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Pure Energy.
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Broken Hart Offline
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11-24-2016, 04:14 PM

I don't care who you are, what you do, what makes you tick. All I care about is getting the best you ya got, whether you're facing me or standing at my side. People don't allow themselves to be the best they can be, instead? They shove that better side deep down below and force it to remain.

Not me. No more.

I returned to the XWF to make a name for myself, instead of playing the joke. I have this belief you see, in the words of Jenn Stone;

Me and My Shadow
By: Jennifer Stone

"Each of us has two people sharing their namesake. One person is the being who walks around and who interacts with the rest of the known world. The other is the one we wished walked the earth. Both share similarities. They are virtually the same in essence, but one is the improvement of the other. Very few folks bring out this 2.0 version of themselves. It usually resides forever in the wishful minds of those that long to improve themselves. It frustrates us to no avail. We feel the ultimate version of ourselves is forever trapped by our fear and indolence. Yet we are comfortable letting it stay in our self made confinement. Why do we accept our own mediocrity, when our own excellence is right there?"

The truth is, we never know ourselves fully and completely till we follow that road less traveled. Step by step, we solidify our futures. In the XWF, you either make your prescence felt, put in work and make an impact... or sooner rather later, you fade out as the next prospect takes their aim. In this machine, we are all replaceable... but it doesn't have to be that way.

When you stake that claim, bring yourself out of the shell and become who you were always meant to be, you become something that ISN'T disposable... you become an entity. Entitys are for forever, they're immortal, long after the body fades the name remains, the spirit. People are more than flesh and blood, I believe there's this inner most essence that continues to grow long after we are lain to rest.

And that's what I want to be.

I want for my name to remain in the halls for decades to come. I do not wish to continue selling my soul to those feelings which lay beneath, those feelings of inadequacy, feeling as if I'll never win the big one... As if I should just hang up my boots and move along. No more. I signed my name on the dotted line, and come WildCard Weekend? I will make an impact that will be felt around the world.

XWF, don't settle for less. Don't give in to everyone else's demands, don't lower your sights any more than what you KNOW you deserve. You can be a warrior.... or you can surrender. NEVER, ever, surrender. This is your life... make it count.


--9 Days--


[Image: black_heart_zpsnnlf1k63.png]

Tear it out. Move in for the kill.
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