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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Radically Underestimated
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Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

02-05-2017, 08:51 AM


High school wrestling practice

[Image: 9ie4UUn.jpg]

Coach: Separation comes from preparation! State is coming! We are going to get our shovels and dig all night boys if we have to! Each and every one of you here right now is going to be wrestling for this school in state! Work hard now boys! When the match comes it will be easy! Own the mat! Attitude is everything!

Coach Brown circles the wrestling mat with his assistants watching his high school wrestling team practice! There are 8 young men on the mat covered in sweat coach brown watches writing here and there on his clipboard when two of the wrestlers stand up and lock up. For a second there is a small struggle until one of the wrestlers snap suplexe’s the other. He quickly goes for the cover slapping his hand with force on the mat as he counts loudly one, two… The whistle roars across the gymnasium echoing off the bleachers and back down to the wrestling mats. Everyone in the gym suddenly freezes and looks to coach Brown. He’s standing at the edge of the wrestling mats whistle still in his mouth and hands firmly on his hips! If looks could kill everyone in the gym would be dead 10x over. The coach rubs his eyes for a moment before yelling out!

Coach: Robert! Get your ass in my office NOW! Everyone else take a water break

Robert slowly gets off the mat and looks around at all the other wrestlers laughing and pointing at him because yet again Robert was in trouble for doing something illegal in high school wrestling. He walks past the other wrestlers heading for water staring at the floor not making a sound. Everyone knows Robert loves wrestling. He always has ever since he was little! It was no secret that he wanted to become a professional wrestler. He was bigger than most of the kids and very athletic on top of his size. His character though is what most people thought would get him into the business one day! Always quick witted and never out talked. Even in high school people around Robert seemed to know his future was in professional wrestling and nothing else would do! At the edge of the gym there sits a small office where Coach Brown is waiting.

Not being the first time in the coach’s office Robert already knows what’s coming! The speech you could hurt someone trying those things untrained. State is coming up we can’t afford to be screwing around! Robert walks into the office and takes a seat. Laughing for a moment because he was still covered in sweat and the next person to sit down would be covered in the stink. Coach Brown sits in his chair with his back turned to Robert reading the local paper not moving a muscle! Robert looks around his office hanging on the walls are countless medals and trophies from the Coaches glory days. Robert stares at the two NCAA championship trophies! The gold almost blinds him! For a moment he pictures himself with gold but a different kind! Robert wanted the gold that gets strapped around his waist!

[Image: pT21XX8.jpg]

Coach: Do you know where you’re ranked in the paper? Don’t answer that! Robert, you’re ranked first in the state! Do you know how hard that is to accomplish? Most are lucky to even get to state let alone be ranked number 1 going in! You’re the clear favorite to win! You will have won state 4 years in a row if you win this year! Do you even know how gifted you truly are? You have something most kids you’re age dream about. You’ve done it three times going on a fourth! So why might I ask? Are you suplexing kids out there? State is in a few weeks we cannot have anyone get hurt! Do you know that young man you suplexed and pinned? It’s his first time going to state son! He may not ever get another chance at this! And you’re out there suplexing him? You need to concentrate on your match at state. I know what you want to be! It’s just going to have to wait for a few more weeks! After we win state I’ll do whatever I can to help you get into professional wrestling!

Coach Brown folds the paper and tosses it onto his desk littered with different papers and gets up. He takes his time walking around the desk before he sits down on the corner of the desk he looks at his wall covered in greatness and then looks at Robert. Brown smiles looking at Robert maybe seeing himself when he was younger. The same fire and ambition even the attitudes are identical.

Coach: Listen Robert. I know a promoter in Japan! I also know a few wrestlers over there that can help hone your skills. I can make some calls but I cannot promise you anything. I’ll send some tape to them of you wrestling on the mat. They love very technically sound guys over there. If they like what they see you’ll have to leave home and train and wrestle overseas! Kid at your age that’s a lot to ask but if you really want it you can do anything. You have all the skills to be great! We all see it. Hell, we know it! Do me a favor let’s get this last win. You’ll have the record here for the most wins. I honestly don’t see it falling ever! We will end your high school career on a high note what do you say?

[Image: 7pUUDU0.jpg]

”Do you really know all of those people over in Japan?

Coach: Yes I do and I’ll do everything that I said I would kid! I know the original Tiger Mask personally! I lived in Japan for years after I won a gold in the Olympics wrestling. I taught guys over there how to wrestle! Most the guys over there wrestler and fight! Let’s get you ready for your match and we will talk about this afterwards.

”Okay coach!"


Robert’s walking through the locker room area towards the exit. His limo awaiting him outside. He stops noticing his black Gucci dress shoes are untied. He kneels down and ties his shoes watching his surroundings never knowing who may be lurking or awaiting the perfect opportunity to make a name for themselves. XWF is flooding with talent new and old! This is the place to come if you want to be in professional wrestling today! Robert stands up and takes his black aviator sunglasses out and putting them on and adjusting his black suit by shrugging his shoulders and adjusting his dress pants before noticing he’s standing right in front of Jim Caedus locker room! Robert pauses for a moment before walking off. Then he stops after a few steps and walks backwards towards Jim Caedus locker room. He stops and looks at the locker room door for what seems like an eternity.

[Image: BKhOA4c.jpg]

Robert looks down at his fist and clinched it tightly showing the white in his hand. He raises his hand up when the locker room door comes open. Robert freezes with his fist clinched. Jim immediately drops his things and brings his fists up The Television Championship not budging and inch from his shoulder. Robert and Jim stare at one another for a few moments when Robert extends his hand to Jim. Jim looks at Robert’s hand not knowing what this is! Jim ready for a fight grabs Robert’s and both squeezing each other’s hand allowing no blood to flow through. Robert smiles as the two shake hands.

Jim: What the hell is this?

”It’s me saying thank you! Thanks, Jim! Thanks for one hell of a match. You took me places I haven’t been in year’s man! I can see why you’re Champion. I also wanted to wish you luck Saturday night in your title match.”

Jim: I thought you came here to fight? You’ve got me freaking confused man? Thanks, I guess?

”Good luck again CHAMP”

Robert starts to walk away still shaking hands. Thinking Jim will let go, Jim, pulls Robert almost out of his suit and brings Robert chest to chest! Jim lets go of Robert’s and leaving it solid white. The two look each other eye to eye before Jim reaches up and pulls one of Roberts’s cigars out of his suit pocket and places it into his mouth cracking a short-lived smile. Robert backs away patting the Television Championship

”You can have that one! It’s a Makers Mark enjoy it! Oh and by the way! Jim, good luck in lethal lottery as well!”

Jim: You have Chaos and Reno! If anyone needs luck! Brother, it’s you. I’m going to make damn sure I’m in the second round. I hope to see you there Rob!

”Luck? Jim, it’s the perfect time to get noticed! You shine the brightest when you’re in the ring with the big dogs! Especially being in there with Chris. This leads to brighter futures, Jim! Brighter futures.


”This right here! Where I’m sitting now! This is where Robert Main became the Omega! You see I was born and raised here in Clark County. I went to school here played football, wrestled and ran track. Through and through I was a Las Vegas Wildcat! Over there hangs a red and black banner with my name on it! To this day no one and I mean no one has accomplished what I had. The most wins in school history! The most state championship wins in school history! All because of an amazing man who opened the door for me! Coach Brown! What does it mean now? Dick to be quite honest. Nothing at all. It’s just a name on a banner. Life is more what can you do for me now than anything else. Here in Las Vegas, we see a lot of stupid things from people all over the world! People come here and let the alcohol get the best of them! They act out and do things they wouldn’t do otherwise. Or they just come here and seem to forget there are laws. Others come here and get in deep with the sharks. You can be who you want and no one will ask one question! It’s a free for all. Yes, you can do anything your heart desires here! You can drink on the streets, get a hooker if you see fit! Gamble every single penny away! Eat like a king. Here you can do it all. Most people come here to have fun! What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas? It’s the city that never sleeps. They come here to put on a show! Walk around like their high-class citizens when they’re nothing more than broke fools! Pretenders! There’s a lot of smoke blowing here! If you blow enough smoke up someone’s ass here they may believe it! You just have to have enough clarity and smarts to see through the smoke screen! Isn’t that right Gabe?

See I’ve heard a lot of talk coming from your direction over the past 24 hours! A lot of smoke blowing if you’d ask me! Gabe, there is a big difference in me and some of the other Joe shit the rag man watching at home or listening to your podcast. I can see through you! That smoke you blow up everyone else’s asses isn’t going to work on me! I can see you for what you truly are! I really hope you came here and enjoyed your time in my beautiful city! Hell, I hope you went in and took every casino on the strip for everything they have! You looked to be quite the gambler! You’re also full up shit clean past your eyes! Stupidity at its finest! Look no further it’s Gabe Reno! I didn’t know Las Vegas had clowns Gabe? You came here to make it rain? Really? Taking catch phrases from rappers of the past? T.I. would be so proud! Maybe 50 Cent? I’m not that much into rap! But you get my drift here right? Make it rain? You’ve got to be kidding me! The seasoned gambler Gabe Reno is here folks! Hide your money and jewels he’s going to make it rain! What a freaking joke! You get lucky some place on the strip and all of a sudden you think you’re the world series of poker champ! Doyle Brunson would look at you and laugh after he took every single dime you had in your pocket! Since you’re such the gambler, Gabe! Why is it that you just can’t seem to wrestle away that GOLD FROM CHRIS CHAOS? The only rain that is going to be falling Gabe is from your eyes! After I beat your ass in the ring and knock you out of the first round of Lethal Lottery.

Promo after promo sticking your girl-boy hair cut in front of anything that can record your voice! Getting the word out like no other. Flooding the waves and running your dick lips! Hell if I looked at my phone right now I bet social media is blown up with your ranting. The loudest person in the room is usually chicken shit! All that talk and when push comes to shove no action! You come here to make gambling puns and jokes at my expense. I applaud you! You did some research and found out where I lived! You did a few half asses promos talking about how much people can’t get away from gambling! How they are addicted and lose everything! Gabe, I look at you and you’re the very definition of what you describe! You are not addicted to gambling! No.. You’re an attention whore! That’s what your addiction is! You have to have the spotlight shining on you and no one else! If someone else gets a single iota of time you begin sobbing like the little bitch that you are! You want to cut a freaking promo on me talking about my addictions like you know me? Please! You know nothing about me! Nothing at all! If anyone is gambling it’s you, Gabe! See you think you have it all figured out! Penciled in the second round! My question to you is? What if the second round never comes?”

The camera pans out revealing a dark gym where Robert wrestled and practiced for so many years in high school. The smell of stagnate sweat fills the gym there is no escaping the smell. It follows you to each and every corner of the gym with no remorse. Robert gets up from the darkness of the bleachers and walks out onto the mats. He takes a moment to look at his past relics hanging from the ceiling. The red and black banner hangs motionless! Robert cracks a quick smile before walking out to the middle of the wrestling mats draped across the gym floor. He then looks into the camera thinking to himself for a few moments before going on. With each word that leaves his mouth a slight echo can be heard throughout the empty gym.

[Image: 69ol9gv.jpg]

” I’ll be the first to admit it! I’m not in the best position come round one of Lethal Lottery! Hell, I’m a downright underdog in this match! I have a partner who well to be quite honest no one knows where in the hell he is? Maybe I’ll send out a missing person add or put a picture on milk cartons! It looks like I might have to go forgo this one alone! I’m actually oaky with that! My partner would most likely get in my way. Trip over his own bootlaces. Gabe you just don’t get it, do you? See if anyone in this match is betting and betting big it’s you and Mr Chaos! I have nothing to lose in this match and everything in the world to gain! What do I lose getting in the ring with the champion and yourself? Nothing! I can only gain! Now where things might get a little tricky is what happens if you lose? What happens if I come into the match just me and I beat you two? You lose it all! You’re betting the house! I got into the match for free! Imagine what would happen to you if I beat you two and the second round never comes! What then? The rookie! The man who just pinned the Television Champion to the mat one, two, three? It hurts your credibility, pride and ego! You two are the golden goose! Well, geese! All I need is one golden egg! It isn’t about luck! It’s all about prime opportunity!

And as far as me not showing up and bowing out of the match? You really don’t know who in the hell I am, do you? Gabe? Why in the hell would I give you a free untouched ride into the second round? If stupid people were planes the XWF would be a freaking airport. I lay down for no one! Did you get that? I’ll be there front and center and ready to go! You’re not getting an easy way out Gabe! You may get some half-assed efforts from other wrestlers. Some guys may lay down for you! I will not do anything of the sorts. I will boldly defy you. I’ll stand right in your way and slap the bitch right out of you. The brashness you display is utterly amazing! Your ego is so big I’m surprised you and Chaos can even stand in the same ring together. You tout your victory over Trax like you did something magnificent! Trax had you beat! You lost that match! But like Gabe Reno does best he improvises! Well, Cheats! You toss some powder in his eyes and pounce! Like the gutter dog that you are! Really? Proud of that? I guess you’ll take anything nowadays! In the past, you did do a lot of great things. Past is the key word here! Past! Let’s talk for a second about Gabe Reno’s past, shall we? Let’s talk about Chris Chaos vs Gabe Reno!! It’s checkered, isn’t it? It may be a different book each time we read it. But the ending always seems to be the same one. Chris beating your ass! Remaining Champion! Now all of a sudden there is this love fest between the two of you? Really? I don’t buy it for one second! You two hate one another! A slimebag like yourself Gabe no one can trust you! No one likes you! You want that championship that Chris carries around so badly you can taste it!

Each time you get ever so close and then Chris Chaos shows you that your dreams are nothing more than fool’s gold. I honestly think that you suffer some something! I’m no doctor. I know we have one on the roster here! Maybe you could go and pay him a visit? He freaks me the hell out! Although creepy he generally seems to know what he’s talking about! I think you suffer from the Chris Chaos effect! He’s beaten you so many times you have damaged your brain! You want something that you simply cannot have! As long as Chris Chaos is champion you’ll never ever touch that gold strap! It must drive you mad? Knowing what you want the most you can never have! Knowing someone is just that much better than you’ll ever be! I have to wonder how the hell you two can trust one another is beyond comprehension! If Chris’s back is turned and you have the prime shot at him will you be able to stand down Gabe? Or will your greed take over? Your desire to have something you cannot! The betrayal will happen Gabe! You cannot resist the opportunity. That feeling in your gut will take over and you will jump! Only to be smacked down again by Chris!”

The light in the gym suddenly come on, Robert looks like the cat that ate the canary. He watches as now an Older Coach Brown walking into the gym staring at his clipboard not noticing Robert standing in the middle of the gym. Robert doesn’t make a sound and watches as his coach that has done so much for him in his life walks towards his office. With each step, the coach takes it echo’s softly throughout the gym! The coach never misses a beat walking right past Robert and stops at his office door! He reaches into his pocket of his red basketball shorts and pulls out his keys! They clang and clatter about as he unlocks the door! He steps into his office turning on the light! The light fills the office like a burning inferno! The coach takes a seat and picks up the newspaper yelling out!Kid get in here! I can sense when you’re around! Robert seems stunned the coach knew he was there! Robert walks into the coaches office unchanged from when he went to high school many years ago. He takes a seat directly on the coaches desk.

Coach: I always knew when you were around kid! You got something about you! By the way great job the other night! The match coming up, though? Boy oh boy, you’re going to have your hand's full son!

”Yeah I know!”

Coach: Kid let me tell you something! You can do it! You know you can. I know you can! All you have to do is go in there like you have always done! Put pain on the back burner! Focus and wrestle like only you know how to do! You have a will that may bend but I know it cannot be broken! You strive to be the best! So go out there and show the world again why you are the best! Mouthy guys usually end up eating their words at some point! Are you going to make Gabe Reno eat his?

Robert begins again on Gabe Reno!

Get to safety? Gabe! It’s evident you really don’t know who you’re talking too! I’ll stand on the train tracks and wait for a train! I’ll play that game of chicken with you! You walk around all high and mighty as you should! You’ve done a lot! It’s more about what have you done lately, though? You stick your nose up in the air at guys like me! You act like we are untalented! You won’t even look guys like me in the eyes! You think that you’re the best! You’re the best at kissing the bosses ass! You’ve been handed opportunity after opportunity and what have you done with them? Failed! Are you really the best Gabe or do you believe that because the people in the front office here in the XWF tells you that you are? Two matches here I have two wins! One a complete embarrassment against Snow and Kid Cool. The second I pinned the Television Champion! I may be on a roll as you call it! But in my eyes, I’m doing what I have always done where ever on this earth I’m wrestling! It called winning. No luck involved! It’s just what I do! I win! I know my past doesn’t matter here and never will. I speak of Japan because that is what made me who I am today! I was top dog over there! I’ve come here and done nothing more than what I set out to do! Win! Gabe Reno! I may crash and burn being by myself at Warfare! I may come out on top of the world only making my stock here sky rocket! One things for damn sure! You need to learn who the hell I am. I’m not like these other guys around XWF in the dressing room. I’m not going to step aside when you walk past! You’re not going to bully or intimidate me! Nothing that you can do or say will change the fact! I can beat you! I know it. After Warfare Gabe Reno will know who Robert “The Omega” Main is! Gabe Reno, you have Radically Underestimated who I am!”


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[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
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Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
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2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
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2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
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Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
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Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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