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Big Nate Offline
God Bless the USA

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08-13-2016, 06:31 PM

Well lookee right here!

We got us a white bread pure as the God given snow champeen, thumpin' the good book while thumpin' the little leprechaun, Conor McGregor wannabe McBastard.

Proud of you, boy.

Problem is, that there little piece of jewelry you got is somethin' I dun had my eye on for a minute now. And truth be told, I don't think you got the stones to be a champion here. See, I been through hell and back. I seen arabs try and blow my boys to bits with roadside bombs, and I sent each one of them dune coons home with a hole in their head. I walked the streets in Texas with a badge and a sidearm and I got the criminal element begging me to turn the other cheek... but instead I turned their cheeks black and blue, then put 'em in the pen for a dime for sellin' crack on MY streets.

See boy, you ain't nothin' but some suburb livin' hipster tryin' to use the Lord's word to hide the fact that you got a hole in your pocket to jerk your little pecker every time a ten year old boy walks into the same Target bathroom as you. Mister One Pump Chump in the Chamber cummin' all up in his khaki slacks, watchin' little kids swing on the monkey bars outside his bullshit church. I bet you ain't ever even been baptized proper. You probably got your head dunked by some other predator who passed his nasty shit onto you.

Do the world a favor, Chris, use that one in the chamber by jamming it into the back of your throat and pullin' the god damn trigger.


Nate drops Chambers with a running Liger bomb and then hooks the leg.



[Image: D-15-671-5x3.5-BLACK-AND-WHITE-BLUE-LIVE...C-FLAG.jpg]


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OneInTheChamber Offline
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08-13-2016, 06:51 PM

Chris: Well, aren't you a special kinda breed? I've only been here for a minute, and here we are, some racist foul mouthed chump doing nothing but pretending to know who I am and what it is I do. Stop for a second and let me give you a clue. You come at me with your slurs and your mouth full of tobacco, but let me spell it out for you.

If you are from Texas, you are probably a Cowboys fan, so that's enough said. You call me a homo, yet you support Tony Romo. You question if I've been baptized, and I tell you that I've been drenched in the water, but if you prefer, after I beat you senseless, that I can be baptized in your tears.

And as for the boys, you perverted little man, you can assume all you want, but the Lord knows the truth, that none of that has any ground. I have never and would never defile a child like that, but when it comes to you. Step in my face and I'll make you squeel like a pig.

And you use the Lord's name in vain, that's all on you, but as for right now, the count stops at Two. Sorry pal. But you do have a purdy mouth...

Chis kicks out and superkicks Nate right in the mouth.

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Big Nate Offline
God Bless the USA

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08-13-2016, 07:05 PM

But you're still a .

Hold up...

Did this here brand new Fagweight Champion just threaten to FUCK me?

You want to make me squeal, is that so, Father Diddlefingers? Let me set one thing straight right the fuck now, boy. I ain't gettin' bent over by no sissy mary any day of the week, and I sure as SHIT don't think that you even got enough meat swingin' between them knobby knees to even make me fart, much less make me squeal.

You wanna talk about them Cowboys? AMERICA's team? Who in the fuck do you even think you are? Lemme guess... you root for one of them liberal sweetheart teams, like the Seattle Shitbirds. You like watchin' that little jig of a quarterback run around when you know he couldn't carry Aikman's jock. Bitch. That's all you really are, Chambers. One worthless bitch. Only way we'd be watchin' the big game together is if you was in the kitchen in a pair of heels fetchin' cold Budweisers for me and the rest of the MEN.

Why don't you try kickin' me again with those size six ladyfeet? That shit was like play wrestling with my little cousin in the front yard, only I know someday he'll grow up.

Oh, and your tampon fell out. Stick it back in so I don't get your flow and your uncle's nut on my blue jeans.


Higgers flattens Chambers with a spinning sitout brainbuster, then slides over with a lateral press.



[Image: D-15-671-5x3.5-BLACK-AND-WHITE-BLUE-LIVE...C-FLAG.jpg]


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Unknown Soldier (08-13-2016)
OneInTheChamber Offline
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08-13-2016, 07:16 PM

Chris: Here we go again, boy you about to learn a lesson. You call the Cowboy's AMERICAS team, but where is the proof? A bunch of fat slobs running around with ripoff jerseys and drinking their beers. Yeah, that's America for you, the America that took God out of the pledge of allegiance, the one who took God out of the schools, and look at where it has gotten you. 300 lbs and sitting behind their 70 inch TVs. You probably one of those chumps that wants to sit on Trumps little stump. Keep calling me a pussy, that's all fine and dandy, but this is all you are, a trash talking punk, who would rather have a mouth full of his dog's spunk.

You are a disgrace to the human race my friend, and I'm already tired of your mouth, if I was from Texas, I'd kick your butt from the South. You have no talent, and definitely don't belong in a ring, so why are you sitting out here pretending you are anything other than nothing but talk. I'd love to see you actually try to walk the walk.

Now be a good little boy, and go back to your mommas teet, probably from the trailer at the end of the street. You really can't stack up to me Nate Higger, you better off becoming a potato digger...

Chris laughs at Nate as he kicks out again

Chris: And for the record, trailer boy, Hail to the Redskins...

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Unknown Soldier (08-13-2016)
Big Nate Offline
God Bless the USA

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08-13-2016, 07:44 PM

But you're STILL a .


My daddy taught me two things... don't fall down when you're feedin' the hogs, and don't let no sissy stand behind you. So you get your scrawny ass back here in front where I can see your cross eyes and your buck teeth.

Chambers, you ain't shit. Before I wreck your ass and try to smack the stupid out of you, AGAIN, let me give you some free advice. Sit down. Shut up. Stick to bein' a twink bottom at the YMCA leather daddy club and leave the professional fighting to the grown ups.

Hey bitch boy, do those white tights you're wearin' come in men's sizes? You want another bit of good advice? Wear black. Then the rest of us won't see you shit yourself when you realize that bein' in the ring with a real man is the equivalent of an intergender match for you.

Once you get done with your transition, give that Frodo freak a call. He likes that shit.


Nate hooks Chambers in a fisherman's suplex, dropping it into a backbreakerbomb and then shooting the half for a pin.



[Image: D-15-671-5x3.5-BLACK-AND-WHITE-BLUE-LIVE...C-FLAG.jpg]


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OneInTheChamber Offline
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08-13-2016, 08:04 PM

Chris: Okay, this has been fun and all but it's time to come to a close. By the way, you forgot to get the hog shit off your nose. Pardon my language, but it was way over due.

You talk about your father teaching you two things and that sound about right, he probably told you to take a Gildo without putting up a fight. You talk about Frodo, I don't have his digits, but I heard you like midgets, so Frodo's your type, and from what I hear, it'll be pretty ripe.

You come out swinging and sounds like a WHIFF! but once Frodo's done with you, enjoy your C.Diff. Now back to the pig pen, hustle away, because you got your ass handed to you on this day.

Forgive me Father, I know I have messed up, but I'm grateful that your forgiveness overflows from the cup. So make this little pest run on back to his trailer park please, I ask this on my knees. I don't want to hurt him, or make the poor boy cry, but he stepped up to the plate and didn't even try.

Come on back ya hear?!!

Chris kicks out one last time

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Big Nate Offline
God Bless the USA

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08-13-2016, 08:33 PM

God damn it, boy, you is dumb.

For one, stop trying to rhyme everything at me like a freshman English major thinkin' he's the next Billy Shakespeare. You ain't even as good as an East Tennessee hipster on open mic night. Cut the shit and put down the quill pen, Dante.

Listen to this here hypocrite start using bad words and wishin' rape upon me, just because I got under his sensitive baby soft skin a little. Hey Chris, I thought you was a righteous man? That little tidbit about my daddy goin' at me with a rubber knob? That ain't the sort of thing a man of God would say. You ain't nothin' more than another phony with a two dollar bible you bought secondhand so you could skip to the parts someone else highlighted. You ain't never met Jesus and you ain't never gonna, because you ain't no more than a false prophet jerkin' off in the confessional. The only time you pray is when it's to not be greeted by the production staff at To Catch A Predator the next time you drive seven hours with a sixer of Mike's Hard Lemonade and a three pack of snugger fit rubbers to some kid you met online.

Only time you's on your knees is behind the church, after payin' some street meat to blow him.

You're a disgrace, Chambers.


Nate executes a perfect double underhook butterfly neckbreaker, then rolls Chambers up.



[Image: D-15-671-5x3.5-BLACK-AND-WHITE-BLUE-LIVE...C-FLAG.jpg]


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OneInTheChamber Offline
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08-13-2016, 08:36 PM

Chris: I digress. You are correct. I stooped to your level Nate, so do what you gotta do. I don't appreciate you coming at me with this brutal attack, but take the damn belt and be on your way. You really are a piece of work, but I hope like hell you get what is coming to you.... jerk

Chris lets the count go on and refuses to kick out....

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Thomas Girard Offline
Savage Saturday Night General Manager

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08-13-2016, 08:42 PM

Girard blinks as the referee finishes his count.


"I think that was the fastest title change I've ever seen."

Girard hands the Federweight championship and 5,000 xbux to Nate Higgers as he walks off.

Winner and NEW Federweight Champion: NATE HIGGERS!!!!!!
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OneInTheChamber Offline
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08-13-2016, 08:45 PM

Chris: Took you long enough, slow damn front office.... What a damn disgrace...

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Big Nate Offline
God Bless the USA

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08-13-2016, 08:55 PM


I ain't trying to cause any shit. Just having fun with the game. Chambers can keep the title.

[Image: D-15-671-5x3.5-BLACK-AND-WHITE-BLUE-LIVE...C-FLAG.jpg]


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OneInTheChamber Offline
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08-13-2016, 09:05 PM

ooc - LOL! Don't get like that.... You won fair and square bro ... I can't handle it IC

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OneInTheChamber Offline
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08-13-2016, 09:08 PM

OOC - If I can't handle the Federweight Title, then I shouldn't be in here ... so I appreciate you pushing me like that, not my forte... congrats

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Nico LaVey Offline
The Prince of Vice

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08-13-2016, 09:38 PM

OOC: You could've counter-pointed Nate by saying that his white supremacist tendencies are directly against what Jesus taught.

[Image: zTgZCuO.jpg]

Overall Record: 2-8-1.

1x Federweight Champion.

Shitlist: Izzy Ravenwolf, Nate Higgers.

“We have never heard the devil's side of the story, God wrote all the book.”
― Anatole France
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OneInTheChamber Offline
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XWF FanBase:
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(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

08-13-2016, 09:46 PM

OOC - Ehh, there is a lot I could have done, but I ain't ready for this crap and congrats to Nate ... deserves it for making me lose my shit...

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