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Wednesday Warfare 06/05/13
Author Message
Wallace Witasick Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

06-06-2013, 01:54 AM

Kemper Arena
Kansas City, Missouri
June 5, 2013

You all hear it. The amazing new theme song for XWF's newest and most intense announcer. JIM ROSS!

The fans explode as fireworks of the sort come flying out from everywhere as good ol' JR makes his way down to the ring. Decked out in cowboy boots and hat and all..

JR: "Truck Yeah!"

The crowd cheers.

JR: "That's how we say it over here on the Warfare Brand! The only place where you can get the best in sports entertainment and tonight will do nothing less. We have a stacked talent of wrestlers itching to get out there so will make this new introduction short and sweet. Wallce Witasick; the Warfare general manager himself, has asked that I come out here tonight and introduce to you the new commentating team that will sit to my right and left all evening tonight and from here on out. Let's let Liz and Steve stay in the back doing interviews that they are good at and leave the commentating to the real professionals like yours truly.

JR: "Which also bring us to the lovely first new member of the Warfare commenting team..."

JR: "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome. PAULINA CRUZ!

A very attractive and petite looking Puerto Rican looking lady comes skipping down the ring with microphone in hand.

Paulina Cruz: "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. It's a pleasure to see you all here tonight getting absolutely crazy. I'm not just here to be something to look at.. Just like most women I have a lot of opinions and things to say and look forward to working with all of you.... THE XWF FANS!"

They all cheer and praise her speech.

JR: "Secondly from his own family Wallace has brought forth a very important man. This man can only serve as the forefront of sports commentating by his brother's side so that the can formulate the greatest wrestling program of all time.. Ladies and gentlemen please welcome Wallace's very own brother...


[Image: 220px-Johnny_Depp_Cannes_nineties.jpg]

Wallace's brothe,r who seemingly looks like they could be identical twins, comes blasting to the ring under the same music theme "Kill the King" by Megadeth, the same as his brothers. The crowd cheers as Wayne makes his way to the microphone.

Wayne Witasick: "Ladies and gentlemen of the most successful wrestling federation in the world, I come to you from the Witasick family where we strive for nothing but success! An abundance of money! And making Mark Flynn's life a living hell!"

The fans cheer again.

Wayne Witasick: "My brother has finally been able to let his success show in these coming months by taking over the Warfare brand and now I'm here to make sure that the voice behind the program is just as up to date and amazing as the talents performing inside of it. It is with the utmost certainty and respect for my brother that I join him in this wonderful ride we call


Wayne finishes his final statement and the remote slams off the canvas as 'Truck Yeah' blares again and the three commentators take their seats ringside preparing for the nights first match!

World-1 International
- vs -
Kristen Silver
- vs -
Colton Stewart
Triple Threat -- One Fall

The Only One by Evanescence hits and World1 International makes his way from the back. The man is soaking in the crowds cheers as he walks down the ramp and hops into the ring. World1 gets into the ring and hops up on to a turnbuckle raising his arms to the crowd to get a huge wave of cheers.

“The following contest is a triple threat! Now entering the arena! He is making his way from Toronto Ontario, Canada! He stands at 5 foot and 10 inches tall and weighed in at one hundred and sixty five pounds! He is WORLD-1 INTERNATIONAL!”

World-1 takes a bow at the incredibly loud cheers he gets and awaits his opponents. Now by Paramore erupts and the cameras all switch to watch as the opponent enters the ring.

Moments pass as the song continues but there is no superstar entering. World-1 is standing in the ring confused.

Jim Ross: “Well what in the world is goin’ on back there!?”

The song cuts and now switches to the other opponent’s song Raging of the Region blares through the speakers and the cameras again focus on the stage awaiting the opponents of World-1 to emerge and walk down the ramp.

The song continues but again nothing happens as the stage continues to be empty. World-1 is seen scratching his head in confusion while standing in the ring.

Wayne Witasick: “Well maybe his opponents were too scared to come tonight?”

Jim Ross: “They are running with the tail between their legs like a scolded dog!”

Wayne Witasick: “What a way to put it JR.”

The referee looks confused but calls for the bell to ring.


And with the sound of the bell the match begins. The ref looking almost as confused as world-1 starts to count out World-1’s opponents.












Paulina Cruz: “Well World-1 has picked up the win without even having to lift a finger!”

Jim Ross: “A well-deserved win as he was the only man brave enough to come to his job tonight!”

Winner: World-1 International

WINNER: World 1 International


The camera pans through a quiet little town without much around. You hear bells ringing in a far off distance. Quick flashing shots move to a bearded man, long hair, and a straw-like hat on his head rocking back and forth in a chair with a book in his hand. The flashing goes between the man and the town. The camera finally focuses back on the town view and finds a small Church building painted white. The camera follows the building to the top of it's steeple with the bells ringing. The scene moves to inside where that man is rocking back and forth, showing bits and pieces of the Church while a southern raspy voice speaks over the speakers... "This isn't a coming of redemption by any means. Nor a coming to bring about peace to your pathetic little world. This coming is to bring good news to those who accept, and wrath to those who fail to embrace it. You see the world in colors, but I see it as black and white. It's finally time for the coming. Vengeance is mine. The riddles have just begun." An evil deep laugh rises in echo and a close up of the man's eyes show.


We cut backstage and see ‘The Xtremist’ Bryce looking intense at the gorilla position. He’s hyping himself up, when Neonero suddenly appears beside him, holding a tray of cakes.

Bryce! Oh Bryce I’m glad I caught you in time. Your Mother asked me to give you these cakes, they’re your favourites I’m told.

My mother is Bryce’s...

Your Mother is Bryce’s Mom is Your Mother. Let’s not get bogged down in semantics now, you have a match.

With that, Neonero disappears, leaving Bryce holding the tray of cakes as his music hits...

'The Xtremist' Bryce
- vs -
Salman Van Dam
Standard Match

We pan over to ringside where Bryce is warming up in the ring.

Jim Ross: "Bryce made his way out during the commercial. Tonight, his opponent will be Salman Van Dam."

We see green and white lights blinking through out the arena as the fans then witness to hear "Phenomenon"by Thousand Foot Krutch begins to play and Few minutes later we see white pyro from the left side of the ramp and a green pyro on the right side of the ramp goes up with the entire entrance stage is reflecting white light as SVD makes his way out to the ring the crowd gives a mixed reaction,half of the crowd cheering and half of them you know how fans are?Not everybody likes SVD.Anyway he then walks down the ramp which is totally green while in the centre of the ring on the mat we can see the pakistan flag just reflectiing on the mat as SVD walked further down and baseball slides in..later he climbs up the turnbuckle kissing his finger and then pointing it upwards and saying "Thank You God",Sometime he even shouts Allah Akbar but that is seen rarely.He then jumps down from the turnbuckle and then extends his arms out side ways with a smile as he looks down at the mat with a smile,looking at the reflecting image of his country flag as he does standing back flip causing all the corners of the ring to explode with mix green and white pyro.

"From Multan, Pakistan, weighing 225 pounds, Salman Van Dam!"

Wayne Witasick: "This match should blow the roof off, guys. These are two great talents going at it tonight."

Jim Ross: "This is sure to be a barn burner of a match!"

The bell sounds as Bryce and SVD lock up in the center of the ring. SVD overpowers Bryce early in and pushes him back-first into the corner. SVD throws some chops into Bryce's chest.

Paulina Cruz: "Whoop his a*s!"

Jim Ross: "Oh come on, Cruz! This is a family show."

Wayne Witasick: "SVD pulls Bryce out of the corner and gives him a flapjack in the center of the ring. SVD gives him a moonsault! Wow, SVD can pull a fluid moonsault. He covers Bryce.



Kick out by Bryce."

SVD picks up Bryce with a headlock applied.

Jim Ross: "SVD throws Bryce into the ropes. SVD goes for a back body drop, but Bryce punts him in the face! What a sickening sound that kick made...Bryce runs off the ropes for a follow up move, but SVD reverses into a spear!"

Wayne Witasick: "Clasic SVD! That was EPIC! SVD is trending now on Twitter."

SVD quickly scoops up Bryce who's still out and plants him to the mat with a Sal Driver! (Pedigree)

Jim Ross: "By Gawd what a move! SVD makes the cover.




Wayne Witasick: "Epic! SVD puts Bryce down with ease hitting him with the Sal Driver. I'm tweeting pictures right now as we speak."

Jim Ross: "I'll tell you what, that Bryce boy is as useless as tits on a boar lately!"

WINNER: Salman Van Dam


[quote=Neonero]We cut backstage, and Sean Falcon is pacing around, awaiting his music.

How bout dem Cowboys?

A voice breaks Falcon’s concentration, he looks up to see none other than Warfare’s newest signing, Neonero. Falcon looks confused, Nero grins, and Falcon’s music hits.

That’s my cue!

Nero dashes away, and a confused Falcon makes his way to the curtain...

Sean Falcon
- vs -
Franklin Fresh
- vs -
Glen DiBiase
Triple Threat -- One Fall

Glen DiBiase and Franklin Fresh are now in the ring preparing for their triple threat match when gold strobe lighting begins to flicker as the “Perfect Strangers” by Deep Purple hits. Sara Falcon comes out first followed by their opponent Sean Falcon. Falcon wears a black and gold sleeveless robe. The pair grasp hands and he spins her around slowly to give the fans a view of her many smoking hot features. With their hands, his right and her left, clasped together, they raise their arms and are showered in gold colored pyro. She sits on the middle rope as he enters the ring. She jumps down to watch as the bell rings.

DiBiase and Fresh bomb rush Sean Falcon with clotheslines, but Falcon ducks underneath both and runs to the other side of the ring. He bounces off the ropes and hits them both with a double arm clothesline. Falcon then proceeds to jump on Fresh and deliver fists to his face. He gouges the eyes of Fresh to finish him off as DiBiase rises only to be kicked in the gut by Falcon and hit with a snap suplex onto the body of Fresh.

He pulls Fresh out from under DiBiase and lifts him up. He hits a bridging German suplex right onto the body of DiBiase. Sean shares a look with Sara who then heads to the other side of the ring. She pulls out a pair of brass knuckles from her cleavage and tosses it to Sean then proceeds to distract the referee. He proceeds to bash the heads of his opponents in until they are both bloody. He throws the brass knuckles out as the ref turns around unknown to what has happened. He lifts up DiBiase and hits a side Russian Leg Sweep. Then to Fresh and hits another side Russian Leg Sweep. He places Fresh on top of the lifeless DiBiase. He ascends to the top rope.

He hits the Falcon Elbow Drop on both men!! He flips Fresh over, then DiBiase over both facing down with their backs up. Sean Falcon then proceeds to grab both men and lock them both in a Camel Clutch!! The fans dislike Falcon, but they love what he is doing. The ref checks on both men who have passed out from the pain. The ref calls for the bell and Sean Falcon raises his arms in victory. Sara enters the ring and runs over to him for a kiss. They celebrate the easy victory.

WINNER: Sean Falcon


'Slick' Rick Jones is backstage preparing himself for his six man tag team match when a man dress in black clothing and wearing a guy Fawkes mask approaches Jones

Man in mask: "You are about to taught a lesson in never to get involved in other people's business."

After the man finishes speaking two other men appear behind Jones, the two men are dressed identically to the first one. Jones looks at the men behind and then looks at the front and then strikes the man in front of him but three men retaliate back and attack 'Slick Rick Jones' as the numbers game is too much for Jones, the men attack Jones until he is left battered and bruised on the floor


The cameras go backstage to find a bearded man in a tailored, white suit entering Eric Rex's locker room. Victor Gobalsky quickly steps between them. The man smiles and hands him a $100 bill.

Man: Step aside, young buck. The civilized folk have business to discuss.

Rex waves Victor away.

Man: Mr. Rex. Ahh...Mister Rex. Misdirects. Interestin' how that works out. Like poetry. Please, excuse my rudeness. We haven't met and here I am making remarks about your life. My name is Eli James IV. Grandson of Lt. Eli James Jr. and great, great, great, grandson to the infamous Confederate Gen. Zebulon Lee James. It truly is a pleasure to make your aquaintance, sir. I believe we have a mutual friend in our lawyer, Sal Valencia. That man has been like a Hand from Heaven, rescuing me from several alimonies. I do hate formalities. Business. Let me first say that I have seen what a blessing you have been to little Lacey, and it warms my heart. I also hope to see you bring the judgement God owes to that rapscallion, KnightMask for mistreating that precious angel. It is with all of that in mind that I wish to inform you that I have decided to become a financial partner with both The Academi Law Firm and Academi Security Services. You will find that I have already wired $5,000,000 to each of those accounts, which, if you remember, totals $9,000,000 more than what you wanted from that scoundrel, Wallace Witasick. Now, since I am now a partner, I feel it is my right to make a request. I want more advertisements like before. I want to see you back in that ring. Next week. You'll catch Wallace soon enough, but not the way you've goin' at it, my friend. You don't wrestle for the XWF anymore, son. You wrestle for The Academi. For yourself. For little Lacey. Don't that feel good? Let's just go on ahead and shake on it like gentlemen, shall we?

Rex stands slowly, and finishes taping his wrist. He looks down at Eli's outstreched hand, and shakes it.

Eli: Atta' boy.


Come on boys!

An authoritative voice rings out in the hallway, and it comes from, once again, Neonero. He’s stood in front of Tony Santos, Heironeous and Jason E. Smith, and he paces back and forth as if he’s Mel Gibson in Braveheart, drumming up the trio’s passions.

A cut of bacon in the morning. A beer and a football game. Fat Tony, your crime syndicate. Hieronymous Bosch, your artwork. Jason Mewes, that one scene in Jay and Silent Bob where you filled the cup. These are all wondrous things. Don’t let them slip away! Don’t let The Janitor mop them away. Don’t let Slick take them back to the 90’s. Don’t let Brian Christopher tell you he’s 2 Cool for you.

Nero beats his chest.


Nero prances away as the trio look on in utter disbelief.

The Janitor
'Slick' Rick Jones
Brian Campbell
- vs -
Tony Santos
Jason E. Smith
6 Man Tag Match
Special Guest Referee: Eric Rex

The whole arena goes dark, when the bells toll the first four times, the X-Tron Flashes. On the fifth toll, lightning pyro strikes the stage, coming down to hit the stage in the center, and leaving the stage on each end. After the pyro, he walks up to the center, looks down for 3-7 seconds, then slowly walks down to the ring, then slowly and methodically circles the ring, before climbing the steps and slowly goes through the second ropes. While waiting for his opponent, he sits against the turnbuckles on the mat.

When the music starts playing, Brian appears and he does a frontflip. When he lands it, yellow and blue fireworks go off. After that, Brian runs towards the ring. After entering the ring, Brian goes to each turnbuckle, and after taunting, he does a backflip to get down from the turnbuckle.

The Janitor walk out like he's Chris Benoit, minus the pre-murderer.

"Introducing first, at a combined weight of 649 pounds, the team of: Rick Jones, Brian Campbell, and The Janitor!"

"And their opponents..."

"A Lesson Never Learned" hits, roaring guitars filling the arena. Tony Santos descends down the entrance ramp, black trench coat on his back, taking slow, confident strides toward the ring. The disdain from the crowd pouring in, Tony Santos takes it all in with a smirk that would put Alex Rodriguez to shame.

Comes down wearing a light weight pale cloth jacket with the hood over his head. Heironeous stops at the top of the ramp way, lowering his head just a little before flipping his head back making his hood fall back and extends his arms out at Ninety degree angle with triggers the white and yellow pyro some falling just behind him and the rest firing upwards. Heironeous then starts to travel down the left hand side slapping all the hands of the fans before going back to the top of the ramp and repeating it with the right. Sliding into the ring he goes and shakes the hand of the referee before he starts stretching using the ropes of leverage.

Dark and spotlight constantly on Jason E Smith in ring slowly circles on the spot with arms out head up in a god like pose.

"At a combined weight of 619 pounds, the team of: Jason E Smith, Heironeous, and Tony Santos!"

Jim Ross: "We've got a lot of talent on hand for this one, folks."

Wayne Witasick: "You've got that right, JR. And right now at this very moment, this match is trending worl-"

Jim Ross: "Enough with the Twitter, Wayne. Give it a damn rest!"

Wayne Witasick: "Yes sir. Very sorry. But you really should see what's trending right now, Jim."

Jason E Smith and The Janitor start things off. The Janitor starts strong as he takes Smith down for some mounted punches. Janitor picks up Smith and gives him a scoop slam, followed by a leg drop. Janitor throws Smith into the ropes and catches him with a side slam. Janitor gives Smith a knee drop and tags in Brian Campbell. Campbell pops over the top rope with a flip and lands onto the back of Smith with a leg drop.

Wayne Witasick: "Brian Campbell steps in now-- or I should stay FLIPS in."

Campbell takes Smith up to his feet and attempts a fireman's carry, but Smith throws down a double fist into his back. With Campbell down to a knee, Smith follows up with an elbow to the back of the head. Smith throws Campbell into the turnbuckle. Smith bounces back-first off the turnbuckle, and Smith goes up behind him and locks in a Beast Choke (rear naked choke)!

Jim Ross: "What a move! Smith has his finishing hold applied early into this match. Campbell is flailing his arms but he can't catch a tag or a rope break. This match might end early."

Wayne Witasick: "Beast Choke is trending world wide as we speak!"

Jim Ross: "But wait a minute-- Janitor and Rick Jones run in to save their partner! They're throwing punches at Smith, but in come Heironeous and Tony Santos for the save! We got ourselves an old fashion 3 on 3 ass whippin' on hand! Guest Referee Eric Rex cannot contain them. All six men are just going at it. Punches are being thrown! Bodies are flying!"

Paulina Cruz: "I think Rex just doesn't give a sh**"

Jim Ross: "Easy there kid..."

Janitor clotheslines Heironeous to the outside, but Heironeous carries him down with him! They begin to exchange punches in front of the fans.

Jones is going to work on Tony Santos in the corner with some mud holes stomps.

That leaves Jason E Smith and Campbell in the center. Campbell runs after Smith...

But Smith takes Campbell over with a firemans carry, and goes back to the Beast Choke! (Rear naked choke)

Jim Ross: "Once again the Beast Choke!"

Wayne Witasick: "This move is epic, Jim, it can come out of nowhere."

Meanwhile, Rick Jones just tosses Santos out of the ring. Jones then runs into Smith with a kick to the back to break the rear naked choke.

Finally some order seems to be restored as Rex directs everyone in their respective corners.

Wayne Witasick: "Campbell is crawling to make the tag... he reaches out for Jones and gets it."

Jones storms into the ring and takes out Smith with a clothesline. He knocks Smith's partners off the apron with two drop kicks! Jones catches Smith coming up with a Samoan drop, followed by a leg drop. He waits for Smith to get up and goes to deliver a superkick...

But Smith catches his foot, and pulls him in to a belly to belly suplex! That allows Smith to reach over for a tag to Heironeous. Heiroenous enters the ring with a cross body block on Jones for the cover.



Janitor runs in to save his partner.

Janitor continues to punch down at Heironeus.

Jim Ross: "Come on now, Janitor. You're not the legal man!"

Janitor wastes no time as he continues his assault on Heironeous. He gives him his finisher, the Sit-out pulling pile driver! That attack prompts Jason Smith who runs in and gives him a spine buster!

This exchange allows Heironeous to catch a tag from Tony Santos.

It's now Santos versus Jones.

Santos takes down Jones with a leg lariat.

Jones gets right back up but is taken right back down by a diving cross body into a pin.



Jones kicks out.

Santos shoots Jones off into the ropes. He takes him down with a head scissors, runs off the ropes, and lands on top of Jones with a knee drop.

Santos sets up Jones and looks like he's gonna go for the Santos Stretch! He goes to turn Jones over, but Jones powers out of it, pushing Santos off with his legs.

Santos goes after Jones who's moving up to his feet. Santos tries for a neckbreaker, but Jones shifts his weight and spins out of it. Jones then takes out Santos with a lifting DDT.

Jones pins Santos.



Kick out!

Jim Ross: "This is a very close contest so far. It could go either way at this point. Jones is reaching out... and he gets the tag to Brian Campbell."

Wayne Witasick: "I think that was a mistake, Jim. Janitor is the fresh man and could have been a difference maker. But we'll see what Campbell can do."

Campbell walks up to Santos and throws some chops.

Campbell throws Santos into the ropes and tries to catch him with a side slam. But instead, Santos reverses it into a headscissors takedown! Campbell gets right back up, but Santos takes him down with a huricanrana. He hooks both legs and rolls forward immediately after the rana.



Campbell rolls out of it.

Campbells run after Santos but he catches him in the chin with an enzuigiri! Santos follows up with the Santos Stretch... and he locks it in! He's got the sharp shooter locked on Campbell.

Janitor runs in to try to make the save, but Heironeous nails him with a drop kick.

Jones tries the same but Smith scoops him up with a power slam!

Campbell is stuck with no where to go and both of his partners are down.

He looks around and sees that he's screwed.

and he taps! Brian Campbell has tapped out to the Santos Stretch!

WINNERS: Tony Santos, Heironeous, Jason E. Smith

Mark Flynn
- vs -
Shawn Hero
'The Beast' Bane Williams
Standard Tag Team Match

Ahead of the Light by Miyavi hits playing throughout the Kemper Arena. Neonero emerges through the black curtain and makes his way into the arena. The cameras suddenly fix on center stage, a series of teal and cyan pyro erupts along with the song playing. With every bass beat the lights strobe different shades of white, grey, teal, and cyan. Eventually Neonero reaches the ring he enters and continues to not care about his reaction from the crowd.

“Now making his way to the ring from Busan, Korea! He stands 6 foot and 3 inches tall weighing in at two hundred pounds! He is the Cyaneyed Assassin, NEONERO!”

Eleanor Rigby by The Beatles replaces the last song on the X-tron. Mark Flynn walks out through the black curtain in an overblown robe, his face is emotionless as he walks down the entrance ramp not even acknowledging the fans. Making it to the ring Flynn doesn’t even look at his own partner and just stands on his side of the ring awaiting the start of the match.

“And the partner making his way to the ring from Battle Creek, Michigan. Standing 6 foot tall and weighing in at two hundred ten pounds! He is the King of the Mid Carders! MARK FLYNN!

As Flynn’s song begins to die down Here Comes The Boom by P.O.D. blasts all around the arena and in walks Shawn Hero. Hero makes sure to flash a cocky smile to the fans as well as the cameras and makes his way into the ring with his two opponents waiting for him.

“Now entering the ring, the opponents, hailing from Durham, North Caroline. He stands 6 foot 1 inch tall, he weighed in at two hundred twenty seven pounds! He is SHAWN HERO!”

The announcer’s voice dies along with the song and the final song blares over the pa system through the arena. The lights dim and a siren begins to blare from the PA system, while orange lights flash. A voice begins to echo the arena.
“Beast Mode Activated! Beast Mode Activated! Beast Mode Activated!”
The siren stops and the arena falls to silence. The lights go out completely and Downfall by Trust spotlight Bane Williams appears wearing his Black wrestling singlet with orange trim and a black zip up hoody, the hood is up masking his face. Ban pulls his hood down and lets out a roar. He purposefully walks down to the ring beating his chest and slapping hands with the outstretched arms of the fans. Bane reaches to the top tope and pulls himself onto the apron before turning to face the crowd, he removes his hoody and throws it into the crowd before stepping into the ring, entering between the top and second rope. Bane begins pacing the ring as his music beings to fade out.

“Finally entering the ring making his way from, Slisbee, Texas! He stands 6 foot and 8 inches tall, he weighed in at three hundred and thirty pounds. He is THE BEAST! BANE WILLIAMS!”


The bell rings and this match begins, both teams look at each other and attempt to pick a person to start the match. Williams and Hero both are ready to show their talent to the world and are fighting to stay in the ring while on the opposite side of the ring neither man wants to stay in the ring. Flynn pushes Nero towards the ring and goes for the outside of the ring but he is caught by the foot. Nero pulls him back into the ring and shoves him now towards Shawn Hero who has persuaded Bane to get to the outside of the ring. Flynn laughs in the faces of Hero and stands their allowing for Nero to escape to the turnbuckle.

The laughing Flynn comes to a stop as he delivers a stiff kick to the mid-section and wraps his arm around the head of Hero. Flynn gives a vicious pull bringing Shawn Hero a step closer to Flynn’s side of the ring. Flynn tightens the squeeze and drops to his back, the head of Hero pelting the mat.

Jim Ross: “What a technically sound DDT performed by that damned most hated man in XWF, Mark Flynn.”

Flynn pops up and slaps his partner on the shoulder tagging him in, the referee slaps his hands in the air to show he saw the tag and Neonero is now the legal man in. Nero is angry to not enter the match at his own choice but reluctantly enters the ring any ways.

Shawn Hero is back up and ready for Nero’s attack. Nero lifts his leg high into the air ready for a high kick straight to Hero’s face!

Jim Ross: “HE DID IT! Shawn Hero just caught the kick! Now dump that man on his ass!”

Wayne Witasick: “We’re supposed to be neutral here aren’t we JR?”

Jim Ross: “I’ll start caring about being neutral as soon as Nero and Flynn start caring about these fans that cash their checks!”

Hero is happy to have caught the kick and sweeps Nero’s other leg out from under him planting him right on his back. Shawn lifts his elbow to the sky and swings his right leg away from his body tipping him towards the ground and Hero’s elbow connects spot on with Neonero’s rib cage.

Jim Ross: “The Cyaneyed Assassin just took a stiff elbow right to the solar plexus!”

Hero quickly makes it to his feet again to find the elbow attack barley slowed his opponent as Neronero is standing right along with him. The two lock up in a double head lock neither man sure what to do next but both trying to pull towards their team’s corner.

Neronero drops holding onto the arm of Shawn and sends him flying to his back with an arm drag. Shawn is right up and dashing for Nero again! But again Nero sends him flying with an arm drag. Shawn rolls out of the throw and leaps right up to the top of the turn buckle. Shawn turns to face Neonero and launces towards him with a cross body attack!

Jim Ross: “OH NO! Shawn Hero’s been left high and dry with that cross body!”

Paulina Cruz: “Here is Neonero’s chance!”

Neonero is going for the quick pin off the failed top rope attack. He drops onto Shawn as quickly as possible and his partner Mark Flynn notices the opurtunity. Flynn jumps into the ring and nearly flying across it takes Bane Williams out with a clothesline sending him down to the floor of the arena!

Jim Ross: “Damn it ref get him out of the ring!”

Wayne Witasick: “He’s just trying to secure this win JR.”

Paulina Cruz: “And that he may have done!”

The Referee drops to start the count after getting Mark Flynn out of the ring.



Paulina Cruz: “Looks like we got our winners!”


Jim Ross: “NO! NOT YET! This match is just getting under way!”

Bane is back to his feet and very angry now he’s ready to get into this match and he gets back up to the ring apron and is reaching his arm as long out as he can to get the tag relieving his tag partner who has taken quite the beating.

Shawn fresh out of the pin is rolled over to his forearms and is dragging himself towards Bane to get away from the opponents. But Shawn gets dragged back by the foot, Neonnero isn’t about to let his opponents get the momentum in this match. Nero makes the tag just as Flynn did, Nero slaps Flynn on the wrist and rolls out of the ring allowing his partner to take over.

But in the time that Nero gave Shawn, he was able to get to his feet quick enough to leap over to Bane and make the tag!

Jim Ross: “There it is and Hero’s team mate Bane is ready to give his opponents a proverbial beat down!”

Bane has some speed as he enters the ring and he heads right for Mark the legal man in. Mark ducks the incoming clothesline allowing for Bane to slam into Mark’s partner and…

Jim Ross: “DOWN GOES NERO! This match has turned into a real slobber knocker! ”

Wayne Witasick: “Bane turn around!”

Mark Flynn is watching and waiting for Bane to turn back to face him. Bane watches as Nero falls hitting his head on the announcer table and finally to the floor. Shawn Hero is laid out outside of the ring as well hoping to get his wind back.

Paulina Cruz: “Flynn stalking!”

Wayne Witasick: “Maybe don’t turn around Bane…”

Bane turns to face the assailant in the ring and…

Jim Ross: “This has GOT to be it! That was Flynn’s finisher rightfully named The End!”

Flynn covers for the count…




Winners: Mark Flynn & Neronero

WINNERS: Mark Flynn, Neonero


Bane Williams is exiting the ring after the match is over. Sean Falcon jumps over the barricade with a steel chair in hand.


JIM ROSS: "My God! Sean Falcon! He just hit Bane Williams with that chair!"

Williams was hit across the back just as he was dropping to the floor but is still standing. Williams turns to face his asailant.


Williams falls to the floor. Shawn Hero stands in the ring with a confused look on his face staring at what's unfolding outside the ring. Falcon tosses the chair into the ring and lifts Williams to his feet.

Falcon then tosses Williams head and shoulder first into the steel steps as Hero continues to watch it all unfold.

JIM ROSS: "Why the hell is Hero just standing there!?"

LIZ: "I don't think he cares one bit about Bane Willians, JR."

Falcon doesn't seem to be finished with his sneak attack. He lifts Williams back to his feet and rolls he big man into the ring. Falcon climbs to the apron but hesitates to get in the ring as he hears a fan yell something derogatory about Seans wife.


Falcon enters the ring and stands face to face with Shawn Hero as he clears the ropes. Hero continues to stare at Falcon and falcon back at Hero. Hero steps aside and Falcon returns his attention to Williams. Falcon sets up the chair and positions Williams neck against the seat. Falcon then reaches into his pocket and reaches his arm with the object toward Shawn Hero. Hesitantly, Hero takes the object.

JIM ROSS: "What did Falcon just give Hero?"

The camera catches a glimpse of what is in Heros hand.

Brass knuckles.

Falcon positions himself behind the chair. He reaches through the back portion and places his hands around the chin of Bane Williams and wrenches back keeping Williams immobilized. Hero puts the brass knuckles on his fist and looks at it momentarily. Falcon can be heard yelling at Hero.


JIM ROSS: "He's tellin' Hero to hit him! Somebody needs to stop this!"

Hero slowly walks toward Williams, still trapped against the chair with his head and face pointed toward the lights. Hero kneels over Williams and hesitates some more.


No more hesitation. Hero begins pounding away with the brass knuckles on his fist on the face and head of Bane Williams as Falcon laughs. Soon, Williams is busted open and covered in blood.

Hero stands up and starres at his work then at the blood covered brass knuckles. Falcon yells once more to Hero.


"Perfect Strangers" by Deep Purple plays as Seans Falcon and Hero exit via the entrance way.

Meanwhile in the ring...

Flynn clocks Neonero with brass knuckles. He rolls out to ringside as Nero lies in the ring unconscious. Flynn smacks JR out of his chair with a right hand and drags his seat into the ring.

Jim Ross: "You bastard!"

He stands over Nero who desperately tries to slip out of the ring. But Flynn stalks him, constantly stepping between him and his exit. Like a kid tormenting an ant hill.

Finally, Flynn raises the chair... Unfolds it and takes a seat. Nero, head resting on the bottom turnbuckle, watches Flynn. Flynn brings up the fact that he has a title shot on any belt he wants saved up from beating Sarah St. James on 12/22 Impact. He wants to cash in on the Tag Titles soon... And he wants Nero as his tag partner when that happens...

Before Nero can respond, before Flynn even asks a question, Flynn rolls out of the ring again. Leaving Nero just as confused as the audience. What the Hell is Flynn aiming for with this plan...

'The King of Wrestling' Peter Gilmour
- vs -
Zayne Vyper
Standard Match

Wayne Witasick: Alright, here comes a big one, folks! The Wildcard match for a chance to get into the Elimination Chamber and fight…for a chance…to go against the King of the XWF…and yet another chance…to rule the XWF….!

JR: Vyper and Gilmour got no love lost for each other…they met in the cage during High Stakes…and that match didn’t turn out the way either man wanted it to…and in the meantime, they both beat each like dogs!

Paulina Cruz: Gilmour needs this win, after all, he wants to marry Rose Smith…and they need a nest egg! For all of Gilmour’s uncouth demeanor, I think perhaps he’s a romantic at heart…

Wayne Witasick: A romantic with glowing eyes and an appetite for destruction…!

The lights in the arena dim, then go out. We see red strobe lights going around the arena and then come to the entranceway where a big explosion of fire hits and “Daddy’s Fallen Angel” by In This Moment begins to play. After the initial guitar riff, we hear a loud scream from the singer and Peter emerges making his way to the ring.

“The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is the WILD CARD match up! Now entering the ring making his way from Brooklyn, New York! He stands 6 foot and 6 inches tall and weighs two hundred sixty five pounds! He is the “KING OF WRESTLING” PETER GILMOUR!”

Jim Ross: “Gilmour is getting squared away in the ring ready to take on his opponent in this oh so important match!”

“Basket Case” by Greenday plays as five different colored fireworks explodes as Zayne Vyper runs down the ramp to meet his opponent in the ring!

The match kicks off quick with Vyper getting Gimour in a head lock and heading for the turnbuckle. Vyper climbs his feet to the bottom rope and positions himself around Peter. He leaps from the bottom rope to get his legs up to the second rope.

Jim Ross: “Uh oh! Going for some high risk situations already!”

Paulina Cruz: “Not all the way up but still getting up their JR.”

Zayne is gripping the head of Gilmour and sends it flying into the mat. A flying bulldog starts off the match and causes Gilmour to hold his face as he gets up checking for a bloody nose. With nothing but a sore face Gilmour gets to his feet almost as quickly as Vyper but with that slight second delay Vyper is able to get the advantage.

Jim Ross: “The speed of Vyper really on display tonight!”

Vyper slips behind Gilmour and locks his hands, the lock is set in place and Gilmour is going for a ride! Up and over Vyper’s head Gilmour lands hard on the mat and Vyper has just landed a nice suplex stunning his opponent.

Wayne Witasick: “Zayne really in control here early in the match.”

Zayne climbs back to his feet and is ready to continue the attack attempting to secure his spot in the elimination chamber. A quick hop to the top rope and Zayne is ready to leap down for a falling leg drop!

He jumps!

Jim Ross: “How in the HELL! Peter Gilmour just willed himself up and out of the way of that leg drop!”

Wayne Witasick: Both men are down…but not for long…they got a lot of fight in them, these two guys do….

JR: Vyper meets him with a flying knee…down goes Gilmour! The raining trio champion surges back up, and Vyper greats him with a display of just what those educated feet of his are capable of! I think those things have a couple PhD’s between ‘em!

Wayne Witasick: Spinning hook-kick to the temple by the Vyper…and he spins the other way, to get the other temple…! Gilmour is out on his feet…and Vyper’s got him in the Muay Thai plum now…he’s feeding him a diet of knees, knees and more knees…he trips Gilmour to the canvas…its time for some good ol’ ground and pound courtesy of the The Vyper…!

Paulina Cruz: Madre de Dios…! Does this man have no mercy in him…?

Wayne Witasick: Nah, not really…!

JR: They don’t call him the Vyper because it sounds good, folks…it happens to be true…!

Paulina Cruz: The referee is trying to break them, but he won’t stop striking Gilmour…! Is he mad…? Doesn’t he understand that, as much as he criticizes his father, the MMA legend, for being a cheater…he’s no better…?

Wayne Witasick: You’re talking about logic, Paulina…! It doesn’t apply in the minds of a man possessed like Vyper…!

JR: Thumb to the eye by Gilmour…and he shoves Vyper off and escapes to his feet…Gilmour desperate to mount some offense, goes for the lariat…Vyper’s got it scouted, ducks and comes back with a side-kick…Gilmour off the ropes…Vyper goes for another kick…Gilmour catches him…and drills him to the mat with a sidewinder suplex…! That eerie glow is pulsing in Gilmour’s eyes again…he heaves Vyper up…for a Fisherman buster onto his knee…! The Vyper is reeling….Gilmour’s going up to the top…I don’t believe it…moonsault by Peter Gilmour onto Vyper…! That was near 300-pounds that just went airborne…I’m seeing shades of the great Vader back in his heyday right before my eyes, folks!

Paulina Cruz: He has the girth of a gorilla, but the grace of a ballerina…! I can understand what Rose Smith sees in Gilmour…he’s truly a man!

JR: Gilmour grabs a heedful of Vyper’s hair and tosses him out of the ring…but Vyper…channeling another great in Shawn Michaels…hangs on to the rope…and skins the cat back into the ring…while Gilmour’s got his eyes off the ball…!

Paulina Cruz: That snake…! He’s attacking Gilmour from behind…!

Wayne Witasick: Never fear, babe…Gilmour’s got it scouted! He’s a veteran of Warfare…elbow to the head by Gilmour…boot to the stomach, he takes Vyper up for a power-bomb…and…

JR: Modified triangle choke by Vyper….he doesn’t have one of Gilmour’s arms trapped, so he makes due by getting his forearm across Gilmour’s artery and closing up his legs around Gilmour’s neck, while he pulls his head down with his free hand…its like a makeshift triangle when you don’t have all the parts available in your tool-kit…but it gets the job done…Gilmour’s teetering…he’s dozing off on his feet…but he’s got just enough strength…to finish the power bo—no, Vyper lands on his feet…and now, he comes at Gilmour with a flying knee—Gilmour takes the knee full in the face, but catches Vyper and nails him with a super rolling fireman’s carry slam…! Both men are down in the middle of the ring now…

Paulina Cruz: Madre de Dios…! What carnage…!

Wayne Witasick: Love the heart in these two guys…they’re staggering up to their feet…no quit in either one…slugging it out…Gilmour’s the bigger man, he’s backing him up, but Zayne Vyper comes back with a flurry of blows, a middle kick to the liver…Gilmour’s reeling back…Zayne jumps up for super-man punch…

Gilmour Ducks!



There it is and Gilmour goes for the pin...




JR: By Gawd! Peter Gilmour has done it and become the first Warfare Wild Card Winner! Will he have what it takes to defend that briefcase until he's able to move on to the chamber match?

WINNER: Peter Gilmour

All Eyes on the X-Tron

The X-Tron lights up and, suddenly, there is a bald, young girl on the screen. It's Lacey Witasick with the camera squarely on her face.

Lacey: KnightMask, why did you hurt me? I loved you. Won't you just explain to me why? Or apologize? Say anything, anything at all! You were my favorite but you and my Daddy showed me that you're a bad man. I want to be like him now.

Lacey points to her newly skinned head.

Lacey: If you won't talk to me, I hope my Daddy gives me your heart for my birthday.

She looks off screen, confused and visibly upset.

Lacey: Was that what he wanted, Uncle S...

The camera cuts off before the sentence can be finished.



- vs -
Steve Davids
- vs -
Mr. Satellite
Triple Threat -- One fall

JR: Here we are, all set to go for the main event of the evening…the challengers are ready to go in the ring, KnightMask and Steve Davids, the two arch-rivals, wait in separate corners of the ring, staring across at—wait, what’s this…? What the hell…?

The X-Tron lights up and, suddenly, there is a bald, young girl on the screen. It's Lacey Witasick with the camera squarely on her face.

Lacey: KnightMask, why did you hurt me? I loved you. Won't you just explain to me why? Or apologize? Say anything, anything at all! You were my favorite but you and my Daddy showed me that you're a bad man. I want to be like him now.

Lacey points to her newly skinned head.

Lacey: If you won't talk to me, I hope my Daddy gives me your heart for my birthday.

She looks off screen, confused and visibly upset.

Lacey: Was that what he wanted, Uncle S...

The camera cuts off before the sentence can be finished.

JR: What a rotten trick…! Eric Rex and that snake Sal Valencia know darned well that KnightMask is mute!

Paulina Cruz: I-I can’t believe that man’s inhumanity! To use a little girl as a pawn for…what…? If he was truly a man, Eric Rex would settle his issues with KnightMask in the ring…

Wayne Witasick: It all comes back to a beef he’s got with my bro, good ol’ Wally. Fact is, I don’t even know if Lacey’s really my niece or what, but—whoah, talk about rage--!

JR: KnightMask clearly troubled by what he just saw on the XWF-tron, seemed to be struggling with what to do in response to the impossible demand of the video, when Steve Davids just slammed into him from behind with a clubbing blow to the back…

Paulina Cruz: Ay Dios mio…! Davids just lifted the stunned KnightMask into the air…and heaved him directly onto the back of his head…now he’s stomping his limp body…does he intend to kill the man…? By all that’s Holy, someone needs to pull him off….the match hasn’t even begun yet!

JR: Steve Davids doesn’t care for things like rules, apparently…!

Wayne Witasick: Not cool! Not cool at all…my bro set up Warfare as a family program….there’s little kids watching, grandmas, people of all ages. And they wanna see good clean sportsmanship…not this crap!

JR: Steve Davids has KnightMask set up for…he’s got him set for his finisher, The Shockwave…! This match hasn’t even officially begun yet--!

’Planetary (Go!)’ by My Chemical Romance plays as Mr. Satellite suddenly appears at the entrance ramp, flanked by his robot…holding the TV title in one hand…and, in another, the US title…!

Paulina Cruz: Madre de Dios…! It…it cannot be…!

JR: Oh my God…! Satellite! Satellite! Satellite!

Wayne Witasick: The inter-planetary dude just got an upgrade, boys and girls…!

JR: Business just picked up, folks! He’s running down to the ring with a purpose…!

Davids contemptuously tosses the body of the semi-conscious KnightMask to the side, to await the arrival of the reigning champion into the ring. However, in a blur of motion, Mr. Satellite slides into the ring past Davids, who ends up stomping on nothing but empty canvas, while Satellite rolls to his feet in the middle of the ring. The bell finally sounds as Satellite flies at Davids with cross-body block.

Paulina Cruz: No—Satellite has delivered himself into the very hands of that monster--!

JR: Davids didn’t even budge from that cross-body…and now he’s heftin’ Satellite up…

Satellite floats out of Davids’ grasp, landing behind him and sending him careening into and off the ropes with a drop-kick to the back. On the return, Davids transfers his momentum into a running lariat, only for Satellite to roll beneath the attack. Davids also falls into a roll and the two pop back to their feet, again face to face in a stand-off.

Paulina Cruz: By the Sacred Chalice—that growl from Davids, it was more like a beast than a man…!

Wayne Witasick: Don’t sweat it--it takes more than mean-sounding noises to faze Satellite, babe…! Check it out…Satellite hurdles up into the air, and Davids ends up running underneath him, shoulder-blocking nothing but a whole lot of air…! Ohhh, nice…front drop-kick by Satellite…!

JR: Davids catches Satellite by the heels…and he’s spinning Satellite around like he was a discus…and releases him to go headlong towards the turnbuckle…! This ain’t gonna be a pretty landing folks…! Head and turnbuckle do not mix well…

Satellite twists in mid-air, getting his feet out in front of him, to press off the turnbuckle into a Pele kick to the head of Davids.

JR: That was not an unidentified flying object, folks! That was the reigning TV and US champ, Mr. Satellite…! And Davids is down…! Once more to the turnbuckle goes Satellite…he scales it quicker than it takes for the groom to say “I do!” at a Tennessee shotgun wedding….but Davids is already stirring…!

Paulina Cruz: He will not stay down, this monster…!

Wayne Witasick: Satellite is flying…! This is what I love about Warfare…the pure athleticism…the risks taken for the sake of the fans….Davids gets a boot up…but I guess Satellite somehow adjusts him in mid-air and ends up landing behind Davids…he’s setting up a reverse DDT…

JR: Davids fights it off…and now he’s heaving Satellite up into the air…spine-buster…! He nearly drove him through the ring itself! Shades of the great Arn Anderson, who once rose to prominence on the strength of that move…! Davids is stomping Satellite now, ignoring the referees entreaties to let up…there’s one warning, two…and…

Wayne Witasick: Three strikes…an’ you’re gonna wish you were out, ‘cause KnightMask is back, baby!

Steve Davids wheels around to lash out with a clothesline, but KnightMask turns the move into a Fujiwara Arm-Bar.

JR: KnightMask, now dealing out some payback to Steve Davids…! But look at the strength of Davids…he’s bringing his arm back from the point of hyper-extension…curling it back in…and KnightMask, seamlessly switches to a single-leg crab on Davids…

Wayne Witasick: Au contraire, JR, he’s doing an Achilles lock on Davids…his pressure his on the Achilles and the ankle…not the spine. KnightMask doesn’t like to utilize submissions that risk permanently maiming his opponents…one of the reasons why he’s such a good fit for Warfare…and such a credit to the sport…!

JR: Well, I tip my hat to him…but Steve Davids, wow…he just sent KnightMask tumbling across the ring with a kick of his leg…! Davids is bearing down on KnightMask now…and the masked marvel meets him head on with a flying leg-scissor take-down…straight into…Gordian Leg-Knot! Gordian Leg-Knot…! Children of all ages are going wild in the audience right now…KnightMask just entangled Davids’ legs in a tighter bind than a South Carolina congressman caught at a Neil Young benefit concert for Planned Parenthood…!

Wayne Witasick: Listen to the kids, chanting for their hero right now…! That is just awesome…! The energy, the passion of our young fans…! KnightMask…he’s got Steve Davids in the KnightLock leg submission…! Davids is screaming, he’s not tapping, but he’s making noise…!

Paulina Cruz: KnightMask…! You can do it…! Hang on, for the love of all that’s Holy…hang on to the hold…!

JR: Satellite! Satellite! Satellite! Just came out of nowhere with, well, it looked like a shooting-star press leg-drop, is what I might call it, right across the throat of Steve Davids…! And now, Satellite is going for the cover on Davids…

Wayne Witasick: Catch-22, does KnightMask let go of his submission hold to break the count…? And what’s the ref gonna do if Davids taps at the same time Satellite gets the three count…?

JR: I guess its all a moot point, cause Steve Davids just broke out of the submission at the pinfall both, in a burst of good ol’ fashioned brute strength…! Davids rushes the two smaller men with a double clothesline…and Satellite dodges aside, while KnightMask somersaults over Davids, twists around mid-air and lands on his shoulders…he takes him over for a Victory-roll…and then hopping over to a knee-bar…shades of the great Sho Funaki, one of the legendary masters of the hold…!

Wayne Witasick: Davids slams his free foot into KnightMask’s uhhh, rear-end so hard I’m surprised it didn’t come out of KM’s mouth…KnightMask is sent skidding across the canvas, but Davids has barely a chance to enjoy his freedom from the submission hold…when Mr. Satellite comes crashing down on him with a somersault Senton bomb…! He follows up with a leg-drop and now a pin-fall…and Davids presses Satellite off of him with such force Satellite takes to the air, landing on his feet several feet away from the self-proclaimed Psychopath…!

Paulina Cruz: Madre de Dios…! What is that referee doing…?

JR: That referee just suplexed KnightMask….! What the hell…! He’s ripping off what looks to be a high-tech rubber face-mask…and…damn it…its Eric Rex…! Now he’s choking KnightMask out with his patented Cuban Nectkie triangle…!

Wayne Witasick: Hey, hang on JR….you’re missing out on the guy who’s making tracks from the crowd…its Salman Van Dam…and he’s coming straight for Mr. Satellite…!

Paulina Cruz: Is that…? Its Peter Gilmour…charging down to the ring…only he’s coming after…Steve Davids…!

JR: Icon kick! Icon kick! Straight to the jaw of Satellite…meanwhile, Gilmour’s slugging it out with Steve Davids…its absolute chaos in the ring…! Davids fights Gilmour off with a clothesline, but an Icon kick from van Dam sends him reeling towards Eric Rex, who pulls him into the Apache Job…! And now…its Kinwrathi…where’d he even come from…? Mr. Satellite was just beginning to stir…and Kinwrathi just blasted him with the damndest super-kick….! And now Crimson Cobra’s running into the ring…he’s wearing a metal mask, almost like his tag partner KnightMask…he’s got two hands full of kali stick…and by God, he means to use them! Cobra’s beating Eric Rex like a scalded dog…but now Gilmour attacks Cobra…and Icon and Salman Van Dam are having a slobber knocker of their own…what the hell? Cobra back-drops Gilmour out of the ring…Eric Rex charges him…and Cobra side-steps, sending Rex plummeting to the outside to meet Gilmour….now he’s flying over the ropes…to nail both me with a somersault into…I don’t know what you’d call it but it sure looks like it hurt…! They’re battling through the crowd…meanwhile, Salman and Kinwrathi are going to work on Satellite…and…KnightMask runs at Salman…Salman goes for his Icon kick…KnightMask sails through the air, passing over the kick, twisting around and grabbing Salman while he’s still airborn…and slamming him at the same time as he’s landing…!

Wayne Witasick: They call that the flying Squirrel, Jimmy-baby, off my main man Ellis Coleman! And lemme tell you, the XWF is all over contract negotiations with that guy…!

JR: Steve Davids outta nowhere…with the damn Shockwave to Kinwrathi…! And the three combatants…have just cleared the ring…! Satellite kicks up to his feet…and we’ve got ourselves a page out of the Good, The Bad and the Ugly…! Satellite with a drop-kick to KnightMaks…KnightMask meets him mid-air and lassos his legs around Satellite…KnightMask with leg-locks is like Charlie Daniels with a fiddle, folks…! KnightMask is struggling to tie himself up a leg…an’ Steve Davids gives him a leg-drop while he’s embroiled in that cause…and now…Satellite rolls away from Davids grip…he’s more slippery than a Mississippi mayor!

Wayne Witasick: KnightMask finally back on his feet goes after Davids and flings him into the ropes. He comes flying off backwards at him until...

Paulina Cruz: "WHAM! Satellite hits him from behind with a club to the back of the head with his fists... Davids knocks Satellite down with a shoulder and then ties up with KnighMask in the middle of the ring...

JR: Davids kicks Mask in the groin and...


JR: By Gawd! Steve Davids is putting on a clinic.

Wayne Witasick: "From behind Satellite again takes it to Davids with a furry of kicks and punches. KnightMask is climbing to his feet. Satellite connects a series of punches that fling Davids on top of the ropes. He's hanging their unconscious until...

JR: "KNIGHTMASK WITH THE CLOTHESLINE OVER THE ROPES! This is just an all out slobber knocker as Davids falls outside the ring... Mask knows what to do now..

Wayne: "He turns..."

Paulina: "He looks behind him."

JR: "He gets caught flush with...


Wayne: This is it! Davids is out of the ring and Satellite goes for the pin!




WINNER: Mr. Satellite


The fans give the three competitors a standing ovation for the battle they all just fought. Mr. Satellite stands up and looks around the arena taking in their cheers. Knightmask and Steve Davids are both on the outside of the ring trying to recover as well as Satellite who is holding is ribs in pain.

"The Phoenix" hits over the PA system and the crowd bursts. Mr. Satellite turns his head towards the stage with fire in his eyes as Scott Charlotte walks out onto the stage cracking his knuckles. The two stair at each other for a moment and Scott sprints down the ramp as Satellite prepares for a fight.

Scott slides in the ring and stops staring at Satellite once again. They both are in fighting stance, but neither has made a move. The crowd is hyped up waiting for the inevitable. Scott smiles at Satellite who shares a smile back giving the only amount of respect the two have between each other.

Jim Ross: "This is about to go nuclear!"

Liz Weinburg: "Come on, fight already!"

With that the unstoppable force meets the immovable object and the two start to brawl. The crowd goes ballistic as neither man stops for a moment sharing punches back and forth.

Scott gets a good kick to Satellite's gut and backs up to prepare his foot. The Groupie Killer is shot right at Satellite's head, but it's ducked! Satellite hits Scott in the gut and jumps behind him. He pulls his head back in a headlock and sets up Darkest Light! Scott spins out of the hold and irish whips Satellite to the ropes. Satellite comes back with a dropkick knocking Scott out of the ring, but he lands on his feet!! Scott grabs Satellite's feet and pulls him out of the ring. He also lands on his feet and the two start to brawl again!

The fans are chanting, This is Awesome!

Liz Weinburg: "This isn't even a match and the fans love it."

Jim Ross: "These two are showing no signs of stopping!"

Liz Weinburg: "Oh great, here comes the buzz kill! "

6 security members have run down to the ring and try to pull off the two from fighting, but they cannot. Satellite and Scott have locked up with each other and have shown no signs of letting go! There are three security men to each man! The fans are bursting with cheers and by now Steve Davids and Knightmask are actually sitting and watching it all happen.

Jim Ross: "This is just chaos!!"

Liz Weinburg: "This is perfect! Seems even Knightmask and Steve Davids are getting some enjoyment out of this!"

Security finally pulls Scott Charlotte away from Satellite and the two are yelling back at each other. Scott is bleeding through his nose and has a black eye while Satellite's mouth is bleeding and his face is bruised. Scott breaks away from the men and tackles Satellite to the ground and it all begins again with punches as security tries to stop them. The crowd is going crazy as the feed fades out.

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[-] The following 6 users Like Wallace Witasick's post:
(06-06-2013), (06-06-2013), Elisha (06-06-2013), Peter Fn Gilmour (06-06-2013), ShawnHero (06-06-2013), Steve "KingSlayer" Davids (06-06-2013)
Paul Heyman

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

06-06-2013, 08:10 AM

Yall, see dat Chevy in the video? It's close to my heart!



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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

06-06-2013, 08:24 AM

i was shocked i won my match... but all i can say is.. THE CROWN WILL BE MINE!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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MrVyper Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Heel w/ Cult Following

(the heel you love to love; does whatever they want)

06-06-2013, 09:24 AM

(06-06-2013, 08:24 AM)Peter Gilmour Said: i was shocked i won my match... but all i can say is.. THE CROWN WILL BE MINE!

I was also shocked, you were extremely lucky or more likely helped by Witasick because I have been bringing the ratings up on Heymans show. It's all a conspiracy!!! Paul, you won't be holding that place for much longer.

[Image: 11038946450a12997168457l.jpg]

"The leader of the egotistical society, the prosecutor of the weak, leader of the great."
I am, "The Serpent"

Match Record
Win| Loss | Draw

5 | 2 | 0
Match Record:

Warfare: defeated Frost & SVD via High&Dry
Shove It: defeated Intemporaliter Scelestus w/ Swift Ion
High Stakes: defeated Dean Moxley via High&Dry
High Stakes: defeated by The Crimson Knights via escaping the cage.
Warfare: defeated Kristen Silver via Lights Out
Madness: defeated Danny Danger & Jonathyn Davydson via High and Dry.
Warfare: defeated by Peter Gilmour via pin-fall.
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

06-06-2013, 09:27 AM

take the loss like a man and stfu

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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