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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » 24/7 Federweight Championship
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Jamaican Jimmy Offline
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04-09-2016, 08:34 AM


More like jerk chicken, ain't it mon? You know you be sittin' 'ere smokin' and smilin' for all de white tourists dat be comin' to our island nation, mon... you be actin' a fool for the white mon's dollar!

You be a disgrace, mon!

You lookin' like little hemorrhoid, danglin' from the asshole of your two daddies Girard and Galdiator. Like a red zit ready to burst, mon! What are you, tree feet tall? I can't even see you behind that fuck ugly belt with a fuck ugly face on the front of it. You ain't deservin' no title belt, all you deservin' is a ride on the end of my foot all the way to whatever BDSM sex dream Frodo Smackins had that birthed your ugly little ass!

When's the last time you seen a pair o' titties that wasn't hangin' off yer own chest, you little troll? I be fuckin' er'day o' the week, on account a' me bein' a functionin' member of society with a big Jamaican cock. All you got is a lazy eye and a body that looks like a dump I took after Taco Tuesday one week, mon.

Jerkbeast, I coulda been your daddy, but a stray dog got over the fence quicker than I could.

Suck me dick, you little bastard.

Jimmy hits Jerkbeast with his bong and pins him.

[Image: XOaEDy.gif]
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Thomas Girard Offline
Savage Saturday Night General Manager

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04-11-2016, 12:17 PM

Girard watches and shakes his head, looking quite sad as he looks at the fallen Jerkbeast. He motions for one of his balaclava men to count the pin.




Winner and NEW Federweight Champion: Jamaican Jimmy!
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Jamaican Jimmy Offline
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04-11-2016, 04:46 PM

Holy shit, mon!

I'm the champion!

Look at me, Girard.

Look at me.

I am the champion now.

[Image: XOaEDy.gif]
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