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Scully Offline
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XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

02-13-2017, 04:33 PM

We’ve been to the year 3000 not much has changed but they live under water.. No.. We’re going back to 2016 to continue to tell the story of Scully and his team bashing antics. Just to bring you up to speed with what’s happened so far.. Oh and remember at this point of the story Scully still had the XWF Universal Championship.
Skull put acquaintance Charles Elton in intensive care by beating the shit out of him, he reacted to former “Shadows of The Union”, Ted and Dave’s attempt to attack him thus pushing them both down a flight of stairs. Skull left them unconscious, he was also having relationship problems which were looking to get better after he decided to buck up his ideas. Skull became paranoid, waiting for the police to arrive on his doorstep or to find Charles was dead. He kept the attacks to himself, locked in his mind without telling a soul until his best friend Alfie came round to his home, he spilt the beans. Whilst they were talking, the door knocked and who would it be? The fed, the pigs, the cops. They arrested Scully on the spot who willingly accepted his fate, to take a trip to the police station. Once there Skull refused to co-operate and had to spend the night in a cell. Scully didn’t want to answer any questions without his lawyer present.
Skull led on the uncomfortable single bed of his cell, staring at the ceiling and ultimately thinking about his life. This wasn’t the first time Skull had been inside, however last time he was locked up, Tush and Macbeth came to the rescue. This wasn’t going to happen this time, he hadn’t spoke to neither for month’s. Suddenly the cell door opens and Skull sits up, his Lawyer Mr. Andrews is let in by an officer. Mr. Andrews sits on the end of the bed, briefcase in hand.

Mr. Andrews: “Good to see you.”

”Is it?”

Mr. Andrews: ”They said you won’t tell them anything? That’s good. I would recommend just simply saying... “

”No comment?!”

Mr. Andrews: “You got it! You may even need to bribe them.”

”Give them money? For fuck sake!”

Mr. Andrews: “If that what it takes, unless you want to be sent to jail. Ya won’t see ya Mrs, ya kid, your XWF career flushed down the toilet.”

”I know that John. But....”

Mr. Andrews: "You shouldn't have to offer money though."

"What you mean?"

Mr. Andrews: "I did some detective work myself. Detective West is a religious man who has a wife and son but secretly be has committed sins. The guy has been having an affair with another male officer."

"What? How you find this out?

Just as Mr. Andrews was about to give Scully more information, the jingles of keys can be heard and cell door is opened. An officer enters followed by the detective on the case. The detective who wore a white shirt tucked into black trousers, his tie was missing and his top button undone. Detective West walks over to Scully, coffee in hand and being very sure of himself.

”Detective.. Good to see you, Westie.”

Detective West: ”Detective West to you, smart mouth!”

”Alright calm down.. Why you so uptight?”

The detective takes a deep breath obviously frustrated by Scully’s ‘sense of humour’ or his attitude.

Detective West: “Time for your confession Mr. Scully.”

”Didn’t know we were in church?!”

Detective West: “Come on... “

Skull stands up and stretches, purposely taking his time. The detective rolls his eyes, Skull was getting under his skin. The officer, Scully and his lawyer, Mr. Andrews follow behind Detective West who gets them to follow him. They walk down the corridor and then enter the interview room, the officer stayed outside, on guard just in case. Detective West sets up the recording equipment, Scully and Mr. Andrews take a seat. The detective then starts recording whilst looking at his watch.

Detective West: “Interview commencing 9.04am, Michael Scully has his lawyer, Mr. Andrews present. So Mr. Scully where was you on the 21st of October?”

Scully sits back in the chair, slouching.

”No comment!”

Detective West: “Was you at New Orleans East Hospital on that day?”

”No.... Comment.”

Detective West: “A doctor was attacked that day at the New Orleans East Hospital, do you know anything about that?”

”Oh actually.... No comment.”

Detective West: ”Okay.. Okay. What about Charles Elton? Do you know him? Is he a friend of yours? He was in intensive care that day.”

”Erm.. No comment.”

Detective West: “Ted? Dave? Do those names mean anything to you?”

”Not really!”

Detective West: ”Well that’s funny Mr. Scully, we have you on CCTV in the hospital car park. Let me show it to you. I am now showing the suspect CCTV footage, evidence number one.”

The detective plays the footage, there is no sound but you can see Ted & Dave pushing Scully against a wall and BOOM! Scully retaliates and they go tumbling down the stairs. The footage ends and the detective continues the questioning.

Detective West: “That’s looks like you retaliating and pushing both men down those stairs?”

”That was my twin brother!”

Detective West: “And I’m the tooth fairy...”

”Are you?! Wow.. I never would have thought.”

Detective West: “How did it feel to leave them there unconscious? Do you show any remorse? They were meant to be your friends!"

"No comment..."

Detective West: "I know you're guilty of more than just the attack on Ted and Dave, I can see it in your eyes. You attacked that doctor, you may even put Mr. Elton in that care unit in the first place?!

"No Comment."

Detective West: "A short break is needed!"

The detective ends the tape suddenly and slaps his hands down on the table. With the recording ended, the detective goes to leave the room to get a break. But Skull grabs his wrist as he goes to walk past. The detective moves his arm away. The officer who is stood outside, goes to the enter the interview room but the detective stops him, he gestures for the officer to leave. Skull then questions Detective West.

"Do you have a child? A loving wife?"

Detective West: "Those questions are inappropriate."

"They are simple questions but I am willing to reluctantly help you out."

Detective West: "What do you mean? Are you trying to bribe me, Scully?"

"I wouldn't say bribe. You see Detective you know full well that the incident with Ted & Dave would be seen as self defense. You have no evidence that I attacked the doctor or Charles Elton. This could be a long old process. Have Ted & Dave given you a statement? Did Charles claim that I was the one who put him in hospital?"

Detective West: "I always get my man! I am not a bent copper."

"That's sounded a little bent but seriously, I offer you 50,000 dollars? Everyone has a price."

Detective West: "50K.. Hmmmm.. I don't think it's enough."

"You want to negotiate? What you have in mind?"

Detective West: "You really don't know when to stop do you?"

"I need to get out of this joint. I have a son, a Mrs even though she gets on my nerves and a wrestling career. I am the XWF Universal Champion!"

Detective West: "Yeah a great Champion?! My fourteen year old son, Jacob loves you. Why? I don't fuckin' know. You haven't even defended the title!"

Scully scratches his back, trying desperately not to retaliate.

"That's why I need to get out to defend it. Peter Gilmour has a shot."

Detective West: "Maybe you should have thought about that before you committed the crimes."

"You said your son is a fan right? What about a VIP tickets for you both? Aswell as the bribe of course. I'll get him some Scully merchandise too. Your son can watch me successfully defend my title live, in person. He can hang out in the back?"

Detective West: Tempting... But if Ted & Dave, Charles are to be found, they may still press charges."

"Found? They're not in hospital and haven't been seen?

Detective West: "I shouldn't really speak to you about it but all three decided to discharge themselves."


Skull stares at the wall, he still never had any idea where they were. The detective interrupts Scully's daydream.

Detective West: "The VIP tickets guaranteed right?"

"Yeah course!"

Detective West: "Well I'm not going to be bribed. I am going to make sure I send you down, Scully!"

Scully looks at Mr. Andrews for support who nods. The detective goes to leave once more but Scully says something to grab his immediate attention.

"Maybe I should tell your wife about the affair?"

West walks back over to Scully.

"Detective West: "You don't know what you're talking about?!"

"I planned for this. You leave me no choice."

Detective West: "Planned for what, Scully?"

"You swear by the bible right? You love your wife and son? Huh? What will they do if they find out about your sordid affair with that male officer who was in here?"

Detective West: "You wouldn't?! You can't?!"

"Not only would your marriage be over but what about your career? Sure being gay isn't an issue but doing it the way you have? Well... "

Detective West: "Okay okay.. I'll drop the case you son of a bitch!"

"Hey because I'm feeling generous, you and your son can still have those tickets."

The detective storms off in anger and slams the door. Skull smirks and shakes the hand of his lawyer.
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