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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Lethal Lottery 4 RP Board
Travel Plans That Include Hell
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Chris Chaos Offline
Corporate Chaos

XWF FanBase:
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-29-2017, 08:11 PM


PART 1: The Drive

[Image: kjrffLT.jpg]

The red Honda Accord LX rolled up Interstate 60 from Clearwater to Tampa. It was a straight shot. The airport was off 60. Chris always enjoyed this drive. It was nothing but palm trees and blue sky. It was just him, his metal music, and the hum of his big engine in between songs.

But today they decided to take Jenny's car---he hated leaving his car in those lots. He didn't want it scratched or anyone seeing his vanity CHAOS plates and getting the wrong idea. Jenny had a Honda, who cared if that got scratched.

On this particular sunny day, they were heading to the airport to fly to North Korea, one of two remaining Communist states, to compete in a Pay Per View with the word Lethal in the title.

If only they knew how true that was....

Chris, however, insisted on driving. She was blonde, and a woman, two bad combinations to get behind a steering wheel. He didn't need to get into an accident before Lethal Lottery. The quiet 4-cylinder hummed along. It was smooth, he could say that. Goddamn Japanese.

"This car is the bomb" he said to Jenny with a smile.

It took her a minute, but then she smiled a bit. "Was that an atomic bomb joke?"

"It was....."

"Too soon?"


Coming up on the Courtney Campbell Bridge, he saw all the other cars rolling on either side, behind and in front. It was a busy day in Tampa.

The airport could be seen in the distance. A plane was coming in, as if it just appeared in the sky from the vast horizon, and seemed as though it was standing still. Chris was always mystified by planes. How they worked. How they glided through the sky. They fascinated him. Well, he was about to spend 12 hours on one. He would have all the time in the world to ponder this.

The exit came up on them, and Chris put his blinker on. Japanese cars always had noisy blinkers. He hated that clicking noise.

[Image: UsnsPtY.jpg]

He got over into the right lane. For some reason he felt good about this. This was the biggest match of his career and he was oddly calm.

Calm before the storm.

They pulled up to the terminal. He let Jenny out first, like a true gentleman, and went to park in the long term parking area.

Walking back into the terminal, Jenny's bags and his with him, something came over him. The last time he flew out of this airport to go overseas, he wasn't the champion. Now, he couldn't imagine walking through this airport without it. He never wanted to walk through this airport as a non-champion again. He was determined to land here the same way he left here.

He would.

Then he had another thought, as he saw Jenny standing in the ticket line....."What would a Panda do here?"

For as annoying as Gabe was, the little fucker sure was creative. He would re-watch that promo on the plane and address it later, he had bigger fish to fry right now.

Bigger fish to catch.

Because he was the shark. And boy was he hungry.

Setting the bags down, Jenny handed him his ticket. Tampa To LAX. LAX to Korea.

Part 2: The Flight

The plane was huge. Much bigger than a domestic plane. This Boeing 767 was a bus for the most part, with 3 seats on the left, 4 in the middle, and three on the right.

Putting the luggage that wasn't checked on that big belt to be shipped off to god knows where (they claim it is under plane, but does anyone really know? And does anyone really care? As long as it comes back on that belt when you arrive), into the little compartments up top, he took a seat. First class. Thanks Vinnie.

The pilot came over the loudspeaker.

"Thank you for choosing American Airlines. This is flight 5297 with service from Tampa to Los Angeles. The approximate flight time is about 5 hours and 25 minutes. It is a beautiful day to fly, with virtually no winds and we can make a little time today due to that. For those exiting the plane when we land, we hope you make it safely to your final destination....."

This phrase sent a chill through Chris. "Final Destination". Would North Korea be his final destination? Someone was going to have their career come to a screeching halt inside that cage. Even if he won, it would be a hell of a battle. It would tax him mentally and physically. But he was determined to make sure it was Gabe Reno's final destination. His last chance at the title that has avoided him for so long.....

....his last and final chance......

Chris shook it off as the rest of the pilots words were a mumble. The flight attendants went about their safety spiel. They were like robots. But he listened, intently, to every word. This was the first time in Chris's life that he actually felt like he had something to lose. And he would fight not to lose it...even if he had to fight to the death.

The rest of the time was a blur, until Chris's focus was brought back into perspective with the captains words.

"We have been cleared for departure"

As soon as he felt those big engines kick on, and the plane went screaming down the runway, there was no turning back. It was now or never. Do or die.

He put his head back, and put his headphones on. Jenny grabbed his hand. He head was back against the seat too. She was just as invested in this as he was, and he thanked her for that. As their fingers intertwined, they both closed their eyes.

About 3 hours later they both woke up. They were mid flight. Chris looked around, and saw the other passengers. Many were sleeping. Some were watching whatever crappy movie the airline was showing. Some were playing Sudoku or crossword puzzles. Everyone seemed so happy.

They weren't flying into hell. They were flying into paradise.

He pulled out his laptop. He and Jenny had nodded to each other, which they both knew meant they would use the airlines WiFi to log onto They would watch Gabe's newest "Panda" promo. Hell it would only take about 10 minutes. Another short snooze fest.

At the end of the visually stimulating promo, Chris shut the laptop without saying a word. All Jenny could say was
"Panda's are cute".

Cute. Something Chris was not. But he would address this when he got to Korea.

It was roughly another two hours when the planes giant wheels touched down with angelic grace on the tarmac at LAX, the countries largest airport.

Part 3: The Layover

Chris and Jenny sat at the gate, waiting for their plane to arrive. Everyone was so happy in Los Angeles. Kids were smiling, adults were laughing and joking, there was a light feeling in the air. People were feeling good on this sunny day.

Chris looked and saw the people next to them, a couple. They had a few bags with them. The guy was the environmentalist type, with a plaid shirt and Teva strap sandals. He cargo shorts had more pockets than Reno had brain cells. The girl had gauges in her ears. Her hair was braided and dyed various colors. She too had a plaid shirt on, and loose fitting pants. Her shoes were Crocs. Yuck. Why were they going to this hellhole? What was their story? Chris was interested in everyone he saw. The back story. The reasons why they went about life everyday. What was going through their minds. Would they experience the hell he was about to?

No. Nobody would.

It wasn't until the Korean flight attendant said it was time to board that Chris began to feel like this was really real. He hadn't felt this sense of reality since the belt was first handed to him inside the Elimination Chamber at Wild Card Weekend. He looked over at Jenny, who was reading a magazine.

"You aren't going to like what you see," he said, as she put the magazine down and looked at him with her big blue eyes.

Damn she had nice tits. The finest money could buy.

"You are going to see a match so violent and may have nightmares for weeks. I am just warning you. I know you are stubborn and you insist on being ringside....but I am just telling you it won't be pleasant."

She nodded. It took her a minute to reply, but when she did her voice was stern and focused. She was his rock.

"I know, Chris. I know that this is going to be terrible. But just win. The rest doesn't matter. How you win doesn't matter. Just do it and we can get Gabe Reno out of our lives for good. Then, you can take care of that creep Mr. Tidbits and his father or whatever he is."

Chris nodded.

He would win. He had to win. The bay area was relying on him. The XWF community was relying on him. Colton Kato's words came into his mind--the ones he uttered in a phone convo before Chris and Jenny left for the airport-
-"Do you really want Gabe Reno to be champion?"

No. He didn't. Nobody did.

And he wouldn't be.

He wouldn't be.

Part 4: Welcome To Hell

When they landed, it was totally different than where they had taken off from. They had to fly into South Korea, as North Korea does not allow planes in or out of the country. Especially ones that have the word AMERICAN in big letters. Airlines that fly into North Korea via Beijing include Air Korea, Air China and Air Koryo, and those only.

The moment they landed, things felt different. On the train into North Korea, he noticed a change. The people in South Korea are happy people, greeting you with a smile. In North Korea, they didn't even lift their heads. When they landed the security was light....but at the exchange station, there were armed guards and not a single one was smiling. From the moment they got on the train they were outcasts.

In North Korea, the vast majority of people are Korean. Because of the lack of immigration, North Korea is one of the most ethnically homogeneous nations on earth. At any one time, there are a few hundred foreigners to be found; however, most of them are tourists.

The DMZ, or DeMilitarized Zone, was the gateway to true hell.

There was a big sign on the wall, written in perfect English. Why was this creepy?

WARNING: Under no circumstances are you to say anything that could be perceived as an insult to or critical of Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-Il, Kim Jong-Un, the Juche ideology, the Songun policy, the ruling Worker's Party of Korea, the North Korean government in general, or the citizens of North Korea. Simply avoid these topics if you can do so. Keep in mind that anyone can be an undercover government agent, so respond accordingly when this subject is at hand, always keep in mind you might be tested and pushed into admitting your real feelings on these subjects, whatever they may be. You and your guide are likely to face serious trouble. North Korea is known for extremely harsh punishments which range (for the guides) from lengthy forced labor sentences to 20 years in a Forced Labor Camp, while you are likely to be sentenced to a stay in a local prison or labor camp, deported, and banned from re-entering. Assume that you will be under surveillance at all times during your trip, and your hotel room you stay in will be bugged.

Jenny and Chris looked at each other, but then looked straight ahead. One guard with a machine gun looked at them with cold eyes. He didn't smile. He looked right through them. Life didn't matter to these people.

As they approached the city, Pyongan, the signs began to be seen. 평안북도

This place was so much different than America it was crazy.

These people hated American's. But not as much as Chris hated Gabe Reno.

The train continued on the tracks into Pyongan as buildings could be seen in the distance....all grey, with no variation. He couldn't wait, honestly, to get out and explore this place. Like he did in Norway, he wanted to walk around and experience this hell before hell happened Saturday Night.

He was in the mouth of hell, now it was time to bring out Satan himself. Gabe Reno was in for a long week.

Just then, the train stopped. Armed guards got on, they pulled a man off.......


[Image: sD8Wgte.png]

"So here I the mouth of hell. The darkest place on planet earth. A place that even Satan himself says "Fuck go and tell me how it is." This is a place where dreams of normalcy are crushed and shattered everyday--where lives are wrecked and bodies used for the sinister fate of nothing more than existing to exist. They exist because they are numbers, not because they are people. That is the sad reality of like here on this strip of land that God forgot. Yet as much as the hellhole defies every rule in the book of human decency I can't think of a place more perfect........

.....more perfect for Gabe Reno to get a dose of reality. To get a taste of the dark side. Gabe Reno seems to think he has me figured out, and that is fine and dandy, but when I step between those ropes I am a different person. I can't even begin to comprehend what I am capable of. It scares me to think about what I can, and what I will, do to you, Gabe. This isn't like any other title defense I've had before. This isn't like Gilmour and Graves......this is different. This is personal. This is fueled by hatred. You may not seem to think your promo's continue to be lighthearted and I got yet ANOTHER message from you about pursuing the tag titles when this is all said and done......but you need to buckle down and take this seriously. I will probably end up having to be bailed out by Kato from a North Korean prison for the atrocities I plan to commit in that ring. I can't even tell you what they are. I can speculate, I can "plan" until I am blue in the face....but once that bell rings I cannot be held accountable for anything that happens. Now if you think this is me saying I am going to be reckless, that is false, I am going to be calculated.....I am just saying that I will not have benchmark level of evil that I will stoop to. I want to hurt you, Gabe, I don't just want to beat you. When I run my hands through my hair after the match, and they are covered in your blood, only then will I be satisfied. I noticed you signed up for the Savage following the Pay Per View. Gabe, if I have my way, you won't make it to Savage. I am sure Kato will understand.

I have landed in a place where treating a human like a piece of meat is an acceptable action.....but hell even they have limits. Look at it this way, Gabe. I am Kim Jong Un. I am the establishment, and you are the rebel. You may get little victories here and there, albeit small, and you may get under my skin a little. But when it is all said and done I will squash you like a spider under my shoe. Just like the government does to people who act out here, I will do the same to you. You have fought valiantly, but your efforts are futile. I am the present and the future of this company. I don't need them, they need ME to survive, to flourish. I am here to provide an element this place hasn't had in quite some time. The element of chaos. The element that makes every other superstar in that locker room walk on egg shells when it comes to me. You, Gabe, you refused to do so. You decided to throw those eggs whole. So now, you will be made an example of. Let everyone else see what happens to you in front of 100,000 people and millions who order it online. Let the world see what happens to people who try to throw a wrench in the chaos. Let you be made the example for all other resistance to come.

What is baffling to me is how you think that being in a hell in a cell actually HELPS you. It just provides more things for me to hurt you with. It is more chaos in a closed in area. Legacies are made inside that cell, but they are also ended. Just as Mick Foley. He had his career made in that cage---and two years later it ended in the same place. Why? Because he wanted to be the hero. He wanted to stand up to tyranny. He wanted to try to end the chaos that was taking over WWF at the time. But what happened to him, Gabe? He BECAME the chaos. That is what you will become. Everyone will remember you for this match, Gabe. Isn't that what you want? You want the fame and the glory. I can provide that. Just think---Gabe Reno--the man who stood up to the chaos and died for his cause inside a steel prison. Everything is legal. There is no mercy, no sympathy, and no morals. There is no letting up, or backing down. When that door closes and locks, all bets are off. Skin gets ripped, bones get broken. But I welcome it. I welcome it all. I welcome the challenge, I welcome the pain.

I Bleed Just To Know I'm Alive.

Once I stop bleeding is when I will be in trouble. Gabe, when you BEGIN bleeding, that is when your end comes. I will bleed you out. You see....I am the type where I enjoy pain. You don't have the "bounce my head off the steel" or whatever you said, because I'll do it myself. I will run my cheek flesh over that unforgiving steel like a cheese grater then smile about it. I am sick. I am twisted. But I try to suppress it. I don't let it all out at once, I give you small sample sizes. But that is over. I am maxed out, the container is full. It is time to empty out the crazy and start new. New blood, new souls, new victims....and it all begins with you.

Your HELL begins Gabe, inside a cell......

Your HELL begins in the one place left on earth where Heaven can't reach you. Say your Hail Mary's, your Our Fathers, but it is useless. The legacy of Gabe Reno is made in North Korea. The legacy of a man who was good....but just couldn't stop the chaos.

They Say Evil Prevails When Good Men Fail To Act.....What They Ought To Say Is.....Evil Prevails.

..........Evil Prevails.

So go ahead, compare me to a me what a Panda is like....and I will show you what a poacher is and what a poacher does.....skins his prey alive and displays them for the world........

After Lethal Lottery I can add Gabe Reno to my collection..........

Oh, and by the way, I got Jenny back you moron. Slathe and Tidbits wanted a title shot...when when I am done beating you from one end of Korea to the other, he is next in line to fall like an untrained soldier on the front lines.......this all could have been avoided Gabe, but you opened the flood gates. From now on, I become the most feared man on the roster.....

.....his blood, it is on your hands.

I hope you can live with that."

[Image: QlWuEqd.jpg]
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