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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » 24/7 Heavy Metalweight Championship
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8-Bit Pin Era
Author Message
Jody Madrox Away

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

04-30-2017, 04:49 PM

We see Mario walking down the Heavymetal Hallway with his 24/7 alfiler belt pinned on his shoulder. He see's a new guy wanting him to try some Shrooms.

Oh Shit man, I remember you, I remember playing you as a kid growing upin a time. I am surprised you are around here not trying to save Peach with your pingas!

Anyways, try some Shrooms, they will make you stronger!

Jody gives some to Super Mario, and suddenly we see him falling on the ground as he envision a gomba on top of him.

Damn hoime, I got you the wrong shit, X-SHROOMS was the one I was supposed to give you. It will ware off in a minute.

Jody then just pins this spingette eating plumbing niptalian fat fuck with a Koopa Troopa stuffed animal on to his body.


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Super Mario Offline
The Game Has Changed and So Have I

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

04-30-2017, 05:29 PM





bin (upside down pin)


pin in title


pin in spingette

and pingas in thread description

playing also has p-i-n in it


the effects of the mushroom wear off and Mario immediately rips his attackers troopa in half after slugging Jody square in the jaw
he then grabs him by the neck and chopping up the nearest high platform throws him from it and sends him crashing onto his mushroom stand which breaks into pieces upon said crash as Mario then jumping off lands with a bullseye onto Jody's Chest with a Super Mario Stomp

he then looks at the mushrooms and sees the problem "you know your mushrooms are outdated they're no good just like you!" he says to him and leaves his attacker in the pile walking off with his gold

[Image: 7288a5ce883b155ddbaf03e64e671bd0.jpg]

This Ain't No Game!
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Arnold “Chubby” Fletcher Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

04-30-2017, 09:36 PM

Looks good to me!

Winner and still HMW Champ
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