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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
I Am The Fire RP 1/3?
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Barney Green Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

10-31-2016, 10:18 PM

The spirits have left me. I may have lost to Unknown Soldier but I didn't go down without a fight. He took me to my limit. I respect him after that. He brought something out of me I didn't know was still alight within me.

The fire within me still burns. Dolly Waters. Listen here, You sponge head. I am not attracted to women. You trying to insinuate that makes me laugh. I may be a cum-guzzling queer but so what? What does that have to do with anything. I am only human.

You have daddy issues? How cute. The prepubescent vixen has daddy issues. Wah! Wah! Wait until you get to be my age, darling. I made it to thirty-two without my parents. When Robert was playing, "Mr. Football Star", I got ignored and treated like I didn't exist. That motivated me to prove them wrong and look at me. I may not be the most famous guy or the most attractive guy in the room but people know who I am.

You and I have a bit in common. Its sad that it had to come to this. You are the youngest wrestler in XWF history and I am the most unlikely wrestler. I mean, Look at me. I put a bunch of unneeded miles on my body for the fans enjoyment. I got scars all over my body from violent matches. I have had skewers jammed into my head. I have been hit with gusset plates. I have experienced it all in this business.

You wanna talk about me? Let's do that, Ms. Waters. I am a former XWF World Champion along with X-Treme Champion. I built my legacy on wrestling the most violent matches possible. You don't want to step into that realm.

It's commendable that you have made it this far and I respect you as a competitor but you are way out of your league thinking you can just trash talk me like I am some flavor of the month. You are really making me do something I don't want to do.

The name's Barney Green and I am an evil man. I hate the fact that you pushed me to that point. I tried to be a nice guy and where did it get me? Yeah, I did win a World Title but that had more to do with everything lining up in the stars for me that night.

Let's look at the fallen people in my life. I lost my mentor, Foley Anderson, November Eighth, Two Thousand and Twelve. I lost my Uncle Norman Green, March Twenty-Second, Nineteen Ninety-Nine. The two most influential people in my life taken away from me. The only solace I can find in Foley's death was the fact he got to see me win a World Title before he passed on. I made a vow that after he died, I would win another title before I hang up my boots. Looks like its gonna be your title.

I still got friends alive like the "Dirty Bird" Jeff Night and John Lauriniatis. Mr. Excitement himself. My two closest friends in this business. Jeff Night handles my finances and John Lauriniatis runs the best wrestling school on the east coast in People Power Academy which is co-owned by me and him. I am training the future of this business. I am giving back to a business that is made of selfish people who will stab you in the back the first chance they get.

You talk about ripping my clothes off. Exposing my tiny dick for the world to see. Go right ahead and do that. I don't care. I know its small to begin with. I don't give a fuck about that. Just remember that when you get thrown in jail for sexual harassment.

You lit a fire within me. Remember the saying. When you play with fire, You are gonna get burned. You are the one lighting the fire, prepare to get burned. Later, Ms. Waters.

The scene opens up inside of People Power Academy where we see Barney Green, dressed in a black shirt with "People Power Academy" written across it in Green lettering, black shorts and black sneakers. Standing next to Barney Green is John Laurinaitis, dressed in a black shirt with "Reebok" lettering in white across it and black jogging pants with black sneakers. The gym is dimly lit with a cheap looking ring in the center and some weight lifting equipment in the corner with a treadmill. John goes to speak.

John: How you feeling, Barn?

Barney: Disappointed that I lost to Unknown Soldier.

John: Don't be. Nobody expected it to be as close as it was but you proved people wrong. I got somebody that should be able to help motivate you in this time of need. He is somebody that will definitely motivate you. Whether that be in a bad or a good way.

[Image: 092615-BUZZER-Bob-Backlund-MM-PI.vadapt.664.high.27.jpg]

In walks Bob Backlund, dressed in a white dress shirt with red suspenders and black khakis. Bob walks right up to Barney Green and goes to speak.

Bob: Hello, Young man. My name is Mr. Backlund. The one thing you gotta realize in this business is you always win even when you lose. When you lose, You learn something and that makes you better.

Bob extends his hand to Barney Green who shakes it and goes to speak.

Barney: The name is Barney Green. I have been doing this for years yet I don't get the desired results.

Barney pauses as Bob goes to speak.

Bob: The problem is you have become systematic in the way you approach things. If something isn't working, why keep doing it. You gotta evolve with the times. Looking at you. You need to start hitting the treadmill more and start eating less. That's your problem. We are gonna make Barney Green great again. Do you know how to run on the treadmill? Have you even done that before?

Bob pauses and waits for Barney to speak.

Barney: Of course I have ran on a treadmill before.

Bob: Well, Let's see what you got, young man.

Barney walks over to the corner of the gym where the equipment is and he climbs on the treadmill. He starts it up and starts running on it. Bob goes to speak.

Bob: Nice try, Young man. Having it at level one isn't gonna do anything for you. Let's speed it up a bit.

Bob walks leans over and starts increasing the speed to four as we see Barney quickly grab onto the sides of the treadmill and start running really fast.

Bob: Much better. You gotta be able to run at that speed if you want to win this next match.

John goes to speak.

John: But, Bob, He isn't built on speed. He is built like a wrecking ball. He doesn't need speed. He just needs strength.

Bob turns to John.

Bob: That's Mr. Backlund to you. That's the problem. You built a guy who is strong but not fast. We gotta get him running at that level. When is the last time you did any lifting, John?

John: I'm retired. I just train the new recruits here along with Barney Green.

Bob: Wrong answer. You should still lift to keep yourself in shape. In fact, Why don't you start pumping some iron while Barney runs on the treadmill.

Bob walks over to the set of weights and grabs two twenty-five pound dumbbells and hands them to John.

John: You can't be serious.

Bob: I am serious. Start lifting.

John starts lifting the weights struggling while Barney is struggling to keep up with the speed. Sweat is pouring down Green's face. Bob goes to speak.

Bob: Come on, young man. You should be able to keep up. I can run that no problem. I will be right back gentlemen. I need to use the bathroom.

Bob Backlund leaves and heads towards the bathroom. Once the door is shut. Barney goes to speak.

Barney: John. Stop this crazy thing before I go flying across the room.

John quickly drops the weights and rushes over to the treadmill and stops it. Barney quickly catches his breathe and his face turns to anger towards John.

Barney: I can't believe you invited him to our place of business, John.

John: I didn't think he would do that to you. I thought he would just motivate you.

Barney: We gotta get out of here before he comes back.

Barney quickly hops off the treadmill and takes off running with John Laurinatis. They reach the exit as Barney pulls out his cellphone. Barney quickly dials a number and goes to speak.

Barney: Hello, Police. I got a crazy man inside People Power Academy on 34 Lansdowne Street. Can you send somebody. He is wearing a white dress shirt with red suspenders and black khakis. I will stay on the line in my car. I don't want to be anywhere with that man.

The scene fades to black.

[Image: juXb2Dg.jpg]
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Dolly Waters (11-01-2016), Unknown Soldier (11-01-2016), Vincent Lane (11-01-2016)

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