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Out on a date
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drezdin5788 Offline

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

11-12-2016, 12:36 PM

Ava:So babe Im curious to know how do I know that this date that we are going on is going in the way you promise me? And where per say we are going at any way?

Drezdin:well Ava my delicious sexy if you must know it's a suprise, and secondly where we are going you will know in do time.

Ava:baby please!?

Drezdin:babe you know I'm going to say no cause it's a suprise like a said. Besides the only thing that i can say is that where we are going you've been wanting to go to it for a while since it had open and you are going to love it.

Ava:okay then, then how do I know then one that no one from the xwf roster will be there? And two you are aware of that you will owe be majorly if this doesn't go the way you promise me?

Drezdin:Ava Ingrid McHall! Do you or do you not love me/ trust me enough that this will be the best time ever?

Ava:sweetie you know that I love you and trust you but it's just that..........

Drezdin:Ava beautiful all I ask of you is just this one time that you do please?

(Drezdin kisses his girlfriend Ava on the live caringly)

Ava:but you promise me with all of your heart that I'll have fun okie dokie?

(They both hole each of loving and tenderly)

Drezdin:okie dokie I promise

(Drezdin kisses her on the lips)

Drezdin:by the way keep this with you

Ava:this? Why do I need this blind fold for?

Drezdin:it's a suprise remember babe?

Ava:fair enough

[Image: FSYLxSs.png]
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