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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Growing Bored - RP 2
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Sean Falcon Offline
The Made Man

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

06-14-2013, 09:50 AM

I sit here on the balcony of my vacation home, over looking the Hollywood Hills. It's the second home I bought about ten years ago. I have six, total. Pittsburgh, Hollywood, Miami, Cape Cod, Paris and....

Actually, I forget where the other one is.

As I look down over the hills into Los Angeles I can't help but think that its symbolic. It's like I, Sean Falcon, standing up and looking down on all of the XWF. All of the lights and horns I can hear are akin to the other so called stars of the business. The lights signify their own egos of being some big time star. The horns, their never ending mindless drivel that falls out of their mouths each and every time they open.

So, I stare out into the darkness at each and everyone one of those that I am better than. They don't see me. In fact, they don't even know I'm here. But, they will soon enough.

"Shove It. That's what the show is called? It's a pretty stupid name if you ask me. I come to this show tomorrow night to start making a statement. Not only will the competition go belly up, so will my partners.

"Hunter Payne is a stupid spic Mexican that I wouldn't even trust well enough to hire to do my landscaping. He shoots this interview with Steve Sayors, right? Just like every other moron without brain cells and has this big reveal letting us all know that Joy Giovanni is his sex slave or something like that.

"Hunter Payne, that wasn't what you revealed. Your big reveal was showing the entire world what a filthy, unintelligent, moronic, classless loser you really are.

"I could beat you in under two minutes without so much as breaking a sweat. Of course, I enjoy kicking ass, so I'll savor every moment I have in that ring with you as I tear you up from pillar to post.

"Not bad for an 'old man' huh?

"I said I'd have an easy time winning this match and I have to admit I was wrong. I was wrong because not only is it going to be easy, it's going to be a walk in the fucking park. A stroll on the fucking beach.

"I could single handedly beat all three of those jokes without a partner. In fact, I'll do you one better. I could beat my opponents, and my partners, one arm tied behind my back, blindfolded and my legs shackled.

"They're all going to find that out. This 'old man' loves to make statements and that's exactly what I'm going to do tomorrow night. I'm going to make a statement and I will walk out the victor over five inglorious idiots that couldn't lace my fucking boots.

"Hunter Payne is trying too hard to convince everybody he's something he's not - entertaining. Using jokes from twenty years ago to illustrate the fact that I'm 33 years old. I might be 33, Hunter, but I'm also just getting warmed up.

"Tomorrow night, Payne, is all you're going to feel. The pain of defeat. The pain of knowing that no matter how many wins you achieve and no matter how many stupid jokes you try to put out to the world, and no matter how funny you try - and fail - to be...

"I'm still better than you. Get used to it, Payne. After I win, maybe... just maybe, I'll give you a crack at the title I end up with.

"Not likely. But, maybe."

Sean Falcon, III: 7-2
2 - XWF FTW UFO E1999 Championships

[Image: vT82FUK.jpg]

The Sean Falcon Car Collection

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