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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "CCPE Cannabis Cup 2022" RP Board
Thoughts and Aftermath - Duke vs Rayne - RP#1
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Sebastian Duke Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

01-14-2013, 11:35 AM

Sebastian Duke leans against the blacked out Chevy Tahoe just outside the front door of the Compound. It's a bright, sunny and unusually warm sunny day for this time of year in New England. Asmodeus strolls over to the Tahoe.

ASMODEUS: "That did not go exactly according to plan, Sebastian."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "You're real observant. Aren't you?"

Asmodeus takes the hint that Sebastian Duke, to say the least, is NOT in a very good mood. He switches his focus from the failure to strangers infiltrating the Compound to secure the release of Griffin MacAlister.

ASMODEUS: "The damages, all totaled, only about eight thousand dollars."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Is that including the Tahoe?"

ASMODEUS: "What is wrong with the truck?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "I guess you're not very observant at all, are you?"

Asmodeus look around at the truck. He noticed four flat tires.

ASMODEUS: "Ohhhh. Sebastian, I did not notice the tires. Perhaps I should add another twelve hundred to that total."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "No. You'll add a lot more then that. You see, I always thought we'd be left alone out here. We're close to the ocean but it's also a countryside."

ASMODEUS: "Well, it is very picturesque. New England has very beautiful countrysides."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Do you think I care about picturesque? No. Asmodeus, I do not. What I care about is security. My privacy has been invaded. I assure you, there will not be a next time. You see, Asmodeus. Never again will anyone infiltrate my Compound."

ASMODEUS: "I am unsure of where you are going here. Please, Sebastian. Elaborate."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "You've seen the security at the White House? My security, will make theirs seem..... like childs play. You see, Asmodeus.... Never again will my estate be breached by unwelcome visitors. For if it is... they will be met with deadly force. Blood will be shed... Bodies added to my growing collection."

ASMODEUS: "I imagine, Sebastian, that this would be very costly. How to you presume to be able to afford that?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Have you ever wondered, Asmodeus, WHY I picked New England? Why I settled here? New England is home to the most famous American political family in all of its 237 year history. Maybe, just maybe, I had a sense that this might happen once I found and captured MacAlister. Maybe, before we got 'shut down' by 'them,' I had Luke do a little digging on the side to.... secure some funds."

ASMODEUS: "Are you telling me you stole Kennedy money?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "No. They donated it to charity."

ASMODEUS: "Sebastian, that's fraud. We are NOT a charity."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Well, when you have bleeding hearts like the Kennedy's and your fake website is a start-up charity and your target is the egotistical Kennedy's, they pretty much hand you whatever amount you want."

ASMODEUS: "I am lost. Stop skirting the subject. Tell me. What do you mean?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Alright, I'll level with you. The Kennedy's are suckers to have their name attached to anything charitable. Especially when it's start-up money. Especially when the first ad's they see are crying babies and cute puppies."

ASMODEUS: "That is..... awesome. How much?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Way more then Luke asked for. That's all you need to know."

ASMODEUS: "So... when do we start on the security thing?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "I sent Jacob and Luke into town for a tow truck in order to get the Tahoe back on the road. While they are in town they were instructed to locate the finest personal security firm in the nation and have their officials sent here."

ASMODEUS: "Any idea when they might show up here?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "We should know more upon their return to the Compound. Has anyone heard from, or seen, Jonathan? His disappearence has me worried."

ASMODEUS: "Not since I sent him down to check on MacAlister before 'they' showed up."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "What? You sent him down there alone?"

ASMODEUS: "Certainly. I thought, at the time, that Griffin MacAlister was safe and secure...."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Have you sent anyone down there to see if he's there?"

ASMODEUS: "Absolutely not. You know I don't like them going down there. Especially with a loose nut like MacAlister."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Yet you sent Jonathan?"

ASMODEUS: "I did not see the harm. Face it, Sebastian, Jonathan is a very stupid boy. What harm could he have done?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Aparently enough to secure Griffin's ability to free himself."

Sebastian Duke walks toward the busted up doorway of the Compound.

ASMODEUS: "Where are you going?"

Asmodeus follows Duke, although behind many paces.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "The dungeon!"

12 hours earlier, Sebastian Duke stands in the dungeon, Griffin MacAlister still secured to the floor. The loud hum of the generator in the distance. Sebastian Duke stands, arms folded, in front of MacAlister. All the torture Sebastian has conducted in the recent days and in years' passed, until now, electricity was never used. He preferred torture of a medieval nature. Since he has power in the dungeon, for the first time ever, his wheels are turnin'. Unsure how to best utilize the electricity. Suddenly, an idea. He walks off leaving MacAlister secured to the floor. Moments later he returns with a long orange extension cord. Duke, with a knife in hand proceeds to cut off the one end. He bares the wires so that the insulated copper is no longer insulated. He turns to Jacob and nods. The camera turns to Jacob and shows him plugging the other end into the generator. Sebastian Duke touches the two wires together emitting sparks. He now moves in toward Griffin MacAlister who looks up at him in fear. Sebastian Duke touches this wires to the forhead of MacAlister sending volts of electricity into his skull. MacAlister can't scream, although he'd like to. The dose of electricity coursing through him has rendered his muscles and vocal chords temporarily useless. Seconds later, the electrocution of Griffin MacAlister stops. The hum of the generator stops also.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Whats wrong?"

JACOB: "It's out of fuel."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Do we have more?"

JACOB: "We're out."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Take the Tahoe into town. Get more. Hurry back."

Jacob, in a hurried manner, exits the dungeon.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "While I have a few minutes, I guess I'll take a little time and address my opponent for Warfare on Wednesday night.....

"Brett Rayne... You have arrived in the XWF and you very quickly have placed a very large target on your back. A number of XWF superstars want to get their hands on you and shut you up. Put you in your place. I'm happy to say, that I am the one that gets to do it.

"You see, Playboy, this match is X-Treme Rules! An environment I excel in. If you don't believe me, ask Benjamin Crane. Ask him what kind of punishment he received at the hands of Sebastian Duke...

"It would be unfair for me to compare you to Crane though. After all, he talks a game, and backs it up. You talk a game as well, but until this week, you haven't yet had the chance to back it up. Yet you do get that chance this week don't you? You have the chance to go out there and get utterly embarassed in your XWF debut. Which is exactly what's going to happen...

"Brett Rayne, you come in here speaking in the third person like you're pretending to be something your not. Quite literally I think you ARE pretending to be something your not....

"You're pretending to be good at what you do....

"You're pretending to be a real tough guy....

"You're pretending to be able to stand toe to toe with me...

"That's all well and good Brett, but do so at your own risk...

"Brett, I am not a nice man. I do not play well with others. I do things my way, like it or not....

"You see, Brett Rayne, you only have to look at some of the things I've done since coming here. Not even just in the ring....

"I tortured my own father, for violating the plan...

"I put Jesus Christ back where he belongs...

"I burned a man at the stake for trying to kill me by poisoning me with Holy Water...

"I broke an unbreakable code and found out the XWF identity of a man named Nick Donnelly...

"A man that tried to kill me...

"A man that sits there in that chair....


"Waiting to die...

"Waiting to live...

"He doesn't know. All he knows is that a machine designed to bring the dead back to life has jolted his brain so much it's probably damn near mush by now...

"A man in which I just electrocuted with bare wires, just for fun...

"My own amusement...

"See, I wish you could smell it...

"That pungent odor of burned flesh...

"Speaking of burned flesh, allow me to show you my small collection I started... Follow me..."

Sebastian Duke turns and walks toward the door. The XWF camera man hesitates, but does as instructed and follows Sebastian Duke through the door. On the other side of the doorway are 3 old jail cells. He grabs long black keys from the wall. Reminiscent of skeleton keys. He unlocks the center cell and opens the door. On the floor, in the center, lay a mound of something, covered in a black robe. Duke removes the robe and reveals the burned and charred body.

"The man I told you about. The one that attempted to murder me with Holy Water. Here he lies for all eternity. For his sins against the Throne of Evil."

Sebastian Duke re-covers the body of Steven then exits and locks the cell. He moves on to the farthest cell. He unlocks it and enters. He removes the robe covering a structure that leans against the wall. It is a man secured to a cross.

"I told you about putting Jesus Christ back where he belongs. You probably don't know since you weren't here then. See, he was a guest on Madness a few weeks back. Me and my Followers took him, then re-attached him to that cross....

"I must say, he may be my crowning achievment...."

Duke re-covers Jesus and exits, then locks the cell again. He turns back toward the doorway leading to the torture chamber. He stops at the first cell and points into it. The camera follows the point and reveals an empty cell.

"You see, Brett Rayne. This one is empty. It's reserved for future use....

"Oh relax.... It's not for you. No, see.... this cell is where the future corpse of Griffin MacAlister will rot in peace....

"Just like the others...

"Brett Rayne, Wednesday night is right around the corner. Are you prepared for the biggest fight of your life? Are you prepared to do what is neccesary to defeat me?

"I didn't think so... But, don't beat yourself up over it. Very few are. If you take away matches lost due to outside influence or self sacrifice, I've only lost one. That one loss though was my own fault. I underestimated him. Never again though. I understimate no one. Not even you. I don't underestimate your ability, but do not confuse that with lack of confidence. You see, Brett.... I am extremely confidant that I will beat you. I am extremely confident, that you will fail....

"I am the Angel of Darkness, Brett Rayne, and I have placed a nice big target on your back.....

"Partially for you running your mouth....

"Mostly though, for my own amusement...."

Sebastian Duke walks through the doorway back into the dungeon. He nears MacAlister, still secured to the floor and a chair, then drops to his knees. His face gets uncomfortably close to MacAlisters and he grabs Griff by the hair and slams his head back against the chair. MacAlister winces in pain.

"Griffin MacAlister.... Nick Donnelly.... Whatever you choose to call yourself. It seems as though you have gotten a temporary reprieve. You see, Jacob is in town and taking much longer than I expected. Your captor and tormentor is getting very tired. Plus, he has a battle with Ursula Areano tomorrow night. So, for tonight, at least.... You continue to breathe."

[i]Sebastian Duke releases his grip on MacAlisters hair and stands to his feet. He walks off as the camera fades out.

[Image: Chamber.jpg]

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