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Guess who.
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Ann-Thraxxx McVeigh Offline
Open Up Your Eyes.


XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

03-20-2016, 01:12 PM

[Image: ann%20thraxx%201_zps1uyx8grq.png]

One clue. It's not Santa, cuz I raped his fat ass with a ten foot long, razor-wire strap-on and now he's DEAD. Sorry kiddies, but you'll have to make due with those sweaters your grandma always dumps on you. Sorry about your damn luck.

This is why I'm back; there isn't enough talent left in the XWF to put on even HALF a show, much less a full one.They need star power? I'm their Savior. Just call me Cliff Curtis, for I have RISEN. Even the grave itself could not hold me down!

I returned to this world to prove that I can be anything I set my mind to. I can destroy worlds or I can build them. I can run faster, jump higher, leap further, perform better, and fight HARDER than ANY man in the XWF. I came back from my 6-feet deep sleep to seek revenge, pick up victories and maim as many talentless bastards as possible. And you can bet your sweet ass I'll fulfill everything I've set out to do... and more.

I'm here to show the world what they've been missing for three fucking years. The best female athlete... no, scratch that, the best athlete PERIOD that XWF has ever seen. High-flyin', heart like a lion, never backing down, here to burn this town to the ground, the chick you fear, for I.....AM....HERE.

............and I'm Ophelia's girlfriend. Oh, and I have a dick. More news as it develops.......

--courtesy of chinlocked&
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St. Diabolicus Offline
Existence is Futile

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

03-20-2016, 05:12 PM

Dear sweetNightingale. Lunacy surrounds you like velvet robe.

How is it you are kin to Ophelia?

[Image: tumblr_ns6hvqlyM11s6jmjro1_500.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_m7vr7yeOvT1rpjb1po1_500.jpg]
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Ann-Thraxxx McVeigh Offline
Open Up Your Eyes.


XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

03-30-2016, 08:32 AM

ATM: I'm not 'kin' to him, I'm his girlfriend/manager. Which reminds me... would you be up for something? I'll send you and a couple of other people a private message and wait for your response. Take care, Strange One.
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