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"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves

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02-05-2017, 09:13 AM

I consider myself to be strong. No matter what problems I've been faced with, I always take them on myself, and solve them. However I've came to realize that there comes a time when asking foe help isn't a sign of weakness. I've battled for a long time to regain control, and I've been close to achieving that goal a few times lately. Last night, we did a few hits of acid. I thought that it would be a fun way to fuck with other Micheal some more. I like to fuck with that guy, he's such a chode. I had no way of knowing that it would somehow cancel me out, and allow Micheal to see the world clearly. He was a little shocked when he found out what his adventures had entailed recently. Kidnapping, lunch meat rape, abandoning his family for a couple of weeks. Micheal always played this cool punk goth warrior on TV, but when the cameras would shut off, he was kind of a dork. Now here we are, in the car with Cadryn, rushing Micheal home so that he can try to explain to his wife why he hasn't called. Oh boohoo, Micheal's about to bring the mood down with another cry baby promo about how everything in his life is shit. Problem is, for him anyway, is that I can feel myself returning to the forefront. Micheal's high must be wearing off.

Cadryn Tiberius: ”Are you awake sleepy head?” Cadryn says with a smirk.

Micheal lifts head head from the window where he was resting it.

Micheal Graves: ”Yeah, I'm awake, but I feel like I'm going to be sick.”

Cadryn Tiberius: ”There is a gas station up ahead, do you want to pull over?”

Micheal nods and Cadryn whips the car over, cutting off two other lanes of traffic. Cadryn pulls into the gas station, and Micheal hops out of the car, running inside to quickly search for the men's restroom. Finding it, Micheal locks himself inside, and leans over the sink. He dry heaves a few times, thinking that he might vomit, but he doesn't. Micheal looks up to the cracked mirror above the sink. His reflection, something is off. It looks like him, but... oh fuck.

Dark-Weapon:Gehenna: ”Did we have fun tonight?”

Micheal turns on the water, and splashes some on his face. It's all starting to come back to him now, everything that has happened over the course of the last 14 days.

Micheal Graves: ”What is wrong with me?”

Dark-Weapon:Gehenna: ”Other than the fact that you're a weak host?”

Micheal Graves: ”Why did an acid trip make you go away?”

Dark-Weapon:Gehenna: ”An unexpected side effect of a good time I suppose.”

Micheal Graves: ”So if I stay fucked up, I'll stay normal?”

Dark-Weapon:Gehenna: ”Perhaps, but that would be boring, and we're not going to do boring.”

Micheal looks up from the sink, staring his reflection in the eye.

Micheal Graves: ”If I have to stay fucked up 24/7 to keep you away, then that's what I''ll do, at least until I figure out a more long term solution.”

Dark-Weapon:Gehenna: ”That's cute, but as we speak I am not only coming back, but I'm taking over. You have a strong will Micheal, but you are finally weak enough that you can't fight me off. Say hello to the new Dark-Weapon!”

For a second Micheal's eyes convey the absolute horror that he experiences upon realizing that this entity is correct, his hold on his sanity has slipped. Micheal's eyes close, and his expression changes to blank. He takes a few deep breaths, then opens his eyes and smirks into the mirror.

Dark-Weapon:Micheal Graves: "Now that that's out of the way, lets just focus on winning Lethal Lottery."

Micheal walks out of the restroom and straight back out to Cadryn, who is waiting for him in the car. Micheal climbs in the passenger seat as Cadryn looks over.

Cadryn Tiberius: ”Feel better big guy?”

Cadryn Tiberius: "I'm fine, scratch the trip home. We should turn around and head back to Texas."

Cadryn Tiberius: ”I thought that you wanted to make things right with your wife?”

Dark-Weapon: Micheal Graves: "Um... sure yeah, I do. I'll call her or something."

Cadryn Tiberius: ”Are you sure? We have plenty of time to make it home and back.”


Cadryn Tiberius: ”Texas it is!”

Micheal picks up Cadryn's bedazzled iPhone and pulls up the video recorder.

"Micheal Graves: ”Lethal Lottery, an event that I have never partaken in. Random teams each round with the ultimate goal to make it to the finals and win a title shot, interesting indeed. In the first round, fate has decided to pair me up with the Doctor, Luis D'Ville. A more fitting paring than the two of us isn't even possible. However where the two of us are seemingly such an excellent match, our opponents are not. Nate Higgers is so out of his league in this match, that it doesn't matter who his partner turns out to be. No offense Nate, I'm sure you serve some purpose here in the XWF. Probably because you cater to the lowest common denominator with your backwards thinking, racist America the beautiful bull shit. Your type especially piss me off because of how hypocritical you all seem to be. The fucked up thinks that you say and do, all while spouting off about being a good Christian. No sir, you serve Satan, but you are just too much of a pussy to admit it. Just like how you talk shit about fags, because you're upset that you dream of a big veiny cock in your mouth at night. Do you seriously think that you can defeat me and the good doctor? Does that pea sized brain of yours really serve you so poorly? And what about this partner of yours? What's the game with him keeping his name a secret? What is he afraid of huh? I imagine that he is going to turn out to be some big name who is making a grand return. That must be Jefferson Jackson's doing. Fucker is always looking to increase profits around here. I guess he's going to be upset when this mystery man doesn't make it to the Pay Per View, where the investment would have paid dividends.

No, it doesn't matter who that mystery partner is. Frodo, Blizzard, Weapon:Ashen, they would all fall to us. Everyone here has been listing their favorites to make it to the finals of this tournament. No where have I heard my name, and that's a mistake. Sure, I've been on a bit of a loosing streak recently, but we can blame my idiot counterpart for that. He concerns himself too much with event's outside of the XWF. That's not a problem that I have however. I don't care about friendships or family, I only have one goal in mind, and that is unleashing the utter destruction that I am capable of. So if you want to stop sobbing over that picture of a long deceased piece of shit, and instead bring your Nate Higgers A-Game to the table, that's be great. Because I would love to break you down weak and feeble mind before Doc and I break you physically at Warfare.”

Micheal stops recording, and begins fumbling through the YouTube app, trying to sign in and upload the material that he just recorded.

Cadryn Tiberius: ”Um, you seem different.”

Micheal quickly glances over to Cadryn and then back to the phone.

Dark-Weapon: Micheal Graves: "I've just got my head on straight now, no more voices."

Cadryn Tiberius: ”So you don't want to kill me anymore!?”

Micheal hesitates to answer. Cadryn realizes that there is an uncomfortable pause and begins to look worried.

Dark-Weapon: Micheal Graves: "I guess I don't have an opinion either way."

Cadryn lightens up a little bit.

Cadryn Tiberius: ”Well I suppose that's better than that, “kill him”, “okay!” stuff that you've been saying lately.”

Dark-Weapon: Micheal Graves: "That's over now that I've got a grip on my situation. Now I will just have to work on rebuilding the reputation that The other me ruined."

Cadryn Tiberius: ”Yeah, he wasn't a really nice guy. He was always talking down to me and trying to convince you to kill me.”

Dark-Weapon: Micheal Graves: "No you idiot! The OTHER me!"

Cadryn thinks for a second before realizing what Micheal is saying.

Cadryn Tiberius: ”WAIT, YOU'RE SATAN GRAVY!?”

Dark-Weapon: Micheal Graves: "I'm the superior being. For someone with such a strong will, Micheal has not been able to carry us to a single victory. That's something that I am going to change."

Cadryn Tiberius: ”That's not true! Micheal beat Fravey!”

Dark-Weapon: Micheal Graves: "One accomplishment, and not a very impressive one at that. I'm just glad that I'm lucky enough to have regained control of this vessel before Lethal Lottery. Now I have a chance to actually win it all."

Cadryn Tiberius: ”Gravy was going to win it all! He told me that he planned on using the case to get a shot at the Heavy Metalweight Championship. Of course that was before I won it, and he stole it.”

Dark-Weapon: Micheal Graves: "What an imbecile! That title is not worth the metal it's crafted from. If I'm to win the briefcase, there is only one title to use it on. The Universal Championship."

Well fuck! I was so close to being done with all of this shit. I thought for sure that the acid trip had cured me of Dark-Weapon:Gehenna's presence. Not only was I wrong, but now that he's managed to wrestle control away from me, I'm not sure if I can even make it back. Here's hoping that he slips up at some point. Oh, and I also hope that he doesn't change his mind and decide to kill Cadryn. That'd be pretty awful.

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(02-05-2017), Doctor Louis D'Ville (02-05-2017)

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