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Losing Grip.
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Broken Hart Offline
Say hello to goodbye.


XWF FanBase:
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11-18-2016, 06:49 PM

What if everything you knew vanished.

What if the world you lived in was replaced with one huge blue screen, and you found yourself lost in a movie you couldn't get out of?

You live in a world where everything isn't always perfect, but you have the ability to make things better...

...what if you lost that ability?

What if you found yourself in a world where the decisions you make have no true bearing?

What if you lived with fear and pain every moment of every day?

I do.
Count yourself lucky.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We open to a street corner, where a man in a mask leans his back against a stop sign. Broken Hart. He smirks to himself...

"I reach out to people, they put on a front. 'Just one more day. Believe'

Fuck. You.

I've been in this hell for as long as I can remember. I'm no longer the same man I stepped into this thing as...

I'm better.

I now realize what makes the world tick. Hate. Greed. Jealousy. Stabbing your best friend in the back just to get one step up the ladder. I've reached the point in my life where I no longer need help from a damn soul. Why should I try to make the world a better place when the world only cares about money, houses, women and fame. Why should I lend a hand to my fellow man when that same man would pass me by if I were trapped in a torture chamber and he held the key?

Again-- Fuck. You.

I no longer live in a world I have the power to help mold. I live in a world that has entrapped me and ravaged me. I'm a slave. I'm a puppet. I'm a star in a show I wish I'd never auditioned for. This is no life, I have no true home. I have broken dreams and lost visions. Visions that seemed beautiful and filled with opportunity and success... all fallen along the way. I no longer had the desire and passion I once did... but I'm slowly rebuilding myself. I'm slowly inching my way to breaking through this bubble... and when I do? Beware.

You've all had your chances.
Chances run out.

See you all sooner than you think.

Broken Hart glares at the camera... before brushing past it. We pan to find graffiti sprayed across the brick wall, reading in blood red--

SAVE_US._33_3 ~ 8 Days

[Image: black_heart_zpsnnlf1k63.png]

Tear it out. Move in for the kill.
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Jervis Cottonbelly Offline
The World's Sweetest Man

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Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

11-19-2016, 01:41 AM

"You sound like you could use a nice cup of tea and a hug. Staying positive in this world is hard work, even near impossible at times! But you're in my heart, and I hope I'm in yours, we can do this together. If you would like to chat with me about anything, just come see me after Wednesday Night Warfare."

[Image: Ewcom82MFFI7IE9xNhUGmPe-Hf_7ACVPIewA0IC_...00ffadffff]

"When times get tough and skies grow dark, always remember and never forget, Jervis Cottonbelly still loves you,"

Member of PATROL (w/ Thomas Nixon, Benito Angelo & Guppy Parsh)

1x Heavy Metalweight Champion
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[-] The following 2 users Like Jervis Cottonbelly's post:
Broken Hart (11-19-2016), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (11-19-2016)
Broken Hart Offline
Say hello to goodbye.


XWF FanBase:
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11-19-2016, 07:49 AM

"Thank you for the kind words, sir. I'll keep them in mind. Best of luck Wednesday in your match with a monkey."

[Image: black_heart_zpsnnlf1k63.png]

Tear it out. Move in for the kill.
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