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Cooze on a Cruise
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JimCaedus Offline
Trash Talker Skywalker

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

01-19-2017, 05:45 PM

::Nearly two hours have passed since the dramatic conclusion to Wednesday Night Warfare. The XWF talent and brass have had their post-card debrief, the wrestlers themselves are finishing up their sanitation rituals and Jim Caedus is the first to emerge on deck. Winding his way through the fans, ignoring requests for autographs and pictures-::

'Didn't they get enough at the fuckin' meet 'n greets before the card?'

::-he sees himself to a pair of double doors leading into the vessel's dance hall. Within, over the cacophony of the crowds, he can hear the thumping of bass::

'And just where do you think you're going?'

"Several hours yet to kill on this cruise. I heard talk of a party even after we've docked. May as well explore while I can. May find something worthwhile."

'I doubt you'll find it in there...'

::Caedus enters find an extremely hot piece of ass finishing her routine, collecting her cash and taking her leave.::

'A strip club!?'

::The DJ cuts a less than clever intro for the next stunning selection and out she struts::

An _empty_ strip club. Ten pathetic dickheads. At least the DJ is playing a classic club track.

'Chaos would like it. He IS from Florida after all. Don't think Nate Higgers'd be too keen though.'

"Oooooh shit! Jim fuckin' Caedus!!"

::Two college age young men walk over::

"Thank GOD dude," one exclaims! "It's been DEAD in here since you guys' show started and because it's fully nude there's no fucking alcohol!" He pulls a flask from his jacket pocket and takes a sip. "Not that we can't improvise but still, we need a party goin'!"

"Yeah, maybe a crazy fucker like you could liven things up," the other proclaims!

'Aw shit.'

Crazy!? Why, you mealy mouthed motherfucker. I aughta fuckin' kill-

::Jim takes in his surroundings once more, reminding himself of the twenty eyes representing simply the victims/witnesses, not to mention the DJ, the current dancer, the serving wench, the lap dancers and any other chicks behind the state's cloaked egress::

'Easy, take it easy...'

"Whatever you want to get it going in here, Jim, anything. It's on us. We are fuckin' millionaires you know."

Mm-hm, most likely funds fed from fat-cat fathers, funneled into these fool's financial institutions. I think I know what to do. Can't kill 'em...

"Anything I want huh? And it's on you two?"

"Anything bro!"

::Jim quickly taps out and sends a mass text::

"Who's that," one of the yuppy scum inquires?

"I'm inviting those on the XWF roster on the ship to join. All of them, even those who weren't booked but came to see the show anyway. Even the bosses, though don't get your hopes up...I'm not confident they can allow themselves to be seen in such an environment. Oh, and I told 'em it's on you two. So don't go anywhere," I add with an edge of implied violence.

"All...all of them?"


"Indeed. Enjoy, boys."

I make my way to the furthest seat in the shadows and I sit. With the combined beatings I'd recently received from the titanically talented Thomas Nixon and the frighteningly furious force of Isabella Ravenwolf mere hours earlier, I needed to take a few to rest my aching form. I'll stick around for a bit, mind my own business and see what happens...

(Come on down people, all who want to create a little fun are invited to add to this shit and it doesn't need to include me.)
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Tommy Wish Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

01-20-2017, 08:02 AM

Then we see Tommy and Bowsa Jr flying over the cruise ship. As Bowsa was was landing his flying clown car; Tommy jumps off and heads to where he see's a mystical lines of beauties awaiting to get their pussy and toes sucked!

"It's a wonderland of toes and hoes, Bowsa, come git some of this!"

"Uh.... You know i'm like five right?"

"Who gives a shit, you been five all your life...lets get lit!"

Then we see some unnamed hoes coming towards both men on the cruise; they start to dance on em, but since Bowsa is short... he uses his bandana cloak to transform into the human Tommy.

"WOO...lets it LIT..or something!"

Then we see the duo getting there groove on until something happens..
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