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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Becoming A Man
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

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(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

03-11-2017, 07:26 AM

April 9th, 1993

It had been a month. Broken Oswald's consciousness still examining his memories. Even though some of the help would be with him, sit with him, talk with him, they could never replace his mother and father. He was wasting away, barely eating, only consuming just enough to survive. There was no reason to smile anymore. His servants tried their best, but none of them had the kind of smile that his parents did. None of them could make him smile, even in his sorrow. Once he finished eating a tiny bit of eggs and toast, he would stand up and left for his parent's room, the Master Bedroom. He'd begin to cry as he walked into the room, still smelling his father's cologne, his mother's perfume. He moved to sit upon their bed. He looked upwards to the ceiling as he tried hard not to cry.

"Mom, Dad... It's your Ozzy... I miss you guys... so much... So very much. I... don't know how to live without you two... Mom, I miss your laugh... I miss how you two smiled... How even on a bad day, you two could just smile, and make me feel all better... I miss getting bear hugs, Dad, I wish you were here to smile, console me, tell me what I should do... How do I run your companies, Dad? How can I fill your shoes? I shouldn't have to be the one doing all this. You should be here... you should be living until you're a hundred, and I take over when you're too old to run it anymore. Not now... Dad... what do I do?"

He stood up and moved to their closets. He first went into his mother's, where he'd hug several dresses at once, and began to cry against the fabric.

"I love you, Mom... I love you, so much... I wish you were here..."

He sighed, then took in a sharp breath as he closed the closet, then went to his father's belongings, looking at how big the clothes were. He would then begin to pick out several suits, shoes to go with it, ties as well and dress shirts. Everything laid out, before he'd strip his clothes off, and begin to place each of his dad's garments on, until he was fully dressed. He looked much like he was just playing at a grown up and all of his father's belongings were twice his size.

He sniffled and took one of the tissues off his mother's bedside table, and blew his nose before going to the full size mirror and looking into it. As he looked at himself in the mirror, he saw both his mother and father, all residing in his face. His mother's kind eyes, his father's nose, his mother's lips, his father's ears, his stern looking brows, his mother's cheeks and her raven colored hair. He collapsed to his knees, his hands against his face as he began to sob hard. So much crashed upon him, and he fell upon his side, curling up into a ball as he cried.

Broken Oswald teared up a little, but he would search his memories some more, advancing time until a certain date.

May 11th, 1993 11:38 a.m.

Oswald would be in a routine board meeting, dressed like he belonged, suit and tie that fit him, rather than his father. He listened closely to the men and women in the company gripe and complain about things he didn't truly understand. He looked to the man that his father said he could always trust, and the man smiled to Oswald before speaking aloud

"Mind if we take a break for lunch? I'm sure we're all hungry. Let's head to Giordano's."

As the men and women began to clear out, it was only himself and the man

"Look, Oswald... I'm not going to lie. You should not be here."

Oswald nodded and sighed

"You're right, Mister Lorens. I shouldn't. My father should be here, not I."

"Look, how about this. I'll run the company, all right? You are not equipped for this kind of thing. You were thirteen when he passed. You're almost fourteen. Isn't tomorrow your birthday? Go home, enjoy life, Oz. That's what your father would want. So would your darling mother. Both of them would want you to continue to live, not just for yourself, but for them as well. You have to live first."

Oswald sighed heavily, nodding

"You're right, Mister Lorens. As of this day, you will be the interim CEO until I come back with more knowledge of the world, and how best to run a company."

The older gentleman nodded as Oswald left the room, and made his way to his driver and the limo in the garage.

May 11th, 1993 10:38 p.m.

Oswald had gathered up all of the servants in his estate, looking upon them

"As of today, you will be given paid leave."

The head butler walked up to him slowly

"Oswald, what are you going to do?"

"I'm leaving, and no one should be here when I do this. Now go! LEAVE! Head to your families! GO!"

He made his way inside the mansion, and he grabbed some fuel for the cars, and began to pour trails of gasoline all over the estate, leading all the way to the outside. He went back in, and called 9-1-1, telling them about a massive fire happening. He hung up and walked outside, lighting one match, only to light the whole book, then tossing the book onto the gasoline before walking away, leaving his home, and going upon the journey to where he is now in his life.

All because he can never again see his parents, all because he can never hear their laughter, see their smiles, feel their hugs, and never again feel their love.

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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