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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Beers were drank, Tables broken, Pipebomb dropped
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Mezian Offline
Does Fate Whispers Your Name?

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05-11-2017, 03:52 PM

Thursday, May 11th East End Cincinnati Ohio

The sounds of a busy street echoes through the alleyway near a whole in the wall bar.The name "Skip's Bar and Tavern" flash off and on in the decades-old neon sign.Its smells of stale beer and old cigarettes, although you can't smoke in bars in Ohio.Mezain had always enjoyed small places like this, no people, no loud music just you and your drink.There were maybe four people including the bartender in this little dive.Mezisn just wanted to get a drink or two before heading back to the house.

It had been a rough week, arguing with Marsha, Ezariaha not taking well to the teachings, and his son Sionn was almost done with school and the schedule fo the xwf meant he wouldn't see him much over the summer.But he just wants to have a few to clear his mind.Although he shouldn't with the meds he was on.But fucked why not whats the worse that can happen.

Mezian sat down, Matt sat next to him. They ordered double shots of Jameson.The bartender looks confused as to what they had ordered.

I'm Sorry boys what was that?I didn't hear you right.

Double Shot Of Jameson Whiskey

Yeah, make it two of them...Please.

I'm sorry, but we only have Jim Beam and good'ol Jack Daniel's.And we have well whiskey if you're into that. But no Jameson.

Okay well, do you have any type of Apple cider Beers? Maybe an Angry Orchard or Strongbow.

Yeah, id fucking kill for a Strongbow.

Nope, none of that either we sell beer Jim and Jack none of that fancy shit.I think you guys may have come to the wrong place.You boys from around here?

Yep born and raised here in Cincinnati.

We will just take two Budweiser's or whatever you guys got cold. No worries man.

Mezain and Matt drink their beers in relative silence. Ordering round after round for half and hour.With seventh beer in them, Matt notices a pool table and the fact no one is using it.

Hey, Pat, there is pool table wanna get your ass kicked a few times before we go home?

Of course, YOUR END IS NIGH!!

Come on man that shit doesn't work on me.

Well, at least I can try.

The two set up the game and rack the balls grab the sticks that weren't bent or broken and start their game. The two bicker back and forth for a while when Matt pulls out his phone.

Dude, did you see the promo that Nixon posted? It's kinda gnarly.

No, I didn't, I left my phone in the car.Let me see.

Mezain stood there in the bar watching the promo. He gripped the pool stick tighter and tighter the more he heard Nixon speak.He nearly snapped it in his hands.

Okay, Fuck that guy I'm gonna shoot a promo right here. I'm not gonna let that out of touch has been windbag talk to me that way.Matt start recording on your phone.

Mezian stood next to the pool table. His eyes seething with anger he smiles and begins to speak.

That has to be the cutest thing I have ever seen.You think because I haven't fought "notable' people you can just assume a victory.Let's see why don't you ask John Blaq oh wait he retired after I beat him. Or maybe Shade....He can't really speak with his jaw wired shut. So what do you think is going to happen to you Saturday?I promi.....

Mezain is interrupted by the other three people in the bar.

What're you doing over there? Can we have the table or not?Is that a video for your boyfriend overseas?

No....I'm cutting a promo you insipid inbred fuck bag.So quiet the fuck down!

Promo? what's that? Is that something you do on Facebook or some shit?

No, I work for the XWF, I have a match Saturday and I'm trying to do some shit talking.Now, please.Leave me the FUCK ALONE!

That is all fine and good but we want the table so can we have the table?

Mezain obviously looks enraged by their interruption. He just wanted to cut a quick promo.finish his game and his beer and go home.But no they have to keep running their mouth.

Fine you want the table....I 'll give you the fucking table.

Pat, what are you doing?Don't do anything stupid.You don't want to get the police involved.

Mezain walked over to the three hecklers and smashed one in the head with the stick in his hand.reapeatedly over and over again until he had no stick left and the man had stopped making noise.the next man had rushed mezian and pushed him back to the table. The man was holding mezains head down while punching his face. Mezain is laughing the entire time. Mezain finds the 8ball with his hands and begins to swing at the man's head. With a loud thud the ball makes contact with his temple, the man goes limp.The third man stands in horror as Mezain stands over his friend cover in blood laughing.The third man tried to back away and run out of the door, but Mezian caught him. Mezian kicked him in the gut and hoists him up on his shoulders. He walks with the man pleading for mercy, over to the pool table.He hoists the man up and...Apocalypse Now. he hoists him back up.Apocalypse now and again and again and again. Until the table buckles and collapses to the floor. Mezian stands up covered in the blood of the men calmly walks over and finishes his beer.then looks at the camera on Matt's phone.

I hope you saw that Thomas.You don't know what I am capable of.So take fucking notice, this is the end of the archaic reign of you and all of the other has been.I don't care who you are, what faction you belong to if you own half of the company the result will be the same.I am done with the politics and I'm done with the bullshit.So comes Saturday I'm going to end your pathetic reign as champion.The only reason you even started fighting against because you were stripped of the trios titles.You should have given them up and left the xwf alone.But no you had to go and start running your mouth. When it's done with you do yourself and the company a favor hang up and go back to sacrifice some hookers.

Mezain walks outside to the car and grabs his phone and an envelope of money.he calls someone named Mike.

Hey, mike I need a clean up at a Skips Bar and Tavern. Three bodies and some billiards equipment....No, I won't need you to clean up any witnesses. The one that saw everything will be helpful.Won't you.

Mezain looks at the Bartender handing him the envelope with 20k cash in it.The bartender smiles and shakes his head.

Okay you have an hour before the things start to get smelly so hurry up.You have a nice day mike.Your payment will be in the bank when I get a callback.

Mezain smiles at the bartender walks away with matt behind him.

Oh.. and if this get out and anyone else is involved ill come burn this place down with you and everyone else in it.You have a nice day now.

Now I know why you can't drink on your meds.That was scary as all fuck man.

Did you send that to the website?

Yeah, Was I not supposed to?

Good, I do enjoy doing this job.I do hope Mike calls me back. I"d hate for this to get out of hand

To Be Continued.....

[Image: lXVtJMr.jpg]

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