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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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Shane McMahon Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

03-14-2016, 03:05 PM

Shane McMahon stands in front of the large, pine, wall mirror, wearing his usual Shane O'Mac jersey. A red jersey, his trackie bottoms and trainers. Shane begins doing his usual skipping, dancing in front of the mirror. Shane jabs the air, left, right, left, right, right, left and a hook. Shane jumps around some more and then suddenly stops, he begins to shake his arms. He then has to take a few breaths realising he isn't as young as he once was, he breathes the air through his nose, staring at his silver/grey hair. He brushes his fingers through his hair and begins to speak.

"What's up? Shane O'Mac here. As ya'll know I'll be facing The Undertaker at Wrestlemania, baby. Me against the deadman and when I beat him, I'll be in charge of Monday Night Raw. No more authority and the ray - tings will be higher than ever.
When you guys heard my theme music, you guys cheered like crazy and chanted 'This is Awesome'. Yeah Steph was going to be given that award which she doesn't deserve, so I came out to save the day. Vince has disowned me, my sister hates me and who knows where my mother is?! I've already rang the Mean Street Posse to see if they'll help me out, but it turns out they ain't so mean any more. Nevermind, luckily for me, Undertaker is like a snail on Morphine. He is slow as fuck. Anyway you guys seen what I did to those security guards that old bastard sent out to get me!"

Shane's mobile phone begins to ring, he answers.

"Hey man... "~pauses as he listens to whoever is on the phone~"What you mean? I'm here in the building. I'm just in one of the locker rooms."~whoever is on the phone talks to Shane for a good few minutes~"Yeah I get what you're saying..."

Suddenly XWF interviewer, Steve Sayors enters the locker room and approaches Shane McMahon. Shane looks at Steve a little confused then tells the person on the other end of the line that the conversation has to end.

"Yeah, I gotta go, I'll call you in a bit."

Shane hangs up the phone and looks at Steve Sayors, Shane isn't impressed by Steve for interupting his phone call.

"Who the hell do you think you are? Just coming in here, interupting me when I'm on the phone. Have you ever heard of manners? What about knocking? Do you know how to do that?"

Steve Sayors:I'm sorry, sir.... I..

"Who the hell are you anyway?"

Steve Sayors:I'm Steve Sayors, sir.

"I've never heard of ya. I'll get you kicked out of the building, in fact I'll throw you out myself. Is this the sort of employees Vince employs now? Idiots who just barge into people's locker rooms?"

Steve Sayors:With all due respect, I am not an employee of Mr. McMahon. This is the XWF. I work for the XWF.

"The XWF? Then what you doing here in the WWE? Huh? Steven?"

Steve SayorsYou're in the XWF, sir. This is the XWF. I am an XWF interviewer.

"So I've come to the wrong place? Damnit. That God damn limo driver brought me here, he said I had a warm up match tonight. Bloody idiot. I've been busy talking to the guys of You On Demand, I wasn't paying any attention. So now what am I supposed to do? I better get going."

Steve Sayors:I actually got word you was here and people thought you were going to be entering the Intercontinental Championship, Rumble match.

"Oh I see, this place likes copying the names of the WWE titles? Oh well, screw Vince. Whilst I'm here, I might aswell join in.
I'd stay in the back, because obviously you don't want none of Shane O'Mac!
You can edit this footage right? Pretend I wasn't confused?
I actually remember this place now, me and Vince formed the corporation, unfortunately it kinda sucked. Anyway who's in this rumble?"

Steve Sayors:The champ, Tush.

Shane McMahon bursts out laughing.

"Tush? As in rear end? I bet he's the butt of jokes..Tush? What kinda place is this? And he's your IC Champion?"

Steve can't help himself but laugh too.

"Do you have a picture of the ass?"

Steve gets his phone out, goes on the XWF website and shoes Shane McMahon the pic.

"Man, this guy looks like the lead in a 70's porn movie."

Once again, both men laugh. After calming himself down, Shane asks another question.

"Who else Steven?"

Steve Sayors:Trax.. He's the former universal champion.

"Show me a pic, Stevie."

Steve shoes Trax a picture of Trax.

"Woah... He looks just like Elijah Burke. It's like they cloned him and gave him a shit name, even shittier than the name he was given in TNA. Any more?"

Steve scrolls through the list of the superstars who have entered so far. Shane stops him and points at one of them.

Steve Sayors:That's Travis McCoy.

"Oh I thought it was Damien Sandow for a minute there."

Steve continues to scroll.

Steve Sayors:That's Cole Adams.

"Oh I thought it was Jesus?! Who are them stoners?"

Steve Sayors:Ted and Dave.

"Wow is this what the XWF has to offer? Looks like fun. Who's that fat dude? He looks like he's ate all the participants."

Steve Sayors:That's Barney Green.

"Awww who's that cute little guy? Looks like Hornswoggle."

Steve Sayors:That's our general manager, Frodo.

"Can I take him home? He would make a good foot stall. Got some weird looking dudes round here. Shade? Fifty Shades of shit? And who's that Marilyn Mason wannabe?"

Steve Sayors:That's Or..

"It don't really matter, Stevie. It appears this place is full of bellends. Samson? The son of Sam. Look Steven, thanks for the interview and getting me up to date with the freaks of the XWF. I thought Goldust was weird. Anyway wish Simba luck for this one."

Steve Sayors:Good luck, sir. But what about the interview?

"That'll do, I have things to do. Thanks Stevie."

With that Shane pushes Steve out of the locker room. He then proceeds to do some more jumping around.

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