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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
TJ Adams and the meaning of Life part 2 - See No Evil
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TJ Adams

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07-26-2016, 06:46 AM Rainbow  TJ Adams and the meaning of Life part 2 - See No Evil -->

The cameras cut from black to the silhouette of TJ Adams, an axe held in his hand with a tight grip. The blade of this axe was drenched in blood. He set the bloody axe in the trunk of his car and slammed it shut. He had began to grow sloppy, and the cops were on to him. He slid into the driver's seat of the car and sped off as fast as he could until he got to a strange looking building. He got out of his car and entered the building. The walls were stained with white and red writing which read DillingerandI'm coming for that belt!TJ looked at the walls and sat in a lone chair which was smack dab in the middle of the room.

Dillinger, I once thought you were a cool guy, but now that I've had time to obsess over your championship, I'm beginning to think otherwise. At Leap Of Faith I should have won my match! That piece of shit, Jose Gomez hit the ground before I did and what do I get for being THE WINNER!? HALF of a fucking cheese sandwich! This shit isn't going to happen on Wednesday Dillinger. I'm going out there guns blazing, no shits given, TJ Adams is the fucking king of the world-ing, and I'm gonna kick your ass! Bring your knives, bring your guns, but when you step up to ME I'll make sure that you're on the run!

TJ begins to laugh eerily as a shadow that is not his own grows up from behind him. The one thing that makes the shadow even stranger is the horns on it's head. The shadow circles around TJ before stopping right in front of him. The shadow grabs TJ and lifts him into the air before taking over his body.

Mr. Demarco, when we finally meet you'll truly see the face of the Grim Reaper and that of Satan himself. Think of all the innocent people that you've hurt, think of the people that you have killed over the years. I can see the fear in your eyes, and in your heart. Join us Dillinger. Join the house of the damned. Come into our playground. All you need to do is hop into your car and drive, we'll find you. We might not find you right away, but when we do... You'll have a very bad time.

Demon TJ walks out of the room and into the cellar. Bodies are strewn throughout the dark room, all of them crying and pleading to be let out. Some of the people are TJ's mother, his father, his eldest brother, and some other people he would have known in his lifetime. Demon TJ just stares at them and let's only one of them go, his mother. She cries and pleads to have the others freed, but Demon TJ points at the door to the main room without saying a word. TJ's mother runs up the stairs, looking back at TJ's father and brother, on the ground in blood.

Inside TJ's head, he and DTJ stare one another down. DTJ lunges at our hero before getting his ass knocked into a wall. TJ grabbed the axe and held it high above his head before throwing it at the demon. The axe stuck into his chest like a dart would a wall. Blood trickled down his chest as the same pain shot up TJ's body. The demon crawled toward TJ before grabbing him by the leg. He drug TJ down into TJ's mind. TJ could see the people crying to be let out. That was all he needed to fire back up. He pushed the demon away and kicked it in it's face. The demon began to turn back into it's original form, less human than it was when it was TJ. TJ fell to a knee as blood fell down over him. With every attack it seemed that parts of him were becoming less human. He got to his feet and remembered something: only HE could control his own mind! He grabbed a bible and a Crucifix and handed them to the demon.

You need Jesus

Wha- no- this can't be!

The demon began to fade as he read the pages of the bible for some reason. TJ's vision faded before he was snapped back to reality, at least the reality that he now had to face. He looked down at the people in their shackles and felt pity for them. He let each of them go, besides the midget in the red mask, here was no way in hell that he'd let THAT monster onto society! He got to his feet and noticed a chest at the end of the room. He opened it - and what he saw would change his life forever.
[-] The following 2 users Like TJ Adams's post:
Dillinger (07-26-2016), Vincent Lane (08-03-2016)

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