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I don't need no doctor!
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"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves

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04-28-2017, 08:02 PM

All of my life, for as long as I can remember, it was always me, and Steve, and Dan, and Jerry… and that demon… and honestly about a hundred different voices all whispering different thoughts, feelings, and directions into my ear. Most people thought that something was wrong with me. They labeled me crazy, and often attempted to force me into psychiatric care. Doctors and pills were never the answer though. All a Doctor does is force you to talk about things that you would rather leave buried in the past, then ask you questions that make you feel stupid. It’s like that time that I told my psychiatrist about how I tried to have sex with my cat, Pearlie, when I was a child. I explained to him that I really loved my kitty, and I just wanted to show her how much. After I opened up and shared that story with him, he had the gall to ask me if I felt unloved as a child?


Then there’s the pills. These fuckers think that every problem can be solved by swallowing a pill, or five. You’re having suicidal thoughts? Here, take some Paxil. What’s that? The Paxil is making it hard for you to sleep? Here, take some Rozerem. Oh, that’s causing Irritable bowel syndrome? Well take this, take that, take this, lets up your dosage of that…

I don’t take their medications anymore. One day, sick of feeling… well sick. I decided that I wasn’t going to play this doctor game anymore. I mean, who in the fuck are they to tell me what’s normal and what’s not? This society claims to celebrate individualism, then turns around and judges you for being different. Fuck that, and fuck society and the doctors who push their agenda! I’m me, and Steve, and all of those other guys, but I like us! Or at least I did. You see, a couple of weeks ago something happened. I woke up in a hospital bed and there was a hollow emptiness in my head. Steve, Dan, Jake, Tommy… All gone. For the first time… I was alone with my thoughts. Not that there was much activity up there at the time. I had forgotten a lot of what had happened over the last few days. I could see remnants of my memories, but it was like looking through a thick fog. I did finally remember that it was Dolly Waters who had put me in this position. She had attacked me with a barbwire baseball bat over and over again. Direct shots to the face. Shots that not only scrambled my brain, but did a number on my once rugged good looks as well. The funny part was, even though I knew that the acceptable reaction to Dolly’s actions was anger and revenge. I found myself, laying in that bed with that brutal scene of a teenage girl dishing out the beating of my life, and I didn’t feel anger. Instead… love.

Before I checked out with Terry, the doctor felt it necessary to talk to me about my injuries. He explained that my nose required reconstructive surgery, that my left orbital socket was fractured, and that I had suffered a pretty severe concussion. He seemed to be most concerned about traumatic Brain Injury. He said that the repeated shots to the head had caused some damage to my brain, and he warned me that I would most likely suffer from some cognitive, behavioral, and physical disabilities. Of course he also added that my career in the ring was over.


That just goes to show, Doctors aren’t always right.

Washington, DC
Robbie Bourbons Dojo

”You still haven’t explained to me why it was so important for us to come here, Micheal.”

Micheal holds his finger up to his mouth and shushes Terry before peaking out from behind the dumpster that they are hiding behind. Micheal takes a look at the dojo. It looks empty, almost abandoned. For a moment, he wonders what happened to Robbie. He hasn’t seen him in the XWF for a while now, but it matters not. The real reason that they are here is within reach, and it’s time for Micheal to make his move. With nothing but a whisper, Micheal says;

”Wait here.”

And with that, he’s off. Micheal jumps out from behind the dumpster, he tucks, he rolls, and he lands at the side of the “Donkey Kong Rape Van”. Micheal pulls a slim jim out of his waist band and quickly gets to work trying to pop the lock on the driver's door.



Micheal jumps into the driver's seat and gets to work trying to hotwire the vehicle. Micheal fumbles around with wires for more than a few minutes. You begin to get the impression that he doesn’t really know what he’s doing.

”Maybe these will make things easier, no?”

Terry tosses a set of keys to Micheal. Micheal reaches out and snatches them out of the air. He takes one look at the keys and knows that they are for the van. Maybe it’s the “WRECKED BY BOURBON” keychain they’re attached to. He looks to Terry, confused as to how Terry managed to come into possession of these, but then notices the busted out glass door on the dojo. He looks back to Terry who just nods.

”Yeah… let’s get out of here.”

Sometime later…

Blasting down the interstate in a stolen van…

”So D’Ville has been running his mouth.”

Terry flashes the phone at Micheal momentarily, revealing that he just watched a D’Ville promo.

”Yeah, what’s that old coot got to say?”

”Where should I begin? How about him calling you out as the weakest link in the AX3 chain?”

Micheal sits silently, weaving in and out of traffic as he speeds down the road.

”Yeah, I do look weak in comparison don’t I?”

”No Micheal, you have a long history in this business. You’ve won plenty of big matches, plenty of titles…”

”But I haven’t made the same impact since returning, have I? I can see how D’Ville can think that I’m a weak link, but he should know better than anyone that looks can be deceiving. I mean, who would have thought that D’Ville was one of the most feared names in the locker room just by looking at him, or even his recent accomplishments?”

”Are you saying that you’re afraid of Doc?”

”Me? Psssft, fuck nah! I’ll take on any man, woman, or child you throw in front of me with a smile on my face.”

”And in the case of children, a dick in your hand!”

Terry begins to laugh loudly at Micheal’s expense. Micheal doesn’t seem to be amused.

”Not you too!”

Terry collects himself, mostly.

”Calm down Mike, I’m just busting your balls.”[purple]

”So what else did D’Ville have to say?”

[purple]”Well, besides calling you out as the weakest link. He also questions what you’re bringing to the table as far as AX3 is concerned. He questions if we are really all on the same page, or if our egos are going to cause this group to self destruct…. He basically just spent all of his time trying to create tension and drive a wedge between our group.”

Micheal smirks before slamming the breaks and pulling off to the side of the interstate.

”Seriously? That’s all that D’Ville had to say? He wonders what I am bringing to the table with AX3? Sure, I don’t currently carry a title like Caedus and Main, but I serve the purpose of ensuring that this group stays on track, no matter what. I’m the glue that hold AX3 together, and anyone, and I do mean ANYONE that would set out to undermine the my brothers, WILL be TAKEN OUT! I’m the brains behind AX3! Who planned the attack on Joel? ME! Who showed Jefferson Jackson where he could shove his authority? ME! Who helped Jim plan his successful cash in on Reno, after Reno tried to talk Jim into joining Iconolast behind our backs? ME! So don’t try and pretend like Micheal Graves doesn’t serve a purpose in this group. Because I damn sure do! At the end of the day, championships take a back seat to seeing my brothers succeed. Does that sound crazy to you Doc? If so, you wouldn’t be the first doctor to question my sanity. My mental state does not change the fact that AX3 is a band of brothers! You can sit there and try and dissect us all you want Doc, but the fact is that you know VERY LITTLE about what goes on behind closed doors! You know nothing of the bond that holds us together, NOTHING! The only information that you have about AX3 is what little info we have let slip, and what you THINK you’ve picked up on in our promo’s leading into this match. Trust me Doc, you didn’t stumble onto some loose thread that you can pull, causing the entire garment to ravel. Chaos is a Jerk and an egomaniac. We all knew this going in, but look at the fucking name Doc. AX3, do you even know what it stands for? Arrogant Aggressive Assholes! Tell me, what exactly did Chris say that works against what we are? He was arrogant when he said that he didn’t need AX3, he was aggressive when he said that he was going to win back the Universal title, and he was an asshole when he said that we need him. We all saw it, and we expected it. That’s not to say that we didn’t call a group meeting with Chris afterwards, but it’s all good Doc, no self destructions today.

Man, I bet that just chaps your ass too, doesn’t it? Considering that all you’ve managed to talk about is my lack of belonging, and AX3 imminent self destruction, I can only imagine that the other Kings are hard at work changing your depends right about now. We can all see that none of you fucks are on top of your game. We don’t even need to have the match to see that the return of the Kings has been a shitfest from the start. Samuels seems to have forgotten that he even has a match and marched his black ass back to the retirement home. Doc’s out here tossing up some of the shittiest promo work that I’ve ever seen from his, just proving me right when I said that his expiration date passed long ago. Chaos was right, you should have taken your defeat from him as your swan song and left the XWF then. At this point you’re just using borrowed time to embarrass yourselves and tarnish whatever legacy it is that you guys THINK you have. What you actually have are four guys who only kinda sorta give a shit about being here. Be it the payday, the idea of fucking with Lane, or maybe just a longing to hear the cheers from the XWF Universe one last time. Whatever reason the Kings decided to return, it obviously wasn’t because they actually care about helping Doc defend those titles. Fuckin Hell, Doc was almost better off defending this shit alone. At least then he would know what he was in store for!

Micheal throws the van back in gear and rockets back out onto the interstate, cutting off two lanes of traffic in the process. Micheal throws his middle finger up, and out the window as he exclaims.


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(04-28-2017), JimCaedus (04-28-2017), Theo Pryce (04-28-2017)

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