interviewer can be heard as he points towards an open space in the room.

A second later a burly man wearing a black XWF t-shirt, cargo shorts and a ball cap comes into focus as places a black camera tripod exactly where Sayors had been pointing.

Seated directly across from where the camera was placed are Theo Pryce, one of the XWF’s Owners and his wife Brianna. A few feet away from them is an empty chair, presumably for Sayors to sit in while he conducts his interview.

Sayors continues to pace about the room making sure that everything is where it needs to be. Satisfied that it is he turns around and signals to Theo and his wife that they will be ready to proceed in one minute.

”You sure you are ready for this? You don’t have to do this. You know that right?” Theo says as takes his wife’s hands in his.

”I know that. But I want to. You are a huge part of the XWF and I am a huge part of your life. The wonderful fans have been so welcoming to me ever since they learned a few weeks ago that you were married. I might as well give Steve the opportunity to ask some questions on their behalf. Besides, look at the guy, he’s harmless. He looks more nervous than I am and he does this for a living.” Bri says as she swings her head around 45 degrees towards where Steve Sayors is standing.

"Alright I think we are ready to go." Sayors says as he takes a seat across from Theo and Bri.

The man operating the camera signals from three down to 0 using his left hand. Once he reaches zero he flips a switch on the side of the camera with his right hand which results in a small red light atop the camera turning on.

”Theo, Brianna thank you for welcoming me and the rest of the XWF Universe into your beautiful home. Theo, you, John Samuels and John Madison have a match coming up at High Stakes but it’s been over two years since the last time you were in the ring. Before we get into how you are feeling going into this match I and the XWF Universe wants to know, what were you doing for the last two years? Steve asks as he alternates his attention between Theo and his stunningly beautiful wife Brianna, or Bri to those who know her.

“Thanks Steve.” Pryce says with a smile as he pats his wife on the thigh. “We are thrilled to have you here and of course thrilled to address the wonderful fans of the XWF. As far as the last two years goes, honestly the last two years have been a whirlwind. So many things have changed in such a short amount of time it's almost hard to believe." Theo says as he looks over at his wife. "As you may remember when I left the XWF in February of 2015 it was to focus on my job working for the government. It was a stressful job, a dangerous job but it was a rewarding one. I was working to help keep Americans safe at home and abroad. Unfortunately a year into my assignment an IED went off near our group and I took some shrapnel to my shoulder and arm.”

”That sounds terrible.” Sayor's remarks.

”Honestly Steve, it wasn’t the greatest time in my life. In fact it was the first time in my life that I felt like a failure. I not ashamed to admit that immediately after the injury I went through a little bit of depression.” Theo remarks as he crosses his legs placing his right over the left and taking a deep breath.

”I’m sorry to hear that. That sounds awful. Was it just the injury that lead to the depression?’ Sayors asks as he sits upright in his chair.

”Well the injury was certainly a big part of it. As a result of my injury as well as the death of another team member the team was disbanded. I spent the next two months in the hospital but…as bad as that was there was a pretty big silver lining. It was there at the hospital that I met Bri.” Theo says as he turns his head 90 degrees and smiles at his wife.

”Yeah I would say that is a pretty significant silver lining. I’m sure the fans would love to hear from Brianna and this seems like the perfect time for that. Mrs. Pryce, we already know the when and to a degree the where, but we don’t know the how or why of your first meeting with Theo.”

”Thank you Steve. I love that shirt by the way. It totally brings out your eyes. To answer your question Steve, I was the Physical Therapist assigned to Theo after his surgery, which at first was a bit of a struggle.”

”Why do you say that? That it was a struggle?” Steve says as he adjusts the knot of his tie.

”Well Steve when something like this happens, where one of our brave men and women are hurt in the field there is naturally some depression that follows it along with whatever physical pain they are feeling. In Theo’s case not only was he wounded but another member of their team, his team was killed. The team was immediately disbanded and that was a lot for my husband to process. They say that physical pain can sometimes be a manifestation of mental and emotional pain so in order to get right physically you have to first get right mentally. And so that was I meant when I said it was a bit of a struggle. It wasn’t just as simple as working with Theo to rehab him physically. We had to first get through the mental barriers, once we were able to do that the actual physical therapy was a breeze.” Brianna says as she squeezes her husbands hand.

”So you were Theo’s physical therapist, was it a love at first sight thing or…”

”Well I guess that depends on who you ask.” Theo responds jokingly.

”It definitely was not that for me. Truthfully, while I found Theo attractive it was hard to get a real read on him. I had no idea who he was beyond the fact that he was a patient. And when I first met him like I said, he was battling some depression, he was at his worst and so while the person in me wanted to do everything I could for him, the professional in me had certain professional boundaries that I had to maintain.”

Steve again adjusts the knot of his tie while alternating his view between Theo and Bri. ”So then if it wasn’t an immediate thing how did we go from there to the two of you getting married?”

”Well I spent a few months in physical therapy doing what I could to get right. I may have dropped a few subtle hints…”

”They weren’t subtle.”

”Ok so maybe I dropped a few obvious hints. Once therapy was over I waited about a week…”

”Five days.” Laughs Bri.

”Ok. I waited five days.” Theo says with a laugh of his own. ”And after five days I gave Bri a call and asked her out for some coffee. I could tell that she was hesitant at first but she said yes. Coffee lead to a dinner, dinner lead to another dinner, a movie…a few months later we were married. As much as it sucked getting injured it was also in an ironic way the best thing that ever happened to me.”

”You’re right. That certainly seems like the definition of ironic. So you and Bri get married, I assume it wasn’t a big ceremony since no one in the XWF knew anything about it and usually those kinds of things end up on our radar one way or the other. Especially in the age of immediacy and 140 characters”

”It wasn’t. Bri’s parents both died several years ago and she was an only child. Outside of Sebastian and Thaddeus I have no other family. So it was a small ceremony. What little family I have and some of our close personal friends right here in Jackson Hole.” Theo remarks as he turns his head to the side and glances out the window at the picturesque view just a few feet away.

”And that’s a great segue actually. What made you decide to live in Jackson Hole Wyoming? From what I’ve read Bri you are from Miami and Theo you previously lived in Phoenix and then Virginia I believe. So why here? What’s so special about this place?”

”Well Steve when I was younger I came out here to ski and I immediately fell in love with the place. It’s so peaceful and so beautiful and I always swore that one day I would live out there. Once Bri and I got engaged I brought her out here and told her this is where I wanted to start our family. She took one look at it and fell in love with it instantly. So it was a pretty easy decision. We bought some land, had a house built and here we are.”

”I certainly can’t argue with you over the beauty of this place. It truly is remarkable. So here we are. You two are married. You are no longer employed by the government. You gave up your ownership of Pryce Industries years ago. So have you just been here with Bri enjoying the spoils of your hard work?” Sayors remarks half jokingly.

”Come on Steve you know me better than that. I can’t sit still. I’ll never retire. I mean, I can retire from wrestling one day, hell, I thought I did a few years ago but I’ll never be the guy that retires and spends his days going through old photos and working in a garden. I need to stay active. So once I finished with Physical Therapy I spent a few weeks back at my place in Arlington trying to figure out what my next venture would be. It was a struggle honestly. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do or even how I wanted to go about it. But then one night I was out to dinner with some friends of mine in the government, guys that I had come to know while I was on assignment and while we were waiting for the main course I had an epiphany. It was at that table during that dinner that “Decima” was born.”

”And what is Decima?” Sayors says inquisitively.

”Decima is a Private Security firm that I started. It’s based out of Las Vegas, which might seem like a weird place to base a business but given that a lot of our clientele are Entertainers, Athletes and even some Foreign Dignitaries, besides wanting our services they all have something else in common, they love to have a good time and what better place than Vegas?”

”So your new company is based in Las Vegas which is a few hours away by plane, do you commute everyday? A couple times a week? How does that work?”

”Great question Steve. Truth is we are in a day and age where technology has advanced to the point where I very rarely need to be at the office. I have great people working for me and so they handle the day to day operations. My only real involvement these days is meeting with prospective clients or existing clients if they want a meeting. Most of the time I can do that using things like Skype or other such video chat applications. If they want an actual face to face meeting I am happy to accommodate that as well. I have a private jet, which you knew since you flew out here on it and that is what I use to travel around. Not having to deal with airport security or airport runways and things like that makes travel a lot more streamlined. I would say at most I am in Vegas one day a week if even that.”

”So the business is doing well I take it?”

”Thanks Steve. It is doing pretty well yes. Not great but it’s about where I expected it to be. We are still in the infancy of it all. I put a lot of money into the company to get it up off the ground. I could have got everything going on my own but I would have had very little money left over so instead I went out and found some investors. I promised them that I would not take a penny from Decima until they have all been paid back and one by one I am doing just that. Truth be told the company didn’t turn a profit until very recently but now that we have a solid client base I feel like the sky is the limit.”

”That’s great to hear. Now Bri when you met Theo you were doing Physical Therapy, is that still the case or has that stopped since getting married?”

”Oh no, I am still doing P.T. I didn’t go to school for all those years for nothing. Once we moved out here and got settled Theo helped me start my own Physical Therapy practice. Right now it’s just me and I work for the local hospital on a case by case basis. So far that’s been working out really well. I’d like to expand at some point maybe bring another person on board but I am not in any rush to do that.”

”Wonderful. Now Theo you had mentioned a little while ago that when you left the XWF in February of 2015 that you thought that was the end of wrestling for you. You, John Samuels and John Madison went out as three legends of the industry. The Kings had a short but memorable run that included capturing the tag team titles as well as the trios which were eventually retired. Why having accomplished all that you did would you guys risk that legacy to come back?” Sayors asks as he shifts his weight in his seat from his left side to his right.

"Well Steve, I truly did believe that when I stepped away in 2015 that that was it for me. I know that both John's felt the same way. But when we were approached about a reunion of sorts, one that also included Doctor D'Ville it seemed like if there was ever a reason to come back and put that legacy on the line as you said, this was it. Now I know that some folks have said we did it for the free title reign which really couldn't be further from the truth. Samuels and I had already held the titles. Madison was a former King of the XWF and a two time Xtreme Champion. One of the best to ever step into the ring. Why would we come back for a free title reign? It makes no sense. We came back because it made sense to do so. For as long as I have known the XWF it has struggled with defending the tag team titles. It's part of why the tag team division as a whole is so underdeveloped. It's like why bother having a tag team when whoever holds the titles never really defends them? The Good Doctor's partner disappeared to who knows where. He needed a replacement and like he said, why get one partner when you can get three? Having a few people that can step in and defend the titles means that there is absolutely no excuse for why they can't be defended. And we proved that right off the bat when Samuels and the Doctor defended them a few short weeks after we returned. And Madison and I were set to defend them at High Stakes but then what happened? Vinnie Lane happened."

"I'm glad you brought that up. I actually had a question here about High Stakes. From what I saw you had agreed to a tag team title defense against "The King Slayer" Steve Davids and a partner of his choosing. And then suddenly those plans were changed in favor of a 3 on 3 match between you, Samuels and Madison against Vinnie Lane and two returning legends and former owners of the company James Raven and Jon Brown. What involvement if any did you have in that match being made? And what do you think the impetus for that match was if anything?"

”Well Steve I can answer both of your questions pretty easily. We had absolutely zero say in how this match went from being a tag team title defense to a 3 on 3 match where the winner becomes sole owner of the company. None whatsoever. Why would we want that? From day one I said that our focus was on the tag team titles. I also said that I had zero interest in owning the XWF outright. We were here to help Doctor D’Ville defend the tag team titles. That was it. Did our plans change slightly after we showed up? Yes they did. But only so far as we were the only people willing to step up and do something about the Ax3 problem that had popped up. And that is something else that I find so interesting about all this and it actually leads into the second part of your question. What was the impetus for this match? As far as I can tell it all boils down to Vinnie Lane and his own paranoid delusions. Since the day we showed up he’s acted like we were going to declare war on the XWF. That we were coming after his roster. Coming after all the titles. That we were going to make things difficult for him and everyone else and yet all we’ve done is try and keep Ax3 at bay. They are the ones attacking people before matches, during matches, after matches. Altering the outcomes of matches with their interference. They are the ones kidnapping other members of the roster and members of management. They are the ones taking over shows. Heck they currently hold the trios, Universal, Xtreme and Hart titles. Most of those they've obtained since we showed up. What have the Kings™ done but try and keep Ax3 honest? I am all for a faction being dominant but they need to do it the right way. We haven’t bothered with a single one of the singles champions even though guys like Vinnie Lane and Trax continue to act as if we have. As a 50% owner I could have easily forced the GM’s to book us in title matches but I didn’t do that did I?" Theo remarks.

”Not that I can remember no.”

”That’s because I didn’t. I said on day one that our focus was the tag team titles. It has remained that. Did I book John Madison to ref the Samuels and Doc versus Ax3 tag match? Yes I did. Because it had become very clear that those guys would do anything to try and win that match. And what happened earlier on that night? Robert Main attacked John making it impossible for him to perform his duties as the ref. Which lead to me having to step in. But night after night, show after show Ax3 shows up and alters the outcomes of matches with their antics and somehow according to Vinnie Lane we are the bad guys. It's unbelievable. Where was he when Ax3 took over Savage? Where was Vinnie Lane when his GM’s were screaming for something to be done about Michael Graves? I stepped in to support the management team just like any good CEO should do. But Vinnie was certainly happy to blatanly screw John Blaq, out of the Federweight Title just so his new partner James Raven could remain a champion. Everyone saw it. The evidence is still there for anyone who cares to look for it, they barely even have to try. And then this past week on Warfare Vinnie and his goons show up to attack us in our lockeroom as we are leaving for the night. What is that? When have The Kings™ attacked anyone? Look Steve, the truth is, Vinnie has been an excellent owner of the XWF, though ironically that isn’t what Jon Brown had to say right before he revealed himself. Part of me wonders if Vinnie knew that Jon Brown was going to take a giant shovel and bury everything that Lane had spent months building or if Brown went off book so to speak. But like I said, Lane did a great job resurrecting the XWF but now he has the worst case of paranoia and tunnel vision that I’ve ever seen. He’s declared war on the Kings™, making it out like we are trying to undo everything he’s worked so hard for and it’s all based on what? Certainly not evidence of any kind as I’ve just outlined. But do you know what I find most fascinating about all of this Steve?” Theo says as he leans forward in his chair. His hands firmly planted atop his knees.

”It’s that Vinnie Lane acts like he cares about the legacy of the XWF, that he cares about his roster, he says all these things and yet when it comes down to it, it’s all a lie. If he cared about his roster why would he take a tag title title match away from Steve Davids and whoever his partner would have been? If he cared about his roster why would he put Peter Gilmour in a match against James Raven? A match we all knew was only going to end one way. If he cared about his roster why would be go out and get guys like the aforementioned Raven and Jon Brown to be his partners? Effectively burying his own roster by showing that he has absolutely zero faith in them. Vinnie won’t say it but he obviously believed that even though he had his pick of any two members of his roster that no combination of him and current stars could have helped him win a war that he started. A war that is all based on his own little fantasy. The truly sad part about all of this Steve is that in Vinnie’s own quest to play the hero he has become the villain. But at the end of the day Steve, I have faith in the fans of the XWF and of the rest of the XWF roster to see beyond Vinnie’s words and instead focus on his actions.”

"Wow. Those are some powerful words. Maybe it's me, maybe I am reading this wrong but this feels personal between you and Vinnie. Is it?"

"You know Steve I'd like to sit here and say it isn't but that would be a lie. I take it personal when someone questions my ethics and my morality. I take it personal when someone flat out lies about me and my intentions. I take it personal when someone accuses me, accuses The Kings ™ of doing things they haven't. We tried very hard to come in here and do the ring thing in a federation that is so used to seeing the opposite and yet despite all those efforts Vinnie for reasons that I still have not been able to figure out has just gone off the deep end. All we ever wanted was to help Doctor D'Ville defend the titles. All I ever wanted, and I said it from the beginning was a partnership with Vinnie. To work with him and all he has done since we came back was paint us as being the bad guys. So yes, I take that very personally. Vinnie thinks that the outcome of this match is a foregone conclusion, but history is replete with those who have been punished for overestimating the strength of their position. I think High Stakes is going to be a learning opportunity for Vinnie Lane."

"Ok. I know we are running out of time here and while you have talked at great length about Vinnie Lane you haven't really discussed his partners, former XWF owners and legends James Raven and Jonathyn Brown. Do you have anything you'd like to say about them?"

”Well Steve I think it’s fantastic that two guys who left the XWF years ago have agreed to come back. Maybe it’s just for one night, maybe it’s for the foreseeable future, either way that’s a good thing for the fans. Judging by their reactions they are excited and I’m excited for them. Beyond that I’ll be honest with you Steve I don’t know a ton about either James or Jon. I know both owned the company prior to Shane taking control. Looking at Raven’s list of accomplishments which I assume to be accurate then they paint the picture of someone who has been extremely successful in this business. That being said, I find it interesting that someone with as much success as he’s had would come back and demand a match with Peter Gilmour of all people. Why do that? If you are James Raven and you’ve done it all as he has, why demand to face someone like Peter? Someone you are clearly better than. Is it because you have a grudge that spans almost a decade and you can’t just let it go? Is it because you enjoy beating on guys who could compete in the Special Olympics and no one would bat an eye? What is it? I’m genuinely curious. As far as Jon Brown goes, I know absolutely nothing about him as a wrestler, I’d assume he’s pretty good if Lane bypassed every single member of the roster to bring him back. Bold move. Especially with how Jon ran down the roster, ran down the job that Shane and Vinnie have done. He took a giant crap all over their legacy and what did Vinnie and Shane do? They cheered. They stood there and cheered while Brown disrespected them both. Pretty bold move if you ask me but Vinnie says he knows what he’s doing and in a few days we're going to find out if he truly does.” Theo remarks with a bit of a smirk.

”Unfortunately that is all the time we have. Theo, Brianna I really appreciate your time and of course for inviting us into your lovely home. Good luck at High Stakes.”

Theo, Brianna and Steve all stand up from their seats as the scene fades to black.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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