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Dance Again 2 (vs Nio vs Griffin MacAlister)
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01-14-2013, 10:57 AM

By nightfall, the heat had subsided in the luxurious Japanese apartment.

We were in the bedroom, Mattaki and I. After we danced in the living room, we danced a different kind of dance in there. We fell asleep, woke up, did it again, fell asleep again, and now we were up again.

Mattaki was holding me from behind, gently kissing the back of my neck from time to time. We were in silence. Comfortable silence. The kind where you can just let your mind drift and yet still be anchored with your company. It was cool. I liked moments like that.

I didn't think we were going to talk at all. I thought we were going to do it again before falling asleep. Though to be honest, I was already exhausted... but whenever Mattaki touched me, it ignited a fire within me. And yeah, for some reason, he also could make me talk like I was in an erotic novel.

But he surprised me with a bit of moonlight talking. I don't remember what time it was, but it was late, past midnight. The moon was full so it was pretty bright in the bedroom. I loved it when the moon was full like that...

"Why do you think you don't need training anymore?" Mattaki asked, kind of out of the blue.

It took me a moment to remember why he was asking that. He was referring to what we were talking about earlier in the day.

"Because I'm not fighting every week anymore?" I answered, without much thought or trouble.

"I thought you trained to be strong. To always be at your best. I thought we had that in common," he said.

I sensed a strange tone in his voice. I wondered if he was disappointed.

"Are you mad at me for not keeping up with my training?" I asked back, a bit stung by the fact that he could be angry at me for something like that.

He held me a bit tighter and replied, a bit softly, "No. I'm just wondering why you would stop."

I decided at this stage to turn around and face him. It seemed like that kind of talk. And I was missing his face. Yeah, I know, I can be corny as hell too. Sue me. Well, not really, don't sue me. I'm broke.

So anyway, I turned around and explained that, "Well, it's not that I don't want to be at my best but... I'm happy. You know? I don't feel the need anymore. I'm happy just doing other stuff. Other stuff with you. That's all that matters to me now."

His fingers were drawing little circles on my rib. It tickled a little bit, but it was nice also. I didn't mind.

"You shouldn't center your world around me," he said, sounding concerned.

I almost let out a laugh as I replied with another question, "Why not?"

He avoided my eyes for a moment. He became suddenly very serious. "Because, you'll end up having regrets and resenting me for it," he said.

It kind of dawned on me where he was coming from and what could be on his mind.

"You don't seriously think I have any regrets following you here?" I asked.

His eyes met mine again. And for the first time, I saw worry in his eyes. I got to say it was weird to see. Then he asked me, quite directly, "Do you?"

I looked down at his arm which was holding me. I was gathering my thoughts for a second, to make sure I was going to say what I wanted to say right. You do that when it's someone you really care about.

"No, I don't," I answered when I was ready. I looked back at him. At his face. At his face that I was so addicted to. "I was in the XWF for the challenge it brought me. I was there because I had nothing else. I was good for one thing and that was fighting. I fought, I won, I even lost and bounced back. And yes, I enjoyed it. Until I met you. Then I realised I could have more than just the satisfaction of quenching my bloodlust."

"I don't want you to look back on your life and be sorry for the choice you made with me," he said. I was really surprised by how worried he was about this.

I grabbed onto his arm, firmly, and I said, "Mattaki, I can imagine my life without the XWF, the fights, the glory. I am actually living without that in my life right now. But life without you? I don't think so! I'd much rather die, thank you very much."

"Don't say that."

"But it's true! I'm not even exagerrating. I really think I'd just wither and die without you. So, stop worrying! I'm happy. I'll be happy as long as we stay together. That's all that matters to me. That and having mini Mattakis and Neptunes around!"

I flashed him a big grin and yeah, he couldn't help but break his worried face and laugh.

"You're such a goob. We might have some issues with that," he said, poking my stomach.

But I was a bit delirious with Mattaki fever as I said, giggling, "You'll make it happen. You made us happen, remember?"

"That was easy as pie. You put out on the first date."

I gasped! "I DID NOT!" I yelled back. Then I added "Screw you, you jerk!" for good measure.

Mattaki smirked as he quickly got on top of me, pinning my hands on the bed when I tried to push him off.

"Pfft. I'd much rather do the screwing, thanks," he said, interlocking his fingers with mine.

I rolled my eyes, finding it hard to keep from smiling, and I replied, "Whatever, you suck."

"Sure, why not."

Psh, I should've seen that one coming.

"You're so lame," I said.

Then he smiled and then he kissed me.

Finally Griffin MacAlister says something meaningful... Is what nobody said... Ever. The guy wants to try to dance around reality but here's a question, when's the last time anybody saw Griffin MacAlister beat anybody good? Memory a little hazy? Can't really remember? Don't worry because nobody else can either but he's not a punching bag, HE'S GOT MORE WINS THAN LOSSES DAMN IT!

Listen closely Griffin, you're a punching bag, a stepping stone, a nobody, NOTHING! Hell I'm not even sure I believe you actually have more wins than losses but I'll take your word for it slugger. All I know is that it damn sure seems to me like every time I'm watching one of your matches you're the one that ends up flat on his back especially when you have to fight anybody worth a damn. So, are you a still a punching bag in my book? YEP!

Then you have the nerve to call what I said adorable when you come out of left field with some Faceless bullshit? My god man if what I said to you was adorable then that shit was like a puppy and a kitten sleeping in a basket full of rose petals. Adorableness overload!

First of all asshat when Shane was prancing around as Faceless talking all of his shit trying to get the slightest bit of attention from James Raven, Big Shank, Mattaki Fukushuu, and I, guess what happened? NONE of us even dignified his try hard tactics with a response. Why? Here's a novel concept Griffin, we had matches against EACH OTHER and didn't really give a shit about some talentless douche in a mask running his mouth for attention. Now are you really trying to sit there and tell me that I was supposed to take my attention off of a couple of XWF Legends in order to focus on some fuckhead named Faceless? Of course you are because you're a fucking idiot!

Oh no the big bad attention whore said mean things about me, let me drop everything and turn all of my attention to him LIKE HE WANTS! Jesus, Griffin, no wonder you don't beat anybody that's worth a damn. Oh and I love how Shane running his mouth is the same thing as Scorpio making you his bitch like everybody else with an ounce of talent has done. How many drugs did you take before cutting that promo, I mean this bullshit made sense to you in your head? Really?

By the way, after Shane failed to get my attention he carried his ass back to the shadows with his tail between his legs. If he REALLY wanted to fight me he would have made it happen but obviously all he wanted was some free promotion that I didn't give him. Yep, he's my bully, you got me.

Last but not least, as far as me working for a racist homophobic Nazi sympathizer... and? I eat at chick-fil-a too, them sammiches are good! Made with hate just the way I like em!

I like my sammiches like I like my money Griffin, full of hate. Seriously though, what am I supposed to do, leave? I'm sure that would totally make things better and not let the racist win. You know as compared to winning a title KKK MONEY paid for and strapping it around my glistening yellow waist. I dunno about you Griffin but I feel pretty damn good about myself for forcing Shane and his racist buddies to constantly look at me with the Xtreme Title. Oh and the cherry on top? HE'S PAYING ME FOR IT! Way to go Griffin, you really put your brilliance on display jackass. Perhaps you should only speak when you know what the fuck you're talking about from now on huh? Which basically means.... shut the fuck up dumbass!

Anyway, enough about that piece of crap. Let's move on to Mr. Matrix. Yeah, Nio, I called you Mr. Matrix. Your panties twisting yet? I think I hear them working themselves into a bunch this very second. Wait, what's that other sound I hear. Is that your asshole tightening up? IT IS! And I would know, I'M FABULOUS! Speaking of that, you claim I should stop putting my sexuality out there if I don't want to hear any gay jokes and yet you make promos pretty much inviting jokes about the Matrix? Hypocrite, much? Also, maybe you care about what others think of you, but I don't which is why I INVITED the gay jokes. I don't give a fuck about gay jokes, they don't work just like I said they don't. I went toe to toe with James fucking Raven and Big Shank for Christ sake! What the hell are these douchenozzles in today's XWF going to say that LEGENDS couldn't come up with? I just think it's funny that's all they have. However as far as me getting them to stop? Fuck that, they can throw them at me as much as they want. I can take a dick far better than I can take these gay jokes and I'm taking the gay jokes like a fucking champ. That's not all though because I love Mattaki's mangravy, LOVE IT. I could do this all day but you straight boys have such imaginations when it comes to gay people feel free to add your own favorites to that list.

I’ve truly missed this, the opportunity to decimate the idiotic ramblings of a moron with delusions of grandeur, really I have. It's one thing to break someone in the ring but it’s a whole different feeling to be able to shatter someone in every way imaginable. However Nio has given me so much to talk about that my cup runneth over. Where to go from here, where to go from here. I think a good place to go next is something I’ve been accused of and that’s trying to use my words to “fool” you. Oh did I Nio? Did I try to fool people with my words? Really now because I don’t remember that but it seems to me like somebody is trying to push their insecurities on me.

“I proceeded to pick up win after win, beating the likes of the undefeated Mattaki…have…relations with a shoe…stupid rated show…and the always idiotic Nick Ryan.

Neither of which involved my manager, Miyoko Kawashima.”

Come on now Nio you’re better than that and more importantly, I’m better than that. Did you actually think for one second that I would just sit back and let that shit slide? You can try to pull the wool over the fans' eyes all you want, that I really don’t give a shit about. However the moment you tried to drag my man’s name through the mud, that’s when you fucked up. So here, choke on it bitch.

MATTAKI makes a throat slash motion signaling that he intends on finishing things, that is all the motivation that MIYOKO needs to jump back up on the apron. MATTAKI looks at her for a split second but and then turns his attention right back to NIO. Not trying to be ignored MIYOKO pushes past the referee and charges towards MATTAKI with her fist pulled back like she’s going to punch him. Without even looking her way, MATTAKI superkicks MIYOKO sending her down to the mat hard. MIYOKO rolls out of the ring to get her bearings and out of nowhere NIO rolls up MATTAKI with a schoolboy, HE’S GOT A HANDFUL OF TIGHTS! The referee makes the count, 1...2.... SHOULDER UP....NO! The referee doesn’t see it and counts to THREE!


Now who’s the one trying to fool people? Not only did you not beat Mattaki without interference, you didn’t REALLY beat him at all! Yet of course a lesser talent such as yourself is going to cling to victories over superior competitors no matter how tainted they are and even try to convince people that they were legitimate once a little time has passed. I guess you thought nobody would remember and even if they did they wouldn’t be able to produce the footage huh? Well think again asshole. You really should have just left it alone Nio, instead of doing your best blowfish impersonation by trying to make people think you’re bigger and tougher than you actually are. You see the only thing your little blowfish act accomplished was making me want to dig deeper into the past just to see how full of shit you actually are. Oh and Nio I never said the past wasn’t important, I just said your victory over me wasn’t memorable and after going back and actually reliving it, it wasn’t!

The crowd is on its feet cheering now as both men get to the top and begin to pick themselves up. Seeing each other, both men stand to their feet and face each other. The big NIO is having trouble balancing himself as the always nimble NEPTUNE seems right at home. NIO takes a step towards NEPTUNE is met with a TECHNIQUE OF THE MOON RISING!!!! NEPTUNE JUST HIT HIS SIGNATURE MOVE! NIO FALLS HARD ONTO HIS BACK ONTO THE TOP OF THE CAGE AND ROLLS OFF THE SIDE. AT THE SAME TIME, NEPTUNE, OFF BALANCE FROM THE KICK, FALLS BACKWARDS. BOTH MEN ARE FALLING TO THE GROUND!! OH MY GOD! WHO IS GOING TO HIT FIRST?!?!

Officials seem confused, and after a review of the videotape..

NIO’s foot hit the floor a split second before NEPTUNE’s!


Wow, yep Nio, you sure showed me. Everybody at home please stand up and give Nio a round of applause for being lucky enough to fall off the top of a cage after I knocked him the fuck out. I mean pinning somebody or making them submit? Pfft, that takes no skill at all. On the other hand getting your ass kicked and lucking into a title victory? Now that takes skill! So just never mind all of the times I beat Nio by pinfall because they all pale in comparison to the epic scale of ownage that Nio unleashed on me by falling off that cage ONE TIME. So yes Nio I’m obviously not over it and I’m oh so jealous since you went on to accomplish more than me in the XWF. By the way do any of you actually believe he went on to accomplish more than me? Of course you do because nothing I’ve presented in this promo would suggest that Nio is anything other than a standup guy who would never make shit up just to make himself look good. I feel dirty for even saying that... I mean I almost know what a hooker feels like now, that’s how dirty I feel.

Anyway let’s take a look at what Nio and I have done since he “beat” me for the Hart Title. He’s won a couple of X-treme Titles which was commonly known as the lowest championship on the totem pole before the Heavymetal Weight Title came along. Meanwhile I went on to become a Tag Champion before leaving the XWF for about a year then returning and winning the same X-treme Title that somehow makes Nio better than me without even breaking a sweat. Yes Nio, you sure surpassed me, how could I ever accomplish the things that you’ve managed to accomplish in this federation? Please I have to know, is it your goal to sound like a tard or is your brain just unable to distinguish fact from reality anymore since you’re so used to saying whatever bullshit comes to mind and hoping nobody notices?

You’re just as sad and pathetic as I said you were, then and now. You have never and will never be able to surpass me talent wise because point blank, you’re just not good enough. My skills haven’t diminished and yours damn sure haven’t grown enough for you to even claim to be on the level below the one I’m on. Have you beaten me before? Yes you have, in the loosest sense of word imaginable. However now you actually have to beat me for real. Do you honestly think you can put me down for a three count? See that’s just it Nio, I don’t have to think I can, I KNOW I CAN! It’s happened MULTIPLE TIMES and I didn’t need the help of a manager or luck in order to make it happen. I did it all on my own just like I will Monday. Oh and don’t worry Nio, I’m sure once you go on another massive losing streak Shane will feel just as bad for you as Jon did so he’ll let the baby have his bottle. Aka let you have your Miyoko because that’s the only time in your entire career that you were worth a damn.

However before that happens Nio let me share a little knowledge with you; people like you who NEED a leg up on the competition in order to accomplish anything are only hurting themselves in the end. If you need any proof of that then just look at who was voted into the baseball hall of fame this year since the ballot was stocked with people known to NEED a little edge on the competition. Nobody Nio, that’s exactly what you are with no backup; nobody.

~|~ The Deadliest Weapons Will Bring Your End ~|~

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