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Battle Ode
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Dolly Waters Online

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

03-24-2017, 11:56 AM

Wednesday, February 1st, 2017
United States Capitol
…Washington, District of Columbia, U.S.A…

The scene opens up in a large hearing chamber somewhere within the depths of the U.S. Capitol building on Pennsylvania Avenue; probably somewhere near the Capitol's direct portal to hell. The chamber is rather large with vintage wood paneling on the walls surrounding a long u-shaped desk in the center of the room ample enough for all twenty-seven members of this particular committee to sit down. You heard it right. Twenty-seven members of the Senate on the committee for commerce, transportation and science; your tax dollars at work.

Two sets of double-doors open up on either side of the table and in walks the members of the committee from either political party, Democrats sit down on the left, Republicans on the right. Cute huh? There's a door right in the middle of the back wall of the chamber, the opens up right in front of the bend, or the center of the table that's topped with a United States seal so old that it still reads: E pluribus unum= Out Of Many, One, the original U.S. motto. Or maybe it's not that old and the government only floats that "One Nation Under God" crap out to the plebs as a way to fuel divisiveness.

Anyway... that door opens now, and in walks the two ranking members of the committee. The minority leader, Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL), and the majority leader, Sen. John Thune (R-Waterboard). The two begin murmuring about with their fellow colleagues, feeding one another phony smiles and half hearted handshakes as they all slowly take their seats. The double doors on the opposite side of the chamber swing open and the Seantors' murmuring intensifies as young Dolly Waters and her expensive, primarily Jewish, legal team enter the chamber.

Dolly is still looking flaky and frail having only been released from the Indonesian prison two days prior, but nonetheless she appear woken and professional, dressed appropriately for the event in a pair of black dress trousers with a matching sports coat over top of a light pink blouse.

As Dolly makes her way to the table sitting in the center of the floor between the openings of the u-shaped senate table, majority leader John Thune opens up the hearing.

John Thune(R-Waterboard): Okay ladies and gentlemen, on our agenda for this joint meeting of the Senate Oversight Committee of C, T and S are a number of varying items, but first is the testimony of Ms. Dolly Waters on the allegations made by the WADA of doping while competing in a sanctioned American sport. Now keep in mind, that given the status of the respondent's age, and her being a minor that this hearing and testimony are being held in confidentiality under the guides of state and federal laws regarding minors suspected of a crime.

Thune looks up from the paper he's reading with his beady little eyes and over top of his reading glasses out towards Dolly,

John Thune(R-Waterboard): And it looks as if Miss Waters is here with us now for her testimony, so can I get a motion to begin this hearing, on this, first day of February two thousand and seventeen?

Bill Nelson(D-FL): Motion to begin.

Ted Cruz(R-Goldman Sachs): Second.

John Thune(R-Waterboard): Motions have been noted. Everyone in favor say aye.

The entire room: "AYE!"

John Thune(R-Waterboard): All opposed...


John Thune(R-Waterboard):The ayes have it, and with that we will begin with the proceedings of collecting Miss Waters' testimony. Please let the record show that Dolly Waters is accompanied today by her legal team consisting of Mr. Gerry Schwartzbach, Mrs. Truc Do and Mr. Mark Geragos.

Miss Waters, I think I speak for the entire committee here when I tell you that it's great having you today, and that the revelations that are now surfacing about the potential misconduct that led to your detainment in a foreign land without due-process for so long was not only unfortunate, but flat-out irresponsible and inexcusable.

Dolly Waters(Cunt-KY):Thank you, Mr. Senator. I'm just glad to finally get a chance to tell my side of the story to y'all.

Dolly responds with a cute little nod and smile, as all of the Senators ogle and fawn over her cuteness.

John Thune(R-Waterboard): As are we, Miss Waters. But to start, we'll need you to stand and raise your right hand and swear unto oath of your testimony today.

Dolly nods, stands and raises her right hand.

John Thune(R-Waterboard): Do you solemnly swear that you will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God?

Dolly Waters: I do.

John Thune(R-Waterboard): Okay, thank you. You may be seated. Could we first get you to state your full name, and your date of birth for the record?

Dolly Waters: Yes sir: Dolly Jane-Virginia Waters, born November first, two thousand and three.

John Thune(R-Waterboard): Wonderful. Now Miss Waters, we need to you to clear something up for us here, because there was some issues regarding your birth date that arose while we were compiling our case. We have here your birth certificate from the Pikeville Medical Center that does indeed state that you were born November first, two thousand three- but here we have your original application to the XWF that states you were born in two thousand and four, could you clarify the mix up, nevertheless how minuscule and unimportant?

Dolly Waters: Yes sir, to my knowledge that original application to the XWF was submitted by my former manager, Mr. Paul Heyman, being as how I'm underage and all the XWF requires the applications of minors to be submitted by a parent or guardian. My guess is Mr. Heyman, or his secretary just made a clerical mistake.

John Thune(R-Waterboard): Indeed. And Mr. Heyman was your acting guardian at the time?

Dolly Waters: That's correct.

John Thune(R-Waterboard): Very good. This little formality issues are really meaningless, and usually only dove into by the most paranoid and petty among us here...

Senator Thune looks over to Ted Cruz who is sweating bullets,

John Thune(R-Waterboard): But the way we see it, whether you're twelve, or thirteen, the fact that you had become such a decorated athlete in a sport dominated by adult males is an astounding feat regardless. Which brings me to the first point I would like to make, followed by my two and only needed questions and then I'll turn the floor over to the rest of the committee if they feel there is anything further needed to enter into your record here.

During your time competing in the XWF, you compiled a pretty amazing record given your overall size and age: eight wins, one loss and three unforced losses... your lone pinfal being absorbed when you were defeated by the current Universal Champion Chris Chaos on December eighteenth, two thousand sixteen.

During the month of October twenty sixteen, you captured four separate singles titles in a single month, a very rare, maybe even unprecedented feat to have accomplished and became the youngest XWF competitor to ever capture a title or to be named Superstar of the month.

My first question. Given those facts, would you find it unreasonable for anyone in this room, or anyone else in the world who has ever watched you compete to assume that you were possibly taking some form of banned performance enhancing drugs to gain an edge?

Dolly Waters: Senator, I suppose not. But fer' me personally I know how hard I've trained in my life and how much wrestling tape I've studied. I was personally trained by a two-time Universal Champion, he taught me ways to enhance the veracity of my strikes by using my speed and agility through isometrics, which was the regular training regiment for Bruce Lee. I run a four point two-three forty yard dash. If you'll go back and study my tapes, you'll find that more often than not I overwhelmed my opponents with speed and precise strikes, using the ring itself against my opponents, something we call being cagey.

It's not like I was out there lifting grown men over my head or anything.
So do I understand maybe why some people, like the WADA, would assume that I was doping? Yes. But I honestly find it a tad bit offensive that in this day and age, people would so cynically balk at the idea that age and even gender serves as the ultimate doctrine to judge someone's physical ability.

The response receives some applause from the left wing of the committee,

John Thune(R-Waterboard): Excellent. Now the WADA has, in an official letter written to this body, confirmed that they do not have enough evidence at this time to support the initial doping allegations filed against you, and given the fact that with the help of your esteemed legal council there- the Kentucky State Police and the Commonwealth of Kentucky will be dropping their charges of possession of HGH against you, I highly doubt that the WADA will ever have enough evidence to support the allegations.

So my second and final question to you, Miss Waters is simply this: Did you ever, during the course of your career as a professional wrestler in the XWF, knowingly use performance enhancing drugs?

Dolly Waters: Senator, I'll answer with a resounding: no.

The Senator smiles, closing the folder in front of him and removing his reading glasses.

John Thune(R-Waterboard): Miss Waters, I want to just say that you're a once in a life time type of person; and I believe you're right, and you're an example to us all that indeed age nor gender should be the qualifying attributes that determine someone's ability in any attribute. Heart and determination are things not measurable by numbers or science, but I believe play a much greater roll in success... and Miss Waters, after all you've been through, I can say today that you do indeed have the heart and determination to do anything in this life.

Dolly responds with a slight nod and modest curl of a smile onto the corner of her lips.

John Thune(R-Waterboard):If there are no further questions, I'd like a motion to bring this hearing to a close and conclu-

Ted Cruz(R-Goldman Sachs Zodiac Killer): Mister Chairmen I actually do have a question for Miss Waters, that I believe needs added as relevant to the record here today.

This incites a chorus of groans and other frustrated onomatopoeias from the entire committee.

Tammy Duckworth(D-IL): Oh here we go... just sit down Ted.

Ted Cruz(R-Goldman Sachs Zodiac Killer): See this is the issue right here, so many members of this committee, like Senator Duckworth are afraid to stand up and do their job!

Ted's face sages, his eyes widen as he instantly regrets the poor choice of words. Senator Duckworth shoots an icy glare over to Cruz and without saying a word she kicks up one of her two prosthetic legs onto the table that she received as a reward for being blown out of a helicopter while serving the U.S. Army in Iraq.

Ted Cruz(R-Goldman Sachs Zodiac Killer): Ah-bur-ah...bab-erb

Senator Cruz begins stammering his words as Senator Thune stands and politely gestures to Duckworth to remove her leg from the table. Even the members of his own party hate Senator Cruz.

John Thune(R-Waterboard): Senator Cruz, are you done?

Cruz sags his head and sits down.

John Thune(R-Waterboard): Miss Waters? Is there anything you'd like to add to your testimony today?

Dolly Waters: You know what?

Dolly ponders just absolutely shredding the tax payer funded puppets for a moment. She found it truly despicable that not one time did any of them think to bring up the fact that she was illegally held without due process. She didn't get a chance to sing the unsung woeful ballads of the reality of child incarceration in Indonesia. All these assholes were worried about was saving face. Just to think, had Dolly been anyone other than Dolly then she would have likely been just another thirteen year old girl destined to die inside of those menacing walls. The world was cruel. Unfair. These pomp toads got to live off of the people's hard earned tax dollars, while spending virtually no time actually representing anything but themselves and their rhetoric...

Dolly Waters: Thank you. That's all.

But Dolly is a fighter, and talk is cheap. And as she stands while John Thune and the other pretentious pricks call the hearing to a close, thus clearing her of any wrong doing by the highest relevant authority, Dolly knows exactly what she's fighting for. It's a fight for not just her redemption, but for the redemption of all of those children who will never have a chance to taste freedom again. Their fight is her fight and she'll be sure to it that when she enters the Lethal Lottery, she exude a tenacity unlike any that anyone's experienced; just as is the fight for freedom, the fight for justice, the fight for redemption.

The scene fades...

So... Jim Caedus opened his mush filled mouth again.

Dolly rolls her eyes.

And he acted in the exact accordance with what I told you all he would have done two promos ago. I told you that the words I spat on your wackish and glowing obsession with things of the meaningless nature would get you riled up so hard that you'd prove to us all what a touched little man you are by double dipping your bum-lusting tongue into that Obviously Opaque Cesspool once again.

And you've done it now in such a feeble and fagish way that you wan't to make the killing of a cat an important theme of your so called flinch-worthy words. What a goddamn joke. Jim, that dingbat dung detritus you call trash talk aint even making the ADHD kids jumpy- I just reacted and popped you in the gut so hard with the hard to swallow truth about your shortcomings that you straight up regurgitated the same crap again. BRAVO!

C'mon you remedial Bob Barker, did you accidentally neuter yourself while mistaking reality from fiction again? The "bitchfest" didn't begin with me Caedy-poo, I merely exposed it for what it was and squashed it like your jaw buckling into Dolly's friggin' knee. You were the one who brought it up, pal, and it was anything from offhanded, you were seriously hurt, remember?

You said: "You corralled me" into doing something you clearly did on your own.

You asked: "The fuck is wrong with you?" in regards to YOU gutting Sylvester the Puddy-Cat open like a neurotic Tweety Bird geeking on an acute mixture of LSD and Meth.

You stated: "clearly you display cowardice and cowards always target those they think can't defend themselves."

Oh you fucking snowflake bitch. Blow it outta' yer' man-gina, . The whole act obviously had you so fucking convoluted that you felt it worthy to bring up in the first place- all I did was expose that it was a limp-wristed attempt at trying pin your actions, as mole-hill that you turned mountain-esque as they were, onto me like I have some form of fucking control over your actions. Take responsibility you dead-beat!

Frankly, I'm still trying to figure out what in the fuck a collaboration is, maybe I'm just a dumb twat, but are you meaning you showing up at my crib and the XWF camera crew captures it? And that being the case, did they not give you an opportunity to edit out anything you didn't want? Maybe they did, and maybe you were too much of a chickenshit to mention anything because you thought your PETA card would make you look like an even bigger ball-free bitch than you already are. So aside from me being the one to finally upload the vignette onto the XWF.COM site, how about you back up your claims that it was all my "brainchild" and "my script" that you just willfully followed along with? You can't without breaking some unknown golden fucking rule and that's what makes you an insane delusion prick.

I slay you at this James, and it's really too easy. Leave you fucked up and torn like using a piece of terrycloth to wipe my ass after a fiber-rich shit. I find it even funnier that you moan about that vignette being a "clusterfuck", a "calamity", while having to point out that you were the director of the second stubble-rubber that we appeared in where I was just chilling under your bed. No matter of an idea it was for ME to be DOING that MYSELF, I never tried to say you fucking manipulated me into doing it, dude that's some early Stockholm shit.

Maybe you just felt insecure that the vid we were in together, my "brainchild" got more "likes" than the one you uploaded. Even Trax's boring ass liked it! I mean but fuck if I know, right? You did make a gooberily groan about the whole "like/hate" when you were battling my father on Anarchy- mad cause Muddy "hated" your promo you upload- sounding like some dense, desperate little preteen taking selfies of her underdeveloped body and posting them to Facebook, eventually losing her shit and committing suicide because the school's safe space was already full-up with a bunch of worthless overly-sensitive Jim Caedus clones.

Muddy is just a hater, and the apple didn't fall too far from the tree in that regard, ya' know? I too hate little shit spewing spurious taint stains who get on a little run and suddenly fancy themselves wold beaters; trying to french their follies up with a bunch of cleverly crafted cadences that serve no purpose other than filler between one end of their vocal semen stream to the next.

You motherfucker, Jim, saying that I'm ripping off your style? Please provide some facts for fucking once, and not the alt variety anymore you Sean Spicer embryo possessing dweeb. See, just in this little war of words we've engaged in you've already copied my style by saying I copied your style because if you forget I've been slaying your non-dick having partner Trax for copying someone else's style since jump. You by default want to be as good at this shit as Dolly fucking Waters, but you can't be cause you can't even muster a meaningful ill-intended insult. It's like I've got a steady aimed glock at your dome while you're sitting there shitting your big girl britches with a half working air-soft in your trembling Trump hand.

Why don't you just simply get with the program and fall on through this cloud nine high you've been riding and stop prolonging your eventual crash landing back here on good ol' planet earth, where the Dolly Waters' rule and you arthritic old joe-schmoes drool at my talent. I mean it's fucking obvious, even after you copied pretty much for fucking verbatim Trax's idea that "no one gave a shit" that I was the Buronan, and yet you and Traxy still haven't been able to prove that you two fucksticks have a general indifference toward my existence- because you're both too big of a bitch to admit that this little girl has been ripping you new assholes since this little shindig started- and you think my game plan is to somehow pit you and Trax against one another? Where did you pull that rabbit from, Jim? 'Moron's guide to making two mutton minded mule fuckers look dumber than they already are'? You didn't obviously read the context of that paragraph long how-to very well jackass, nor' have you payed much attention to the context of your partner's pathetic, seventh grade excuse for trash talk.

Cornroll with a mouth Said:if you think holding the TV Championship and dominating Saturday Savage is impressive I've got some seriously bad news for you, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth,, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth,, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth,, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth,, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth,, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth,, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth,, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth,, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth,, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth,, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth,, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth,, more redundant bullshit from a cornroll with a mouth,

You're entire fucking claim against me, pointing out what you call lies or whatever in the fuck you've manifested in that ultra-sensitive self-conscious manhandled-by-a-thirteen-yearold-girl mind of yours is all just a giant crock of baby green, babyback bullshit Jim.

You and Cadryn and Trax were backstage talking about Dolly Waters like Three Stooges Spooges? Fucking prove it . Quit making fucking claims that you cant substantiate as a way to try and fucking impugn me. We haven't heard from your ass-to-mouth loving partner in a couple of days now because he's still dope sick from that last Grade-A ass ripage where I only grilled him over one subject. Probably coloring with his big boy crayons watching Elmo while trying to figure out an attack against Dolly. Just wait until he actually comes at me with something to really rip him apart for- same goes for you Jim.

A fine day for an Ode to the few.
Searching for the shook one.
Writers block.
A cold dame in hell.
The art of the arbitrary.
Saving what's best for last.

That's the fucking level of death-kill-murder and wreckage I'll open up on you fucknuggets then, because the fact is I have barely even begun to unleash my power yet, cocksuckers. My cunt rage level is nowhere near nine thousand yet! I'm only feeding you both samples. Cadryn is a bust, and so now I'm in a corner, fighting for my life and I'm nadda bout to let this thing slip away from me just because some lazy fuck got a boo-boo from Gilly and now has some issues. FUCK THAT!

You wanna' cash me ousside on Murray Caedus? How bow dah, Trax? Well next time you queers better aim for the kill because I aint fuckin' backing down. When we get in that ring, I promise you this, one if not both of yours blood will be spilled, and that happens even if Cadryn takes his anal bead and goes home.

Come at me cunt. I aint hard to find. I'm the only teenage girl round these parts making two grown men look like a pair of uptighter pussies than Ellen and Oprah. I'll be waiting right here at yer' fucking burial, bitches.
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(03-24-2017), JimCaedus (03-24-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (03-24-2017), The Monster of Htaed (03-24-2017)

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